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Prof. Alfredo Brunori – Clase virtual # 4 A – Lic.

en Arte y Gestión Cultural – 01/10/2014

(Formará parte del “portfolio” final de la asignatura)
Writing a Curriculum Vitae or Résumé
Activities adapted from: Downes, C. & Day, J. (2008). Cambridge English for Job-Hunting. Cambridge, Cambridge
University Press.
Nota importante: recuerde siempre “escanear” los textos rápidamente para detectar palabras
“transparentes” (= iguales o muy parecidas a palabras en español) y vocabulario que Ud. ya conoce.

Activity 1
Look at Silvia Carnali’s chronological CV and then follow the instructions below in order to write
YOUR OWN CV or résumé.
For your reference, the following verbs in the past tense are the ones missing in Silvia’s CV above
(this activity was corrected in class on September 26):
1. Worked
Now let’s get started so that you can write your own CV or résumé!! 

a. Write your own personal information to begin the CV. Follow the model in Silvia’s.

b. Under the Education section, write your educational/academic/professional qualifications. If you

have several qualifications, limit the number to a MAXIMUM of 2 (two).

c. For the Professional Experience section, think of TWO (2) jobs or positions you have had so far*
(= *hasta ahora) and which would like to include in your CV.

d. Write the year(s) when you had those jobs AND the name (or short description of the name) of
EACH job or position (for example, Silvia wrote “Project Volunteer” in the first job she listed in
the model above).

e. Under the year(s) and names of the jobs/positions, write ONLY TWO (2) principal activities you
did or performed in EACH job/position. Use verbs in the past to begin each sentence. Remember
you SHOULDN’T begin with the pronoun “I” (for example, Silvia wrote “Worked as part of an
international team…” in item number 1 in the model above; she didn’t write “I worked…”).

f. Under the Activities and Interests section, write ONLY ONE (1) activity or interest. Also write the
YEAR when you did that activity and the name you can give it (for example, Silvia wrote
“Mountain Trekking in South America” in one of her activities and interests).

g. Finally, complete the last section with the words/phrases Languages / Computer Skills / Driving
(if applicable, necessary or relevant to a position in your professional field) / References.

If there is information about your education and professional experience for which you CAN’T
find the EXACT translation into English, ADAPT it so that you can practice writing your CV, even
if there are some changes in the information.
Nota: esta actividad formará parte del “portfolio” final de la asignatura. Lleve una copia de su
versión original para realizar la edición durante la clase del sábado 4 de octubre.

Mariana Alejandra Aguirre

Home Address: 1160 Av. Intendente Mestre, Córdoba.

Date of Birth: 12 April 1975.
Nationality: Argentinean
Telephone: 0351 – 155743551


1998 – 2003. Five year university degree in teaching of Plastic Art and Painting.
2013- Today. Studying for university degree in Art and Cultural Management.

Professional experience:

2004 – Today. Teacher of Art in IPEM N° 150 “Juan Larrea”.

2004 – 2007. Art Director for film in Malevo Film.
Activities and interest:

2009. Active member in Córdoba Ciudad Despierta

Languages: Spanish (mother tongue), English Basic.

Computer Skills: Microsoft Office Suite, Internet, and Corel Draw.

References: References available upon request.

Prof. Alfredo Brunori – Clase virtual # 4 B – Lic. en Arte y Gestión Cultural – 06/10/2014
Highlighting your Skills and Experience

Activities adapted from: Downes, C. & Day, J. (2008). Cambridge English for Job-Hunting. Cambridge, Cambridge
University Press.

Activity 1

Match the transferable skills (1-8) to the examples of professional behavior (a-h).
Activity 2
(La actividad 2 formará parte del “portfolio” final de la asignatura. Lleve una copia de su producción
original para hacer la edición en la clase presencial del viernes 10 de octubre).

Think about your professional activities and interests and complete the following 8 (eight) sentences
with YOUR strengths and weaknesses. DON’T COPY sentences from activity 1 above!!! Be creative!!!

 “Excellent at…”, “interested in…”, “good at…” and “better at…” should be followed by either a
NOUN or a VERB ENDING IN “-ING”. (Examples: “I am good at mathematics” / “I am interested in
collecting stamps”.)
 “Managed to…” and “able to…” should be followed by TO + INFINITIVE (Example: “I am able to
sing.”) (“I managed to” = “Pude [hacer tal cosa])”


I am excellent at coordinating working groups.

I am able to do many things at once.

I'm interested in digital art.

I recently I managed to make a stenography at a film production


I'm not very good at doing administrative tasks.

I could be better at organizational tasks.

I am reasonably good at facing new challenges.

I would like to be able to delegate more tasks

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