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Part1: Gaṇeśamātṛkā nyāsa (गणेशमातृ का न्यास)

This nyāsa is for realizing the various aspects of Lord Gaṇ eśa with
His śakti-s (powers), fused with the powers of the mātṛkā-s, in
order to obtain all our material and spiritual desires and progress in
the path of self-realization and attain liberation.

viniyogaḥ ((विनियोगः) -
श्री गणे श मातृ का न्यास मन्त्रस्य ।
दक्षिणामूर्ति ऋषिः ।
गायत्री छन्दः ।
श्रीमातृ का सु न्दरी दे वता ।
ममोपास्य श्री विद्याङ्गत्वे न षोढान्यासे विनियोगः ॥
Meaning:- To fulfill our wish of reciting the ṣoḍ hānyāsa, that is a
part (aṅga) of śrī vidyā, who’s preceptor (ṛṣiḥ) is Dakṣiṇ āmūrti. The
meter or chandas is Gāyatrī. The deity associated with this mantra
is Śrī mātṛkā sundarī (One who governs all the deities associated
with the Sanskrit letters that govern the guṇas or qualities such
as sattva  (gentle), rajas (passion) and tamas (violent).

ṛṣyādi nyāsaḥ (ऋष्यादि न्यासः) – IAST Devanāgari Procedure

Open the right palm and touch

dakṣiṇ āmūrtaye ṛṣaye दक्षिणामूर्तये ऋषये नमः the top of the forehead with
namaḥ śirasi शिरसि the ring and thumb fingers
joined at the top.

gāyatrī chandase गायत्री छन्दसे नमः Now touch the lips of the mouth
namaḥ mukhe मु खे with the above mudrā.
śrī mātṛkā sundaryai श्री मातृ का सु न्दर्यै Touch the heart with the right
devatāyai namaḥ hṛdi दे वतायै नमः हृदि palm.

mamopāsya śrī ममोपास्य श्री

vidyāṅ gatvena विद्याङ्गत्वे न षोढान्यासे Run both the palms all over the
ṣoḍ hānyāse viniyogāya विनियोगाय नमः body.333
namaḥ sarvāṅ ge सर्वाङ् गे

5 iti ṛṣyādi nyāsaḥ इति ऋष्यादि न्यासः  

kara nyāsaḥ (कर न्यासः) – IAST Devanāgari Procedure

am̐ kam̐ kham̐ gam̐ gham̐

अँ कँ खँ गँ घँ ङँ श्रीँ Use both the index
ṅ am̐ śrīm̐ hrīm̐ klīm̐ aim̐
1 ह्रीँ क्लीँ ऐ ँ सौः आँ ऐ ँ fingers and run them on
sauḥ ām̐ aim̐ aṅ guṣṭhābhyāṃ अङ्गु ष्ठाभ्यां नमः
both the thumbs.

im̐ cam̐ cham̐ jam̐ jham̐ ñam̐ इँ चँ छँ जँ झँ ञँ श्रीँ Use both the thumbs and
2 śrīm̐ hrīm̐ klīm̐ aim̐ sauḥ īm̐ ह्रीँ क्लीँ ऐ ँ सौः ईँ क्लीँ run them on both the
klīm̐ tarjanībhyāṃ namaḥ तर्जनीभ्यां नमः index fingers.

um̐ ṭam̐ ṭham̐ ḍ am̐ ḍ ham̐ ṇ am̐

उँ टँ ठँ डँ ढँ णँ श्रीँ ह्रीँ
śrīm̐ hrīm̐ klīm̐ aim̐ sauḥ ūm̐ Use both the thumbs on
3 क्लीँ ऐ ँ सौः ऊँ सौः
sauḥ madhyamābhyāṃ मध्यमाभ्यां नमः the middle fingers.

em̐ tam̐ tham̐ dam̐ dham̐

एँ तँ थँ दँ धँ नँ श्रीँ ह्रीँ
nam̐ śrīm̐ hrīm̐ klīm̐ aim̐ Use both the thumbs on
4 क्लीँ ऐ ँ सौः ऐ ँ सौः
sauḥ aim̐ sauḥ अनामिकाभ्यां नमः the ring fingers.
anāmikābhyāṃ namaḥ

5 om̐ pam̐ pham̐ bam̐ bham̐ ओ ँ पँ फँ बँ भँ मँ श्रीँ ह्रीँ Use both the thumbs on
mam̐ śrīm̐ hrīm̐ klīm̐ aim̐ क्लीँ ऐ ँ सौः औ ँ क्लीँ the little fingers.
कनिष्ठिकाभ्यां नमः
sauḥ aum̐ klīm̐
kaniṣṭhikābhyāṃ namaḥ

Open both the palms; run

am̐ yam̐ ram̐ lam̐ vam̐ śam̐
the opened palms of the
ṣam̐ sam̐ ham̐ ḻam̐ kṣam̐ śrīm̐ अँ यँ रँ लँ वँ शँ षँ सँ हँ
ळँ क्षँ श्रीँ ह्रीँ क्लीँ ऐ ँ right hand on the front
6 hrīm̐ klīm̐ aim̐ sauḥ aḥ aim̐
सौः अः ऐ ँ and back sides of the left
karatalakarapṛṣṭhābhyāṃ करतलकरपृ ष्ठाभ्यां नमः palm and repeat the same
for the other palm.

7 iti kara nyāsaḥ इति कर न्यासः  

ṣaḍaṅga nyāsaḥ (षडङ्ग न्यासः) - IAST Devanāgari Procedure

am̐ kam̐ kham̐ gam̐ gham̐ Open index, middle and

अँ कँ खँ गँ घँ ङँ श्रीँ
ṅ am̐ śrīm̐ hrīm̐ klīm̐ aim̐ ring fingers of the right
1 ह्रीँ क्लीँ ऐ ँ सौः आँ ऐ ँ
sauḥ ām̐ aim̐ hṛdayāya हृदयाय नमः hand and place them on
namaḥ the heart chakra.

Open middle and ring

im̐ cam̐ cham̐ jam̐ jham̐ ñam̐ इँ चँ छँ जँ झँ ञँ श्रीँ
fingers of the right hand
2 śrīm̐ hrīm̐ klīm̐ aim̐ sauḥ īm̐ ह्रीँ क्लीँ ऐ ँ सौः ईँ क्लीँ
शिरसे स्वाहा and touch the top of the
klīm̐ śirase svāhā

Open the right thumb and

um̐ ṭam̐ ṭham̐ ḍ am̐ ḍ ham̐ ṇ am̐ उँ टँ ठँ डँ ढँ णँ श्रीँ ह्रीँ touch the back of the
3 śrīm̐ hrīm̐ klīm̐ aim̐ sauḥ ūm̐ क्लीँ ऐ ँ सौः ऊँ सौः head. This is the point
sauḥ śikhāyai vaṣaṭ शिखायै वषट् where the tuft of hair, is

Cross both the hands and

em̐ tam̐ tham̐ dam̐ dham̐ एँ तँ थँ दँ धँ नँ श्रीँ ह्रीँ
run the fully opened palm
4 nam̐ śrīm̐ hrīm̐ klīm̐ aim̐ क्लीँ ऐ ँ सौः ऐ ँ सौः
from shoulders to finger
sauḥ aim̐ sauḥ kavacāya hum̐ कवचाय हुँ

5 om̐ pam̐ pham̐ bam̐ bham̐ ओ ँ पँ फँ बँ भँ मँ श्रीँ ह्रीँ Touch the eyes with the
right index and ring
mam̐ śrīm̐ hrīm̐ klīm̐ aim̐
क्लीँ ऐ ँ सौः औ ँ क्लीँ fingers, with the middle
sauḥ aum̐ klīm̐ netratrayāya
ने तर् त्रयाय वौषट् finger touching the ājña

am̐ yam̐ ram̐ lam̐ vam̐ śam̐ Open up the left palm and
अँ यँ रँ लँ वँ शँ षँ सँ हँ
ṣam̐ sam̐ ham̐ ḻam̐ kṣam̐ śrīm̐ strike it three times with
6 ळँ क्षँ श्रीँ ह्रीँ क्लीँ ऐ ँ
hrīm̐ klīm̐ aim̐ sauḥ aḥ aim̐ सौः अः ऐ ँ अस्त्राय फट् index and middle fingers
astrāya phaṭ of the right hand.

7 iti ṣaḍ aṅ ga nyāsaḥ इति षडङ्ग न्यासः  

Dhyānam (ध्यानम् )-

udyatsūrya sahasrābhāṃ pīnonnata-payodharām ।

rakta-mālāmbarālepa rakta-bhūṣaṇ a bhūṣitām ॥ 1 ॥

pāśāṅ kuśa dhanurvāṇ a-bhāsvatpāṇ i catuṣṭayām ।

raktatrinetra trayāṃ svarṇ a mukuṭodbhāsi candrikām ॥ 2 ॥

उद्यत्सूर्य सहस्राभां पीनोन्नतपयोधराम् ।
रक्तमालाम्बराले प रक्तभूषण भूषिताम् ॥ १ ॥
पाशाङ्कुश धनु र्वाण-भास्वत्पाणि चतु ष्टयाम् ।
रक्तत्रिने तर् त्रयां स्वर्ण मु कुटोद्भासि चन्द्रिकाम् ॥ २ ॥

nyāsamārambham (न्यासमारम्भम् ) –āgari-Procedure

1-gam̐ am̐ vighneśa hrīm̐bhyāṃ namaḥ (lalāṭe/forehead).-गँ अँ विघ्ने श

ह्रीँभ्यां नमः (ललाटे )-Join the thumb and the ring finger of the right
hand and touch the forehead.

Salutations to the Divine Lord, the Master of all obstacles -

Vighneśa accompanied by the power bestowing
Māyā bīja  (seed) hrīm̐. Salutations to the remover of all obstacles.
Accompanied by the bīja mantra am̐, He is verily the Lord of
Creation Lord Śiva with Śakti.

2-gam̐ ām̐ vighnarāja śrīm̐bhyāṃ namaḥ

(mukhavṛtte/mouth).-गँ आँ विघ्नराज श्रीँभ्यां नमः (मु खवृ त्ते)-Join the

thumb and the ring finger of the right hand and touch the mouth.

Salutations to the Divine Lord, who is the Lord of all obstacles –

Vighnarāja accompanied by the fertility and prosperity bestowing
Lakṣmī bīja śrīm̐. He is also the remover of all obstacles. He is in the
form of the Preserver Lord Viṣṇ u with Lakṣmī and accompanied by
the bīja mantra ām̐, is also the Creator, Destroyer, Annihilator and

3-gam̐ im̐ vināyaka puṣṭibhyāṃ namaḥ

(dakṣanetre/right eye).-गँ इँ विनायक पु ष्टिभ्यां नमः






(दक्षने तर् े )-Join
the thumb and the ring finger of the right hand and
touch the right eye.

Salutations to the Divine Lord, who is the remover of all obstacles –

Vināyaka accompanied by the wholeness representing Puṣṭi devi.
Accompanied by the bīja mantra im̐, they will help us overcome our
inner deficiencies such as jealousy, anger etc.

4-gam̐ īm̐ śivottama śāntibhyāṃ namaḥ

(vāmanetre/left eye).-गँ ईँ शिवोत्तम शान्तिभ्यां नमः (वामने तर् े )-Join the

thumb and the ring finger of the right hand and touch the left eye.

Salutations to the Divine Lord, who is pure bliss - Śivottama

accompanied by the bestower of peace Śānti devi. Accompanied by
the bīja mantra īm̐, they shall completely cleanse us of all karmas.

5-gam̐ um̐ vighnakṛt svastibhyāṃ namaḥ

(dakṣakarṇ e/right ear).-गँ उँ विघ्नकृत् स्वस्तिभ्यां नमः (दक्षकर्णे )-Join the

thumb and the ring finger of the right hand and touch the right ear.

Salutations to the Divine Lord, who is the permanent remover of all

impediments - Vighnakṛt accompanied by the permanency bestowing
Svasti devi. Accompanied by the bīja mantra um̐, they will fulfill all
worldly desires, grant us unstinted devotion, power and strength to
carry on.

6-gam̐ ūm̐ vighnahartā sarasvatībhyāṃ namaḥ (vāmakarṇ e/left ear).-

गँ ऊँ विघ्नहर्ता सरस्वतीभ्यां नमः (वामकर्णे)-

).-गँ ऋँ गण स्वाहाभ्यां नमः  (दक्षनासायाम्)-Join the thumb and the ring

finger of the right hand and touch the right nostril.

Salutations to the Divine Lord, who accepts the fire sacrifices of all
His devotees. He is the celestial Lord Gaṇ a accompanied by the
oblation deity Svāhā. Accompanied by the bīja mantra ṛm̐, they shall
inculcate good virtues and merge us in the void of the singular
reality, the everlasting Truth.
8-gam̐ ṝm̐ ekadanta sumedhābhyāṃ namaḥ (vāma-nāsāyām/left
nostril).-गँ ॠँ एकदन्त सु मेधाभ्यां नमः (वामनासायाम्)-Join the thumb and
the ring finger of the right hand and touch the left nostril.

Salutations to the Divine Lord, who is adorned with a single tusk and
is also the epitome of intelligence. The single task represents Him as
the singular reality. He is Ekadanta accompanied by the sensible and
intelligent Sumedhā devi. Accompanied by the bīja mantra ṝm̐, they
shall remove all distractions of the mind and merge us in the void of
the singular reality.

9-gam̐ ḷm̐ dvidanta kāntibhyāṃ namaḥ (dakṣa-gaṇ ḍ e/right cheek).-गँ

ऌँ द्विदन्त कान्तिभ्यां नमः (दक्षगण्डे )-Join the thumb and the ring finger
of the right hand and touch the right cheek.

Salutations to the Divine Lord who is adorned with two tusks

emanating incandescence. The two tasks represent the duality of the
Super-consciousness and the individual consciousness that is seen as
detached from the parent Super-consciousness, due to the cosmic
virtual reality or māyā. He is the two tusked Dvidanta accompanied
by the illuminating Kānti devi. Accompanied by the bīja mantra ḷm̐,
they shall culminate all triads and grant us spiritual bliss.

10-gam̐ ḹm̐ gajavaktra kāminībhyāṃ namaḥ (vāma-gaṇ ḍ e/left cheek).-

गँ ॡँ गजवक्त्र कामिनीभ्यां नमः (वामगण्डे )-Join the thumb and the ring
finger of the right hand and touch the left cheek.

Salutations to the Divine Lord, who has an elephant face

representing prosperity and is in an exhilarated state to accomplish
all His tasks. He is the elephant faced Gaja-vaktra accompanied by
the exhilarating Kāminī devi. Accompanied by the bīja mantra ḹm̐,
they ensure the process of the complete dissolution of the mind,
attainment of self-realization and liberation.
11-gam̐ em̐ nirañjana mohinībhyāṃ namaḥ (ūrdhvoṣṭhe/upper lip).-गँ एँ
निरञ्जन मोहिनीभ्यां नमः (ऊर्ध्वोष्ठे )-Join the thumb and the ring finger of
the right hand and touch the upper lip.

Salutations to the Divine Lord, who is free from any mundane

attachments and is purity personified. Salutations to the one who
enchants the entire Creation. He is the detached Nirañjana
accompanied by the mesmerizing Mohinī devi. Accompanied by the
bīja mantra em̐, they will reveal the secrets of the entire Creation.

12-gam̐ aim̐ kapardī-naṭībhyāṃ namaḥ (adhoroṣṭhe/lower lip).-गँ ऐ ँ

कपर्दीनटीभ्यां नमः (अधोरोष्ठे )-Join the thumb and the ring finger of the
right hand and touch the lower lip.

Salutations to the Divine Lord, who has matted hair and manifests
the entire Creation with His dance and act. He is Lord Naṭarāja. He
is the cowrie shaped knotted haired Kapardī accompanied by the
dancing Naṭī devi. Accompanied by the bīja mantra aim̐, they will
bestow the wealth of all knowledge, of the known and unknown.

13-gam̐ om̐ dīrgha-jihva-pārvatībhyāṃ namaḥ (ūrdhva-danta-

paṅ ktau/upper teeth).-गँ ओ ँ दीर्घजिह्वपार्वतीभ्यां नमः (ऊर्ध्वदन्तपङ्क्तौ)-Join
the thumb and the ring finger of the right hand and touch the upper

Salutations to the Divine Lord, who has a very long tongue. The
tongue signifies the rajasic (passion, activity, desire) nature. He
uses the tongue to swallow the innumerable thoughts and desires we
possess and frees us to attain self-realization and liberation.

He is the long tongued Dīrghajihva accompanied by the mighty

Pārvatī devi. He is verily Lord Śiva. Accompanied by the bīja
mantra om̐, they infuse purity and words of wisdom in us.

14-gam̐ aum̐ śaṅ ku-karṇ a jvālinībhyāṃ namaḥ (adho-danta-

paṅ ktau/lower teeth).-गँ औ ँ शङ्कुकर्ण ज्वालिनीभ्यां नमः (अधोदन्तपङ्क्तौ)-
Join the thumb and the ring finger of the right hand and touch the
lower teeth.

Salutations to the Divine Lord, who wears incandescent conch shells

as earrings. His long ears hear everything and His grace is upon all
His devotees.

He is the conch shell earring adorned Śaṅ ku-karṇ a, accompanied by

the illuminating Jvālinī devi. Accompanied by the bīja mantra aum̐,
they shall infuse the power to cure as well as, free us of all disease.

15-gam̐ am̐ vṛṣabha-dhvaja-nandābhyāṃ namaḥ (mūrdhini/crown of

the head).-गँ अँ वृ षभध्वजनन्दाभ्यां नमः (मूर्धिनि)-Join the thumb and the
ring finger of the right hand and touch the crown of the head.

Salutations to the Divine Lord, who is none other than Lord Śiva
Himself, who is accompanied by His loyal aide Nandī the bull. (The
reference is to the steadfast meditative posture of Nandi and His
devotion to Lord Śiva).

He is in the form of bull mark bearing Vṛṣabhadhvaja accompanied

by the delightful Nandā devi. Accompanied by the bīja mantra am̐,
they shall fulfill all our desires.

16-gam̐ aḥ sureśa-gaṇ aḥ nāyikābhyāṃ namaḥ (mukhe/tip of the

tongue).-गँ अः सु रेशगणः नायिकाभ्यां नमः (मु खे)-Join the thumb and the
ring finger of the right hand and touch the tip of the tongue.

Salutations to the Divine Lord, who is the leader of all the celestials
(deva-s) like Indra etc.

He is the lord of the celestials Sureśagaṇ a accompanied by the

leaderly Nāyikā devi. Accompanied by the bīja mantra aḥ, they shall
culminate our search for Truth and grant us spiritual ecstacy.

17-gam̐ kam̐ gajendra kāmarūpābhyāṃ namaḥ (dakṣa-bāhu-mūle/right

shoulder joint near armpit).-गँ कँ गजे न्द्र कामरूपाभ्यां नमः (दक्षबाहुमूले)-
Join the thumb and the ring finger of the left hand and touch the
right shoulder joint near armpit.

Salutations to the Divine Lord, who is the mightiest and compared

with the strength of a bull-elephant.

He is the elephant faced Gajendra accompanied by the extremely

large Kāmarūpā devi. Accompanied by the bīja mantra kam̐, they
reveal the secrets of Creation and the ability to overcome the
numerous triads.

18-gam̐ kham̐ śūrpa karṇ o umābhyāṃ namaḥ

(dakṣa-bāhu-kūrpare/right arm elbow).-गँ खँ शूर्प कर्णो उमाभ्यां नमः
(दक्षबाहुकू र्परे )-Join the thumb and the ring finger of the left hand and
touch the right elbow.

Salutations to the Divine Lord, who has elephant ears and is the son
of the Divine Mother Uma.

He is the elephant ear bearing Śūrpakarṇ a accompanied by the quiet

and tranquil Umā devi. Accompanied by the bīja mantra kham̐, they
keep us detached from the effects of the numerous triads.

19-gam̐ gam̐ trilocana tejavatībhyāṃ namaḥ (dakṣa-bāhu-

maṇ ibandhe/right arm wrist).-गँ गँ त्रिलोचन ते जवतीभ्यां नमः
(दक्षबाहुमणिबन्धे )-Join the thumb and the ring finger of the left hand
and touch the right arm wrist.

Salutations to the Divine Lord, who has three eyes (activated ājñā
cakra) radiating His divine glow.

He is the three-eyed Trilocana accompanied by the radiating

Tejavatī devi. Accompanied by the bīja mantra gam̐, they remove all
obstacles in our spiritual growth and indulge us in the discerning

20-gam̐ gham̐ lambordara satyābhyāṃ namaḥ (dakṣa-hastāṅ guli-

mūle/base of the right hand fingers).-गँ घँ लम्बोर्दर सत्याभ्यां नमः
(दक्षहस्ताङ्गु लिमूले)-Join the thumb and the ring finger of the left
hand and touch the base of the right hand fingers.

Salutations to the Divine Lord, who is large bellied (holds all the
multi-dimensional multi-verses) and is the personification of the
eternal Truth.

He is the large bellied Lambodara accompanied by the Truth

enforcing Satyā. Accompanied by the bīja mantra gham̐, they dispel
all inimical forces and cleanse our karma.

21-gam̐ ṅ am̐ mahānanda vighneśībhyāṃ namaḥ (dakṣa-

hastāṅ gulyagre/tip of the right hand fingers).-गँ ङँ महानन्द विघ्ने शीभ्यां
नमः (दक्षहस्ताङ्गु ल्यग्रे)-Join the thumb and the ring finger of the left
hand and touch the tips of the right hand fingers on the other side
of the nails.

Salutations to the Divine Lord, who grants the ultimate bliss and
liberation, by removing all the obstacles in the path.

He is the blissful Mahānanda accompanied by the obstacle removing

Vigneśī. Accompanied by the bīja mantra ṅam̐, they establish our
true identity with the supreme Self.

22-gam̐ cam̐ caturmūrti surūpiṇ ībhyāṃ namaḥ (vāma-bāhu-mūle/left

shoulder joint near armpit).-गँ चँ चतु र्मूर्ति सु रूपिणीभ्यां नमः (वामबाहुमूले)-
Join the thumb and the ring finger of the right hand and touch the
left shoulder joint near armpit.

Salutations to the Divine Lord, who has four faces like the Creator
Lord Brahma, representing the four vedas and all other quads.

He is the four faced Caturmūrti accompanied by the auspiciousness

bestowing Surūpiṇ ī. Accompanied by the bīja mantra cam̐, they
remove all evil thoughts, spread love and compassion.
23-gam̐ cham̐ sadāśiva kāmadābhyāṃ namaḥ (vāma-bāhu-kūrpare/left
arm elbow).-गँ छँ सदाशिव कामदाभ्यां नमः (वामबाहुकू र्परे )-Join the thumb
and the ring finger of the right hand and touch the left arm elbow.

Salutations to the Divine Lord, who is none other than Lord

Sadāśiva, who regenerates the universe and all it’s components.

He is the eternal Sadāśiva accompanied by the wish bestowing

Kāmadā. Accompanied by the bīja mantra cham̐, they uproot us from
the shadowy depths of evil thoughts, influences and indulgences.

24-gam̐ jam̐ āmoda mada-jihvābhyāṃ namaḥ (vāma-bāhu-

maṇ ibandhe/left arm wrist).-गँ जँ आमोद मदजिह्वाभ्यां नमः
(वामबाहुमणिबन्धे )-Join the thumb and the ring finger of the right hand
and touch the left arm wrist.

Salutations to the Divine Lord, who generates the sweet cerebral

nectar that brings great happiness and is controlled by the tongue
placed in the nasal bridge – khecarī mudra.

He is the pleasure bestowing Āmoda accompanied by the spiritually

intoxicated Madajihvā. Accompanied by the bīja mantra jam̐, they
grant us enough material wealth to help us sustain ourselves in the

25-gam̐ jham̐ durmukha bhūtibhyāṃ namaḥ (vāma-

hastāṅ guli-mūle/base of the left hand fingers).-गँ झँ दुर्मुख भूतिभ्यां नमः
(वामहस्ताङ्गु लिमूले)-Join the thumb and the ring finger of the right
hand and touch the base of the left hand fingers.

Salutations to the Divine Lord, who appears as an ugly faced and

ferocious being, to subdue the anger of Lord Śiva.

He is the terrific Durmukha accompanied by the prosperity and well-

being bestowing Bhūti devi. Accompanied by the bīja mantra jham̐,
they help us balance our material and spiritual pursuits.
26-gam̐ ñam̐ sumukha bhautikābhyāṃ namaḥ (vāma-
hastāṅ gulyagre/tip of the left hand fingers).-गँ ञँ सु मुख भौतिकाभ्यां नमः
(वामहस्ताङ्गु ल्यग्रे)-Join the thumb and the ring finger of the right
hand and touch the tip of the left hand fingers.

Salutations to the Divine Lord, who has a very pleasing appearance

that satisfies the needs of all His devotees.

He is the handsome Sumukha accompanied by the material elements

manifesting Bhautikā devi. Accompanied by the bīja mantra ñam̐,
they reveal our true identify, that we are not the body but pure

27-gam̐ ṭam̐ pramoda sitābhyāṃ namaḥ (dakṣoru-mūle/right hip).-गँ टँ

प्रमोद सिताभ्यां नमः (दक्षोरुमूले)-Join the thumb and the ring finger of
the left hand and touch the hip of the right leg.

Salutations to the Divine Lord, who brings great delight and coolness
to the mind.

He is the delightful Pramoda accompanied by the coolness generating

Sitā devi. Accompanied by the bīja mantra ṭam̐, they help us balance
the physical, astral and causal bodies.

28-gam̐ ṭham̐ ekapāda-ramābhyāṃ namaḥ (dakṣiṇ a-jānuni/right

knee).-गँ ठँ एकपादरमाभ्यां नमः (दक्षिणजानु नि)-Join the thumb and the ring
finger of the left hand and touch the right leg knees.

Salutations to the Divine Lord, who meditates on one foot to bestow

prosperity upon His devotees.

He is the one-foot meditating Ekapāda accompanied by the fortune

bestowing Ramā devi. Accompanied by the bīja mantra ṭham̐, they
destroy all afflictions to the three bodies, through knowledge and
29-gam̐ ḍ am̐ dvi-jihva-mahiṣībhyāṃ namaḥ (dakṣiṇ a-gulphe/right
ankle).-गँ डँ द्विजिह्वमहिषीभ्यां नमः (दक्षिणगु ल्फे)-Join the thumb and the
ring finger of the left hand and touch the right leg ankle.

Salutations to the Divine Lord, who wears an enormous serpent on

his torso like a sacred thread, signifying an active state of Kuṇ ḍ alini.

He is the serpent adorned Dvijihva accompanied by the powerful

Mahiṣī. Accompanied by the bīja mantra ḍam̐, they destroy all
negativity and provide complete control of all senses.

30-gam̐ ḍ ham̐ śūra-bhāñjinībhyāṃ namaḥ (dakṣiṇ a-

pādāṅ guli-mūle/right leg toe base).-गँ ढँ शूरभाञ्जिनीभ्यां नमः
(दक्षिणपादाङ्गु लिमूले)-Join the thumb and the ring finger of the left
hand and touch the base of the right leg toes.

Salutations to the Divine Lord, who instills fear even amongst the
greatest warriors troubling His devotees.

He is the warrior like Śūra accompanied by the fear instilling

Bhāñjini. Accompanied by the bīja mantra ḍham̐, they illumine us with
abundant wealth of spiritual knowledge and power.

31-gam̐ ṇ am̐ vīra-vikarṇ ābhyāṃ namaḥ (dakṣiṇ a-pādāṅ gulyagre/right

leg toes tips).-गँ णँ वीरविकर्णाभ्यां नमः (दक्षिणपादाङ्गु ल्यग्रे)-Join the
thumb and the ring finger of the left hand and touch the tips of the
right leg toes.

Salutations to the Divine Lord, who granted various powers to the

great Kaurava warrior of the Mahābhārata fame - Vikarṇ a.

He is the brave Vīra accompanied by the large eared Vikarṇ ā.

Accompanied by the bīja mantra ṇam̐, they grant us siddhi-s, the
magical and highly coveted spiritual powers.

32-gam̐ tam̐ ṣaṇ mukha bhṛkuṭībhyāṃ namaḥ (vāmoru-mūle/left hip).-

गँ तँ षण्मु ख भृ कुटीभ्यां नमः (वामोरुमूले)-Join the thumb and the ring finger
of the right hand and touch the hip of the left leg.
Salutations to the Divine Lord, who was able to defeat and surprise
His brother Ṣ aṇ mukha, in the race to gain the leadership of the

He is the six-faced Ṣ aṇ mukha accompanied by the angry faced

Bhṛkuṭī devi. Accompanied by the bīja mantra tam̐, they expel all
vices and inculcate compassion and unconditional love within us.

33-gam̐ tham̐ varada-lajjābhyāṃ namaḥ (vāma-jānuni/left knee).-गँ थँ

वरदलज्जाभ्यां नमः (वामजानु नी)-Join the thumb and the ring finger of
the right hand and touch the left leg knees.

Salutations to the Divine Lord, who does not hesitate to grant the
choicest wishes of His devotees.

He is the wish bestowing Varada accompanied by the shy Lajjā devi.

Accompanied by the bīja mantra tham̐, they bestow the power to
maintain composure under all circumstances.

34-gam̐ dam̐ vāmadeva dīrgha ghoṇ ābhyāṃ namaḥ (vāma-gulphe/left

ankle).-गँ दँ वामदे व दीर्घ घोणाभ्यां नमः (वामगु ल्फे)-Join the thumb and the
ring finger of the right hand and touch the left leg ankle.

Salutations to the Divine Lord, who is of short stature but has a long
elephant trunk.

He is the short statured Vāmadeva accompanied by the long nosed

Dīrgha ghoṇ ā devi. Accompanied by the bīja mantra dam̐, they grant
us contentment with what we have.

35-gam̐ dham̐ vakratuṇ ḍ a dhanur-dharābhyāṃ namaḥ (vāma-

pādāṅ guli-mūle/base of the left leg toes).-गँ धँ वक् रतु ण्डधनु र्धराभ्यां नमः
(वामपादाङ्गु लिमूले)-Join the thumb and the ring finger of the right
hand and touch the base of the left leg toes.

Salutations to the Divine Lord, who holds a bow and arrows and has a
crooked trunk. He is also the one who can bring about a change and
straighten the unrighteous and lead them on to a moralistic path.
He is the twisted tusked Vakratuṇ ḍ a accompanied by the bow
wielding Dhanurdharā. Accompanied by the bīja mantra dham̐, they
remove all impurities in all the three bodies.

36-gam̐ nam̐ dvirada-yāminībhyāṃ namaḥ (vāma-pādāṅ gulyagre/tips

of the left leg toes).- -Join the thumb and the ring finger of the
right hand and touch the tips of the left leg toes.

Salutations to the Divine Lord, who has removed one of His own two
tusks and has become single tusked. The singular tusk represents
His true nature as the singular reality.

He is the two-tusked Dvirada accompanied by the dark complexioned

Yāminī devi. Accompanied by the bīja mantra nam̐, they reveal our
true identity, that is, pure consciousness.

37-gam̐ pam̐ senānī rātribhyāṃ namaḥ (dakṣiṇ a-pārśve/right side of

the body).-गँ पँ से नानी रात्रिभ्यां नमः (दक्षिणपार्श्वे)-Join the thumb and the
ring finger of the left hand and touch the right side of the body.

Salutations to the Divine Lord, who is also called as Haridrā Gaṇ apati
– turmeric Gaṇ eśa, who is the commander of the celestial army. He
brings success in all competitions to the devotees.

He is Senānī, the commander of the celestials accompanied by the

dark complexioned Rātri devi. Accompanied by the bīja mantra pam̐,
they grant stability of mind and thought and provide all the
endurance to remain steadfast in our spiritual path.

38-gam̐ pham̐ kāmāndha-grāmaṇ ībhyāṃ namaḥ (vāma-pārśve/left side

of the body).-गँ फँ कामान्धग्रामणीभ्यां नमः (वामपार्श्वे )-Join the thumb and
the ring finger of the right hand and touch the left side of the

Salutations to the Divine Lord, who appears as a celestial Yakṣa

consummated by love. This form of Lord Gaṇ eśa is worshipped for
marital bliss and all material comforts.
He is the love intoxicated and compassionate Kāmāndha,
accompanied by the eminent and respected Grāmaṇ ī devi.
Accompanied by the bīja mantra pham̐, they grant us freedom from
all types of worries.

39-gam̐ bam̐ matta-rāśi prabhābhyāṃ namaḥ (pṛṣṭhe/lower back).-गँ बँ

मत्तराशि प्रभाभ्यां नमः (पृ ष्ठे )-Join the thumb and the ring finger of the
right hand and touch the lower back of the body.

Salutations to the Divine Lord, who radiates intoxicating joy and

happiness in immeasurable quantities.

He is the energized and result fetching zodiacal sign Mattarāśi,

accompanied by the radiating Prabhā devi. Accompanied by the bīja
mantra bam̐, they remove all bondage and help us remain in the state
of true bliss and obtain liberation from the cycle of life and death.

40-gam̐ bham̐ vimalaloma locanābhyāṃ namaḥ (nābhau/navel).-गँ भँ

विमललोम लोचनाभ्यां नमः (नाभौ)-Join the thumb and the ring finger of
the right hand and touch the navel.

Salutations to the Divine Lord, who has clear and bright bodily hair
and enticing eyes. His eyes captivate the devotees and induce love
and devotion.

He is the straight body haired Vimalaloma accompanied by the

beautiful eyed Locanā devi. Accompanied by the bīja mantra bham̐,
they usher in auspiciousness at all times.

41-gam̐ mam̐ matta-vāhanabhyāṃ cañcalābhyāṃ namaḥ

(udare/stomach).-गँ मँ मत्तवाहनभ्यां चञ्चलाभ्यां नमः (उदरे )-Join the thumb
and the ring finger of the right hand and touch the whole
belly/stomach area.

Salutations to the Divine Lord, who also has a joyous dancing peacock
as His vehicle (Mayūra Gaṇ eśa), bringing great joy and happiness to
His devotees.
He is the joyous riding Mattavāhana accompanied by the gracefully
moving Cañcalā devi. Accompanied by the bīja mantra mam̐, they
liberate us from māyā, the cosmic illusion.

42-gam̐ yam̐ tvam-ātmabhyāṃ jaṭī-dīptibhyāṃ namaḥ (hṛdi/heart).-गँ

यँ त्वमात्मभ्यां जटीदीप्तिभ्यां नमः (हृदि)-Join the thumb and the ring finger
of the right hand and touch the heart area.

Salutations to the Divine Lord, who is the Super-consciousness and

pure bliss that illumines all individual souls. His matted hair locks
represent the collective consciousness referred as super-

He is the individual consciousness – ātma and the Super-consciouness

Tvamātma, accompanied by the glowing matted locked Jaṭīdīpti devi.
Accompanied by the bīja mantra yam̐, they illumine the world with
true knowledge.

43-gam̐ ram̐ asṛgātmabhyāṃ muṇ ḍ ī-subhagābhyāṃ namaḥ

(dakṣāṃ se/space on the right shoulder between the right arm and
neck).-गँ रँ असृ गात्मभ्यां मु ण्डीसु भगाभ्यां नमः (दक्षांसे)-Join the thumb and
the ring finger of the left hand and touch the region on the right
shoulder between the armpit and the neck area.

Salutations to the Divine Lord, who bestows clean and abundant good
fortune to all His devotees.

He is the fully cleansed Muṇ ḍ ī accompanied by the good fortune and

auspiciousness bestowing Subhagā. Accompanied by the bīja
mantra ram̐, they make every word spoken and action performed by
us, to come true and help make the world a better place.

44-gam̐ lam̐ māṃ sātmabhyāṃ khaḍ gī durbhagābhyāṃ namaḥ

(kakudi/base of the neck).-गँ लँ मांसात्मभ्यां खड्गी दुर्भगाभ्यां नमः (ककुदि)-
Join the thumb and the ring finger of the right hand and touch the
base of the neck.
Salutations to the Divine Lord, who slashes out the misfortune of
His devotees and grants them prosperity, peace and happiness.

He is the ignorance slashing Khaḍ gī accompanied by the misfortune

representing Durbhagā. Accompanied by the bīja mantra lam̐, they
make us aware at all times that we are It  - the Super-

45-gam̐ vam̐ medotmabhyāṃ vareṇ ya śivābhyāṃ namaḥ

(vāmāṃ se/space on the right shoulder between the right arm and
neck).-गँ वँ मे दोत्मभ्यां वरे ण्य शिवाभ्यां नमः (वामांसे)-Join the thumb and the
ring finger of the right hand and touch the region on the left
shoulder between the armpit and the neck area.

Salutations to the Divine Lord, who is none other than the excellent
and most revered Lord Śivā Himself.

He is the excellent and extolled Vareṇ ya accompanied by the purity

personified Śivā. Accompanied by the bīja mantra vam̐, they make
every wish of ours come true and help us remain detached.

46-gam̐ śam̐ asthyātmabhyāṃ vṛṣaketana bhagābhyāṃ namaḥ

(hṛdayādi dakṣa-hastāntam/heart to the end of the right hand).-गँ शँ
अस्थ्यात्मभ्यां वृ षकेतन भगाभ्यां नमः (हृदयादि दक्षहस्तान्तम्)-Join the thumb
and the ring finger of the left hand and swipe the region from the
heart to the end of the right hand.

Salutations to the Divine Lord, who is none other than Lord Śivā
Himself, the bearer of the bull sign, the protector and bestower of
good fortune and prosperity.

He is the bull sign bearing and hard working Vṛṣaketana accompanied

by the welfare and prosperity bestowing Bhagā devi. Accompanied by
the bīja mantra śam̐, they provide all comforts and help us remain

47-gam̐ ṣam̐ majjātmabhyāṃ bhaktapriya bhaginībhyāṃ namaḥ

(hṛdayādi vāma-hastāntam/heart to the end of the left hand).-गँ षँ
मज्जात्मभ्यां भक्तप्रिय भगिनीभ्यां नमः (हृदयादि वामहस्तान्तम्)-Join the
thumb and the ring finger of the right hand and swipe the region
from the heart to the end of the left hand.

Salutations to the Divine Lord, who shares joy and happiness with
His devotees and ushers in auspiciousness with His presence.

He is the most beloved of the devotees – Bhaktapriya accompanied

by the sharing and caring Bhaginī devi. Accompanied by the bīja
mantra ṣam̐, they grant us humility and help us render selfless
service to the needy in the name of the Divine super-consciousness
and at the same time keep us detached.

48-gam̐ sam̐ śukrātmabhyāṃ gaṇ eśa bhoginībhyāṃ namaḥ (hṛdayādi

dakṣa-pādāntam/heart to the end of the right leg).-गँ सँ शु क्रात्मभ्यां
गणे श भोगिनीभ्यां नमः (हृदयादि दक्षपादान्तम्)-Join the thumb and the ring
finger of the left hand and swipe the region from the heart to the
end of the right leg.

Salutations to the Divine Lord, who bestows all types of pleasure and
happiness to His devotees.

He is the Lord of all beings - Gaṇ eśa and the pleasure bestowing
Bhoginī devi. Accompanied by the bīja mantra sam̐, they grant us
success in all undertakings and at the same time keep us detached.

49-gam̐ ham̐ praṇ ātmabhyāṃ meghanāda subhagābhyāṃ namaḥ

(hṛdayādi vāma-pādāntam/heart to the end of the left leg).-गँ हँ
प्रणात्मभ्यां मे घनाद सु भगाभ्यां नमः (हृदयादि वामपादान्तम्)-Join the thumb
and the ring finger of the right hand and swipe the region from the
heart to the end of the left leg.

Salutations to the Divine Lord, who ushers in bountiful rainfall and


He is the enormous, cloudy and water bearing Meghanāda and the

prosperity bestowing Subhagā devi. Accompanied by the bīja
mantra ham̐, they merge us into the Divine at all times and keep us
immersed in the state of liberation.

50-gam̐ ḻam̐ śaktyātmabhyāṃ vyāsī kālarātribhyāṃ namaḥ (hṛdayādi

udare/heart to the abdomen).-गँ ळँ शक्त्यात्मभ्यां व्यासी कालरात्रिभ्यां नमः
(हृदयादि उदरे )  -Join the thumb and the ring finger of the right hand
and swipe the region from the heart to the lower abdomen and up to
the navel.

Salutations to the Divine Lord, who is none other than the Divine
Mother Kālarātri, who severs all attachments and grants us the
supreme bliss attained at the highest meditative states of

He is the most powerful and thunderous Śaktyātma accompanied by

the ego severing Vyāsī Kālarātri devi. Accompanied by the bīja
mantra ḻam̐, they grant all spiritual powers and merge us into the
Divine at all times. In addition, keep us immersed in the state of

51-gam̐ kṣam̐ krodhātmabhyāṃ gaṇ eśvara kālikābhyāṃ namaḥ

(hṛdayādi mukhe/heart to the head).-गँ क्षँ क् रोधात्मभ्यां गणे श्वर
कालिकाभ्यां नमः (हृदयादि मु खे)-Join the thumb and the ring finger of
the right hand and swipe the region from the heart to the top of the

Salutations to the Divine Lord, who is none that the Divine Mother
Kāli, who brings about the spiritual transformation in us.

He is the Lord of all beings - Gaṇ eśvara accompanied by the spiritual

transformation bestowing Kalikā devi. Accompanied by the bīja
mantra kṣam̐, they grant divine grace and pardon, vanquish all karmas
to merge us completely into the Divine and keep us immersed in the
state of liberation.

52-iti gaṇ eśa mātṛkā ṣoḍ hānyāsaḥ .-इति गणे श मातृ का षोढा न्यासः- 

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