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1. What made Ignatius remarkable?

his spiritual practices/ his spirituality. He was the founder for the society of Jesus.
Founding the Jesuits.

2. In what specific ways is Ignatius like us?

An ordinary person like us living an ordinary life. He wasn’t very close to God but later he had an
accident, he become closer to him.

3. Why is Ignatius revered as a good role model?

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Ignatius was born in 1491 in Spain.

At the age of 16 he was sent to work for the treasurer of the Kingdom of Castile.

When he was 30 years old, while serving as an officer in the Spanish army, he was struck by a
canon ball while in battle against the French.

At the age of 33 he was ordained a priest in Rome and the Pope put him to work teaching
So in 1522, he made a pilgrimage to the Benedictine abbey in Montserrat, Spain

1526, , his new ideas on prayer attracted suspi cion, and he was thrown in jail by the Inquisition. “He was
in pris on for seventeen days without being examined or knowing the reason for it,” he wrote.

hile he was busy writing the Constitutions, Ignatius was also putting the finishing touches on his classic
text, The Spiritual Ex ercises, his manual for a four-week period of meditation on the life of Jesus, first
published in 1548.

He died in Rome on 31st July 1556 of a fever.

At the age of 33 he was ordained a priest in Rome and the Pope put him to
work teaching scripture.
In this year he and some of his friends who were also priest decided to get together and
set up a kind of club which was known as ‘The Society of Jesus’. Today they are known
as ‘The Jesuits’. However, it was not officially admitted then
As early as 1526, when Ignatius was studying in the Spanish town of Alcalá, his new ideas on
prayer attracted suspicion, and he was thrown in jail by the Inquisition. “He was in prison for
seventeen days without being examined or knowing the reason for it,” he wrote.
Later In 1540, the Society of Jesus was officially approved by Pope Paul III and was formed.
While he was busy writing the Constitutions, Ignatius was also putting the finishing touches on
his classic text, The Spiritual Exercises, his manual for a four-week period of meditation on the
life of Jesus and it was first published in 1548.
And in in Rome on 31st July 1556 of a fever. He is remembered mostly today as the founder
of the Jesuits.
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