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Letter to the Judges

Feb. 25, 2023

Assalamu Alaikum Dear Respected Judges,

Thank you for taking the time to view my presentation and allowing me the opportunity

to expand my knowledge about a topic that needed attention. My name is Mariam and my senior

project is about the effect of the environment within a classroom on the academic success of


From a young age, I have always been observant of my surroundings. During my years at

MIA, I noticed how there is a lot of attention on the education of the younger students. That

attention waned as it reached the older students in high school. In order to help solve that issue, I

researched ways that would help improve the learning experience of adolescent students via the

environment within the classroom.

During the journey of the completion of this project, I learned many essential skills that

will serve me now and in my future. I came across many obstacles such as finding resources and

having writer's block throughout most of the project. However, I never gave up and persevered.

As a result, I learned to have patience with myself, proper research skills, communication, and

presenting. Again, I would like to thank you for your time and review of my senior project. I

look forward to presenting my project and receiving your feedback.

JazakAllah Khairan,


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