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Unit 1: Academic Reading.

Topic 1: Reading selections. (ANA)

Reading is a fundamental part of any area, in this case it is education, we can say that it
is a fundamental part of the learning process, especially learning a new language implies
having or at least developing the skills that allow a correct selection, understanding and
interpretation of the texts. It must be taken into account that for language learning it is
necessary to verify the needs of the students, interests, cultural background, their levels
in the language because each student is unique, just as each group of students is unique,
this is something that Teachers must take into account when selecting readings that
above all motivate learning and interest.
change your mind
The reading topics are very broad and it is important to be open to everyone to find the
one that each reader may like. (GABY)
To select a non-literary reading, it is just as important that its style is clear, precise and
objective as that it is written in an entertaining, attractive and agile way. (TAHIS)
The point of view of the ideology or the values that a reading wants to transmit can be a
selection criterion in certain subjects or contexts. (EDU)
The selection of readings in other languages must start, first of all, from the general
premises applicable to any other reading material: quality and appropriateness to the age
and interests of the reader. To the consideration of these factors must be added that of
the linguistic level of the latter.( YASMIN)
I remain firm in my opinion, the fundamental advice that will guide the selection is to
remember that the purpose of reading is always a critical education to achieve a
responsible citizen with the decisions he makes
Subtopic 1: Reading about Robotics (GABY)
Learning a second language can be approached in various ways, where we develop
speaking, writing, listening and reading skills. Each of these contributes significantly to
the acquisition of a second language. However, reading allows us to understand the
world around us and favors the development of students. For this reason, many are
committed to promoting its use as a fundamental part of learning a second language.
change your mind
Students love to listen and read stories, so this technique is attractive. (TAHIS)
When children realize that they are understanding a story in another language, they are
motivated, which increases their curiosity about the new language and the desire to try
speaking it.(EDU)
Furthermore, students unconsciously assimilate new vocabulary and new grammatical
structures. (ANA)
All these aspects not only favor the acquisition of a second language but also improve
linguistic competence in the mother tongue. (YASMIN)
I consider changing my mind, in academic readings, new vocabulary is a great regular
challenge that students face. When readers identify a word that is not part of their
vocabulary, they tend to miss the overall meaning of the text.

Subtopic 2: Analysis of advantages and disadvantages(EDU)

When reading a text in depth, it is important to compare and contrast the required
information. Therefore, the purpose of reading is the acquisition and effective
enrichment of new knowledge. Among the existing types and concepts to organize a
good reading, it is also necessary to determine the advantages and disadvantages to
better understand or differentiate the information of a certain text. Reading is an activity
that people do not enjoy very much. In teaching, this also happens with students, since
when they read, inside or outside of class, their attention is null, or they are often
distracted by other activities. This generates deficits in their learning, since when they
do not read, where they will reinforce or learn the contents of important subjects.
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In the first years of Primary Education is where reading strategies and games that
encourage reading take on the most prominence. (YASMIN)
What causes the little interest of children in literature is, clearly, television. What this
generates is that the children feel more comfortable and do not have to use their
imagination to create fantasies, as they would do with a book, but they have everything
in hand, they do not need to imagine if everything is already before them. eyes.(ANA)
The habit of reading can become a taste. If we want our children to become fond of
reading, we will have to dedicate a fixed time each day to enjoying a book together for
at least 15 or 30 minutes, or the time it takes to read a story or a complete chapter.
We all know that it is extremely important for children to acquire the habit of reading,
but the great difficulty lies in the lack of knowledge of many parents on how to place
their child on this path. (GABY)

Change your mind, we all know that it is extremely important for children to acquire the
habit of reading, but the great difficulty lies in the lack of knowledge of many parents
on how to place their child on this path.

Subtopic 3: Reading on Neuroscience (TAHIS)

Reading is essential in any learning process, but it is not something that human beings
are born with. When we read the areas of the cortex of the brain working together to
transmit all that information to our brain, reading is a fundamental part of being able to
develop our skills such as writing, listening, speaking and reading. 'Reading is not just a
way of putting data into the brain. It's a way to rewire how your brain works in general.
It strengthens your ability to imagine alternative paths, remember details, imagine
detailed scenes, and think through complex problem situations.' So, it can be said that
reading is for the mind like going to the gym, so when we read a text, we may be able to
predict and complete word recognition.

change your mind

The action of reading is capable of generating mental images from the descriptions.
I agree, this fact favors access to the unconscious content of our brain, reorganizing
brain structures and neural networks. (GABY)
The human brain is programmed to learn spoken language and this explains the ease
with which children learn their mother tongue (EDU)
Consequently, learning to read involves important changes in our brain, the result of
systematic teaching that lasts for several years. (YASMIN)

I stand firm in my opinion, reading facilitates the decoding of language and symbolic
thought. Until now it was thought that reading affected only the left hemisphere. The
production of language does affect this area, but much of its comprehension occurs in
the right hemisphere.
Subtopic 4: Interpretation of graphs and tables (YASMIN)
It is essential to know how to interpret the information in the graphs and tables, since
knowing how to read and understand the data analysis and writing sections will help us
to gain a better understanding of the information presented. Therefore, to interpret a
graph or chart, we have to read the title and labels to understand what information was
provided to you about a specific investigation. Therefore, interpreting graphs and tables
improves our performance since we acquire formal vocabulary to express ourselves in
the best way in our academic context.
change your mind
Although graphs are teaching objects at school, their use has spread to broad social
groups. (GABY)
I agree, they are usual means of communicating information and validating arguments,
while their role in schools has been strongly influenced by teachers' conceptions and
practices of teaching and learning mathematics. (ANA)
Although, read the data. It refers to the literal reading of the information represented in
the statistical graph. (TAHIS)
Within this panorama, statistical graphics are frequent in the media to support
comments or cause a visual impact. This last aspect is intentionally manipulated to
obtain benefits, so it is necessary to train children, and future citizens, to read them
correctly, avoiding being deceived, and to make the correct decisions, when they
depend on the information displayed there. (EDU)

I stand firm in my opinion, the reading, interpretation and evaluation of statistical
graphs is part of the skills that a common citizen must achieve to act promptly in the
face of statistical information that is found daily in different media

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