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Breakfast is an important thing that should not be missed

Start the day with a highly recommended nutritious breakfast. According to Tri
Kurniawati, a nutritionist from Surabaya, education about a balanced nutritional breakfast
should be encouraged, considering that breakfast is an important activity to start the morning.
Tri, who is also a Lecturer in Early Childhood Health and Nutrition, explained that breakfast
can meet 15 to 30 percent of daily nutritional needs. For school children, an adequate
breakfast is proven to increase learning concentration and stamina. For teenagers and adults,
enough breakfast is proven to prevent obesity. Breakfast has important benefits for the body,
based on research results that breakfast is useful for providing energy to the brain, breakfast
can increase work stamina, study concentration, work and study comfort, prevent
constipation, hyperglycemia, dizziness and cognitive disorders and obesity.

According to Tri, the negative impact is not easily maximized, especially in the
learning process at school for students because it reduces physical activity, causing obesity in
adolescents and adults. He emphasized that the difference between people who are used to
breakfast and people who are not used to breakfast is if people who eat breakfast are able to
provide the body with the nutrients needed to think, work, and perform physical activity
optimally after waking up in the morning. The breakfast menu can cause nutritional
deficiencies in the body in the morning and increase the risk of malnutrition," he added.
According to the Alodokter site, the effects of not having breakfast are:

1. High blood pressure and stroke. People who skip breakfast are at risk of developing high
blood pressure and elevated cholesterol levels. Not only that, people who often skip breakfast
have a three times higher risk of having a stroke than those who always do it.

2. Type 2 diabetes. The risk of type 2 diabetes is higher if you do not lead a healthy lifestyle.
One of them is often skipping breakfast. Not having breakfast can make the body's cells
unable to respond to insulin (insulin resistance), so that in the long term it can cause type 2

3. Obesity. If you intend to lose weight, the way is not by skipping breakfast. Not eating
breakfast can actually increase the risk of obesity. When you skip breakfast, you will tend to
eat more during the day and be tempted to eat snacks high in fat and sugar to fill your
stomach. Well, this habit is what ultimately makes the weight increase.

4. Blockage of arteries. A study found that people who are not used to breakfast are more
prone to heart artery blockage or atherosclerosis compared to those who regularly eat

In conclusion, breakfast is very important to start the day so that you have energy and
concentrate more on your activities and also avoid some of the bad effects of skipping
breakfast. As like obesity. Blockage of arteries, High blood pressure and stroke. Let’s us our
day with breakfast althougt just a bread and milk

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