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POLITICON : Jurnal Ilmu Politik Vol.x No.

x ; Hal xx - xx
Website :
ISSN : 2685-6670 ( Online )

 Title Your Article Title: Indonesia (Cambria Font 14)

Title Your Article Title: English (Cambria Font 14 Italic)

First Author1, Second Author2, etc. (CAMBRIA 12; 1 space)

First author affiliation (Institution / University / etc.)
Institution / University Address / etc
Second author affiliation (Institution / University / etc.)
Institution / University Address / etc
 *corresponding author E-mail:

Received: date of year; Revised: date of year; Approved: month date year


Type the Indonesian abstract here, with the Cambria 12 font (1 space). The
contents of the abstract include the objectives, methods, results of studies /
research along with recommendations. The abstract is written in one
paragraph, without quotations, reference sources, and footnotes. The number
of word characters in the abstract should not exceed 300 words. For scripts
written in Indonesian, Indonesian abstracts are placed above the English
abstract. Contains 150 to 300 words.

Keywords: Keyword one, keyword two, etc. (written in Indonesian 3-7



Type abstract english here, with Cambria font 12 (1 space) italic. The contents
of the abstract include the objectives, methods, results of studies / research
along with recommendations. The abstract is written in one paragraph,
without quotations, reference sources, and footnotes. The number of word
characters in the abstract should not exceed 300 words. For manuscripts
written in Indonesian, Indonesian abstracts are placed above the English
abstract and vice versa. Contains 150 to 300 words.

Keywords: Keywords one, Keywords two, Keywords three, etc. (written in

English; number 3-7keywords)


The contents of the introduction are written in the Cambria 12 font
(1.5 spaces). The introduction contains what, who, why, how, when, and
where the study / research was carried out, as well as the purpose of the

POLITICON VOL.x No.x xxxxxx

Copyright (c) 2020 xxxxxx
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-
ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
POLITICON : Jurnal Ilmu Politik Vol.x No.x ; Hal xx - xx
Website :
ISSN : 2685-6670 ( Online )

research. The introduction does not use subtitles, contains concise and
concise explanations about the background of the research, literature studies
that are supportive and relevant. The contents of the literature review
include theories and scientific opinions that are relevant to the subject
matter. Literature review in the form of literature review and similar
research relevant to this research. The reference sources that are used as
references for citing manuscripts have the latest information (maximum of
the last ten years) and are sourced from the primary literature. The
preliminary content emphasizes the urgency, uniqueness, objectives, and
research problems that will be further studied by the writer / researcher.
The uniqueness that is meant is the difference or the uniqueness of the
research being carried out with other studies that have been done before.


The contents of the method are written with the Cambria 12 font (1.5
spaces). The method is a technique of collecting, processing and analyzing
data. The contents of the method include data sources, time of data collection,
population and sample, data presentation, and data analysis techniques. This
method determines the sharpness of the results of data analysis in the results
section and research discussion. The contents of this method are arranged in
paragraph form, no more than three paragraphs.


The contents of the Findings and Discussion are written in the
Cambria 12 font (1.5 spaces). Results are research findings that are
presented as they are without the author's opinion. Results are not raw data,
but data that has been processed and interpreted in the form of statistical
data, whether in the form of tables, graphs, charts, sketches, or photographs
combined with relevant theories. While the discussion is the author's
argument about the research findings and their relevance to previous
research. the discussion is the result of data analysis based on relevant
theory. The contents of the results and discussion must answer the research

POLITICON VOL.x No.x xxxxxx

Copyright (c) 2020 xxxxxx
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-
ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
POLITICON : Jurnal Ilmu Politik Vol.x No.x ; Hal xx - xx
Website :
ISSN : 2685-6670 ( Online )

problem and find the right analysis for the solution / have a positive impact
on the development of science and technology in society. Writing the title of
the table (Cambria 10) and the contents of the table (Cambria 10; 1 space).
Table titles are written on the table and arranged sequentially in a single text,
for example Table 1, Table 2, Table 3, etc. When quoting tables from other
readings / references, they must be listed. Discussion of research results is
directed at the realm of policy for all disciplines. Presented without subtitles,
the literature review is written with the Cambria 10 font and the contents of
the Cambria 10 font (1 space). the source.
Table 1. Table Titles must be Clearly Written and High-Resolution Display

  No. Information Information Information

x xxx xx xx
x xxx xx xx
Source: Reference (2017)
Image title (Cambria 10) and written below the picture. Other objects
that include images include graphics, charts, sketches, and photographs. The
titles of the images are arranged sequentially in one script, for example
Figure 1, Figure 2, Figure 3, etc. When citing images from other readings /
references, the source must be stated.

Figure 1. The image title must be clear and high resolution image (Cambria 10)

SECTION 1 (CAMBRIA 12 Capital Letter)

The contents of the Sub menu are written with the Cambria 12 font
(1.5 spaces).
SECTION 2 (CAMBRIA 12 Capital Letter)
The contents of the Sub menu are written with the Cambria 12 font
(1.5 spaces).

POLITICON VOL.x No.x xxxxxx

Copyright (c) 2020 xxxxxx
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-
ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
POLITICON : Jurnal Ilmu Politik Vol.x No.x ; Hal xx - xx
Website :
ISSN : 2685-6670 ( Online )

CONCLUSION (CAMBRIA 12 Capital Letter)

The contents of the conclusions are written in the Cambria 12 font
(1.5 spaces). Conclusions are the essence of the results and discussion of
research. The contents of the conclusions are not accompanied by theory /
citations. The conclusion emphasizes information on the impact of research,
benefits, answering research objectives without going beyond it, presented in
narrative form.


Reference writing is in accordance with the APA Style model. In the

contents of the writing, the author's name is written along with the year of
writing. In the Bibliography section, writing is ordered in alphabetical order
and it is recommended to use reference applications such as Mendeley,
Zotero, End Note, etc.
Reference 80% minimum and maximum in the last 10 years. Some
examples of reference forms in this journal are:


Abdullah, B. (1999). Khitab al-Amn fi al-Islam wa Thaqafat al-Tasamuh wa al-

Wi’am. Arab Saudi: Akadimiyah Nayif al‘Arabiyah li al-‘Ulum al-Amaniah.

Adam, F. K., Zulkarnain, S. I. N. M., & Ramli, M. A. (2018). Pandangan Shaykh

Abdullah Bin Bayyah Tentang Konsep Keamanan: Kajian Terhadap Buku
Khitab Al-Amni Fi Al-Islam. Jurnal Peradaban, 11, 86–114.

Al-fasi, A. (1963). Maqasid al-Syariah al-Islamiah Wa Makarimuha. Rabat.

Al-Isfahani, A.-R. (1992). Mufradat Alfaz Al Quran. Dar Al-Qalam (Damascus).

Al-Qaradawi, Y. (2009). Fiqh al-Jihad. Kairo: Maktabah Wahbah.

Al-Raisuni, A. (2018). Maqsad al-Salam fi al-Syariah al-Islam. Kaherah: Buruj


Arsyad,  Dea. (2019). Rivalitas Purnawirawan Jenderal Militer dalam

Pemilihan Presiden 2019. Politicon, 1(2), 158–175.

POLITICON VOL.x No.x xxxxxx

Copyright (c) 2020 xxxxxx
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-
ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
POLITICON : Jurnal Ilmu Politik Vol.x No.x ; Hal xx - xx
Website :
ISSN : 2685-6670 ( Online )

Ashur, I., & ’Asyur, M. T. (2018). Maqasid al-Syari’ah al-Islamiyyah. Beirut: Dar

Azhar, A., Hussain, M. A., Nor, M. Z. M., & Othman, M. K. (2017). Penyelidikan
Fatwa Dalam Kerangka Maqasid Al-Syariah: Satu Tinjauan. Ulum
Islamiyyah, 20, 47–65.

Azhar, A., Othman, M. K., Hussain, M. A., & Md Nor, M. Z. (2017). Penyelidikan
Fatwa Dalam Kerangka Maqasid Al-Syariah.

Bakar, O. (2017). Malaysia dari Perspektif Ketamadunan: Sebuah Inspirasi

dari Ibnu Khaldun. Jurnal Peradaban, 4, 1–18.

Hidayatulloh, M. K. (2018). Konsep Dan Metode Tafsir Tematik (Studi

Komparasi Antara Al-Kumi Dan Mushthofa Muslim). Al-Bayan: Jurnal
Studi Ilmu Al-Qur’an Dan Tafsir, 3(2).

Jumaah, A. (2018). Al-Ta’ayush Ma’a Al-Akhar Fi Dhau’ Al-Sirah Al-

Nabawiyyah Al-Usus wa Al-Maqasid. Kaherah: Buruj Books.

Leonard, L. (2015). Kajian peran konsistensi diri terhadap prestasi belajar

matematika. Formatif: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan MIPA, 3(2).

Maslan, A., & Shamsudin, R. (2016). Kejatuhan Pemerintahan Menurut

Pemikiran Ibn Khaldū n dalam Karyanya al-Muqaddimah. Jurnal Akidah
& Pemikiran Islam, 18, 89–114.

Masruri, U. N. (2016). Pelestarian Lingkungan dalam Perspektif Sunnah. At-

Taqaddum, 6(2), 411–428.

Muammar, K. (2009). Faktor kegemilangan tamadun Islam: pengajaran dari

masa lalu. Jurnal Hadhari, 1(2), 15–31.

Nasruddin, N. (2016). Sejarah Peradaban Islam: dari Muhammad SAW sampai

Turki Ustmani. Gunadarma Ilmu.

Rahim, R. A. A., Ramli, M. A., & Zulkepli, M. I. S. (2018). Gejala Takfirisme

Dalam Gerakan Ekstremisme Agama Semasa. Jurnal Peradaban, 11, 43–

Sugiyono. (2013). Metode Penelitian Pendidikan Pendekatan Kauntitatif,

kualitatif dan R&D. Bandung: Alfabeta.

POLITICON VOL.x No.x xxxxxx

Copyright (c) 2020 xxxxxx
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-
ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

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