Vegan Cook Book Final

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Vegan Pot Cook-Book

(Healthy, Instant, Easy


Table of Contents
1. Introduction………………………………………………. 1
2. What is being a Vegan?....................................................... 2
3. Vegan is a choice……………………………………….… 3
4. What could not be a vegan?................................................. 4
5. Vegan includes what in it………………………….……… 6
6. Benefits of being a vegan…………………………………. 12
7. A healthy diet, A healthy lifestyle……………….…....…. 13
8. Growing Plants in the home garden…………….…….…...14
9. Vegan recipes requirements………………………….…… 15
i. Fresh ingredients.
ii. Protein is nutritious.
iii. Low fats or no fats.
iv. Oil and oil-free.
v. Preserving vegan food.
vi. Not-preserving food.
10. Pressure Cooker or pot daily care………………………16
11. Tips for Pressure Cooking……………………………. 16
12. Vegan recipes…………………………………………...17
i. Banana-Amaranth Porridge…………………………… .17
ii. Black Bean and Sweet Potato Hash…………………… .18
iii. Apple Pie Breakfast Farro……………………………….19
iv. Spiced Coconut Lentils…………………………………...20
v. Breakfast Tofu Scramble…………………………………21
vi. Coconut Almond Risotto…………………………………22
vii. Warm and Nutty Cinnamon Quinoa……………………...23
viii. Lentil Sweet Potato soup…………………………………24
ix. Canal House Lentils……………………………………… 25
x. Luscious Indian Cream of wheat………………………….26
xi. Vegan Spaghetti……………………………….27
xii. Vegetable Biryani………………………………28
xiii. Baby Jackfruit Curry…………………………….29
xiv. Mashed Potatoes with Pine Nuts…………………30
xv. Wild Rice Pilaf with spicy Cashew………………31
xvi. Bean Etouffee………………………………………32
xvii. Mexican Lentil Stew…………………………………34
xviii. Fava Bean Dip……………………………………......35
xix. Dal Tadka…………………………………………….36
xx. Red Lentil Curry………………………………………38
xxi. Vegan Cheese vegetable Quinoa……………………….40
13. Conclusion……………………………………………….42
You care for your life; you care for the lives that are around you, you crave for the
pets and animals that let you know their life is precious like human life is. You
think animals are best when they are kept in cages and beautiful to exhibit in a
safari park and zoo. You can’t eat meat, because in your whole life watching hunts
of animals by animals and humans make you realize that these animals’ meat or
any product-driven by animals is not good for your health and diet. Why because
you had learned in your zoology class that these animals are the carrier of several
diseases that can transfer to human beings and cause fatal diseases to them. That
is why you always hesitate to eat meat and taking dairy products.
On the other hand, you are by nature-friendly towards vegetables, fruit, and
plants. You crave for them in your diet plan because you have heard and read the
benefits of vegetables and plants a lot. Moreover, these beneficial reports of
vegetable diets in your food chart, let you live a stress-free and less vulnerable life
to the fatal diseases. You are diet conscious and struggle for the health of your
physic; you also love to maintain your body figure. Whereas you love to eat foods
of different varieties, while in case of diet plan, you willingly and knowingly miss
your one or two meals of every day. You know that you do not want to miss your
meals but you want to lose your weight too. So, here is the solution, do not miss
your any meal, but why do not you add some green vegetables, and a protein
nutritious couple of fruit and green tea or detox water to your diet. Greetings,
with little effort or less effort, you will be able to lose your weight and will be able
to maintain your figure too.
Oh, you have found another problem with the vegan diet, and that is surely less
variation in your diet chart as your diet chart only includes handsome of
vegetables, fruit, and herbaceous plants. No worries at all, first get out of this
delusion that you have no or less variation of the vegan diet, later in this book,
you will be given the full account of vegan diet chart, where you can find lots of
varieties in vegetables, fruit, pulses, and eatable plants. So, for your weight loss,
you do not need to eat only hand made uncooked salads that are purposefully
eaten raw, so to lose your weight. You can make a variety of cooked food and
dishes from several vegan diet charts. Do not think you are going to get an
increment in your weight because of cooked food. Weight loss is a long and
patient process in which good nutritious and very well work of exercise helps you
to lose weight.
You are a human being, you need nutrient-rich meal three times or four times a
day, if you keep skipping your meal and think that in that you are dodging yourself
from getting more weight then you are wrong and let me tell you as I mentioned
above, your life is efficient when you take nutrient-rich diet of vegan four times a
day, cooked and uncooked both. Aha! Gee, I have the good news for you; cooking
pulses and vegetables is not a life long process as meat takes time to get cook
properly. You can cook your vegan meal within half an hour or less than an hour.
So, to not uprise your curiosity, I would like to tell you that, in this book, you are
going to read a variety of full dishes of a vegan diet chart that can be made within
an hour or less than that hour. This book includes all those elements that will pull
you toward reading this book as it has the full account of nutrients rich vegan diet
and meals, also it has the descriptive information on the cooking of these dishes
of vegan class that are pressure cooker friendly. This book also addresses your
issues of diet, such as oil-free or with oil. This book will also let you know how it
feels and transforms you when you become a vegan. If you are reading this book,
then, believe me, you are spending your time for the good of your health and
your love of vegan dishes and meals. After reading this book, your passion for
vegan meals and diet will rise to the level that you will pat on your back and will
say to your self that leaving a non-vegan diet was never a bad choice. Why?
because you will become the virtual example of the vegan diet, and other people
will learn from your experience and will transit their diet into vegan.

What is being a vegan?

Vegans are not choosy, and they are not foody, it is also another false analogy or
assumption about them. You might have heard about vegans that they do not eat
processed food and meat. Also, they do not even take snacks as whenever they
feel void of energy or whenever they feel hunger out of the time of regular meals.
No, you are taking vegans diet, not seriously. They eat snacks whenever they feel
hunger pangs in their stomach, or when they are high in the influence of sweet
tooth, then snacks originally made of plants and dark chocolate will tame their
hunger in place of other sweet eatables that contains high portions of protein
derived from dairy products and chicken eggs.
Being a vegan means you are aware of the fact that to get the meat, you need to
kill an animal, and if you are a pet lover, you will hate the idea of killing animals
for their meat. Vegans are naturally in love with the idea that plants grow easily,
and any greater harm to these vegetables, dry fruit, and fruit and other eatable
plants by humans is unthinkable. Whereas the chances are high that animals and
other seafood especially zooplanktons, might get extinct somewhere on earth
because of their excessive use of meat. It is so common about animal life that
they are hunted a lot for meat, for branded products and by-products. While
plants do not die easily, except that of the harsh environment, they used to grow
quickly and in many numbers.
Life is a miracle that happens to everyone if you are a vegan, it means you are
taking your life seriously, and you care for the health of your life.

Vegan is a Choice
Let’s leave this choice up to you, but why do not you first hear a story of a meat
lover and a vegan. Once a man was living in a town nowhere, he loved to eat
meat burgers, hot dogs, pizza, lasagna, pasta, and each and everything made of
meat and dairy products. Also, a bakery was opened there 24/7 right beside the
house he used to live in. So, whenever he felt that he is craving because he had a
sweet tooth, no wonder at all, he then used to go to the bakery beside his home.
You can imagine now what happened next to Him. Three-four months later, he
felt that he had gained weight of 5kg that was getting increased day by day as he
kept continue eating meatballs and junk food. Six months later, upon the weight
machine, he got realize that his weight was now 10 kg more than the last reading.
Now he thought to cover his diet with more nutrients but fewer fats and junkie
food. But it was too late for him, just with the diet, he was not going to get any
loss in his weight. So, he decided to consult his physician cum dietitian. There
then he has been prescribed a diet chart in which no sugar, no dairy products, and
less meat in a portion of one by five had allowed him to take. That was a dire
situation for him; he had a sweet tooth, how could he be able to avoid sweet
eatables and bakery products. Moreover, if he continues his love for junk food
that almost contains meat and other animal products, then he was going to get
diseased by diabetes and heart muscular unrest and obesity. It was also obvious
that he would have been gone into the utmost despair and depressive situation
after living such fat and out weight life.
On the other hand, a vegan was used to live in the same lane where the meat
lover was living. He was aware of the health issues of his fellow neighbors
because of his unconscious and junk diet. So, he decided to not live such a life,
where laziness becomes a member of your home, and you live life like a burden
on the earth. He had also a career to pursue in which physical health and body
figure was essential to sustain the opportunistic career. He did then research on
both diet plans. He observed that the diet plan with vegetables was more
effective in losing weight and was healthier in contrast to any other diet plan.
Now place yourself in any of the above-mentioned examples and imagine how
would you have chosen your diet plan after knowing both diets plans benefits and
troubles of eating meat or just eating vegetables. Above mentioned examples are
not meant to dishearten the veggies and meat lovers. But the above-mentioned
examples are meant to make you a choice of healthier and nutritious rich diet
rather than having the junkie diet.
Veganism is a healthy choice; in the beginning, you might feel that you have no
variety in your meals except that of some seasonal vegetables and fruit. The cause
behind that confusion, in most cases, is dairy products and eggs. Many people
love baked and fried products that are highly protein consisting of eatables. For
instance, sweet cakes, baked cookies, pancakes of many varieties, sandwiches,
and many other eatables are made from eggs, cream, cheese, milk, yogurt, and
other animal derivative products. So, if you are this person, you are going to take
a lot of time to get to the whole veganism food chart.
You might, in that confusion, live your whole if you keep switching from non-
vegan to vegan. Whereas when you fully inclined to vegan, it becomes easy for
you to keep that flow in your vegan diet, and with times, you will also be able to
satisfy your sweet tooth and will be able to control the surge of baked items.
What could not be A Vegan?
Frankly speaking, vegan does not mean to make you a vegetable, that is soft and
weak in its shape and kinda non-breathing object. If non-veg blames you for
causing damage to plants and trees, then you have a backup of a lot more
information on this account that I little bit mentioned in the above-written
paragraphs. The more advantageous accounts of veganism, I will explain later in
this book. But continuing eating the mix of vegetables and meat junkie eatables,
then you are living your life in a dilemma of a balanced diet, but in reality, there is
no balanced diet as such that will provide you all the essential nutrients in one
For your best choice, if you are trying to cope with bad health issues and weight
loss, your doctor would have suggested you eradicate all those food items that, in
many cases, come from the meat group of foods and meals. Whereas he would
also have suggested you take more vegetables and fruit, pulses, and grains
unprocessed food that will make your immune system strong at all and let you
defeat the diseases whatever you are trying to cure from.
The importance is not of eating the food three or four times a day, important is to
have all the essential and vital nutrients in portions of every meal that keep your
health status steady and fast. Here it is again the question to your wisdom that
you will choose food either vegan or non-vegan but with taking into full account
the benefits and harms of both diet plans. You will realize on your own that both
diet plans are alternative to each other but in both diets, the weight of nutrients
with fewer harms comes to the credit of diet full of veggies and plants. Wait!!!
Wait!!! Yes, I can hear you yelling and conspiring from over there, but let me
make it clear to you with an admiration note and that is, Yes, meat and dairy
products have more weight in nutrients and energy than that of vegetables. But
with the benefits of eating meat comes quickly the side effects and unhealthy
problems too.
Did you ever hear about the vegan having obesity, heart disease, or unnecessary
fat storage in the belly and on the whole body? I assure you, you would not ever
come across to such a person that has faced severe health problems because of
vegan food.
Take a deep breath, lift your face, a little bit warm up your hands and take out
your laptop from your table drawer, and start opening up the pages on google of
harms of being a meat-eater or junkie. To your surprise, you will see the drastic
effects of meat and dairy products that will force you to change your mind from
nonvegan to vegan.
On serious notes, nations that are cautious about wildlife sustainability and
protection are enacting laws to forbid the illegitimate hunting and slaughter of
animals and birds.

Vegan includes what in it

Your right choice will earn you later and positively. Now I will plunge in right here
and will tell you that vegan includes what and whatnot. Suffix to the above
sentence, I will tell you what nutrients plants have in them to make your life
better and healthier than before it was.
Your body requires nutrients for the workforce and energy. Here below, I am
writing down one by one of the key nutrients or elements that your body requires
every day in your life.
Calcium: The vital and essential nutrients for the betterment and health of your
bones and muscles. It is necessary for some glandular functions of your body.
Moreover, calcium makes your bones and teeth strong. Non-vegans used to have
calcium through dairy milk and shakes. As you do not like to take animal products,
that is why you will fret on avoiding such a great deal of calcium. But for your
comfort, nature had put this nutrient in some vegetables and plants too. These
vegetables and plants have a good source of calcium in them. Point to be noted
that, good sources of vegetables are those that have the essential nutrient in
milligrams of 190-100 with a daily intake of the food which must be consumed by
you in value of 10%-19%.
Such as Collard Greens, Spinach, Cowpeas, Edamame, Green Soybeans, and
Turnip Greens.
Folate (Folic acid): It is also known as Vitamin AB or Folacin. It is an essential
nutrient specifically required by your body for proper cell growth and
reproduction. It is highly recommended in a sufficient amount to be taken by
conceiving mothers as it reduces the improper and immature birth of a baby and
helps the infant to get born with a healthy brain and spinal cord. A high source of
folic acid is measured in fruit and vegetables that have the amount of Folate 80 or
up to 80 micrograms. Such food items must be taken by you in a day with a
percentage of 20%. While on the other hand many fruit and vegetables contain a
good amount of Vitamin AB that is counted good if is it less than 80 micrograms
to 40 micrograms normally. If you are taking a good source of folic acid, you
should eat containing folic acid vegetables and fruit in a day at least 10-19%.
Folic Acid as I mentioned above is good for pregnant women than pregnant
women should take an extra amount of it in unusual days of pregnancy and they
should take complementary supplements to fulfill the daily demand of folic acid
of their body and unborn child. In case if your body and child demands of folic
acid are not getting accomplished by just taking vegetables and fruit then you
should go for supplements. Whereas some of the vegetables that contain the high
amount of Vitamin AB are given right here.
Fruit and vegetables such as Peas, Pigeon Peas, Pink Beans, Pinto Beans, Spinach,
Strawberries, Small White Beans, White Beans, Asparagus, Broccoli, Chickpeas,
Collard Greens, Endive, Lentils, and Lima Beans contain the high numbers of
Vitamin AB. Whereas a good source of Folic Acid vegetables and Fruit are
Artichoke, Beets, Blackberries, Brussels Sprouts, Cabbage, Pe-Tsai, Cantaloupe,
Cauliflower, Green Lettuce, Leaf Lettuce, Romaine, Okra, Papaya, Pepper, Le
Rouge Royale.
Fiber: essential for peristalsis and decrease the risk of coronary heart diseases.
Fiber is a type of carbohydrate that is highly found in plants and vegetables,
indigestible most of the part of it by the human stomach but keeps the body
healthy. Apple about which proverb says that AN APPLE A DAY, KEEPS DOCTOR
AWAY, also includes high numbers of fiber. Also, known as dietary fiber (bulk) has
many benefits such as relieving you from constipation and some types of cancer.
Fiber also helps you to maintain your body weight and do not let you shed your
necessary body weight.
High in fiber foods includes the five grams per 20% or more daily value of intake
of human need. You can fulfill your need in vegetables, legumes, and fruit such as
Apple, Blackberries, Lentils, Lima Beans, Pear, Pigeon Peas, Pink Beans, Pinto
Beans, Raspberries, Spinach, Small White Beans, Winged Beans. Whereas fruit
and vegetables that contain 2.5 grams or between it and 5 grams of fiber are
considered as a good source of fiber. These are Artichoke, Banana, Blueberries,
Broccoli, Brussels Sprouts, Chickpeas, Dates, Figs, Dried, Green Beans, Guavas,
Kiwifruit, Onions, Oranges, Split Peas, Plums, Dried, Sweet Potato, White Beans.
Protein: The essential macronutrient required by ruptured and damaged tissues
and cells to recover their selves. Do not deprive your body and yourself of the
benefits of protein. People say to eat meat because it is the biggest source of
protein. It is a reality but to some extent, the reality is that too vegetables and
fruit are there too, which can provide you a good source of protein required by
you and your body for the proper functioning of your internal organ functions.
Protein is essential because it is the building block that makes every organ and
part of your body for instance hair, nails, muscles, bones, cartilage, hormones,
skin and blood tissues. So, do not ever skip protein in your meals.
Also, get out of this dilemma that to maintain your body potential energy you
need to take protein’s extra amount than the body requirement. No, there is no
such thing as you have been believed. Your body naturally never stores protein as
it has no reservoirs in organs or the internal parts of the body like calcium is
stored in muscles and bones and glucose that is stored in your body too. So, take
only that amount that is essentially required by your body.
Most of the legumes and plants contain high as well as a good source of protein in
them. Such as you need to take a daily 46-56 grams protein per day with an
average daily value of 20%. Broccoli, Spinach, Asparagus, Artichokes, Potatoes,
Sweet Potatoes, Brussels sprouts, Guava, Cherimoyas, Mulberries, Blackberries,
Nectarines, and Bananas. Kidney, black, pinto beans and Chickpeas also are a rich
source of protein. Some plants of Soybeans such as Tofu, Tempeh, and Edamame
all are originated from soybeans have also the rich source of protein.
Seitan another rich source protein mostly consumed and recommended to vegans
who are transforming from non-vegan. It has a taste and shapes like meat, so it is
purely made of gluten derived from wheat that is why it is also known as wheat
meat. But those who are allergic to gluten should avoid taking seitan. Whereas
Gluten-free Quinoa and Amaranth and from eatable algae class spirulina are also
a good source of protein.
Yes, you have ever heard and read about the protein as advertised by most hair
products and nutritionists, that forcefully ask you to drink cow milk as it contains
rich source of protein and you’re not in cow milk thing that is why you decide to
search the sources that has sufficient protein and as much protein as cow milk
has. And as I told you earlier there is an alternative or replacement for everything.
That is how things and good news for you is, you can get the same protein that is
given in cow milk from taking Soy milk that is extracted from Soybeans.
Carbohydrates: what happened to you by listening to the name of carbohydrates.
Do not get afraid of carbohydrates, they are essential for our good health too. Do
not toss them aside as you believed that carbs increase your intake of high fatty
acids calories that cause weight gain. Above in the fiber section, I had mentioned
the benefits of fiber (one of the members of this macronutrient). Same it is for
carbohydrates. The processed meals of salt and carbohydrates are highly
prohibited to be taken by you as these junk foods of high calories of carbs are not
good for your wish of weight loss. But it, in any case, does not mean to not take
any type of carbs anyway. Crabs maintain and regulate your blood glucose level.
So not in any case stop taking them at all. Instead of it, take carbs in low amounts
with fewer calories in a natural way, not in the way of processed junk food.
Otherwise, your worst fear will come true of getting weight in a few days and
The plants and vegetables that provide you with a good number of carbs are
Quinoa, bananas, beetroots, oats, buckwheat, sweet potatoes, oranges,
blueberries, grapefruit, apples, kidney beans, and chickpeas.
Normally, A person should take 20% carbs that contain 2000 calories per day.
Iron: when you decided to switch to a vegan diet plan, you must have heard
about the not adequate plants and vegetables, deficient in iron. So, all those
peers must have applauded in front of you about the benefits of meat that
contains iron. Do not let them take advantage of your choice and prove to them
that your diet plan has a replacement of meat’s iron in the form of highly rich iron
vegetables and plants.
Iron brings and locks oxygen for your body and helps in the circulation of oxygen
with blood in the body. Its deficiency can cause anemia in which red blood cells
stop taking birth. So, medically speaking your body because of this not available
essential nutrient, is missing the fuel of the construction of new red blood cells.
This situation if continues your organs might start dying or failed to work because
of weariness and tiredness. It is also important for pregnant women as that stage
two souls need iron for their red blood cell formation. And if those two bodies fail
to make that, then the mother can die during operation or the child might get
born with some defects in its physical body stature or might born with abnormal
growth of its brain. Do not let these things pass your eyes unnoticed. If you are an
individual or a mother conceiving a child, you should not take these health issues
so lightly.
Well, a high intake of iron is not good for health too. So, do not take supplements
unless prescribed by your physician as your natural build iron stores in your body
might lacking iron. There is an interesting phenomenon about iron intake and that
is iron in plants is of different type unlikely in meat. It is called non-heme iron. So,
when you take iron, in any amount from vegetables and plants, your body
absorbs only the required amount of non-heme iron coming from plants to your
already stored iron in the body. As you are vegan and you are a rich source of
vitamin C in your diet of fruit and vegetables, that is effectively helping you to
absorb iron more efficiently. Thus, as a result, it is not harmful. Whereas the iron
that you take from red meat is known as heme iron. So, when you take it, your
body is storing the absorbed and non-absorbed part of it in your body. Thus, it is
accumulating in your body. It should not be that way as it would cause chronic
diseases such as cancer, and damage to internal tissues and body organs of the
heart, lungs, and liver.
Iron can be found in many rich green vegetables and fruit and plants such as dried
fruits, dark leafy greens, podded peas, asparagus, button mushrooms, acorn
squash, leeks, dried coconut, green beans, and raspberries. The daily value of it in
the amount of 18 milligrams is hugely appreciated by nutritionists and dietitians.
Magnesium: already our body can store the 25% magnesium in our body in which
55-60% is stored in the skeleton, the remaining percentage is present in our fluid,
tissues, and muscles. Magnesium and calcium work both within each presence
better that is why your doctor when suggests you take supplements or fortified
food containing calcium, also ask you to take magnesium with it too. Magnesium
is an efficient macronutrient that helps in metabolism and absorption of other
essential nutrients during the metabolism. It can carry out 300 enzymatic
reactions. So, when you take calcium alone without the presence of magnesium,
your body might not then be able to absorb it, in that situation accumulation of
calcium can cause kidney stones. Magnesium is highly required for strong bones.
Its deficiency can lead to high blood pressure, depression and anxiety.
Magnesium should be taken by you in per day value of 20% of the total 80 mg or
more sourced vegetables and fruit. Such sourced vegetables and fruit will be
ranked as highly magnesium-containing vegetables and fruit. The examples of it
are Almonds, Pinto beans, Brazil Nuts and Spinach. Whereas below 80 mg to 40
mg magnesium-containing vegetables and fruit are labeled as a good source of
magnesium. Take a good source of magnesium in vegetables and fruit up to 19%-
day value. The examples of it are, Butternut squash, Cashews, Chickpeas, Great
northern beans, Hazelnuts, Lentils, Beet greens -cooked, Black Beans, Okra,
Peanuts, Pine nuts, Red kidney beans, Soybeans, Walnuts, White beans, Artichoke
hearts, Lima beans, Navy beans.
Vitamin A: this and its type beta-carotene are helpful in-formation and
maintenance of vital organs, heart, lungs, and kidney. It has also the ability to
keep the vision of the human eyes as stable as it can be. For refreshing and
healthy skin, this nutrient is not less important than any other nutrient. It also
works as an anti-oxidant and provides the cleaning process of damaged cells of
the body. Its deficiency can lead to blindness in infants before they born.
Apricots, Carrots, Pumpkin, Sweet potatoes, Winter squash, Dark green, leafy
vegetables, Broccoli, Cantaloupe, Pink grapefruit are fruit and vegetables that
contain a rich source of vitamin A’s type beta-carotene. Other examples are
Cabbage, Pe-tsai, Cantaloupe, Carrot, Chili Pepper, Hot Collard Greens, Pepper-Le
Rouge Royale, Spinach, Sweet Potato, Tomato, Watermelon, and Mango.
The rich or high source and good source vitamin A containing vegetables and fruit
must have the international unit amount of Vitamin A in the range between 500-
1000. Daily intake of this unit must involve 19% to 20% consumption of day value
in your food.
Ascorbic Acid: also known as vitamin C contains many citrus fruit and vegetables.
It is beneficial for the protection of the immune system against diseases and
deficiencies. It also slowdowns the aging process of your skin thus as a result of its
intake, your skin becomes less wrinkle. It also brings new skin on wounds and cuts
and keeps your teeth and gums healthy. Prevent the eye and prenatal health
The vegetables and fruit that contains Ascorbic Acid are, Beans, Yellow Snap, Bell
Pepper, Blackberries, Broccoli, Brussels Sprouts, Cabbage, Green, Cabbage, Pe-
Tsai, Grapefruit, Guavas, Kiwifruit, Lemon, Lime, Melon, Honeydew Okra,
Cabbage, Red Cantaloupe, Carambola, Cauliflower, Cauliflower Green, Collard
Greens, Chili Pepper, Hot Gooseberries, Onion, Pineapple, Potato, Prickly Pears,
Pumelo, Radishes, Raspberries, Rutabagas, Orange, Papaya, Pepper- Le Rouge
Royale, Spinach, Squash, Summer, Strawberries, Sweet Potato, Tangerines,
Tomato, Watermelon, Artichoke, Asparagus, Banana, Blueberries, Carrot, Celery,
Cherries, Sweet Corn, Cucumber, Green Beans, Mango, Nectarines, Peaches, Pear,
Above mentioned all vegetables and fruit provide you rich source to normal good
source of nutrient Ascorbic Acid within the range of 6mg to up to 12mg. Daily
intake of it should be 20% per day value.
Sodium and Potassium: sodium is associated with high blood pressure whereas
potassium helps to overcome high blood pressure. Both functions adversely but
both are important for the human body. So, take both of them in a moderate
amount. Such as sodium is as good as a low amount of it you can take. While
there are fruit and vegetables that have no sodium nutrient in them at all. Do not
forget at all that sodium is good for cell functioning. While potassium intake as
much per day value of 20% for your body needs and demand. It will maintain your
blood pressure.
Low sodium-containing vegetables and plants are Artichoke, Bell pepper, Broccoli,
Carrot, Celery, Radish, and Sweet Potato. On the other hand, very low sodium-
containing vegetables and fruit are Cabbage, Pe-tsai, Cabbage, Red Cantaloupe
Cauliflower, Cauliflower, Green Chickpeas, Chili Peppers, Hot Collard Greens,
Endive, Figs, Dried, Grapes, Lentils, Lettuce, Iceberg, Lettuce-Leaf, Lima Beans,
Honeydew, Mushrooms, Okra, Onion, Green Papaya, Parsley, Peas-Split, Pigeon
Peas, Pineapple, Pink Beans, Pinto Beans, Prickly Pear, Raisins-Seedless, Rhubarb,
Rutabagas, Snap Beans, Yellow Spaghetti Squash, Tofu, Tomato, Small White
Beans, White Beans, Winged Beans.
Whereas Potassium containing vegetables and fruit are Dried Apricots, Banana,
Broccoli, Cherries, Sweet Chickpeas, Kiwifruit, Lentils, Lima Beans, small Peas, Split
Pigeon Peas, Pinto Beans, Potato, Sweet Potato, Tomato, White Beans, Winged
All mentioned above nutrients are of equal importance, take them as devised
above otherwise, you are willingly and criminally depriving your body of the
needs of nutrients that are greatly required by your body for proper functioning.

Benefits of Being A Vegan

There are hundreds of benefits of becoming a vegan. That I already have
mentioned in many places in the above paragraphs of this book. But to amaze you
more, in this portion of the book, I will list down some more interconnected
advantages and benefits of becoming a vegan and taking a vegan diet into serious
1. No doubt at all, the vegan diet helps to shed weight that is causing distress
and anxiety in your life.
2. Due to weight loss and a rich nutrient vegan diet, your vital organs and
body functions become more active and efficient as they were not before.
3. Your taste buds transform and you feel new and fantastic tastes in your
intakes of vegetables that meat taste does not bother you anymore.
4. Heart diseases and cardiovascular unrest reduces by the intake of the more
unprocessed natural diet of veganism that has less cholesterol in them and
also causes in the reduction of fats stored in your belly and other body
5. Kidney diseases are overcome and water usage by kidneys becomes more
obvious as you take vegetables and fruit that are naturally rich in water.
Thus, it eventually saves you from dehydration and constipation.
6. Your immune system becomes stronger and more resistant to several
microbial diseases.
7. Your body skin and skin tone becomes clearer and skin diseases such as
acne, uneven skin and dark circles are naturally wiped out from your skin as
you keep taking vegetables and fruit.
8. Your blood glucose level maintains steady by natural food products of
vegetables and plants.
9. Reducing diabetes and obesity.
10. Most of the chronic types of cancers can be treated medically but taking
the vegan diet reduces the factor of occurrence of these cancers to
11.The calcium deficiency can be dealt with taking rich source calcium
vegetables and fruit but rest assured osteoporosis is less likely to occur if
you keep your body’s need for calcium surmountable.

A healthy diet, A healthy lifestyle

Being a vegan means living a well-planned, highly organized, environment-
friendly and healthy mental and physical life. How being a vegan transforms your
life? You had learned it pretty much in this book. Being a vegan means you are
conscious of your health and you are determined to get extra and unnecessary
fats out from your body. You are obvious about the fact that diet that comes from
plants is highly nutritive and saves you from the junk that meat-eaters usually
love to eat. This is the healthy lifestyle that every one of us should think of and
should appreciate.
Well, you must be wondering about all the nutrients and vegetables, plants and
fruit that I mentioned above. You must have thought about your intake capacity
by thinking that How can you take every nutrient of them in one day? To me
sincerely I would suggest to not take each vegetable and fruit in a day rather I
would advise you to take little portions of each nutrient containing vegetables
and fruit in a day divided into five portions. In that way, your body needs will be
kept meeting the required nutrients which you are taking in your meals in the
form of five portions from every group of green plants, legumes, pulses,
vegetables, and fruit.
A healthy diet leads to a healthy lifestyle. It includes your sleeping and waking
times, your walking speed, your efficacy of metabolism and stress-free life. Let’s
take into consideration an example related to your food at dinner. If you are a
vegan and eat heavy meals containing high protein and iron meat, then the whole
night your body and metabolism activity will struggle to digest it. You might feel
unrest in your stomach while you were fast asleep. Next morning you will also
feel dizziness and laziness to get out of your bed. On the other hand, if you are a
vegan, you will take a meal in dinner that has vegetables and natural nutrients
that in their nature take less and quick time to get absorbed by the body and the
body does not struggle hard to break them in metabolism reaction. They are
easily breakable in your metabolic activity. While you wake up the next morning
and feel freshness around you and feel that, that your body is fresh and
enthusiastic to take a new start of your day.

Growing Plants in the home garden

You love to decorate your lawn with decorative breeds of plants and flowers,
but one small plot at side of your lawn, where sunlight is abundant for the plants.
This period of sunlight is essential for the growth of plants. You are aware of this.
But is not it amazing to have the best among all? Yes, it is best to produce own
vegetables and fruit in your garden. This is not expensive, it is saving your time
and money.
There are many plants and fruit that you can grow in your home garden or even
most of the vegetables can be grown in the rooftop of your house in metal
cylinders and wooden cans and pots. Mud flower pots also can grow vegetables
for your daily use. This is the healthiest way of growing your vegetables under the
close to eyes observation and also you can provide them with fertilizers of your
own choice and beneficial to your plants. In this way, you will be benefiting from
fresh fruit and vegetables.

Vegan recipes requirements

What is the difference between processed food and non-processed freshly
cooked food? The main difference is that in the former one situation you are not
eating fresh food and that food is processed and kept in storages for long. While
in a later situation, you are taking fresh food that directly comes from the earth
and is cooked in a limited time frame and its nutritional efficiency remains and
retains water content as highly cooked processed meals and food lost their most
nutritional values. In this section, I will mention the requirements of vegan recipes
that will save your nutritional values for your health benefits.
i. Fresh ingredients
To not letting waste the nutritional value, you are up to take in your
vegan food, you should add fresh ingredients and vegetables to your
diet. For effective health benefits, only buy vegetables and fruit that are
seasonal. Pulses and grains can be found in all seasons but look to them
that are free from any insecticides.
ii. Protein nutritious
I mentioned above about the people mythically used to say that plants
do not contain protein. In reality, plants do contain protein.
iii. Low Fats or No Fats
Plants do not contain fatty acids is also another myth that is why people
come to the plan of the vegan diet to overcome cholesterol with high
carbs. The fact is that, that plants contain fatty acids but in the form of
unsaturated fatty acids that are unlikely to animal’s founded saturated
fatty acids. So, plants contain fats but those that will not add up to your
cholesterol and will not lead your heart to chronic diseases. So here is
another benefit of the vegan diet, and that is they do not frail your
iv. Oil and oil-free
Plants and vegetables have their oil. Whereas most oils are derived from
animals’ by-products. That is why you avoid taking such oils. Though oils
have their essentiality too. you can take vegetable oil in your diets such
as olive oil, soybeans oil, avocado oil, almond oil, cocoa butter, coconut
oil, flaxseed oil, peanut butter, corn oil and many more. If you are highly
diet conscious and do not want to take oil or want to cook your food in
vegetable oil then you can go for salads that are oil-free and there are
recipes of vegan food diet, that can be made without oil.
v. Preserving vegan food
You had observed that meat and dairy food items could be preserved for
a long time. So, you might also want to preserve your vegan food. You
can preserve your cooked meal of vegan but not as long as meat can be.
Two days for vegan food preservation are good otherwise your food will
start rotting and will smell fouling.
vi. Not-preserving vegan food
As mentioned above do not preserve cooked vegan food for more than
two days. Whereas most of the vegetables do not stay fresh in a harsh
environment if they kept outside a lot. In which tomato and coriander
are above all, to not waste their nutritional value you should buy and
consume them at once. There are a lot more vegetables that do not
need to be preserved. Before buying them look to their condition
properly and consume them within a day.

Pressure Cooker or Pot Daily Care

Kitchen and the grocery in your kitchen and all the cutlery and cooking pots’
condition tells about the nature of the resident of that house who owns that
kitchen along with its belongings and the whole house. Clean and insect free
utensils and kitchen are the guarantees of a healthy lifestyle. Make sure to not let
any residue remain the pressure cooker or cooking pot after proper washing of it.
If there remains anything then that residue can affect the other food that you are
going to cook next. Aluminum made pressure cookers are old types of cookers
whereas new electric and stainless-steel pressure cookers are in the market.
These pressure cookers have many built-in features that control the steam and
heat of the cooking pot automatically. They are user-friendly and cook food such
as vegetables without water within half an hour.

Tips for Pressure cooking

1. Use a clean pressure cooker and cut vegetables equal in size.
2. Do not add too much water except the need to cook the vegetables as
while cooking vegetables release their water.
3. Do not cook too many vegetables above the capacity of the cooker. It is
because when after cooking you will open the lid you will see evenly
cooked meal settled down at the bottom of the cooker.
4. Add some vegetarian oil if you want to.
5. Seal the pot lid tightly to avoid the splash of water from the pressure
6. If you are using electric pressure cookers then in them the build-in feature
of steam releasing and food cooking time appears automatically.
Traditional pressure cookers are needed to check once or twice while the
food cooking process is going on.
7. Do not mistake running cold water into the pressure cooker after taking a
hot meal outside.
8. While uncovering the lid of the pressure cooker, stand outreach of the
steam, it can burn your skin.
9. Maintain the heat at first at high and then lower it after a while, in that way
pressure of the cooking pot will maintain. Whereas in electric pressure
10. Traditionally cooking pot takes time for cooking vegetables and in that
type, most of the nutritional value of the food gets lost as the steam takes
nutrients with itself in the air. So, pressure cooks them in that way, steam
remains closed and you save the nutritional value of your food.

Vegan recipes for all times

i. Banana- Amarnath Porridge

Banana is a natural sweetener and it adds sweetness to your food so do not add
any white or brown sugar. Amaranth is an old-traditional grain used as a cereal
and good to take in breakfast in hot cooked porridge form.

Peeled and sliced bananas 2
Amaranth 1 cup
Almond milk (unsweetened) 1 and a half cup
Dash of cinnamon
1. In a neatly washed dry pressure cooker, mix the amaranth, milk, and bananas.
2. Seal the lid of your pressure cooker tightly.
3. Cook on high pressure (347-410°F), select the “manual” button with adjusted
time for just 3 minutes.
4. When timer beeps, hit “cancel”, the pressure cooker pressure will come down
5. When all the pressure is settled down, pour the porridge in a fine dish and
serve with cinnamon.

You can serve this to four people at a time.

Time for cooking

The total time this recipe takes to cook is three minutes and ten minutes are for
natural release till the steam settles.

ii. Black Bean and sweet potato hash

The benefits of both black beans and sweet potato are mentioned in the above
portion. Both are of great nutritional value. Black beans are charged with high
protein whereas with chili powder sprinkle while cooking will add more to the
flavor of this dish.

Sweet Potatoes peeled and finely chopped 2 cups
Fine chopped onion 1 cup
Well-drained and cooked Black Beans 1 cup
Mashed Garlic clove One
Broth of Veggie One by three cup = 1/3
Finely chopped scallions One by four cup = 1/4
Hot Chili Powder 2 teaspoons

1. Ready the veggies.
2. Cook the finely chopped onion for at least 2-3 minutes and keep stirring in
the pot to avoid the burn to onions. The heat of low Fahrenheit i.e 275-
3. keep stirring while adding the garlic until it turns into fragrant.
4. Now put the sweet potatoes and chili powder and stir well.
5. Now take the veggie broth to add in the pot and stir again one last time.
6. lock the lid after that tightly.
7. On “manual” high pressure (347-410°F), cook it for three minutes.
8. Time beeps arrive, release the pressure of cooker actively on quick option.
9. After that open the lid to add the black beans and scallions.
10.Stir well until everything inside heat up.
11.Sprinkle with the tip of the finger, the salt, and more chili powder if

Four people can join the feast.

Time for cooking

Three-four minutes for initial cooking and then pressure cook for three minutes,
ten minutes cook time. The total time spent is 15-17 minutes.

iii. Apple Pie Breakfast Farro

Cannot take hot cereals in the morning, do not worry, apple pie breakfast farro
will give the energy to start your day in a fresh mood.

Dry Farro 8.8 ounces = 1 cup
Apple of your choice, chopped finely 18 ounces = 2 cups
Sucanat or brown sugar 1/4 cup or 38 grams
Ground Cinnamon for optional use as well 1/8 for teaspoon for
regular use
Pure Vanilla extract 1 teaspoon
Vegan milk plain or vanilla milk 1 cup warmed
Toasted nuts of your choice as much you like
Pure Maple syrup optional

1. Boil farro in the pot with water and uncovered lid till the first boil appears
for 10-12 minutes at a medium heat temperature of 320-349°F.
2. When the farro becomes consistent, bring it out and drained water well
from it.
3. Now put chopped Apples, Sucanat, and Cinnamon together in the pressure
cooker, select “manual” till the time of 5 minutes at high pressure with the
high heat of 347-410°F. The apples will become tender and stir them well
too in between the intervals of uncovering the lid.
4. After the steam release, take the apple tender paste out and add vanilla
and cooked grain at once and serve quickly.
5. Serves with optional cinnamon and roasted nuts with pure maple syrup as
an option.

Four to six people can join.

Initial cooking time 10-12 minutes and then 15 minutes of the second round of
cooking. The total time will be half an hour.

iv. Spiced Coconut lentils

Do not freak out because of spice in the recipe, the soup has mild taste flavored
with chili and paprika.

Red onion chopped 1/2
Red chili 1/2
 Ginger thumb size and peeled
 Garlic 1 clove
Red lentils 1 cup
Coconut milk 10 ounce
Vegan vegetable bouillon 1 scant teaspoon
Ground coriander 1 teaspoon
Paprika 1 teaspoon
Cumin 1 teaspoon
Pink Himalayan salt
Black pepper
Lime juiced one piece
The Coconut oil 1 heaped teaspoon

1. Heat the coconut oil by opting for the saute option. Add the red onion,
season, and cover for more than a few minutes. Low temperature (275-
2. Mince along with the chili, garlic, and ginger. Put in a pot, cook for a few
minutes again.
3. Now add red lentils to the pot at temperature medium such as 320-349°F
with the ground coriander, paprika, and cumin. Stir well and pour in the
coconut milk and water (3 cups).
4. Put a little tip of vegetable bouillon and add little less season with some
pink Himalayan salt and black pepper.
5. Boil until cover soaked in steam. Let the temperature the same and keep it
at a simmer for forty minutes, keep stirring in between.
6. Lentils must have softened and transformed into a thick, creamy soup.
7. Off the flame and add lime juice on it.
Coriander leaves for garnish.

Four to Six servings.

15 min for prep whereas one hour for cooking.

v. Breakfast Tofu scramble

Forget about eggs as you are vegan, make your tofu scramble like you made eggs

Vegetable oil 1 teaspoon
Sliced button mushrooms 1/2 cup
Chopped red paper 1
Chopped yellow onion 1/2 cup
Minced garlic 2 small cloves
Extra-firm silken tofu 349 grams blocks
Drained Black beans 2 cups
Regular spice mix 1 teaspoon of each spice

1. Put spice mix ingredients into a bowl and mix them well.
2. Add the olive oil to the heated saute pan. When hot, then add every
other thing in the ingredients, sauté and cook for about 8 minutes until
everything just starts to get brown. Keep the temperature low at 275-
3. Add the tofu blocks, break them nicely like egg scramble. Stir well in the
spice mix and add black beans. Keep the pot on high flame 239°F-244°F
for 5 - 8 minutes then take off.


Less than half-hour.

vi. Coconut Almond Risotto

Want to take something light but highly nutritive, go for this recipe. Quickly done
and quite tasteful.

 Vanilla almond milk 2 cups
Coconut milk 1 cup
Arborio rice 1 cup
Sugar 1/3 cup
Pure vanilla 1 teaspoon
Almonds and coconut flakes ¼ cup sliced

1. Pour the milk in the pressure cooker and hit the “sauté” button. Keep the
temperature medium that is 320-349°F.
2. Stir while boiling.
3. After that add the rice and stir once before locking the lid.
4. Cook for 5 min on high pressure with high by default set temperature that is
5. When time beeps then wait 10 minutes. Quick-release any leftover pressure.
6. Add into it the sugar and vanilla.
7. Divide up oats and garnish with almonds and coconut.


Five min initial cooking and then another 10 min.

vii. Warm and Nutty Cinnamon Quinoa

For creamy and sweet brunch, a bowl of warm and nutty quinoa satisfies your
sweet tooth.

Coconut milk 1 cup
Water 1 cup
Quinoa 1 cup
Fresh Blackberries 2 cups
Ground cinnamon 1/2 teaspoon
Pecans, chopped and toasted 1/3 teaspoon
Agave nectar 4 teaspoon

1. Altogether mix milk, water, and quinoa in a hot “saute”. Boil at high heat
(347-410°F). Bring heat to medium-low; put on the lid and let it simmer for
15 minutes.
2. Turn off heat; do not put off the lid for more than 5 minutes.
3. Add blackberries and cinnamon.
4. Garnish with pecans.
5. Spill agave nectar over each serving.


25 minutes.

viii. Lentil Sweet potato soup

Off time hunger pangs mean, your breakfast is digested and now your body
requires food. No worry at all. This rich nutrient soup will fill your brunch time

Olive oil 2 teaspoon
Yellow onion chopped 1/2
Celery stalk diced 1 large stalk
garlic cloves minced 4 cloves
ground cumin 1 teaspoon
paprika 1 teaspoon
salt as require
red pepper flakes 1/2 teaspoon
green lentils 1 cup
sweet potato peeled & cut 3/4 cup
low sodium vegetable broth 1/2 cups
spinach leaves 4 cups
can diced tomatoes 14 ounces can

1. Set the cooking pot to the Sauté setting. For 30 seconds heat the olive oil at a
low temperature of 275-302°F. Add the onion and celery, cook for about 4 min
and stir well. Add in the garlic, cumin, paprika, salt, and red pepper flakes.
2. Altogether put the lentil, sweet potato, vegetable broth, water, and diced
tomatoes, keep stirring. Let them cook at a high temperature of (347-410°F).
3. It will take about 15 minutes more after the lid tightly sealed.
4. When timer beeps, waited for another ten minutes and put off the lid carefully.
5. Add quick spinach, stir and serve.

3-4 persons

20 minutes along with two minutes of initial cooking.

ix. Canal House Lentils

Lentils are the protein-rich pulses. Take them as much as you wish to strengthen
your muscles.

Olive oil 2 teaspoon
Fresh white and pale green parts of leek only, well chopped 1 medium size
Thinly sliced garlic 2 cloves
Tomato paste 1 teaspoon
Green lentils 1 cup
Reduced-sodium soy sauce 2 teaspoon
Kosher salt/ground black pepper as per requirement
Thinly sliced scallions (optional)

1. Heat oil in a saute option of instant pot at medium range heat (320-349°F).
2. Add leek, garlic, and tomato paste altogether and cook, while less stirring,
about 4 minutes.
3. Now put lentils and 2½ cups water. Boil till the first bubble arises. Keep the
temperature of the pot high at (347-410°F).
4. Reduce heat, put on the lid of the pot, let it simmer, stir in between intervals.
5. Until lentils become soft within 30-35 minutes.
6. For 10 minutes let it off but in the pot then add soy sauce and season with salt
and pepper. Serve yourself.

4-6 people at a time

One hour.

x. Luscious Indian cream of wheat

The whole grain of Cream of Wheat 1/3 cup
Coconut Milk 2 cups
Rosewater 1 teaspoon
Pistachios  (chopped) ½ cup + 1 teaspoon
Cardamom (fine powder) ½ teaspoon
Maple syrup, brown sugar 3 teaspoon
Coconut oil 1 teaspoon

1. Give one boil to coconut milk in the hot saute of instant pot at a low heat of
2. Gradually add whole grain cream of wheat, rosewater, pistachios,
cardamom, and sugar. Cook it at a high temperature of the instant pot(347-
3. Stirring consecutively to well blend the mixture. Whisk the creamy mixture
without stopping to avoid the formation of lumps.
4. Low the heat then spills the coconut oil and let it simmer, put off the lid for
3 min.
5. Do not stop stirring till 3 min pass.
6. Take out in bowls and serve with garnished pistachios.

4-6 persons

7-10 minutes, initial 3 minutes for prep and other minutes for cooking.

xi. Vegan Spaghetti

Do not like semi veggie spaghetti, then make for yourself one that I mentioned

olive oil 1 tablespoon
Diced white onion 1/2
Minced garlic 3 cloves
Diced Courgetti, Zucchini 1 medium
Aubergine, eggplant, diced 1/2
Diced Red pepper 1
Tin of chopped tomatoes 400 grams
Balsamic vinegar 1 tablespoon
Dried gluten-free spaghetti 150 gram
Chopped basil 1 tablespoon
Salt and pepper (season)
Nutritional yeast flakes, (Optional)

1. In a frying option of the instant pot (saute) heat the olive oil. Put the
onions, garlic, courgette, aubergine, and peppers. Light brown the
ingredients at less temperature of 275-302°F.
2. Add the chopped tomatoes, water, vinegar, and spaghetti. Let them boil on
medium heat i.e. 320-349°F then simmer for 10 minutes.
3. Let it simmer while the pasta is cooked, meanwhile, the sauce has
4. Stir well the chopped basil and add salt and pepper.
5. Add the nutritional yeast, if using.

4-6 persons.

20 minutes along with initial time.

xii. Vegetable Biryani

Biryani the most favorite cuisine among sub-continent Asian countries. You will
like it and it is organic if you do not want to add any meat to this recipe.

Olive oil 3 tablespoon
Yellow onion 1
Garlic minced 1 teaspoon
Ginger minced 1 teaspoon
Roma tomato minced finely 1 teaspoon
Water 1/2 cup
Peas 1/2 cup
Coins thin slices of carrot 1 cup
Peeled and chopped Russet potatoes 2 cups
Sliced green bell pepper 1
Sliced thinly Stalks celery 2
Cauliflower florets 1 cup
Kosher salt 2 teaspoon
Cayenne pepper ¼ teaspoon
Black pepper ½ teaspoon
Garam masala 2 teaspoon
Coriander 1 teaspoon
Ground turmeric ½ teaspoon
Cumin 1 teaspoon
Cinnamon ½ teaspoon
Vegetable Broth 4 cups
Rinsed and drained Basmati rice 2 cups

1. Put Olive oil in a large pressure cooker on normal heat of 320-349
2. Add the onion and cook about 3-4 minutes.
3. Put in garlic, ginger, tomatoes, and 1/2 cup water.
4. Keep it on simmer, and cook until 10 minutes.
5. Put in the peas, carrot, potato, bell pepper, celery, and cauliflower and stir
6. Add in the salt, cayenne, black pepper, garam masala, turmeric, cumin, and
cinnamon. Do not stop stirring.
7. Boil the vegetable oil with smooth stirring.
8. Add in the basmati rice, turn the low heat(275-302°F) and cook (covered)
for 18-20 minutes.
9. Turn off the heat, put on the lid, for five minutes before opening and
6 persons

One hour.

xiii. Baby Jackfruit curry

Who does not like Indian food or cuisine, this curry from Indian recipes, will add
Indian colors and taste on your dinner table. Never restrain yourself from tasting
new food recipes.

Olive Oil 1 tablespoon
Cumin seeds ½ teaspoon
Mustard seeds ½ teaspoon
Nigella seeds ½ teaspoon
Bay leaves 3-4
Dried red chilies 2
Onion sliced 1 cup
Garlic chopped 5 cloves
Ginger chopped 1 small piece
Coriander powder 1 teaspoon
Turmeric ½ teaspoon
Black pepper ¼ teaspoon
Medium tomatoes pureed 1.5 cups
Green Jackfruit drained and finely chopped 20 oz
Salt as per requirement
Water 1-1/2 cups.
1. Add first oil in the instant pot and heat it. After getting hot, add cumin,
mustard and nigella seeds and let them get brown or little shiny.
2. After 1 minute, put in bay leaves and red chilies and cook less than a
minute. Add in the onion, garlic and ginger and a pinch of salt. Cook until 5
to 6 minutes. Keep stirring. Keep the temperature low at 275 to 302
3. Add coriander, turmeric, black pepper and mix well. Add pureed tomato,
salt and Jackfruit altogether. After mixing put on the lid and cook for 15
4. Let the tomato puree get thickened by uncovering and stirring.
5. Add water, cover and cook for 15 minutes. Keep the temperature as low as
mentioned above. Add natural seasonings. At low heat cook for another 10
minutes or longer. Garnish with cilantro and serve.

4 persons

45 minutes or a little more.

xiv. Mashed Potatoes with Pine Nuts

Half sweet, half salty, it makes your day tasty. You can add brown sugar to
enhance its sweet texture.

Potatoes 4 in medium size
Salt 1 teaspoon
Ground black pepper 1/2 teaspoon
Ground cinnamon 1 teaspoon
Vegan butter 4 grams
Coconut milk ¼ cup
Onion, chopped 1 cup
Olive oil 1 tablespoon
Pine nuts Roasted 1 cup

1. Boil potatoes till softened in saute function at low temperature.
2. Peel and mash them with the salt, pepper, cinnamon, vegan butter, and
coconut milk.
3. Cook onions in olive oil till browned, adding pine nuts toward the end so
they get toasted.
4. Spread the mashed potato on a platter and topped with the onion pine nut


45 minutes.

xv. Wild Rice Pilaf with cashew nuts

Serve in as the main course, separately or with bread. It will add colors and taste
to your lunch or dinner.

Uncooked long-grain rice 1cup
Onion chopped 1cup
Carrots cut in diced 1cup
Golden raisins 1cup
Vegan butter 1/4 cup
Vegetable broth 3cups
Onion salt 1 teaspoon
Frozen peas 2 cups
Cooked wild rice 1-1/2 cup
Salted cashews 1 cup
Thinly sliced green onions (optional) ¼ cup

1. In an instant pot, cook and let the long-grain rice on the flame of high
temperature that is 239 to 244 Fahrenheit.
2. Let onion, carrots, and raisins in vegan butter until onion is tender.
3. Add now in, the broth and onion, salt and take off when the first boil is
done in the saute function of the instant pot. Low the heat for 20 minutes.
4. Let it simmer and cover the pot. Add then peas, wild rice, and cashews,
keep flame on.
5. Garnish with green onions.

4 persons

35 minutes.

xvi. Bean Etouffee

Eat-in lunch or dinner, the hot cooked bean etouffee with liquid smoked. This
food warmth is well suited for the winter season.

Olive oil 1 tablespoon
Yellow onion cubes 1 cup
Bell pepper, finely cut into pieces 1
Mashed Garlic 3-4 cloves
Jalapeño diced 1 of small size
Vegetable broth 1 cup
Kidney beans (soaked whole night) 1 cup
Fire-roasted tomatoes, finely cut into pieces 1 tin of 14.5 oz
Liquid smoke 1 tablespoon
Bay leaves 3
Smoked paprika 1 teaspoon
Dried marjoram 2 Teaspoon
Dried oregano 1 teaspoon
Cayenne pepper ½ teaspoon
Salt and Pepper as per your choice
Side servings: White or brown rice
Cilantro leaves (garnish)

1. Once hot the cooking pot, add your olive oil. Heated after adding onions and
peppers. Cook for 4-6 minutes, less stir. Then add garlic and red chili pepper.
Cook for at least 30 seconds.
2. Turn the cooker off. Then add the following ingredients: broth, beans,
tomatoes, liquid smoke, and seasonings. Stir and mix well. Place the lid and
seal it tightly. Set the timer for 16 minutes. The machine will turn on
automatically. The temperature by default would be high with the utmost
pressure. This steam release takes around 11 minutes.
3. After timer beeps, add salt and pepper as needed. Make platters, spread on it
rice or quinoa on the bottom of each platter and place on top, the cooked
4. Garnish with cilantro. And serve as you like.


30 minutes,
xvii. Mexican Lentil Stew
For dinner, you want to make something, quick and easy, and that could be saved
for other times too. Here Mexican lentil stew will make your dinner table creamy
and saucy, have it with cornbread, you will never forget its taste.

Dry red lentils 2 cups
Olive oil 1 tablespoon
Medium onion 1
Stalks celery 3-4
Garlic 4 cloves
Roasted diced tomatoes 2 tins of 14.5 oz
Chili powder ½ teaspoon
Cumin 1 teaspoon
Turmeric ½ teaspoon
Vegetable broth 4 cups
Hot sauce 10-15 dashes
Medium lime 1
Bunch cilantro ½

1. Add the dry lentils to a hot pan. Also add water, place lid on after that then
drain off as much water as possible. Repeat this process until no water
remains. Now add approximately four cups of water, cover with a lid, and
let lentils cook until they start boiling. This boiling process functioned in the
saute mode of the pressure cooker. Once it gets a boil, put it off on the
heat and with a lid on, wait for about 20 minutes.
2. While the lentils are cooking, begin the rest of the stew. Put in the onion
and the garlic. Fry both in saute mode of an instant pot with olive oil over
moderate heat that would be 324 to 349 Fahrenheit, until soft and
3. The onions and garlic cook, wash and cut into cubes the celery. Add the
cubes of celery to the pot and continue to fry for a few minutes more, or
just until the celery begins to soften.
4. Add the cubes of tomatoes, chili powder, cumin, turmeric, and hot sauce to
the pot while keep stirring.
5. The lentils are done, drain water from it, then add the lentils to the pot
along with the vegetable broth. Again, stir and allow the soup to simmer for
about 15 minutes at medium to low heat. The lentils will soften quickly.
6. Sprinkle the chopped cilantro leaves, squeeze the lime into the broth and
stir to combine. Your stew is ready.


One hour.

xviii. Fava Bean Dip

You are craving for a midnight snack, your friends are at home and looking
forward to a movie night, do not worry at all, make for yourself vegan snacks and
feast with your staying at home friends. Remember you need to soak Fava Beans
one night before making them.

Water 3 cups
Soaked Split fava beans, 2 cups
Garlic cloves 2 small crushed
Veggie oil 2 tablespoon
Olive oil 1 tablespoon
Juiced lemon 1 zested and extracted
Tahini 2 teaspoons
Cumin 2 teaspoons
Harissa 1 teaspoon
Paprika 1 teaspoon
Salt. As per your choice

1. Soak the fava beans and drain the fava beans before starting to cook it.
Preheat your pressure cooker, add garlic when hot and cook until they
become golden.
2. Add beans, veggie oil, and 3 cups of water.
3. Close the lid tightly, cook on high pressure with default set temperature of
239-244 f for 12 minutes. When timer beeps, hit “cancel” and wait 10
minutes so that pressure settles down. Drain the cooking liquid, leaving less
than a cup. Stir in the tahini, cumin, harissa, and lemon zest.
4. Cook until smooth. Add salt and blend it.
5. Serve and garnish with olive oil and paprika.

4 normal servings

Almost thirty minutes.

xix. Dal Tadka

Another great recipe that is the special and famous tradition of Indian cuisine.
They love to make different kinds of Dal Tadka recipes and you will also love them
to have in hazy sunny days with fresh Naan and whole wheat bread.

Toor dal/split pigeon peas lentil 1 cup
Turmeric powder 1/2 teaspoon
Salt 1.5 teaspoon
Water 3.5 cups
Garlic cloves 4 large
Ginger 1 inch
Green chili 1
Olive Oil/Vegetable Oil 1.5 tablespoons
Cumin seeds 1 teaspoon
Coriander seeds 1 tablespoon
Chopped red onion 1 medium
Chopped tomatoes 2 medium
Coriander powder 1/2 teaspoon
Garam masala 1/4 teaspoon
Kashmiri red chili powder 1/4 teaspoon
Red chili powder 1/8 teaspoon
Chopped cilantro 2 tablespoons
Crushed, dried fenugreek leaves 1 teaspoon

For Tempering
Vegetable oil, 10 ml
2 large chopped garlic cloves
1/4 Gluten-Free Hing
2 dried red chilies
1/4 teaspoon Kashmiri red chili powder, optional

1. In the pressure cooker, put in toor dal along with turmeric, salt according to
the requirement along with 3 cups of water.
2. It is better to cook it on high pressure that includes a temperature of 239
Fahrenheit to 244 Fahrenheit. It will then take minutes less than 8. You can
also manually set the temperature to medium. That would be 229- 233
Fahrenheit temperature
3. Meanwhile crush 4 large garlic cloves, 1-inch ginger and green chili in a
mortar pestle and set it aside. Take garlic, ginger and green chili altogether
and put aside.
4. Separately heat the vegetable oil, after it becomes hot, put in cumin seeds,
crushed coriander seeds and cloves of garlic, onions. You can fry these
things together with an open lid in the instant pot function of Saute. Push
saute and let them fry within 30 seconds.
5. Add in the above mixture chopped tomatoes along with 1/2 teaspoon salt.
Cover and let tomatoes cook for 7-8 minutes. Now keep the temperature
low. As tomatoes cooked quick. Set the temperature at 272-324
6. Then put in the coriander powder, garam masala, Kashmiri red chili
powder, red chili powder, cilantro, and Kasuri methi. Let spices get mix with
each other for 30 seconds.
7. Now add the pressured cook Dal in the mixture and let it cook along with
another 1/2 cup of water. Otherwise, the Dal will become thick. Let it
simmer for 3-4 minutes.
8. This is for tempering or the tadka that later on when poured on Dal,
enhances its taste.
9. Heat 2 teaspoons vegetable or olive oil in the saute function of the instant
pot. It is for tempering, add 2 chopped garlic cloves. Also, add a hint of
dried red chilies.
10.After one min, garlic’s color will change. It’s time to add Kashmiri red chili
powder. Instantly put off the saute function. Keep the temperature at
medium heat of 320-349 Fahrenheit.
11.Tempering poured over the dal enhance the creamy texture of it.
12.Garnish Lentil tadka with more cilantro and serve with any side dish of
salad and Naan or paratha.

4-6 at a time
At least 25-30 minutes with the instant pressure cooker. Three minutes for

xx. Red Lentil Curry

With loaded spice, red lentil curry another main course from Indian cuisine can be
eaten with brown fried of boiled rice. Amazingly rich in taste and protein.

Coconut oil 2 Tablespoon
Minced Garlic 3 cloves
Minced ginger 1 teaspoon
Cubes cut Carrots 1/2 cup
Red curry paste 3 Tablespoon
Tomato paste 1 Tin of 6 ounce
Low-sodium vegetable broth 2 cups
Water as per need
Dry red lentils 2/3 cup
Coconut sugar 1-2 Tablespoon
Ground turmeric 1/2 tablespoon
Light coconut milk (optional) 1/3 cup

1. Put all ingredients together in the Instant Pot or pressure cooker. Click on
the start button as the pressure cooker will set on default settings of
temperature. On high the temperature with water lentils will become soft
2. Cook on high pressure for 15 minutes. Let the valve release pressure on its
own and let it settle for 10 more minutes.
3. Add and stir well in the coconut milk and vegan butter. Taste if needed then
adjust seasonings.
4. Love creaminess then adds more in coconut milk for additional creaminess.
5. Garnish with cilantro, pickled onions, brown rice, and pita or naan for
dipping (optional).

4-5 persons

Thirty minutes equally.

xxi. Vegan Cheese Vegetable Quinoa

A perfect, free dairy cheese, full of texture and nutritious in its whole formation,
take either in lunch or dinner. You will love it the way it enhances your taste.

For Vegan Cheese Sauce
Raw Cashew Nuts 1/2 cup
Nutritional Yeast 1 tablespoon
Salt 1/2 teaspoon
Crushed black pepper 1/2 teaspoon
Lemon juice 1 tablespoon
Unsweetened coconut milk 1/2 cup
For quinoa
Olive oil 1 tablespoon
Dried garlic 1 teaspoon
Dried basil 1 teaspoon
White onion (chopped) 1/2 cup
Green bell pepper (chopped) 1/2 cup
Broccoli florets 1 cup
White mushrooms (sliced) 1 cup
Carrots (chopped) 1/2 cup
Rinsed quinoa 2 cups
Vegetable broth 4 cups

1. Take out all the ingredients of cheese sauce in your blender and blend them
into a smooth paste.
2. Now, warm up your instant pot pressure frying or saute function
of your pot, add oil to get warm. Press the start button and let the
temperature rise to the default setting.
3. The oil sizzling sound is a sign to add garlic, onion and green bell pepper
and let them fry for 30 seconds.
4. The temperature settings remain at default, you may add broccoli florets,
mushrooms, and carrots and let them mix. Cook for a few seconds.
5. After a few seconds, add rinsed quinoa along with the vegetable broth. Let
them saute and cook for 2-3 minutes. Right after the first boil pour the
cheese sauce and mix again.
6. In instant pot, quickly cancel the saute function and turn on the function of
the white rice/rice option. Seal the valve properly and let it cook at the
default temperature.
7. Whence the timer of cooker beeps release the valve to let the pressure out
and settle it to normal.
8. Open the lid and mix quinoa. Taste the salt and pepper and serve.

4 persons

In preparation, spent Five minutes and the other 25 minutes are spent on
cooking. The total time is 30 minutes.

There are a lot more recipes for vegan food. You can try different cultural and
recent food recipes of vegan from any country of this world. Vegan has now
become a trend, people are transitioning their diet from non-vegan to semi and
then pure vegan. Dietitians and nutritionists are emphasizing the good and
healthy aspects of vegan food. The world is now looking forward to saving wildlife
at any cost. Plants and green globe are now transforming the diets and natural
environments of the whole world.
Your life is a gift, adored to you, so that you may live a life that is worth living and
worth spending for. Eat what you like, enjoy what makes you happy and stay
healthy. Without health, life has no charm.

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