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Exmª. Sra.
Yasmin Ferreira Silva
Rua José Luís Dias 2ºDireito - Mazedo
4950 283 Monção
Scientific Director
Helena Rodrigues
Pharmacist Specialist in Test ID: 622366 Consultant: Dr(a).Médico Assistente
Laboratory Medicine and Smaple ID: MO32028 Collectect at: Unidade Monção
Human Genetics
Ref. By:155517710 Particular

DOB.: 21/11/2001 Age: 20 A Sample collection date: 26/02/2022 11:31 Patient ID.: 1178033
Sex: Feminino Reporting Date: 26/02/2022

Analysis Result /Units Reference Range Historical result

Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2/Covid-19, Antigen
Sample Nasopharyngeal Swab
Result Negative
Comment Result compatible with no infection/absence of infection.
There is a possibility of obtaining a negative result if the
antigen concentration is below the sensitivity limit of the
test. Thus, it is suggested that the result be confirmed by
the method of Molecular Biology.
Test Performance: Sensitivity: 95.2%; Specificity: 99.1%

Aproved by
Drº Ricardo Luz
Esp. Análises Clínicas
Esp. Genética Humana

Laboratório Dra. Helena Rodrigues - CLAV Lda. | Av. Dr. Tito Fontes nº31, 4930-673 Valença | Tlf: 251249900 | Fax: 258523884
NIF. 504036980 | Laboratory integrated in International Control Quality Programs | Céd. Prof.13401/OF Lic. 2/2007
Reg. ERS 13627 | | Pág. 1/1

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