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staTeor carn = It DIVISION OF THE STATE ARCHITECT PSAs LS s8 CODE INTERPRETATIONS REPORTING AND TRACKING PLEASE FILL OUT COMPLETELY, PER INSTRUCTIONS Please fil out tis form to report any and all interpretations of the 2007 CBSC being used in the Regional Offices, Do NOT submit interpretations that are still baing resolved. ‘See OSA-60.1NSTR for detailed procedures, 4) = Source and type of Issue: Oa “Tes Nokeisject Specific OR Project Specific © oa Stakeholder Question C] Applicaton & 11040 crane SA Internal Question C] oose-screv3 cr 2) - Relevant Code and References (provide any that apply) ‘code Section Yeer Part chapter section 2007 2 1A 18057. Referenced Standard: Standard # year Section ASCE T 2008 12252 NSC oH 2005) w OTHER: Suloin #0606 3) - Topic: (Use 1 to 4 Key words) Corbiover column fotng reinforcing 4) - Interpretation question Please describe the issue, Summarize by stating the issue In the form of a question [iti are otng renacarat eauremenis fox dosons ta ress ex! and lara loads employing posts and ples as ‘ume embedded in eat ox concrate oot? lat 09-08 dosuments ad supereades hs fam 00 |rootngs or cantilever stucures employing posts and plas as cokunns (csr) embeded in cath shall be desgned io fait wing and seomic orcee ae spectied in ASCE 7-05 Secon 1225.2, cluding the use ofthe oversrength aro the (reign the foundation or oer aloments used to grovde overturning resstance. Whers the column i embedded inthe earth lr totng the requrmorts ot Secon 1808A,79 of te 2007 Catia Bulking Code (CBC) apply. The lateral capacity o th lrabecod clue moy be based onthe camer or agonal dimension of he ature, oF he ameter of agonal mension cl fn focking, subject tote following requirements: 1. Design bases onthe damete ar agonal dimenson ofthe cok Ii strat capacity of emussed colurns may be bares an" the mtr or dlagonal dimension ofthe column. To protect ool columns tom corrosion, te baci material shoul be carota the annular space shouldbe siento powce 4 aes of coor belwens fe ll suriace andthe earth, The Basal nacd net bo rlnforced. The dimension “bused the feral capacly computa of CBC Section T8058. shal be that of eum, not tha ofthe backline acuta space ureunding fe coum, Design bases onthe camer er agonal dimension of ie footing J [FOF Ca CT STO UMN SN GST STEN FATS SORTS TST SOPH OT STIG Bo CUTS [ray be tasecon the cametar r agonal Smoneon he foot, subject othe fling requlerents la. The.coumn is embodied he entire depth of the footing. lb. Minimum ciomoterorsmenson of he concrete footing provides s minimum of aches of cover al around [The cimension bused in he ltral capacity computations of CBC Section 1208A 7.2 may be that ofthe concrete footing, L.A rninumlonahlacanet 10s er sh) athe pots orate vea ancte | Le Te a et eer natn | Petpet to |, the sirength sesign evel overturning moment shal be resolved 38 couple produc bythe calur bearing stay on tn concrete focteg suming nea datebuton of seas over he embedded igi ofthe column” The svength sign lve jateral force aso wit te design overturning Tament shal be combines wih tho moment resisting couple fre a the to ft te oundation, Assuming a fle srtace projecting 45 degrees fram each ade othe ertoadsed caturm, te maxsmum {ear sens inthe concat shall no axceed 2 times qtimes te square rot aff, where @=0.85. |citthe concrete capacity in anear is exceeded, a minimum of four vertical sinforing bas an shear rinoring adequate 10 [tit the design oes shal be provided The anaarranforang eral bo Inte fo of led les (or equvalet oral) of 2 Faismum te sche mon)ametar prides at T6-longuinl-barametar maximum spacing ov the depth of the footing. I the camete of concrete lar excaods 6 mes the sae column least wh or 3:0, whichever is less, reinforcement feompiying wi em 2 above shall be raved |p. Limitatons: This design approach is applicable ony to orsinarycantlver column systems where the column ls embeded [Re fa depth ofthe footing. Foundation design that incorporate transfer of moment ffm the column to the foundation through [Bise pites and anchor bets or other moans, and specs! cantilever colurn systems shall conform tothe requiremers of CBC |Secton 12084. 6) - Rationale Provide Justification fr the decision/interpretation Footings fr ordinary cantiaver suse emplying poss and polot as Columns eribedded in earth presar'a spec Geni ee, The dsineive dough chracanisics of hess shure are hi. The use of ow R vate (128) 2. Low axel cas fas than 15 perent of he deslgnatengh ofthe cok por ASCE 7-08 Secon 12.252). bs, Use ofthe oversrengthfactr (0, = 125) for he foundaen and eter elements vsod lo provide overturning reste (ASCE 7-05 Section 122.52, 2ns paragraph) Ibesigns employing later! bearing ar abject to the requirements of CBC Section 1805A7. CBC Section 1805A7.1 provides lmitatons of the design approsch. CBC Seston 105A 72 provdos general design cia fr determining the can of lembesmentregured to develop llera wads, CBC Secon "805A 7S covars baci of th annular space. CBC Section [203A 7 doesnot cover ttng reifcomentroquemants or sige ull ateral bearing, Inte tne embedded cctur foundation shares geometc similares Wo # deep foundation systems such a lle piers or piles fot lang and fle mechaniame ae funcarnenaly diferent. Doep oundaton systems apply stucture lads tthe sol fmimarty inthe verted dvecon. Lateral lade Induce sna Bending i hope atta oundaton-to-pierinerlaco. Deep Founcaton systems are designed le prvide adequate aa na Hexural capac and to manta continement the concrete hinder ples hingng [embeded column founcatons fr arsnary cantlever sytem ae yplely nonconetanod atte top, and nave vary low dct ldemeands sine the efecve R forte footng design (RID) e100. These footings are conrad by te ait ofthe foundation to ost the horiaonaleacton generate byte ater os an ho coupe resising the column moment, ithe approach described above provides a simpiied approach o very that the shear capacity ofthe ooing is scent rst Ins hercontal easton when to sgl aea ota column sulen to meal he arsmum vertical rinercemert ab. Since (Gabuod veneroament snot proved the val of fr lan concrete used forthe shear check, Where the shear (SC TRIER RTT TE PSST HTSS TOOT TST EO TESTO OE COUT fgainet ne concrete fooing. Ime approach descrian is sable only for cantlaver column systams ulicing ovary dealing. Foc systoms using spacial Loti, foatng renorsng must be provided tals suflen i develop the oma engin of he len ovr ate foting ks founcaton connection utiaing tne wxzeced yl tose, RF, pes AISC 341-08, Sechen 82 7) ~ Additional Referenced Documents Indicate documents used if not shown in #2 above SA Bulletin 400-06 8) = Submitted by: Hareosh Dayan’ Cua ow Oso Dw Lske Date submitted to HQ: Maveh 26,2010 9) = Client Contact: Gerard Homer ____ phone: 10)-Review by: JohnGilengorsn 11) - CAP #2 Hous.20108s01-01 22) — Recommendation for USP document: by: John Gillengarten NOTE; ST 15 THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE PERSON RECOMMENDING & NEW USP DOCUMENT TO CONTACT THE CODES AND STANDARDS UNIT AND DISCUSS. No need for USP document at this time C1 usP document needed, as described below: L HQ USE ONLY [3 (1)cAP [I (2) Statewide Team (2) HQ Interpretation [1 (4) RO Interpretation ENTERED, BY INTERPRETATION & | SUPERSEDES ‘SUPERSEDED BY e2tt ie c0a8-sc ev | Form 60 0038.8¢ Rew 2

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