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Course: English 10

Unit: 6 – Speaking.
Target learners: Students in grade 10.
The focus of the lesson: Teaching speaking the topic: Gender equality.
Time: 45 minutes
Aims: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to ...
1. Understand gender equality.
2. Practice talking about gender equality.
Teaching aids: Powerpoint slide, Textbook,..
Anticipated problems:
Time Activities Objectives Teacher's activities Learner's Teaching Notes
activities aids/
5’ Warm-up (song, games…) - Ss recognize - T shows two pictures of - Ss observe the Pictures    
  the men and women in the pictures and raise
differences of past and at present. T asks their hands for the
roles ideas. 
between men Ss to describe the
and women pictures  
in the past
and at
5’ Pre-speaking - Ss Learn - T tells Ss to watch - Ss watch the video - Video on
some a short video and and then take note youtube
vocabularie take note the the words/phrases
s related to word/phrases related to the topic
related to the topic - Ss take note the
the topic
“ Gender equality” new words into their
-  T plays the video -
and checks Ss’
- T makes a list of
new words about
the topic,
provides the
meaning and
pronunciation of
the words
- T checks
understanding of
new words by
using quizlet. T
shows the
pictures one by
one, and ask
students to
pronounce the

10’ While speaking - Ss Learn and - T provides useful - Express their  Textbook..  
- Activity 1 practice useful language for Ss to give own opinions
language to give their opinions:
opinions *Giving opinions
In my opinion, I
agree/disagree that ….
I think/believe that ….
I don’t think that ….
In my view,
agree/disagree that ….
- T gives Ss statements
about changing roles of
men and women, and
asks Ss to answer they
agree or disagree :

1. Men are better leaders

than women.
2. Women's natural roles
are care-givers and

3. Men are traditional

decision-makers and

4. Women are more hard-

working than men
although they are
physically weaker.

5. Women may become

trouble-makers because
they are too talkative.

6. Men are not as good

with children as women.

- T models an example and -Ss Learn and

ask Ss to practice using practice useful
useful language to give language to give
their opinions. opinions,

10’ Actitity 2  Ss Have chances -T divides Ss into 5

to practice groups and assigns
speaking and give each group one
their opinions  statement.  T asks Ss in
each group to give their
ideas about the
statement. T suggests
Ss give reasons and
examples if possible.
- T uses the Random
Name Picker to select
the group to present. T
gives each group only
90 seconds to present. 
- T gives feedback on
Ss’ presentation.

5’ Review & -Ss can write a T asks Ss to write their
Homework Assignment report on the topic own report (for about
that they have 150 words) about
learnt. changing roles of men
and women and post
them on padlet by 5pm
February 18th. 


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