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Rating Council
Addendum A to NFRC 200-2001
Procedure for Determining Fenestration
Product Solar Heat Gain Coefficient and Visible
Transmittance at Normal Incidence

Copyright© NFRC

Published: October 18, 2003

Prepared by:

National Fenestration Rating Council, Incorporated

8484 Georgia Avenue, Suite 320
Silver Spring, MD 20910
Telephone: (301) 589-1776
Facsimile: (301) 589-3884
Web Site:
NFRC 200-2001 - Addendum A

Addendum A
This addendum extends NFRC 200-2001 to include SHGC ratings for Tubular Daylighting Devices. New
language is underlined, and deleted language is struck-through.

2.1.1 Fenestration Products and Effects Covered by NFRC 200 for SHGC

(d) Tubular Daylighting Devices

2.2 Fenestration Products and Effects Not Covered by NFRC 200 for SHGC

(f) Tubular Daylighting Devices

3.14 Tubular Daylighting Device: a device consisting of a specularly transmitting glazed entrance
aperture, a specularly reflective cylindrical light pipe, and a glazed exit aperture.

Page 1 NFRC 200-2001

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