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Our Lady of the Lake School

#51 Vinalon St. CupangMuntinlupa City

First Quarterly Test SCORE


Name:_________________________________ Subject Teacher:Mr. Hedrick G. Seda

Grade and Section:_______________________ Date:_________________________
I Multiple Choices
Directions: Read and analyze the questions and statements. Write the letter of the correct answer on the space
provided before each number.
_____1. This is a pair of cymbals made out of thick metal shaped like a tea cup.
a. ching chuck b. ramana c. ching chap d. taphon
_____2. This is a wind instrument from India which is thought to give goodluck.
a. Ken b. Angklung c. Serunai d. Dan Nhi
_____3. This is the Thai’s most important stringed instrument shaped like a crocodile.
a. Saw sam sai b. Jakhae c. Khaen d. Khen
_____4. Which of the following music of Singapore is brought by the influences of the Chinese, Malay, and Tamil?
a. Pornakan Folk b. Pernakan Folk c. Parnakan Folk d. Pop Rock
_____5. Which of the following music of Singapore is brought by urbanization and is based on Malay folk social dance
a. Pop Rock b. Ronggeng c. Joget d. Pernakan folk
II Directions: Name and classify the following instruments according to the Hornbostel-Sach System (aerophone,
chordophone, membranophone and idiophones) 2POINTS EACH.
Name of Hornbostel- Name of Hornbostel-
Instruments Sach System Instruments Sach System
6.) 7.) 8.) 9.)

10.) 11.) 12.) 13.)

14.) 15.)

Matching Type
Directions: Choose the word from column B that would best fit the description under Column A. Write only the letter.
Column A Column B
_____1. It is a mound-like or hemispherical structure. A. Shiva
_____2. This is the biggest Buddhist temple in Indonesia. B. Batik
_____3. It is predominantly found in Yogyakarta and Bali. C. Stupa
_____4. The creator and the South temple in Indonesia. D. Vishnu
_____5. The preserver, and the north temple of Indonesia. E. Brahma
_____6. The destroyer, and the central temple in Indonesia. F. Garuda
_____7. This is the most beautiful Hindu Temple in the world. G. Carving
_____8. This temple has the form of a terrace with a big stupa. H. Weaving
_____9. This temple is the masterpiece of Hindu culture of the 10 th century. I. Ceramics
_____10. This designs are used for the Surakarta and Yogyakarta Royal Families. J. Borobudur
_____11. A large mythical bird like creature that appear both Hindu and Buddhist
_____12. The art of Indonesia that has been handed down from generation to K. Prambanan
the next.
_____13. It is in the village of Sukarare where one can find the famous beautiful
and artistic crafts. L. Stone Carving
_____14. This are made from materials like cotton, silk with gold and silver yard as
fibers of local plants and trees.
_____15. This item range from everyday common vessel and plates to fine pieces
that became heirlooms passed down from generation to generation.
Directions: Arrange the following directions in the following activity in their correct pattern/arrangementby writing
the letters from A to E. Write your answer on the space provided.
______ Partners hold the feet.
______ Return slowly to the starting position.
______ A complete curl-up is to take three seconds that is, 20 repetitions per minute.
______ Lie on the mat with knees bent, feet flat on the floor, the hands resting on the thighs.
______ Curl-up slowly using the abdominal muscles and slide the hands up the thighs until the finger tips touch the knee

______ Switch your hands to perform the test on the opposite shoulder.
______ Slide your right hand down and your left hand up to try to touch the fingers of both hands.
______ Reach behind you with your left hand so the back of your hand rests on the middle of your back.
______ Measure the minimum distance between the fingertips of the right and left hand. Record any overlap as well.
______ Bend your right elbow and let your right palm rest on the back of your neck and slide it down your back and
between your shoulder blades.


______ After a period of rest, the other leg is tested.
______ Slowly slide your back against a smooth vertical wall.
______ Stand comfortably with feet approximately shoulder width apart, with your back against a smooth vertical wall.
______ The timing starts when one foot is lifted off the ground and is stopped when the subject cannot maintain the
position and the foot is returned to the ground.
Directions: Fill up the chart below the disease, symptoms, and diagnosis of Sexually Transmitted Disease. (2pts. each)

Disease Symptoms Diagnosis

1.) A symptomatic or dysuria, discharge 2.)
(penile or vaginal) pain with sex,
abdominal or testicular pain,
breakthrough bleeding.
3.) Nucleic acid amplification test of
urine, endocervical sample or urethral
Gonorrhea sample, gonococcal culture for rectal
or pharyngeal specimens.

4.) A symptomatic or vaginal discharge Saline wet mount; rapid antigen

with odor or itching. testing: Trichomonas culture.
5.) A symptomatic or recurrent, painful 6.)
vascular or ulcerative lesions in the
genital area.
7.) A symptomatic or painless ulcer,
(chancre) systemic rash including Serelogic tests (nontreponemal and
palms and soles. Cardiovascular and treponemal) dark field examination.
neurologic involvement.
8.) Procedures not readily available to
Inguinal adenopathy, self- limited differentiate lympho-granuloma
papule or ulcer, proctorolities. venerum from nonlympho granuloma
venerum chlamydia trachomatis.

“Striving for success without hard work is like trying to harvest where you haven’t planted.”
~ David Bly


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