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The submerged leaves are long and grass- like, the

during a long preceding period of years in the form of glaciers

Col du Loup du Valgaudemar (Vallouise to the Val

Jurassic. Antalo Limestones.

father. Other celebrated amnesties are that proclaimed by Napoleon

in which the melody is supported from beginning to end by

The best edition of Akenside's Poetical Works is that prepared

had been ceded by the treaty of Paris, and he perceived

lungs and make the tidal air pass through the nostrils. These

gr. grain. s. or sec. second.

country. The society holds annual shows, publishes annually

and also the sum of L. 100.'' Six years afterwards, in

the Anarchist working men prefer the Anarchist-Communist ideas

in the United States of America are forbidden by an act of

MSS., and a discussion of AElfric's sources, with further

acid and of sulphites are very pronounced it follows that but

(1880-1890). The principal imports are timber, coal, grain,

point to attend to is the voltage at which discharge shall

railways, chiefly in Switzerland, up various peaks (e.g.

requiring ``the cargo to be brought to and taken from alongside

within a month the duke was able to resume command of his

the Omayyad dynasty. (See CALIPHATE, section B.) In 658 he

and finally the amir agreed to receive at Kabul a diplomatic

modern political history the expression ``cave of Adullam''

the mass to solidify. It may conveniently be extended to similar

citizens. The measure met with much opposition from the

which they deserve as representing a pianoforte technique

to communicate with him, they opened the pass called the

the digestive juices of the host in which the Acanthocephala

from Lat. ambactus,1 a vassal or servant; see Du Cange,

era, and was adopted by almost all the eastern churches. The

1000 to 2000 ft. On either coast wild gorges and ravines,

Gregory's, under St Paul's Cathedral, and was ``observant

therefrom.'' This was thought to favour the doctrine of absolute

ABEDNEGO, the name given in Babylon to Azariah, one of

``insoluble fatty acids'' lying between 86 and 91%, and in

for all the depredations of the ``Alabama'' and ``Florida''

1850 to 1860 41.1 38.7 44.3

or weighed portion of milk and drying the residue obtained

Rome, and to the Exarchate, and the Pentapolis. In his

states free from their fears. A demonstration in Greece,

traces back the hostility of the two states to a dispute

south. The climate is in general cold and humid, especially

power, whilst a prize of 100 guineas offered for the most

one, and the resources of analysis, linguistic in particular,

important recommendations of the Food Products Committee,

story, Ceyx was drowned and his body cast on the shore.

weeds which in the three previous years have received little

much that is Alfred's own and highly characteristic of

could not one submit to it,'' the tsar continued, ``the positive

Crop. Acres.

of the conquered. The people, notwithstanding their German

A number of changes have been made since the amalgamation of

Historicorum Graecorum, iii:) those relating to the Jews are

crucial contentions in the disputes over the Alaska-Canadian

Tabatinga, and a third, two trips a month between Para and

John XII. in 963. His appeal to Otto the Great to intervene

P. Paulitschke, Ethnographic Nordost-Afrikas (2 vols.,

fuller bibliographies in separate departments have been given

canton Valais, Switzerland, being a well-known locality.

Like the Lyceum of Galata Serai in Constantinople, it has

are often crushed for use as an abrasive agent. (See GARNET.)

flourishing Moslem cities on the east African sea-boards.

Tunisia. as the Tell (Arabic for ``hill''). It is a mountainous

east. In the interior of South Africa the year 1884 witnessed

greatest. The booster E.M.F. now acts with the dynamo

founded on Oribasius and compiled from various sources,

a minimum of 518 in 1877 and a maximum of 1657 in 1892; in

the situation until we account for the fourth portion of the

give rise to a transient form of albuminuria. (5) Adolescent

not claimed by Rome were as a matter of course left in the

Jean Rousset de Missy at the Hague in 1719. A laudatory life,

The embryo thus passes from the body of the female into

polished makes a beautiful ornament. The mollusc itself is

tendency to steatopygia among the women. The Akka are nomads,


in dyeing and tissue printing. For the last-named purpose

treated in detail in P. Moissonnier, L'Aluminium (Paris,

stage are worthy of notice: the gaize and phosphatic beds of

formation of anticlinals traversing the northern districts of

alpacas and mohairs are dealt with under WOOL. (A. F. B.)

Abeokuta (a word meaning ``under the rocks,''), dating

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