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Atega St., Cabadbaran City

Agusan del Norte


Graduate Tracking System with Digital Yearbook


The issue of tracking college graduates and creating digital yearbooks has

been a concern for many universities and colleges. With the increasing number of

graduates every year, it has become increasingly difficult to keep track of alumni and

their achievements, as well as creating a comprehensive and easily accessible

yearbook. The current system of tracking graduates relies heavily on manual

processes and outdated technology, resulting in a lack of accurate and up-to-date

information. Additionally, traditional yearbooks are often bulky and difficult to access,

which can make it difficult for alumni to reconnect with each other and their alma


A College Graduates Tracking System and Digital Yearbook aims to address

these issues by utilizing modern technology to automate the tracking of graduates

and creating a digital platform for the yearbook. The system will allow for easy

access and updating of graduate information, as well as providing a platform for

alumni to connect with each other and the university.

Atega St., Cabadbaran City
Agusan del Norte

This study aims to develop a College Graduates Tracking System and Digital

Yearbook that will address the current limitations of the traditional tracking system

and yearbook. It will provide a comprehensive and easily accessible platform for

tracking graduates and creating a digital yearbook. This will help to improve

communication between the university and its alumni, as well as making it easier for

alumni to stay connected with each other.

The proposed system will be developed with the latest technology and will be

user-friendly, making it easy for graduates, alumni, and university staff to access and

update information. The digital yearbook will be created in a way that will make it

easy to access and view, and will be interactive, allowing alumni to connect with

each other easily.


Purpose of the Study

The purpose of this study is to keep track of the employment records, training

attended, achievements, and milestones of the graduates right after their graduation.

The Graduate Tracking System with Digital Yearbook is one way that the school

administration and staff can easily access the status and whereabouts of their school

graduates right away in one location. It is identifying their employment records that is

the main focus of the study, in which all of the students are employed, unemployed
Atega St., Cabadbaran City
Agusan del Norte

or self-employed. Whether or not the courses are relevant to the job that graduates

are currently working on. The determination to know the reasons behind job

mismatch and their accomplishments in life that need recognition could be the

school's greatest pride, not just for the graduates but also for the institution.

Another purpose is also to have a hassle-free yearbook that is accessible

everywhere you go, as long as you have the internet and a gadget. Unlike the

traditional one, it helps you connect with certain people too that you want to be

connected with because it has a messaging icon that makes it easy for you to

contact them.

Description of the Study

Graduates' tracking system with Digital Yearbook (GTSDY) is a web-based

program that compiles all the graduates' information in one location. It is the digital

version of the yearbook and contains a picture of them, their course, year graduated,

email address, motto, and life successes. Perhaps it is more useful than the

yearbook for the reason that it is up-to-date and you can add, edit, or update

information about the graduates from time to time.

On the website phase, it displays the yearbook style, which has the students'

information. This is only a section where other students can be seen or viewed when

they research, but with the addition of achievements, employment records, meetings

and training attended, milestones (TG's and program specific) will depend on the

graduates' sensitivity to the eyes of the many if they make it public or private only.
Atega St., Cabadbaran City
Agusan del Norte

Admins and instructors can only access the private info of the system which the

graduates want to hide for safety purposes. The security and privacy of the graduate

students' whereabouts and information will be a top priority for GTSDY as it has a

log-in system where only the school's graduates have access to the website.


Conceptual Framework:

The study will be anchored on the following concepts: technology, education,

and information management. The use of technology in education has been widely

recognized as an effective tool in enhancing teaching and learning. Through the

development of a graduate tracking system with a digital yearbook, the study aims to

provide an efficient and accurate way of managing and tracking the progress of


In this study, the graduate tracking system will be designed to keep track of

the personal and professional information of graduates, such as their contact

information, educational background, and employment status. The digital yearbook,

on the other hand, will be a platform for graduates to share their achievements and

experiences after graduation.

The study will make use of the Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC)

method in the development of the graduate tracking system with digital yearbooks.
Atega St., Cabadbaran City
Agusan del Norte

This method will ensure that the system is thoroughly planned, designed, developed,

tested, and maintained.

Overall, the study aims to provide a valuable tool for educators, alumni, and

future employers to easily access and manage information about the graduates. It

also aims to provide an avenue for graduates to connect with each other and share

their experiences.


Atega St., Cabadbaran City
Agusan del Norte

Broadly, this research aims to develop an electronic yearbook-style Graduate

Tracking System to track graduates' achievements in their lives after graduation, as

well as to identify the higher and lower percentages of students who are able to work

in jobs that are aligned with the courses they took in college, and those who are only

working to meet their basic needs. Specifically, it tries to address the following


● Develop a database in Northern Mindanao Colleges, Inc. assembling the

graduate’s records.

● Creating a hassle-free yearbook containing the grads' employment,

accomplishments, and milestones that can be accessed anywhere, at any


● Determine the percentage of employed, unemployed or self-employed


● Determine which students' courses have higher and lower rates of favourable


● Determine which courses need to be improved in order to be more effective in

the future.


Atega St., Cabadbaran City
Agusan del Norte

The Scope of the Study

This study encompasses the input, throughput, and output processes of a

tracking system for Northern Mindanao Incorporated (NORMI) Batch 2022 College

Graduates. Due to the delay in distributing the Yearbook in NORMI, as well as the

lack of an easy-access database for Personal Information of College Graduates, this

study decided to forego the development of a database that would contain

information about the graduates in one frame, or in a precise way, in a system.

Limitation of the Study

The study's limitation is that only the institution's college graduates are

influenced. Unless the owner approves, vital information about school graduates is

not exposed to other graduates who may want to see the file. If the graduates wish

to display it in public with the other graduates of the school tracking system, they

must have their full consent and agreement. This essential guideline must be

followed by every school to ensure the safety and privacy of graduates' biodata on

school grounds.


The results of the study will greatly benefit the following:

Atega St., Cabadbaran City
Agusan del Norte

Graduates. It could be sufficient for graduates because it is a convenient

yearbook that can be accessed at any time and from any location, as well as a

tracking system that can be used to reconnect with alumni if contact has been lost. It

is incredibly helpful in an emergency. For example, if a disaster occurs and things go

wrong, they can simply go online and skim through the information if they truly

require it.

School Administrator. The administrator can easily connect to the system

and retrieve relevant information about the graduates from the database that only

they have access to. They may be able to see how many graduates they have and

how successful they have been in their lives. However, that is an excellent

sightseeing opportunity to take advantage of.

Institution. Graduate Tracking System with Digital Yearbook could assist the

institution in identifying courses that are more productive and not in need of

development, as well as in implementing innovative methods of learning and

teaching students that are efficient in order to carry out more productivity with a high

quality of education to school graduates who are capable of handling work in the real


Future Researchers. Future researchers are open to using this research to

broaden the scope of the Graduate Tracking System with Digital Yearbook by adding

other features and capabilities to track school graduates. This will give them the

impression that this research is feasible, useful, and hassle-free, because people
Atega St., Cabadbaran City
Agusan del Norte

nowadays are always on their gadgets, and this system can be easily accessed

simply by logging into it.



This chapter discusses the supporting details of ideas, finished theses,

generalizations or conclusions, and methodologies about the Graduate Tracking

System with Digital Yearbook. Through this, it helps strengthen the claim and

importance of the present study, which provides explanations and logical

connections between previous research and the present work.

According to the ILO Thesaurus (2005) defines a tracer study as an impact

assessment tool where the “impact on target groups is traced back to specific

elements of a project or programme so that effective and ineffective project

components may be identified.” In educational research the tracer study is

sometimes referred to as a graduate or alumni survey since its target group is former
Atega St., Cabadbaran City
Agusan del Norte

students. Schomburg(2003, p.36) notes that graduate surveys are popular for

“analysis of the relationship between higher education and work.” Moreover,

Millington (2001) states that “they provide quantitative structural data on employment

and career, the character of work and related competencies, and information on the

professional orientation, and experiences of their graduates.” Additionally, the data

gathered is a crucial sign of the calibre of higher education. The Commission on

Higher Education in the Philippines mandates that all HEIs conduct a tracer study,

and any organization that accredits higher education, like the Accrediting Agency of

Chartered Colleges and Universities in the Philippines (AACCUP), Inc., also lists this

as one of the required documents.

The information gathered can be used by the graduate's alma mater and other

education stakeholders for curriculum development and other emerging reforms by

conducting a survey on the cohort of graduates from a specific institution, profession,

discipline, level of education, and their employment characteristics.

Moreover, tracer studies according to Garcia (2003) as cited by Gines (2004)

pointed out that tracer studies is an important source of information to know what

happened to graduates of academic programs in Higher Education Institutions

(HEIs). Further findings of tracer studies can be used to define/redefine HEIs mission

and market niche and show how academic programs and course offerings can be

adjusted to reflect institutional goals. Findings can also be used by stakeholders in

deciding where to look for skills. Lastly, the evaluation shall provide a basis for
Atega St., Cabadbaran City
Agusan del Norte

further improving existing and or developing a new teacher education curriculum and

implementation process. As to INCHER-Kassel, Germany, asserts that tracer study

data provides "insights regarding study and professional careers that they can pass

on to the students" for the career service and study counselling.



Requirements Analysis

The Graduate Tracking System with Digital Yearbook is a thesis project that

aims to create a comprehensive platform for educational institutions to manage

graduate information and create digital yearbooks. It will include features such as

user management, graduate information management, digital yearbook creation,

alumni networking, reporting and analytics, data security, mobile optimization, and

user-friendly interface. It aims to improve communication and networking among

alumni and provide valuable data for administrators to use in decision making.

Stakeholder Identification
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Agusan del Norte

The stakeholders for a graduate tracking system with digital yearbook would include

the following:

The university administration: They would have an interest in the success of

the graduate tracking system as it would provide them with valuable data on the

progress and outcomes of their graduates.

Faculty members: They would have an interest in the system as it would

provide them with an easy way to keep track of the progress and accomplishments

of their students.

Current students: They would have an interest in the system as it would

provide them with a way to easily track their progress towards graduation and keep

track of their accomplishments.

Alumni: They would have an interest in the system as it would provide them

with a way to stay connected with the university and their fellow alumni, as well as

access to a digital version of their yearbook.

Future employers: They would have an interest in the system as it would

provide them with an easy way to verify the credentials and accomplishments of

potential job candidates.

Atega St., Cabadbaran City
Agusan del Norte

Other universities: They would have an interest in the system as it would

provide them with valuable data on the progress and outcomes of graduates from

their institution.

Developers: The team who will develop the software and maintain the system.

IT department: They would be responsible for providing support and

maintaining the system.

Requirements List

This illustrates the strengths and weaknesses of the current system under

examination and suggests potential solutions for the study.

● Strength

The Graduate Tracking System with Digital Yearbook aims to provide a user-

friendly interface for easy navigation and data entry. It allows for tracking and

storing student information, including academic progress and extracurricular

activities. The system also integrates a digital yearbook for easy access and

sharing of memories among students. Additionally, it includes the automatic

generation of transcripts and other academic records. This streamlines the

process for students, staff and faculty, allowing for easy access to important

student information and records.

Atega St., Cabadbaran City
Agusan del Norte

● Weaknesses

One of the weaknesses of the Graduate Tracking System with Digital

Yearbook is its limited integration with other systems such as scheduling and

financial aid. This can make it difficult for staff and faculty to access all the

information they need in one place. Additionally, there is the potential for data

breaches or unauthorized access to sensitive information, which could

compromise the privacy and security of students. Furthermore, the system

relies heavily on accurate and timely data entry by staff and faculty, which can

be challenging to maintain. This can lead to errors or omissions in student

records, which can have serious consequences.

● Alternate Measures

To ensure the security and integrity of the Graduate Tracking System with

Digital Yearbook, several alternate measures can be implemented. One

important measure is the implementation of additional security measures such

as multi-factor authentication. This would provide an extra layer of protection

for sensitive student information and prevent unauthorized access. Another

measure is to develop interfaces for integration with other systems such as

scheduling and financial aid. This would improve the overall user experience

and provide staff and faculty with a one-stop-shop for all student information.

Providing training and resources for staff and faculty to ensure accurate and

timely data entry is also crucial. This would help reduce errors and omissions

in student records and ensure that the system is up-to-date. Additionally,

Atega St., Cabadbaran City
Agusan del Norte

regularly reviewing and updating data security protocols to stay current with

industry standards is important to ensure that the system remains secure and

protects student information.

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