Book (CC1)

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UNIT #1.

1 (Personal Pronouns)

 A personal pronoun is a short word we use as a simple substitute for the

proper name of a person. Each of the English personal pronouns shows us
the grammatical person, gender, number, and case of the noun it replaces. I,
you, he, she, it, we, they, me, him, her, us, and them are all personal

Remember that not all the time we will have a Personal Pronoun.

P.P. Examples:

He Juan, Luis, Pedro, My brother, My father …

She Maria, Janeth, Jazmin, My sister, My grandmother …

It The cat, The dog, The house, An elephant, A school …

We You and Me, My family and Me …

They The students, The doctors, My parents, The pencils …

I.- Use the correct personal pronoun for each sentences. Watch the words in

1.- ______________ is sleeping (George)

2.- ______________ is white (The blackboard)
3.- ______________ are in the garden (The flowers)
4.- ______________ is from Puerto Rico (Bad Bunny)
5.- ______________ are in Mexico (BTS)
6.- ______________ is playing in the yard (My rabbit)

II.- Circle the correct answer for each image

III.- Complete the Crossword Puzzle


This is a topic that will help you expand your vocabulary of
colors in English and will also help you communicate
easily with a native speaker

I.- Paint each crayon with the color it indicates

Blue Red Pink Green

Yellow Brown Purple Orange

White Sky blue

Gray Black

II.- Paint each fruit correctly

III.- Color the next picture

UNIT #1.3 (Verb to Be)

Pronouns Affirmative Cont* Negative
I am I’m am not
He He’s
She is She’s is not (isn’t)

It It’s
You are You’re are not (aren’t)
The complement of the
They They’re sentences Will indicate us
if the ‘’Verb to be’’ is
‘’SER’’ or ‘’ESTAR’’
 I am a teacher = I’m teacher
 She is not Laura = She isn’t Laura
 Dom & Alex are at school = Dom & Alex aren’t at…

I.- Complete the next sentences using the ‘’Verb to Be’’ (Full Form)

1.- It ____________ cold today

2.- I ____________ at home now

3.- Clara and Steve ____________ married

4.- Manolo ____________ American

5.- She ____________ sick

6.- Edgar & Jacky ____________ happy

7.- They ____________ students from the ITCC

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