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Food and the Environment Lesson Plan

Aim Resources
To understand the environmental conditions needed to • Food and Fibre Production in
grow crops in Australia and how environmental change Australia Picture Hotspots
impacts food supply.
• Food and Fibre Production
Success Criteria PowerPoint
• I can identify food crops that are produced in Australia.
• Food Production in Australia Maps
• I can explain the environmental conditions needed to
• Production Processes Information
grow food crops in Australia.
• I can explain how environmental change can impact food
• Graphic Organiser Five Ws

Starter: Open a discussion about food production by asking students what they know about crops
that are grown and produced in Australia. What foods are produced and where? Next, present the
Food and Fibre Production in Australia Picture Hotspots.

Main Activities:
Present the Food and Fibre Production PowerPoint to teach students about Australia’s major
agricultural production areas, how vegetables, beef, milk, bread and cotton are produced and
which fresh produce crops are most commonly imported into Australia.
Think Pair Share
Hand out the Food Production in Australia Maps and ask students to work in pairs to identify
which regions produce the most food. Students should think about the climate/environmental
conditions in these areas and how this affects yield. Students can then share their thoughts with
the class.
Group Work
Hand out one of the Production Processes Information Sheets per group and ask students to:
1. Identify the external forces that could potentially disrupt production.
2. Identify potential impacts of the disruption.
Example questions:
• What would be the effect on wheat production during a particularly rainy summer?
• How does drought affect the production of milk?
After their discussion, students can complete the Graphic Organiser Five Ws worksheet.
Whole Class
Ask each group to share their ideas from the Graphic Organiser Five Ws worksheets and open the
discussion for further input from the rest of the class.


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