EMC Test Labs Quoting Dana Craig - 5-09

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EMC Testing Goes the Extra Mile | eracesd | solutions Page 1 of 7 EMC Testing Goes the Extra Mile Wren by Tom Leche Senior Tec tor z EMC standards strke a talance between extremes, Emisons must be contol, but ual, ther anoedt harden 8 desig agaist iteerencs. ether rom ntralo enteral sources Reding emission and ther oflets equces ‘seproprato design eo but doesnt necessary mean aigher produc pre, Any atonal ost associated with EMC ofton rsuts rom coretve atons taka asin the developmen hase, Even at an ca hawareprottoe stage, an EMC oranaar'sopons ay hate become mae ied and exoenaie Product “Segments mos success # EC considered om the oue and nce at ach ep nthe design proses Two acta ts cases tate he range of stone thal EMC at abs may encounter King of the Steroid Trucks “The word tuck als short by 2 long way whan comes to descrbg Konatsu Amores lest Mode! S30E wih ebcc ove shan in Figure 4. This monser mining machine that holds 320 lon frock. sans over 24 fea al and uses SED RES Figure. Komatsu Mode! 830E Mining Tucks Courter of ting & Equipment Jounal ener lect (GE) male he separate n.hool matrs and AC inducson meso vos. A2.700-tp Kemau dese engine ‘ives type GTA GE Atoator hats tho source of power. Acoaring fo GE, “Compared to mechaical dvs, diese ‘Scr cive systems ofeower operating cose and her ha! poducivly. Te emnatin f wearing components such a torque Convers, ive sas, Wansmision, and diferent rduoes maienanco, mproves tuck avalbity, and owers el ost ‘Bloc ves rau no 36x shiting. Curent and votag othe racton motor conte rq and speed, proving soa appicaon ef power tothe whens, Buln actor-conellgeths urherentance performance. Ecc eve systoms so ‘fer continuous etaring. Dynami retarding reduces wear on the primary baking sytem” Even huge ining tucks have to met ENC spocfeaton, and it was wth rgard © one compo testing that Komal contacto Natonal Techical Systems (NTS). NTS Mareting Decor Tom Wetzel ks up the stay, "We wre anadod 2 ‘nae to tet ge Kors earthing tucks a leaders for radiated omissions, adted rresity, and ESD. Tose) Inside a shied enclosure was possble because of the imanse sizeof the equgent “Alough ESD testing wat rately Salgorward, prorning radiated omissions and 100V inant testing required stale est ste. Komatsu uses pao an abandoned coppermine nSahustt, AZ, as @ roving ound, abn so turned ‘tuto be a sutable EMC test so. The mine depth andthe amount copper suru the ts ib ensured lave aw Ihup wow evaluationenyineering com/index phpsoluions/emeesdeme-testing goesbien... 82/9010 EMC Testing Goes the Extra Mile | erncesd | solutions Page 2 0f7 backrount nose athough the deserts xd marings and vor ot date pra added chaenges." With be tet sta nied, the not chalenge was odoveop atest method to operate the fare equipment, protect th ost ‘personal, an sarge for lest equipriet be Bagh ost hin Komal’ schedule NTS suggested sng 2 Wake [ss anoflealtaragatst ntl eon. ana Karate agreed supply power. Te rae wou ened wth akira fo and ‘ranted to esi that est perscnne wold e proaciod. Te tuck ae loader would be placed on blocks o slow the {engnas torn ate prodetrmined rpm or nmunty stg, The tucks then woul be ven pas arenas mound win to ‘ea acyl ao th ated emissions measurements ‘This unusual signet was sucessfuly completed in xg par ue to th crt planing hat cued up on. Also ey was te cooperation rom Bo pres without which the jd un have en endeskon. ig Dump Truck Noise Elect ave systems, especialy for huge equipment such as Koma’ meng bucks, fen aoe gate turf (GTO) tyro or insults gate ipl transistor (GT}-based Inver tchrcogy GTO desis a0 ler and rege extensive ‘Suber ae ara more expensive gale dive compared one IGBTs. Bo verter pes alow AC induc meters be ‘eed hat mina he commutator ested tations of DC machines ‘An inverter produces a AC sinewave tally using puse-wth modulation. Typical, ble ming machines use three-phase rotors and a nur of IGBTS in sres parallel comsinaons, Brands and types of IGBTs erin dtl, but om an EMC Ponto ow, a he ual igh-votage, g-curen ad et swiching cance ar encountered im aarge AC Heer fosgn ‘As Figure 2 shows, tu-on and uv ies a nthe scrosscand range wth much high quency raging onthe Those slgnas wore ecard tom a 1,700. ABB device dveapod for Wechon applicators, Sverl GBT chips ao mound bterconnectod ane encapsulate to form an €2 made measuring 10 am x 190 rm rs 0 a Figure 2 1GBT Turm-O# Waveforms Courtesy of AB ABB's device toting included tun nur maasuroments as wo as induced 10-1 short cic faut at grote than 0:00. rosin Sommer the west rap anor put some fe paar o porspocie hr aponer ‘moaies..2 lage ruber of IGBTchips are paraled, and ha dorvatves he cure slopes (Ae) are uted bythe up. ww wevaluationenginecring convinder ppisuluions/encesd/eme-testing-goes-he-en.. 8/2/2010 EMC Testing Goes the Extra Mile | emcesd | solutions Page 3of7 rember of parle ITs. Such hgh alatn conuncon wth th sry inductance can cause relia large overshoot votgos.."? coupe of interesting espe of Komau's EMC anvronmant ware dacuseed nan Engneehg and Ming Jeu ate tout Ri T's bare mn n Ausra As pao aor Tino nate to Seve oc let opratons, Korat tl confgure let of tuck oun under cont eres operons cant. “Yomatsu Amara marafacurng fact in Pera, IL wl roo the320on-capacy S306 Elec Orve Ticks equipped ‘tn the FrontfunnerAueramous Haulage System, «navigation sytem deveopedby parnt company Koma id and Ingrated by Modula ng Systoms. n adton, Komatu.. equips fs constuctoncass vehicies wih Kos 8 _slit-asistod machine ats an location sytem tal eyicys GPS technology to hep tack of « machine's locaton* Cceary, GPS, a communication systam capable of mest the safety aspects erent autonomous epeaton of mio. fund wort, and mora bin wralone maintenance somerset Soma ath ha wt A i nr Typ, ‘Storer ranges of requandes ae mele, bul autonomous opto and GPS locaton mororng are rhe ean a ring teks ned singe EMC conta nd ting Bang! Bang! Rat-A-Tat-Tat!t ‘Chances are yur atest design job was less excing han a two-seat video arcade game wih mock machine guns and ‘=xconpanying vibration and seundefocs. Nevertheless waste DUT that Unerwnrs Laborato (UL) was asked to feator ENC. _te hart of the gare was ch pla pay with wo chs facing it Each cai had a toy machine gu wth bun ‘Sesakrs, beating solani, and gh to give the ver he sensation of fg 8 real. caer machine gn emily, 2 5)tom consid of mosty oes pars, and te cabinet was made of wood, {UL was tho tar of exposed metal paso when doc ESO te. The system would ck up. somatnos parts of 2's machine guns wuld sto unctoning. Because ofthe game's se, several moa supports mounted to he wooden tclosure were rately long stances from each cher This design made elective rounding ict thagh the designee as provide heavy 14-Ga sally grounding am exposed mea pats 0 8 central pont. 1 that coud te done in the short em wa replace som ofthe wis wih londctance wide mata saps This sokuton ‘rade the rounding more eve at igh aquancs, reducing the Impedance seen by the very fast ESD raion. Longer torn th nanbor of exposed mata pars could be reduced to mako tho grou ob eases, ‘Stans ve. Wes "You maybe fair wen he use of wide stops for ighning olen. The neo for ow inductances the same nhs spat or he arcade game, Equation ta gives the seif nducance of 9 wre wih longi (X) anda crcular eos secon of Samet, UpH) a.avex{n(e 7 (1a) : uaton tb lates thn at stop of ng and with (w) wih avectangular cos acto, Liu) “\ ’] 0.002x inf +0.5+0.2%) Aw] xX) ow -htp:/www.evaluationengineering com/index. php solutions/emeesdleme-testing-goes-the-ex... 8/2/2010 EMC Testing Goes the Fxtra Mile | emces | solutions Page 4 of 7 Al dimensions aren miimetors, itu outa ft strap a wide ae wie's ameter has abou the eam sf nducance. The kaye out a wie ap ‘athe same cons sactonal sea ab around wire. As Figure 2 shows, reguarpelygen's printer asymatcaly {pproactes the crcunftence of acre as you crease the nero ses. The errs <1% for 14 sis and <0.1% for At ‘Se. This ears tat fora gon ara the src pormeoris acre. Ate other exrme, aan sap is the spe x0| + + For N23. Perimeter =_|4 NTan| fey Lt s Vv Ny i see EEe 7 Sea i 15 4, Perimaer = 2(U2 52 i Fortts 4, Permaer = 2(U Racks Cc] 20 | 1 “N Number Patino Ses F gure 3. Cross Section Perimatr ve Area ‘an asda, Figur 3 obvoty hole at ntgor vals of Nxt wha abou for inemedit valor? The shape thet ‘responds to 46 for exams, Ia fess spiral wah 80" ned angls stad of ©" tat square woul have, This ‘rears hat ony one hat ofthe th ie = rogard to orm a 380" coed shape. The two equations can at N= 4. For ‘Ned vit Ine Iterrets(N2)2 asthe rectangle heh ard 2N2) 3 the with “aking he sade game's 14a wi a an exo. he Boot ngs used to ground some pars ofthe game each Nave teu 15-1? resistance at rom tonperture For 325 round bond test curt and alewig a tere resistance fr the ‘nections tthe wire, 204-7 dep would occur The sing Curent evel forthe wire is about 150 Aso there doesn seem bra potiewith he wires ezerom a efty port of view ‘The wle's arate 1.65 um the lngth 185, a the coss-secona ares 2.13 mar FromEquaton f, tho wis cl irdetance is 27 pH Athe 1-GHerquoncy Mr Winder says soul be considered wen runs ESD Wars tests, the res impedances 17K? Lt se whathapens when a at sap having ts same cross-octonl avai sensual. Stas wi 10-25 end 50+ rm wths have sof nuctancos of 15,11, and 093 yl, respoctvely. The sap theknoss doeshave soe ofc cn Inductance, bli minimal compared long and wh This exercise shows tat forming the same aru of copper inte 2 orn ross socton achovs a last a 4% o 65% inpedance educton lt aso x clear hat you dont have to go lo extemaso make big dilrence Even a S-nm wide sap retiees the inductance to 1 76 ut @ 36% change, Atage improvement would ou ifthe ound wees ostaps were shot Equation ta and tb ncude condctor length beth a a near ana ogaritmic tm tht ao muted together. Reding th conduct longa he greatest eect on ‘etctance even 1 4-Ga wes wead rater tan a ape, Fer explain he lon of the wre resus 0 1-9 ef inductance—a 70% eduction rm the ot length. This 1hito:/www evaluationengineering.convindex.oho/solutions/emeesd/eme-testine-zoes-the-ex.. 82/2010 EMC Testing Goes the Extra Mile | emcesd | solutions Page 5 of 7 sow denen hind Mt Wide sugges ean ee il aL ie: Ee {he widely separete pars ware limite, low-cost 4-Ga ground wing cou e etainod but wih even baer igh ‘reuoneycheractrtce then he wide Cet long aap Ensuring EMC Test Success Bath of he examples presonied achieves EMC compliance. Komatsu and GE hae exionsive experince in tuiing heary ‘machinery that sso ees EMC spacfcaon 2 ey have developed system mtagfaonappreacres ha ar known t werk ‘wl On the thor ha the arcade game growing required modfleaten to bocom compat. Future game desens Could be considerably njoved based un te expoionce gine om test on is one How shoul ou dea with EMC on your net desgn proj? Hla guides are explained in ‘A More Eien Approach a EMC Comghance,"s wht paper ataable om etek The frst require is fo know te specications your pout must mee. This ms vous, bu a an exe the Unto Sistas, ta FCC das not asi mmunty test or comest produ ts mandatory fr products odin Ee, Broadly, you ned c know what standards apply ho counts wher the produ is kayo bes, ‘This san area wher tos abs canbe hep ven befor @ design sas. EMC standards er constant ooh, so ures ‘you company equet fet ams ana you remain up To date wie the EMC requrerent, contig test ab atthe tat of ‘he devsopmant preess could save cnsidertle te an expense I's as aged way 0 Bagh a dalogue rat wi hep fo ‘aur sues ae when he al prod ests ae ‘ana Craig, sion manager t TOVRhinland,conmaniad, "You be suis how many peopl show up at the lb i reparedo test. They doit even know wha land they want the produc tested, dealy, cert wil crac us ting ‘he dst paso, We havo exprenced sla hat canbe consid rrougout he product development ‘We aways edse working dose, wih the clon’ making dopant understand thle pans. Wh that information,“ ude. "we gash io wich EMC roqurrents he product needs to fail and which ests are rela.” ‘his ce was ecoed by ETS-Lindron's Jn Vike principal RF engineer. with regard to precompfanc esting, “Our recommendations bbe knowledgeable about the corfication ts process: wal tess are Conducted. now hey are performed, andvhat im lvle are spect, Can ha manufacturer scr, r must the moscurements Be made in an Spproved or aura tet? "Even fina measurements must be made in an approved or authored test ab manufectrors understand th os routs, they can candcl procera losing Pal wil Rexease the chance of sezass,"he canted manufrs ae restamia wih the pecarticaton tet procs, they sould consider heng a recognized indi conta o bring them To speed ‘Anette svqgoston& to prom ety testing of thos pars ofthe design thought most kay to have EMC impcatons. you ‘an maketh necesary changes ean pojct, the cost wl be mine. Slopgap measures taken a the ed of ‘ovement goneray are mere cfc to implement, cost rere, ad areas ofc. Faly, a tured prominent nthe Komal NTS work, mako a comprehensive ts lan. Iinesd to cat set out the roquiements and te oss necssary to prove thoy ave boon met. This also is the docu tha wit fll the product Shuugi is rasa le, ado EMC reuters ey ep Te Joa a bu pate aes the lates version of prosct andor rvisedstandass Acoarng to Greg Kim, recta of angnesring at Norwest EMC, The most ecchomical use of ts ime canbe achive ‘troup he use of alot plan. The normation nthe plan wa alow he etn fo provide more compeiive ses, beter Preparation n advance oftasing, and consequently, mre efecto use of ts tna. (Ona the ways in wich a good pan saves money and tie was expe by TOVReinands Mr. Craig. "When we pefoom ENC toss, we can rn one man ts fo allof be Ramonzed marels aa then any extra tss required by varying bal rakes the ond, me have hots at the cht noo ora of max roqareents" “hitp:/wovw evaluationengineering.com/index.php/solutions/emeesdeme-testing-yoes-the-ex... $/22010 EMC Testing Goes the Extra Mile | emcesd | solutions Page 6 0f7 Summary The nartk whitepaper cones wth 13 speci rocommondatons, Her are the main pois | Map ou whic standards rat fo your product wih reper tothe atea of appcaton an target market, Reply EMC coekanco as projet gal ae a ratural part fhe dewsoprent program, Matan an acvedalogue wih yous ltorteryregaring ENC, standards, dens intpreiaion, docuestaton, andtest 4 lan and buat or erottpe tests im several tums to achive invaluable cosgn inp dg he dovlopmant phase {Plan for deen rvs, with or witout your test boratry where tho design and assodated documentation ae ‘revowed during the development phase Ths lords you the opportunity to mako changes tan ear stage cf the project ( Bocumant he devlopman wrk and erau tha al th documentations preset, ght othe fal et, Puaps he most portant of hese actions is number 3 because, nce a dialogue ha bean starts wh aos ab, 2 ‘manufacturer has aooes 19 ENC expr, They can se at stages ofa eet, aly roading gadance about which ‘ets perform and lator helping fo resolve performance sss. lfomation and setae are avaabien sveral foe, For manufactures wth har oun EAC tb, Northwest EMC fore ab management conics, Northwest wilperte a chon rama! lb, sa, and oan te ncossaryaecodaons. [TS.Lindaron ors cnt acess oats aba th company's Cadar Park TX, headhuares and caries ot design and 'sttaten of EMC lest ates ranging om smal precomplsnce tg, ulcamplanc chmbors aa uly riogrted ost ‘Stans. Soclled product tur vidos that show hw ho companys products are used alsoare aval, “TovRinland’s Me Crlg stressed persona incvement by hs company's test engineers "We sendour engineers othe sent review the proposed testing with hem ano course, 0 do tat dug he presonpeance esig. By dong So, tho leds expors can eve everything and make sue he clnt realy s ready fer tstng” Weir Wier gave similar aden. “One of the most important prblen-miinizing things cstomercan dos o engage UC uly rom start of the design process. U's expert engneerig staf can review designs and often arpa potest issues uray saving maruacer me and rene” [2AC compliance et succss can be quratze, but you can be confident hat folowing the suggestions of ndusty expats wll mime he ik lau. Know wha standards the design must meet, design or em, nid mlve a at ought te development process References |. w.gtanspotationcomialenninnasivsystors nl 22min com/golISBT'.20ParesPCM ZN 202005920 44 baosukintetek-tisemka comlupharsukldacaments/A More Eficient Aceraach to EMC_Complance.pd (SAT :20Tracon'20888 oat ay 2008 ETSindaron ENC Test Equipment kere tonal Techical Systems EMC Testing Sonices ek here Northwest MC Me Testing Senvicos ciknere TUvEbelnand EMC Testing Sences hhere Undewrtrs Laboratories EMC Testing Services chore ‘utp/vwrw.evaluationengineering.com/index.phpsolutions/emeesd/eme-testing-goes-the-ex... $/2/2010 EMC Testing Goes the Extra Mile | eracesd | solutions Page 7 of 7 tnto:!/vwwevaluationengineerine.com/index.php solurions/emcesd/eme-testing-goes-the-ex... 8/2/2010

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