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ĐỀ CHÍNH THỨC Thời gian làm bài: 120 phút (Không kể thời gian giao đề)
(Đề thi có 09 trang)
 Thí sinh không được sử dụng tài liệu.
 Thí sinh làm bài trực tiếp vào tờ đề thi.

Điểm bài thi Họ tên, chữ ký của giám khảo Số phách

Bằng số Bằng chữ (Do chủ tịch
- Giám khảo số 1: ___________________ Hội đồng chấm
thi ghi)
- Giám khảo số 2: ___________________

I. LISTENING (2,0 points)

Part 1: Listen to the following recordings and circle the correct answer for each of the
following questions.
1. What T-shirt does the boy decide to buy?

2. Who will be on the stage next?

3. What time will the pie be ready?


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4. Which photo does the girl dislike?


5. What should the student take on the school trip?


Part 2: Listen to the recording and complete the form below.

Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer.
Example: Clear Point Telephone Company

Customer Order Form

Order taken by: Ms. Jones

Name: Harold (6) ______________________

Address: (7) ______________________ Fulton Avenue, apartment 12

Type of service: (8) ______________________

Employer: Wrightsville Medical Group

Occupation: (9) ______________________

Work phone: (10) ______________________

Time at current job: (11) ______________________

Installation scheduled for: Day (12) ______________________

Time of the day (13) ______________________

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Part 3: Listen to the recording and decide whether the following statements are True (T) or
False (F) by putting a tick () in the right column.
Statements T F
14 Julie and Greg agree that the wildlife center building is well designed.
15 Julie found the building was too warm.
16 Greg was disappointed with the number of insects.
17 Greg only managed to see one tree frog.
18 Julie thought the sharks at the wildlife center were frightening.
19 Greg thought that the butterflies were amazing.
20 Julie is very keen to return to the wildlife center.


Part 1: Choose one best word or phrase to complete the sentence by circling its corresponding
letter A, B, C or D.
21. Whose is this plane ticket on the floor? - Oh, it ______ to me. Thank you.
A. is belonging B. belongs C. has belonged D. belonged
22. I can’t afford to buy this new car. I wish I ______ enough money now.
A. have B. will have C. would have D. had
23. ______ governments have been working very hard to prevent Covid-19 pandemic, the number
of infected cases keeps rising every day.
A. Even though B. Since C. Despite D. Because
24. It was so noisy outside that she couldn’t concentrate _______ her work.
A. in B. on C. with D. at
25. If you’ve got a headache, why don’t you try ______ an aspirin?
A. take B. takes C. taking D. took
26. Mary______ a really good impression of the president in order to make everybody laugh.
A. did B. made C. built D. caused
27. It is argued that governments’ role is crucial in reducing the environmental damage, while
others ______ an emphasis on individuals’ attempt.
A. take B. give C. put D. make
28. Hundreds of soldiers in Vietnam slept in the forests to make ______ for quarantined people in
Covid-19 pandemic.
A. room B. vacancy C. house D. tent
29. My family has recently taken a ______ against smartphones. The children play outdoor
activities instead.
A. position B. space C. stand D. stage
30. Peter was forced to ______ his pride and asked his boss if he could have his old job back.
A. vomit B. digest C. chew D. swallow
31. Having played many times in the final match, Vietnam ended a long wait to win their first-ever
______ in the Sea Games 30 men’s football.
A. medal B. title C. trophy D. award

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32. Viet Nam is exploiting four big sources of ______ energy including hydroelectricity, wind
power, solar power and biomass.
A. alternative B. non-renewable C. changeable D. adaptive
33. When the manager of our company retires, the deputy manager will ______that position.
A. stand for B. take over C. catch on D. hold on
34. It's high time Bill got a steady job and ______ because he's almost thirty.
A. settled in B. turned in C. turned down D. settled down
35. Three dollars may seem like ______, but if everyone contributed that much we'd have
A. an arm and a leg B. a piece of cake
C. a drop in the ocean D. a blessing in disguise

Part 2: Give the correct form of the words in the brackets to fill in the gaps. Write your
answers in the spaces provided.
A professional fashion show has never been my idea of a great night out, but my
sister is studying clothes design at college and her class put on an end-of-term fashion show
to which I was invited. I didn’t really want to go because I expected the whole thing to be a
(36) ______ (DISASTER) failure, so I rather (37) ______ (WILLING) agreed to go along.
However, the (38) ______ (INTRODUCE) to the show was very (39) ______ (IMPRESS)
indeed – with all the models performing handstands and cartwheels. All the physical activity
made it look a bit too (40) ______ (ATHLETE) for a fashion show to me – but it certainly
succeeded in getting the attention of the audience! I had expected all the models to be
female, but (41) ______ (SURPRISE) enough, there were quite a few males modelling the
clothes, too. They say there’s never anything totally new in fashion, but the show proved
this to be (42) ______ (TRUTH). Everything that the students had created looked new and
(43) ______ (ATTRACT). As I looked around the audience, I could see what I suspected
might be people looking for new talent. And what better place to look than a student fashion
show! To make the whole thing more (44) ______ (ENTERTAIN), the young designers had
asked their audience to be the judges of their success or failure, and award a first, second
and third prize for the designs. There were so many ( 45) ______ (STYLE) ones to choose
from that we had a hard time.

Your answers:
36. __________ 37. ___________ 38. ___________ 39. ___________ 40. ___________

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41. __________ 42. ___________ 43. ___________ 44. ___________ 45. ___________

Part 3: There are FIVE mistakes in the following passage. Underline the words that need
correction and write them in the space provided. The first one has been done as an example.
1 If the world is to stem the spread of COVID 19 and urgently stop farther
2 dangerous variants to occurring, effective vaccines must reach 75% of the world’s
3 population. Globally, more than 32 million doses of COVAX-supplied vaccines have
4 been delivering to 63 countries in just one month.
5 Essential to the success of the campaign is vaccine equity, meaning every country
6 and every person, includes those hardest to reach, should benefit. The COVAX Facility
7 was formed to ensure that COVID-19 vaccines are available worldwide to both higher-
8 income and lower-income countries.
9 While the arrival of vaccines through the COVAX Facility is welcome news, it
10 will still be some time before a large proportion of the adult population are vaccinated.
11 In the meantime, it is essential that people continue to follow government advice to
12 wear masks, washing hands regularly and practice social distancing to reduce the risk of

Your answers:
Line Mistakes Correction
1 farther further


Part 1: Read the passage and choose the correct answer for each blank by circling its
corresponding letter A, B, C or D.
Why is it that many teenagers have the energy to play computer games until late at night but
can’t find the energy to get out of bed (51) ______ for school? According to a new report, today’s
generation of children are in danger of getting so (52) ______ sleep that they are putting their mental
and physical health at (53) ______. Adults can easily survive on seven to eight hours’ sleep a night,
(54) ______ teenagers require nine or ten hours. According to medical experts, one in five youngsters
(55) ______ anything between two and five hours’ sleep a night less than their parents did at their
This (56) ______ serious questions about whether lack of sleep is affecting children’s ability to
concentrate at school. The connection between sleep deprivation and lapses in memory, impaired
reaction time and poor concentration is well (57) ______. Research has shown that losing as little as
half an hour’s sleep a night can have profound effects (58) ______ how children perform the next
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day. A good night’s sleep is also crucial for teenagers because it is while they are asleep (59)
______ they release a hormone that is essential for their “growth spurt” (the period during teenage
years when the body grows at a rapid rate). It’s true that they can, to some (60) ______, catch up on
sleep at weekends, but that won’t help them when they are dropping off to sleep in class on a Friday
51. A. behind time B. about time C. in time D. at time
52. A. few B. less C. much D. little
53. A. jeopardy B. threat C. risk D. danger
54. A. or B. because C. whereas D. so
55. A. puts B. gets C. brings D. makes
56. A. raises B. rises C. results D. comes
57. A. organized B. arranged C. established D. acquired
58. A. in B. on C. to D. at
59. A. at which B. which C. where D. that
60. A. rate B. extent C. level D. point
Part 2: Fill in each blank with ONE suitable word to complete the following passage. Write
the answer in the spaces provided.
Some people prefer the quiet life of the countryside. However, cities have many benefits (61)
______villages. Firstly, city life is very convenient. Children growing up in villages do not have as
much (62) ______ to education as children in cities. Villages may not have enough children to
create a school system that goes all the way through high school; these kids must go to cities to
(63)______their education. Cities have multiple forms of education such as colleges and
universities. More libraries and museums are available in cities. (64)______ is readily accessible in
cities in the form of movie theaters and amusement parks. Secondly, cities provide (65) ______
health care conditions. Villages may have a local doctors’ clinic, but cities often have multiple
hospitals and doctors specializing in even rare conditions. In cities, ambulances and fire trucks may
take only minutes to arrive at the scene. In villages, getting to a hospital in an emergency may take
precious time. Finally, it’s easier for people to have a good job and pursue their career.
Your answers:
61. 62.__________ 63. _________ 64. __________ 65._______________
Part 3. Read the following passage and choose the correct answer for each question by
circling its corresponding letter A, B, C or D.

For the beginner, buying organic can seem daunting. Not so long ago the very word was
associated with nut roasts and the kind of shop where every other ingredient was tofu, and where
asking for a Coca-Cola would elicit the same reaction as going into the supermarket and demanding
Mercifully, those days are gone. But the range of choice that has replaced that austere, vegan
mentality is equally confusing. Where do you begin?
‘Buy locally,’ say the chef and smallholder, Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall, whose series, TV
Dinners, proved he is willing to eat just about anything-as long as it is GM-free.
The proliferation of farmers’ markets means even hardened city dwellers can buy fresh
produce and be sure about its provenance. You can find your nearest market online at, while the Soil Association’s Organic Directory lists thousands of organic
shops. And where else could you learn about where your food has come from, chat with your
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friendly neighbourhood herb farmer and find yourself stuffed full of delicious samples of cheese,
beef and spicy cider while buying your groceries?
‘It’s a bit of a Catch-22,’ says Hugh Fearnley - Whittingstall. ‘The customers need a wide
range of produce and the farmers need enough customers to make it worth their while. The more
people make the commitment, the better and more frequent these markets will become.’
For the lazy, there’s an even easier option. The Organic Directory, which can be found online
at, lists a staggering number of box delivery schemes that distribute
seasonal produce from locations all over the country. They range from the basic to the amazingly
But a word of warning: seasonal food may be fresher, tastier and a huge relief for the
environment (peas don’t need to be air-freighted from Zimbabwe, for example), but you can’t give
Mother Nature a shopping list. With most schemes, you get what you’re given. It’s an inspiring
challenge for adventurous cooks, but several kilos of lovely, seasonal carrots won’t be much use if
your dinner party was depending on the ingredients for an apricot soufflé.
Even for those of us who are wedded to the supermarket, healthy organic food doesn’t have to
be just a good intention. Some supermarkets keep their organic products together in a dedicated
section, while others store organic versions of their products alongside non-organic stock.
You will also notice that much organic produce in supermarkets comes pre-packaged. This is
to avoid any confusion with non-organic produce and the packaging is recycled wherever possible.
Where produce is sold loose, proof of certifications must be available, by law, to consumers.

66. How would people have felt if you’d asked for Coca-Cola in an organic shop?
A. surprised B. shocked C. amused D. furious
67. It’s hard to eat organically now because______.
A. you need to be good at gardening.
B. most people know little about organic food.
C. there’s not much choice available.
D. there are so many decisions to make.
68. What does the writer say about farmer’s market?
A. They’re only available in country areas.
B. They’re very friendly places to do your shopping.
C. There is a good one on the World Wide Web.
D. There are far more of them than there used to be.
69. How does Hugh say that more customers at farmer’s market will improve the situation?
A. There will be more variety of produce.
B. Prices of goods will be lower.
C. There will be more markets.
D. The quality of the produce will be better.
70. What is the easier option which the article refers to?
A. Having organic food delivered B. Reading about organic farming
C. Only buying organic versions of basics foods D. Ordering organic food online
71. What does the writer say about supermarkets and organic food?
A. Supermarkets are increasingly stocking organic food.
B. It is not always easy to know which food is organic.
C. Different shops display their organic food in different ways.
D. Some supermarkets intend to go over to totally organic food.
72. Why does the writer say that organic food is usually pre-packaged?

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A. so it is better protected
B. so that it complies with the laws on organic food
C. so that the green logo can be given prominence
D. so it is kept separate from other produce

Part 4: Read the following passage and decide if the following statements are True (T) or
False (F). Put a tick (√) in the right column.
My family have always been huge fans of New Zealand - my mum comes from the capital -
so we saved up and went for a holiday there. We started with a week in the city she grew up in.
After that, we toured around for a while before ending up by chance in Kaikoura, a small town on
the coast. The first evening it seemed a rather dull place, but the next day I remembered what I'd
read about it - that it was often possible to see dolphins and whales there! I’ll always think of
Kaikoura as the place where I finally achieved my lifelong ambition - to swim with wild dolphins.
My family and I set off on a dolphin trip on a cold, grey day with a number of other people on
a small boat. However, the sky soon turned blue, and we raced across the waves in the sunshine
until we finally reached the place where we were supposed to go swimming. To my surprise, this
was more than 40 km from land. I was quite cold by this time, and really starting to wonder why my
family had made me come all the way out there, when suddenly someone shouted ‘Dolphins!’.
All I could see were fins everywhere - there were more than a hundred dolphins, all
swimming towards our boat! Many of them were jumping around in the water as if they were
asking us to come and play. I put on my snorkel and jumped into the sea. Everywhere I looked, all I
could see was dolphins, swimming under me and round me. Then I remembered the guide had told
us to make sounds in the water to attract them. So I did and actually heard them making similar
sounds, as if they were trying to answer me. I even made eye contact with one dolphin, and watched
it carefully as I swam round in a circle. Amazingly, the dolphin almost followed me, but then
changed its mind, although it kept eye contact with me all the time. It really made me realise how
intelligent and beautiful these creatures are.
Then after an hour of swimming the guides called us to get back onto the boat. Although I had
enjoyed myself, I was keen to leave the water by then as I was very cold. As I got dry I noticed that
everyone on board was smiling and I realised what a very special moment we’d had. I’ll never
forget that experience, and Kaikoura will always have a special place in my heart.
Statements T F
73 Paul has family connections with the place he first visited in New Zealand.
74 Paul and his family chose to go to Kaikoura as part of their tour.
As soon as Paul arrived in Kaikoura he knew he might see some dolphins
76 The weather got worse during Paul's boat trip.
77 Paul had expected to go swimming closer to land.
Paul was beginning to feel unhappy about the trip until someone saw the
79 Paul believed the dolphins were inviting him to join them in the water.
80 Paul felt that he had failed to communicate with the dolphins.

IV. WRITING (2 points)

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Part 1: Rewrite the following sentences so that they have the same meaning with the given
ones, beginning with the given words or phrases.
81. Our picnic was cancelled because it rained heavily last Sunday.
Had it_________________________________________________________________
82. They couldn’t deceive customers although they used attractive advertisement.
83. Newspapers report that hundreds of people became homeless in the earthquake last week.
Hundreds of people ______________________________________________________
84. "Why can't you go to work on time every day?" said Henry's boss.
Henry's boss criticized ___________________________________________________
85. I wasn’t a bit surprised to hear that John had changed his job.
It came________________________________________________________________
Part 2: Social media have played an important part in students’ daily life. In about 150 words,
write a paragraph about the ways to help students avoid being negatively influenced by social

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