Araling Panlipunan 6 Reviewer

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1. What is the approximate number of islands that comprise the Philippines?

  6500

  7500

  8500

  9500

2. When did the Philippines become independent?

  04-Jul-76

  04-Jul-46

  14-Aug-47

  01-Jan-84

3. Which country had the Philippines as its colony from 1898 to 1946, except for
some years during World War II?

  Portugal

  USA

  UK

  Belgium

4. Which country occupied the Philppies during World War II?

  Germany

  China

  Italy
  Japan

5. What is the term of the President of the Philippines?

  Four years

  Five years

  Six years

  Seven years

6. Which country had the Philippines as its colony for more than 300 years?

  Spain

  Italy

  France

  England

7. Who of the following explorers arrived in the Philippines in 1521?

  Christopher Columbus

  Ferdinand Magellan

  Vasco da Gama

  James Cook

8. Which is the predominant religion of the Philippines?

  Christianity

  Islam
  Buddhism

  Judaism

9. Which of the following languages is indigenous to the Philippines?

  Basque

  Catalan

  Galician

  Tagalog

10. Which of the following groups has the Philippines as its member?



  SA

Chapter 6 – Challenges to Spain Authority

Reasons for RevolutionSpanish imposed policies

Bankaw Revolt

– intolerance againstthe friars


– forced labor (his brother was not given a Christian burial)

Andres Malong

– Return to his oldReligion

Juan Dela Cruz Palaris

– tribute

Juan Ponce Sumuroy

– forced labor

Diego & Gabriela Silang

– tribute, polo,& wanted to engage in Galleon Trade


– tribute collection

Apolinario Dela Cruz

– Religion

Reasons for Defeat:

1.Pockets of Revolt2.No unity3.Inferior weapons

Chapter 8 – beginnings of Filipinonationalism

Archbishop Manuel Rojo

– acting gov.genwhen british bombarded intramuros, malate,ermita and luneta on Sept. 22, 1762

Diego Silang

– an Ilocano who rose in revolt.He was able to expel Spaniards and declaredhimself

“King of Ilocos”Gabriela Silang

– wife of diego that carriedher husband’s fight but later captured andhanged.

Juan Dela Cruz Palaris

– 1762 led a revolt inpangasinan.

Reasons why economy developed slowly:

1.Incompetence of Spanish officials2.Graft and greed3.Restrictive economic policies4.Constant quarrels

bet. Civil andecclesiastical authorities
Jose Basco y Vargas

– appointed gov.gen of phil. In 1778 he encouraged the cultivation of crops for export. (Indigo, coffee,
cocoa, sugar,hemp, mulberry, trees, spices and cotton)

Economic Society of Friends of the Countryin 1781 and Royal Company in 1785Basi revolt

– one of the bloodiest uprisingsever recorded during this period.

Laissez – faire or “Let – alone policy”

–gave full freedom to private individuals andfirms to engage in economic activities w/omuch
interference from the govt.

Nicholas Loney

– introduced the 1


modernmachinery that converted sugar cane intorefined sugar.

Factors that affect Filipino Nationalism

1.Rise of the Filipino Middle Class2.Educations of some Filipinos3.Opening of suez

canal4.Liberalism5.Secularization6.Cavite Mutiny7.Execution of Gomburza

Inquilinos or the tenants

– increase inagriculture exports they began to accumulatewealth.

Middle class

– group below the aristocratSpanish officials, families and religious ordersbut higher than the masses


– wealthy and highly educatedFilipinos


– Spaniards born in the Phil.

Peninsulares / Espanoles

– Spaniards bornin spain, working and residing in our country.

Mestizos / indios

– the rest / natives

2 events foreshadowed the developing consciousness of the masses:

1.Tagalong publication of
Florante andLaura by Francisco Baltazar/Balagtas.

– There was reference for the1


time to the country as oppressed andin need of freedom.2.Revolt by Apolinario dela Cruz or “Hermano
Pule” in tayabas in 1841.


– disguised as aimed to revive theancient catalonan teachings w/in the CatholicChurch.

Hermano Pule

– so popular they called himthe kings of the Tagalogs.Schools:1.San juan de letran2.San jose3.San
felipe4.University of santo tomas5.OthersSchools of women:1.Collge of santa potenciana2.Santa Isabel
college3.Santa rosa college4.Others

Suez Canal in 1869

Shorter route and travel time bet. Spainand Philippines

influx of progressive books andperiodicals

liberal ideas

Encourage many Filipinos to go toEurope.

Governor general Carlos Maria De la Torre

in 1869 – put into practice the liberal principlesof revolutionists in Spain.1.Abolished censorship of
press2.Abolished flogging as punishment3.Solved agrarian unrest

He is the best governor general thePhilippines has ever had.Rafael de Izquierdo

– appointed gov.gen in1871. “With a cross in one hand and a sword inthe other”

Regular priests

– belonged to the religiousorders like Dominican, recollects, Augustiniansand Franciscans.

Secular priests

– not members of anyreligious order

Friar – curates
– member of religious ordersthat occupied parishes.

Secularization / Filipinization

– denying thenative clergy the right to administer theparishes occupied by the regulars

Father Pedro Pablo Pelaez

– leader of theFilipino campaign to secularize the parishes.

Father Jose A. Burgos

– the one whosucceeded the leadership.1.Father Jacinto Zamora2.Mariano Gomez3.Toribio Del Pilar
4.Mariano Sevilla5.Pedro Dandan6.Jose Guevara

Cavite Mutiny on Jan. 20, 1872

– revocationof the privilege of shipyard workers to beexempted from forced labor and from tribute
bygov.gen izquierdo


– Spaniards born in Mexico and exiledin Cavite.

 La Madrid
– military sergeant who led it.
Execution of GomBurZa:
Feb. 17, 1872marched from Fort Santiago to BagumbayanField.1.Zamora2.Gomez3.Burgos
Chapter 9 – campaign for reforms
Propaganda Movement in 1882 to 1892
– Spanish law making body
– the move to make thePhilippines a province of Spain and granting of Spanish citizenship to
Important Filipino Reformists:
1.Graciano Lopez Jaena – great orator 2.Jose Rizal – great thinker and writer 3.Marcelo H. Del
Pilar – great politicalanalyst and journalists

Born December 18, 1856

Placid Lopez & Maria Jacobo Jaena

Seminary of Jaro to be a priest

Later be a physician’

Fray Botod – friar who is greedy,immoral and cruel

Founded newspaper: La Solidaridad

Its 1

Died January 20, 1896
Aims of the newspaper:
1.Fight reaction2.Stop all efforts that keep the Philippinesa backward country3.Extol liberal
ideas4.Defend progress
Cruel Spanish writers:
1.Pablo Feced2.Wenceslao E. Petena
Demands of the Filipino Reformists:
1.Representation in Spanish cortes2.Right to vote3.Freedom of speech, assembly
andpress4.Freedom of commerce5.Removal of friars in the Phil.6.Education7.Reforms in the
jails8.Abolition of diezmos pediales – titheconsisting if one-tenth of the produce of the land.

Born June 19,1861

Studied in Ateneo Municipal and UST

Age of 26 wrote: Noli me Tangere or Touch me not – exposed the defects of the Spanish

El Filibsterismo or the Rebel –expressed his political ideas and thecoming of revolution

Founded La Liga Filipina – a patrioticsociety

Died December 30, 1986

“the greatest journalist produced by thepurely Filipino race”

Born August 30, 1850

Studied: College of San Jose and UST

1882 founded tagalong Spanishnewspaper
Diariong Tagalog

Become editor of La Solidaridad

La Soberania Monacal en Filipinas(Monastic Sovereignity in thePhilippines)

La Frailocracia Filipina (Frailocracy inthe Philippines)

Died July 4, 1896

Circulo Hispano Filipino (The SpanishFilipino Circle)

– Revista Del Circulo Hispano – Filipino (Journal of the Spanish – FilipinoCircle)
Asociacion Hispano
– Filipina in 1889 –composed of Filipinos and Spaniards whosympathized w/ the Filipino cause.
– has an anti-friar character
– a Filipino Masonic lodge inBarcelona in 1889
La Solidaridad
– another Masonic lodgefounded in Madrid
– a Masonic lodge in Manila in 1891
Aims of the organization:
1.Freedom and prosperity2.Good government3.Representation4.Establish Philippines as a
province of Spain
35 Masonic Lodges in the PhilippinesWalana
– Women Masonic lodge
Aims of la liga Filipina:
1.Unite the whole archipelago2.Give mutual protection to all members3.Encourage agriculture,
Commerce andeducation4.Defend members against violence5.Study and apply reforms

Supreme council

Provincial council

Popular council
Monthly due of ten centavosCuerpo de Compromisarios (
Body of Compromisers
Why the reform movement failed:
1.Officials in Spain were too busy withtheir own problems to listen2.Did not have necessary
financial meansw/ w/c to make their campaign effective3.Reformists themselves are not
united4.Friars in the Philippines had influentialfriends and supporters in Spain
Chapter 10 – Bonifacio and the KatipunanKKK
– Kataastaasan kagalanggalang nakatipunan ng mga anak ng bayan (supremeand venerable
association of the sons of thepeople) – July 7, 1892
Triangle method
– method of recruitingmembers in the society
Enlisting of Members
– change in recruitingmembers based on masonry
3 primary objectives of the Katipunan:
– self-help and defense of theweak and the poor 2.
– separation of Philippinesfrom Spain3.
– teaching of good manners,hygiene, and good moral character The Katipunan Government
3 Governing Bodies:
1.Supreme Council / KataastaasangSanggunian2.Provincial Council / Sangguniang
Bayan3.Popular Council / SangguniangBalangay
Judicial Council / Sangguniang Hukuman
–the one that passed judgment on memberswho violated the rules of the society

Katipunan Assembly
– composed of themembers of the supreme council and thepresidents of the municipal and
popular councils.
Secret chamber
-Composed of Bonifacio, Emilio Jacintoand Pio Valenzuela-Sentenced the members who
exposedthe secrets of the Katipunan
Katipunan Elections:
president/supremo – Deodato Arellano2
president/supremo – Roman Basa3
president/supremo – Andres Bonifacio
3 kinds:1.1
grade – katipon – “Anak ng Bayan”2.2
grade – kawal – “Gom-Bur-Za”3.3
grade – bayani – “Rizal”
The Katipunan Flags:Benita Rodriguez
– the one requested tomake the flag for the Katipunan.
Gregoria De Jesus
– bonifacio’s wife whohelped Benita to make the flag.
Katungkulang gagawin ng mga anak ngbayan / Duties of the sons of the people
–guide of the katipuneros in leading a highlymoral life that bonifacio prepared.
– 13 teachings by Emilio Jacinto
Women members of katipunan:
1.Josefa Rizal2.Gregoria De Jesus3.Marina Dizon4.Angelica Lopez Rizal5.Gregoria De jesus
Candido Iban & Francisco del Castillo
– whowon Php 1,000 in a lottery and gave katipunanthe money to buy the printing press.Printing
press was purchased for Php 400
Ulpiano Fernandez & Faustino Duque
– 2experienced printers managed the press.
– name of the newspaper suggestedby Dr. Pio Valenzuela
– as guise place of publication
Marcelo H. Del Pilar
– editor Real name Pen nameJacintoPingkian & Dimas -ilawBonifacioAgapito

g - awayRizalDimas Alang & LaongLaanMariano PonceTikbalang, Naning &Kalipulako

Antonio LunaTaga-IlogMarcelo Del PilarPlaridelJose Ma. Panganiban JomapaThe revolution of
1896 / katipunan revolution
– a leading thinker of the revolutionof 1896Chapter 11 – the revolution of 1896
Department of war
– Php 6,500,000
For Public Works –
Php 628,752.46
Father Mariano Gil
– parish curate of tondoand was the one who had earlier warnedSpanish officials about the
existence of asecret society.
Teodoro Patino
– the whistle blower of thekatipunan and told it to her sister, the latter told
he madre portera of the orphanage that adviseteodoro to tell it to father marinano gil
Diario de Manila printing shop
– where theyfound receipts and evidence pointing to theexistence of a secret society
Francisco L. Roxas
– an insulares was askedto support the society but resisted to helpthem.
Sitio Pugadlawin
– a huge meeting was heldat the yard of Juan A. Ramos, son of Melchora Aquino / Tandang
Sora the “Mother of theKatipunan”.
Cry of the Pugadlawin
– Aug. 23 – wherethey tear they cedulas and shouted “long livethe Philippines! Long live the
First 8 provinces rose in arms:
(gov.genRamon Blanco issued a decree – under
EcijaThose who would surrender w/in 48 hours willnot be tried by military court.
Rizal’s Execution
– Dec. 30, 1896
Emilio Aguinaldo
– young mayor of the townof Kawit (“Heneral Miong”) and defeatedgeneral Ernesto de Aguirre
on Sept. 5, 1896
2 factions of Katipunan in Cavite:
– Mariano Alvarez –favored the retention of katipunan2.
– Baldomero Aguinaldo –favored a change in the katipunanstructure.
The Tejeros Convention (March 22, 1897)
–agreed to form a new government.
Daniel Tirona
– member of Madgalo and sainthat Jose del Rosario was more qualified thanbonifacio.The result
of the election in the tejerosconvention is null and void.
Acto de Tejeros (Minutes of Tejeros) /Tejeros Resolution
– it indicated the reasonsfor ejecting the result mainly the fraudcommitted by the magdalo
Naik Military Agreement
– another government would be established
Colonel Agapito Bonzon
– headed the partyto contact bonifacio.
General Pio del Pilar & General MarianoNoriel
– persuaded Aguinaldo to withdraw thecommutation letter for the reason that can’t bedivided at
such time of war.
May 10, 1897
– major lazaro macapagalbroght them to Mount Tala and executed
Gov. Gen. Camilo de Polavieja
– succeededGov. Gen Ramon Blanco grew tired of fightingand asked to be relieved.
Gov. Gen. Fernando Primo de Rivera
– thesuccessor of Camilo de polavieja and tookpersonal charge at the military campaign
Biak na Bato Republic
– established by Aguinaldo
Felix Ferrer & Isabelo Artacho
– copied wordfor word the Cuban Constitution of Jimaguayaexcept one article.
Pedro A. Paterno
– offered himself asmediator to gov. gen primo de rivera.
Truce of Biak na Bato:

document – November 18, 18972
document – December 14, 18973
document – December 15, 18971.Aguinaldo and his men would go intovoluntary exile2.Primo
would pay Aguinaldo Php800,000in 3 installments3.Additional Php 900,000 to the families of
non-combatant Filipinos suffered.
General Francisco Makabulos of Tarlac
–who was suspicious of Spanish motivesorganize an independent government and aconstitution

Makabulos Constitution

Important people in the Philippine History:

The Philippine National Hero: Dr. Jose Rizal
The Great Plebian: Andres Bonifacio
The Father of the Katipunan: Andres Bonifacio
Hero of the Tirad Pass Battle: Gregorio Del Pilar
President of the First Philippine Republic: General Emilio Aguinaldo
Brains of the Philippine Revolution: Apolinario Mabini
Martyred Priests in 1872: GOMBURZA
Brain of the Katipunan: Emilio Jacinto
Co-founder of La Independencia: General Antonio Luna
Mother of Balintawak: Melchora Aquino Tandang Sora: Melchora Aquino
Greatest Filipino Orator of the Propaganda Movement: Graciano Lopez- Jaena
First Filipino Cannon-maker: Pandar Pira
Managing Editor of La Solidaridad: Mariano Ponce
Lakambini of Katipunan: Gregoria de Jesus
Poet of the Revolution: Fernando Ma. Guerrero
Outstanding Diplomat of the First Philippine Republic: Felipe Agoncillo
First University of the Philippines President: Rafael Palma
Greatest Filipino Painter: Juan Luna
Greatest Journalist of the Propaganda Movement: Marcelo H. del Pilar
First Filipino Poetess: Leona Florentino
Peace of the Revolution: Pedro Paterno
Founder of Philippine Socialism: Isabelo Delos Reyes
Viborra: Artemio Ricarte
Author of the Spanish lyrics of the Philippine National Anthem: Jose Palma
Chief of Tondo: Lakandola
The Last Rajah of Manila: Rajah Soliman
Fiancée of Jose Rizal: Leonor Rivera
Maker of the First Filipino Flag: Marcela Agoncillo
Co-founder of Katipunan: Galicano Apacible
Leader of the Ilocano Revolt: Diego Silang
First Filipino Hero: Lapu-lapu
Leader of the Longest Revolt in Bohol: Francisco Dagohoy
The Man of Many Talents: Epifanio Delos Santos
Prince of Tagalog Poets: Francisco Baltazar
Visayan Joan of Arc: Teresa Magbanua
Mother of Biak-na-Bato: Trinidad Tecson
Wife of Artemio Ricarte: Agueda Esteban
Leader of the Tarlac Revolt: Gen. Francisco Makabulos
Composer of the Philippine National Anthem: Julian Felipe
Spaniards born in the Philippines: Insulares
Leader of Magdalo: Baldomero Aguinaldo
Leader of Magdiwang: Mariano Alvarez
Founder of La Liga Filipina: Jose Rizal
Painter of the Spolarium: Juan Luna

1. The subject which deals with map making process is _____.

a. Demography

b. Cartography

c. Physiography

d. Topography

[Answer: (b) Cartography]

2. A map that shows the physical features of an area is called ____.

a. Cadastral map

b. Relief map
c. Climatic map

d. Resource map

[Answer: (b) Relief map]

3. Shallow water bodies are represented by _____ colour.

a. Yellow

b. Brown

c. Light blue

d. Dark blue

[Answer: (c) Light blue]

4. The maps which are known as plans are.

a. Cadastral maps

b. Topographical maps

c. Isoline maps

d. Transport maps

[Answer: (a) Cadastral maps]

5. Actual distribution of population can be represented by _____ .

a. lines

b. Shades

c. Dots

d. Contours
[Answer: (b) Shades]

II Fill in the blanks

1. The globe is the true representation of the Earth.

2. A way of representing the spherical earth on a flat surface is map projection.

3. A line that joins the points of equal elevation is lsoline.

4. Cadastral maps are usually maintained by Government.

5. Thematic map is focused on a specific theme.

III Choose the option which matches the following correctly

A. Legend - 1. 45º

B. North East - 2. brown colour

C. Contour Line - 3. thematic map

D. Cadastral map - 4. key of a map

E. Choropleth - 5. taxation

a) 3,5,1,4,2

b) 4,1,2,5,3

c) 2,5,1,3,4

d) 5,2,4,1,3

[Answer: (b) 4,1, 2, 5, 3]

IV Match the statement with the reason and select the correct answer

1. Statement : Small scale maps can show only major features.

Reason : Due to lack of space ,it shows large areas like Continents and countries.

a. Statement is true but reason is wrong.

b. Statement is wrong and reason is correct.

c. Both the statement and reasons are correct.

d. Both the statement and reasons are wrong.

[Answer: (c) Both the statement and reasons are correct]

2. Statement : The conventional signs and symbols are the keys of map reading.

Reason : These symbols give a lots of information in a limited area.

a. Both the statement and reasons are correct.

b. Statement is wrong and reason is correct.

c. Statement is true but reason is wrong.

d. Both the statement and reasons are wrong.

[Answer: (a) Both the statement and reasons are correct]

V Answer the following in one or two sentences

1. Define “Map scale”.

(i) Map scale refers to the relationship (or ratio) between distance on a map and the
corresponding distance on the ground.

(ii) The map scale is stated in words i.e., 1cm to 1 km.

2. What is a physical map?

Answer: The map that shows the physical features of an area is usually called a Physical Map or
a Relief Map.

3. Write a short note on map projection.

Answer: A map projection is a way of representing the spherical earth on a flat surface of a map.
The curved surface of the earth cannot be shown accurately on a map. So, cartographers use map
projections while mapping the earth surface which would-help them to reduce distortions.

4. Name the Intermediate directions.

Answer: The Intermediate directions are north east, north west, south east and south west.

5. What are the uses of a cadastral map?

Answer: Cadastral maps are useful for local administration such as the city survey, taxation,
management of estates and to define property in legal documents.

VI Distinguish between

1. Relief map and thematic map.


Relief map

a) The map that shows the physical features of an area is usually called a Physical Map or a
Relief Map.

b) Their primary purpose is to show landforms like deserts, rivers, mountains, plains, plateaus

Thematic map
a) A thematic map is a map that focuses on a specific theme or subject area.

b) They show the subject such as physical phenomena like temperature variation, rainfall
distribution and population density in an area.

2. Large scale map and small scale map.


Large Scale

a) The Large scale maps portray the information in detail than the small scale maps.

b) For example physical map of India represents a small area of the earth but gives us more

Small Scale map

a) Small scale maps can show only major features omitting the minor ones due to lack of space.

b) For example physical map of the world will show us only the major physical features in the

3. Globe and Map.



a) Globe gives a three dimensional representation of the entire world..

b) It is a miniature form of the earth (model of the earth)


a) Map gives a two dimensional representation of certain regions or the entire world.

b) It is a visual representation of an entire or a part of an area typically represented on a flat

VII Answer in a paragraph

1. Explain the different types of scales in detail.

Answer: Scales on maps can be represented in three different ways. They are:

(a) Statement or Verbal scale

(h) Representative Fraction (RF) or Ratio Scale

(c) Graphical or Bar Scale

(a) Statement or Verbal scale:

(i) In this method, the map scale is stated in words i.e., 1cm to 1 km.

(ii) It means 1cm distance on the map corresponds to 1 km distance on the ground.

(iii) Thus it is written on the map like 1cm to 1 km.

b) Representative Fraction (RF) or Numerical Fraction or Ratio Scale:

(i) It shows the relationship between the map distance and the corresponding ground distance in
the same units of length.

(ii) R.F. is generally shown as a fraction.

(c) Graphical or Bar Scale or Linear Scale:

(i) A graphic scale looks like a small ruler drawn at the bottom of the page.

(ii) This line is line is divided and sub divided into lengths each of which represents a certain
distance on the ground.

(iii) This scale has added advantage for taking copies of maps as the measurement does not

2. Describe the Cadastral map and its importance.

(i) Cadastral map refers to a map that shows the boundaries and ownership of land within a
specified area. ,

(ii) These maps are sometimes known as plans.

(iii) They are useful for local administration such as the city survey, taxation, management of

(iv) They are used to define property in legal documents

(v) They are maintained by the government and they are a matter of public record.

Importance of Cadastral maps:

(i) Cadastral surveys document the boundaries of land ownership, by the production of
documents, diagrams, sketches, plans, charts and maps.

(ii) They were originally used to ensure reliable facts for land valuation and taxation.

3. Write a paragraph about the conventional signs and symbols.


(i) Conventional signs are symbols used in maps to represent different features.

(ii) The symbols are explained in the key of the map.

(iii) These symbols give a lot information in a limited space.

(iv) With the use of these symbols, maps can be drawn easily and the concept of the map can be
understood well. There is an International agreement regarding the use of certain symbols.

(v) The symbols fall under this category are Called Conventional Symbols. Other category is
called contextual symbols which are decided by the cartographers

VIII Students Activity

a. Underline the map title

b. Show the direction of N,S,W & E on the map.

c. The rail track runs from Southwest to________.

d. In which direction of the rail track, the park is located?

e ) Colour the school with red.

f. Colour the supermarket with brown.

g. Colour the restaurant with yellow.

h. Colour the house east of the railroad with orange.

The circumstances behind the founding of Manila remain unclear. However, it is known that in
its early history Manila was ruled from which nearby settlement that is the oldest-known named
settlement in the Philippines?
Answer: Tondo

Tondo was a settlement north of the Pasig River. Manila was the settlement on the southern side
of the Pasig. Tondo was the dominant city on the island of Luzon and was the primary spot for
trade amongst the people of Southeast Asia and Oceania. In 1571 after the Spanish conquered
Manila, Manila became the dominant city in the region. Tondo was incorporated into Manila and
is known as the Tondo District today.

The Rizal family had 11 siblings, of whom Rizal was the seventh. One of his siblings died early
and is said to have been Rizal's 'first sorrow'. Who was this sibling?
Answer: Concepcion

Concepcion's nickname was Concha. She died at the age of three in 1865.

Between what years did the Orang Dampuans come to the Philippines?
Answer: Between 900 A.D. and 1200 A.D.

They were sailors from Southern Annam, now a part of Vietnam. They traded with people of
Sulu called Buranuns.

The Hispanic Period had started in the Philippines in 1500s. Who was the first Governor of the
Answer: Miguel Lopez de Legazpi
In 1572, Miguel Lopez de Legazpi became the first Governor of the Philippines and established a
government together with Augustinian and Dominican friars.

The First Republic of the Philippines was established during a war. Which one?
Answer: Philippine-American War

Emilio Aguinaldo, the very first Philippine President, ruled from 1898 to 1901 in Malolos,
Bulacan. The conflict between the First Republic and the United States of America had started
the "Philippine-American War" or also called "Philippine Insurrection". This war had lasted for
three years (1899-1902).

Who led the longest revolt in the Philippines during the Spanish times?
Answer: Francisco Dagohoy

It lasted for 85 years (1744-1829). Francisco Dagohoy rose in rebellion because a Jesuit priest
refused to give his brother, Sagarino, a Christian burial as he had died in a duel.

After the Negritos, what was the second group of people who migrated by sea to the Philippines
3,000 to 8,000 years ago?
Answer: Indonesians

The Indonesian people came into two waves. The first one, the 'Indonesians A', became the
ancestors of the Ilongot people of the Sierra Madres. Both groups introduced the 'kaingin' system
of farming which is still practised today in the forested areas of the Philippines.

What was the first book published in the Philippines?

Answer: Doctrina Christiana

This book was published during the Spanish period and contains prayers and some religious acts
and beliefs that all Catholics should follow.

She was the first woman member of the Katipunan (July 1893).
Answer: Gregoria de Jesús

Gregoria de Jesus was the wife of Andres Bonifacio and the founder of the female chapter.
Marina Dizon was a cousin of Emilio Jacinto. She lost her mother when she was eight months
old. She was also a guitarist and violinist of the Trozo Comparsa Band. Segunda Katigbak was
childhood sweetheart of Jose Rizal.

One of the last Filipino generals who fought the Americans and established the so-called
'Tagalog Republic'
Answer: Macario Sakay

Macario Sakay was seen merely as a bandit by the Americans but documents prove that he had
the necessary concept of the Filipino nation to merit being a genuine military leader.

Who was the first Filipino recording artist?

Answer: Maria Carpena

What was the occupation of Limahong, a Chinese man who invaded Manila at least twice in the
16th century?
Answer: Pirate

Limahong was a Chinese pirate who failed to capture Manila from the Spanish a few times in his
career. The Spanish brought instability to the Philippines after they captured Manila. Not only
did the Chinese fight back against new trade restrictions but the Spanish were also dealing with
various revolts from different peoples. This led Manila to be open to attacks. The Chinese pirates
were aided by the Portuguese who had already captured Spanish territory. However, Limahong
was unable to capture Manila. Limahong and his men were slowed by the powerful soldier
Martin de Goiti who was killed in the attack. However, de Goiti allowed the Spanish to fortify
parts of the city. Although Limahong was not successful, the Chinese did manage to burn down
some buildings and weaken the Spanish overall.

Who was credited with naming the Philippines "Felipinas"?

Answer: Ruy Lopez de Villalobos

Ruy Lopez de Villalobos (1500-1544) named the archipelago in honor of Prince Philip of
Asturias in 1544.

For how many years did Spanish rule last in the Philippines?
Answer: 333

The Spaniards occupied the Philippines from 1565 to 1898, exactly 333 years. Spanish rule
ended after the signing of the Treaty of Paris in 1898, which withdrew Spain from the
Philippines, Guam, Cuba and Puerto Rico.

Who won the first Philippine National Presidential Election?

Answer: Manuel Luis Quezon

The first Philippine President of the Commonwealth and the "Father of the Philippine language",
Manuel L. Quezon (1935-1944) was recognized by the US after the Philippines gained self-
government in 1916. He won the elections in 1935 against First Republic President Emilio
Aguinaldo and Bishop Gregorio Aglipay.
Who was the Spanish governor-general who ordered the deportation of Jose Rizal to Dapitan?
Answer: Gov. Gen. Eulogio Despujol

Jose Rizal was deported days after he founded the La Liga Filipina on July 6, 1892. La Liga
Filipina, ostensibly a civic association composed of Filipinos that had as its motto 'Unus Instar
Omnium' ('One Like All'), was considered by the Spanish authorities as "dangerous".

Foreign influences were evident on most aspects of Filipino culture - the Philippine languages,
for example. Now, from which Asian language do these words came from, 'alam', 'hukom', and
Answer: Arabic

'Alam' means 'know'. 'Hukom' is a judge and 'salamat' means 'thanks'. These words were possibly
brought by the Arab merchants and traders who came to the country in the 9th century.

Who fought the Spanish government because the government did not give a formal funeral
ceremony for his brother?
Answer: Francisco Dagohoy

The ceremony was denied by the frailes (Spanish priest) because the brother of Dagohoy was
accused of being an enemy of the Church.
After the death of her husband Andres Bonifacio, Gregoria de Jesus was later married to whom?
Answer: Julio Nakpil

Julio Nakpil was also a patriot and he was commander of all troops in the north in company with
Emilio Jacinto. Julio Nakpil and Gregoria de Jesus were married in the Catholic Church on 10
December 1898 and they had eight children, Juana, Lucia, Juan, Julia, Francisca, Josefina,
Mercedes and Caridad.

She is a Filipino heroine. After her husband died, she continued the war against Spain, was
caught and hanged.
Answer: Gabriela Silang

Diego and Gabriela Silang took advantage of British occupation of Manila to rise against the

Who founded the la Liga Filipina?

Answer: Jose Rizal

The British Occupation of Manila ended in 1764 with the signing of what treaty the year before?
Answer: Treaty of Paris

The British invaded the Philippines during the Seven Years War or the French and Indian War.
Although the war is better known as a fight between Britain and France over North American
territories, several European nations soon became involved. The Spanish were still in control of
Manila at this time but the British, led by William Draper, invaded and captured the city. The
end of the Seven Years War was brought about by the 1763 Treaty of Paris. Manila and the
Philippines were not mentioned in the treaty (as the occupation was not yet known in Europe at
the time) but were generally considered under the general list of territories that were to be
returned to their original owners. The British relented but eventually gave up the Philippines
without a major struggle in 1764.

While at the Ateneo, Rizal met his first love. She was a pretty fourteen-year old Batangueña.
Who was she?
Answer: Segunda Katigbak

Rizal described Segunda Katigbak as small and rosy-cheeked, with an enchanting smile.

When did Dr. Jose Rizal die?

Answer: December 30, 1896

He was executed in Bagumbayan, now known as Rizal Park, by the Spaniards for his alleged part
in the Philippine Revolution of 1896.

Raja Lakandula and Raja Sulayman revolted against Governor Guido de Lavezaris, because of
the abuses by the Spaniards. What is the revolt called?
Answer: Manila Revolt

The successor to Miguel Lopez de Legaspi, Governor-General Guido Lavezaris, had sequestered
all the properties of the Rajahs. The revolt failed because of the loyalty of the Spanish and
Filipino troops to the Governor-General.

What was the name of the Filipino soldier who led the Cavite Mutiny of 1872?
Answer: Sergeant Lamadrid

Ferdinand La Madrid was a mestizo sergeant who led the mutiny after Spanish authorities
subjected his co-soldiers at the Engineering and Artillery Corps to personal taxes from which
they had previously been exempted. The taxes obliged them to pay a monetary sum and to do the
"polo y servicio" or forced labor! (Source: Wikipedia article on the Cavite Munity).

What is considered the earliest form of writing in the Philippines?

Answer: Baybayin

This alphabet, often incorrectly referred to as 'alibata', consists of 17 letters of which three are
vowels and fourteen are consonants.

During the Japanese occupation of the Philippines, a Filipino president was appointed by the
Japanese. Who was he?
Answer: Jose P. Laurel Sr.

It was run by the Japanese and was of course a puppet government.

Who was the last Sultan of Sulu?

Answer: Jamalul Kiram II

Abu Bakr brought Islam to the Philippines and Haji Butu was the first Muslim senator.

Who was the 'Great Dissenter'?

Answer: Claro M. Recto

He was called Great Dissenter because of his uncomprising stand against pro-American policy of
R. Magsaysay, the very same man whom he helped to put in power.

What is the first word of the 1987 Philippine Constitution?

Answer: We

The seeds of Filipino Independence were widely regarded to have been first planted in 1887 with
the publication of which novel by Jose Rizal?
Answer: Noli Me Tangere

"Noli Me Tangere" is a Filipino novel by Jose Rizal that can be compared to the American novel
"Uncle Tom's Cabin" for the role it played in those nations' histories. Jose Rizal was an eye
doctor from Manila who was angered by the disparate treatment of the Filipino people by the
Spanish colonists. His novel "Noli Me Tangere" focuses on a young mestizo man Crisostomo
Ibarra and his conflicting thoughts on patriotism, fidelity and revenge. His battle with the local
Spanish authorities caused the novel to be banned in the Philippines.

Rizal was fearful about even publishing the novel in the first place as he feared retaliation from
the Spanish. The book was originally published by a friend of Rizal's in Berlin in 1887. It was
not widely circulated in Manila until 1899 and had only been read in underground circles prior to
then. Nonetheless, the book proved to be a catalyst for Filipino Independence.
When Rizal decided to travel to Europe, specifically Spain, in order to study medicine he also
had another aim. What is it?
Answer: To observe European culture

In addition to being a medical student, he observed and studied European culture to prepare
himself for the task of liberating his country from the Spaniards.

When was Manuel L. Quezon inaugurated?

Answer: November 15, 1935

He was the first President of the Commonwealth.

Who wrote the "Kartilla", considered the 'bible' of the Katipunan movement?
Answer: Emilio Jacinto

Jacinto was the adviser on fiscal matters and secretary to Andrés Bonifacio, the leader of the
Katipunan movement. The primer he wrote consisted of 13 teachings which the members of the
(Katipunan) were expected to follow. "A life that is not dedicated to a noble cause is like a tree
without a shade or a poisonous weed" was one of the 13 teachings. Jacinto was also the editor of
the Katipunan newspaper called "Kalayaan", which translates to "Freedom".

Who first introduced the Islamic religion in the Philippines?

Answer: Makhdum

Mahdum (or Mudum or Makhdum) was an Arabic scholar who visited the island of Sulu in
Mindanao in 1380 converting the natives there to Islam. After his death, Rajah Baginda, a prince,
continued propagating the Islamic faith to the people of Sulu first started by Makhdum.

What term was used for those women who were used by Japanese soldiers to gratify their lust?
Answer: comfort women

"Comfort Women" was derived from the word 'comfort room' where Japanese soldiers satisfied
their lust.

The first woman to top the Philippine BAR Examination.

Answer: Tecla San Andres Ziga
Geronima Pecson was the only person to serve as vice president to two former presidents of the

Who is the former Senate President who came from Abra?

Answer: Quintin Paredes

Quintin Paredes, a former Speaker and Senate President, is known for his stint as a US Resident-

Who was the first Miss Philippines?

Answer: Evangeline Castro

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