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Name : Septian Nofyaldo. ID : 2132029.

Lesson: writing essay

I disagree about the only way to receive high ratings for a TV series is to cast an attractive actor or
actress. we know One of the positive impacts provided by freedom of the press/media is the fulfillment
of the public's right to know an information with fast and easy, however, news that only broadcasts
infotainment (news about artists), especially Indonesian news, is trash news because there is no
important value in the TV series plus the many advertisements broadcast in the TV shows. There are
many ways to increase TV series ratings apart from infotainment, including disaster news, the
Indonesian economy or what is currently rife, namely the Qatar World Cup.

we know that Television has developed into an industry tempting to make a profit for media owners
to make a profit. Globalization creates free markets more and more giving wide space of capitalism by
creating conglomerates for large capital owners. The more the greater the capital it has, the easier it is
to make big profits. And events Infotainment has given me a huge advantage in the morning media
owners to make a profit. Infotainment programs are always of interest to the public and even become
jokes for society. Neil Postman even firmly said that, the threat to people's lives today actually lies in the
entertainment industry especially television (Hedi Pudjo S: 185).

according to Burhan Bungin in the world of television, technology systems has mastered the way of
thinking of society, which is termed the theater of mind. The impact of infotainment has a major
influence on people's behavior. Style hedonic life that occurs in society is one example of an imitating
community application artist. As artists they have a consumptive lifestyle because they are required to
look attractive. Meanwhile, artists have fans and become examples for the fans. The negative behavior
of artists is the material for infotainment news which is presented as attractively as possible by
prioritizing sensations without regard to ethical values that become a culture Indonesian nation. the
Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) on issued a fatwa prohibiting infotainment news
from discussing disgrace. Through MUI, the government issued a ban on watching infotainment that
tells disgrace or ugliness of gossip.

For last I disagree about the only way to receive high ratings for a TV series is to cast an attractive actor
or actress. because the impact caused is very serious if infotainment news is often broadcast on TV
series and there is a lot of information about news on economic conditions, disasters in Indonesia and
others it will be left behind, although many televisions are more concerned with profits in TV programs
without seeing these limitations. even though there are still many ways to increase TV series ratings
besides Infotainment.

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