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1. A.

Our feelings have something to do in our assessment of what is ethical

B. Many people tend to equate ethics with their feelings
➔ Neither a nor b is true

2. It is the way people create ideas and standard of what is right or wrong
➔ Valuation

3. A. A person’s desire for punishment or desire of reward can provide them a reason for acting
in a certain way.
B. The promise of rewards and the fear of punishments can certainly motivate us to act.
➔ Only b is true

4. A. A person following his or her feelings may recoil from doing what is right
B. feelings frequently identifies what is ethical
➔ Only A is true

5. Which of the following is an example of etiquette?

➔ Eating without churning aloud

6. The assessment of matters at hand based on its uprightness or goodness

➔ Moral reasoning

7. A. People who decide through what they feel may veer away from the issue at hand.
B. Accurately assessing what one truly feels may give them in a good ethical action.
➔ Neither A or B is true

8. It prescribes what we ought to maintain as our standards or bases for moral evaluation
➔ Normative ethics

9. These are our unique way on interpreting the ethical and moral dimension of issues
associated with our being
➔ Senses of the self

10. The modern era and the age of enlightenment define ethics and morality based on:
➔ Science

11. A. most if not all religions advocate high ethical standards

B. ethical behavior may be guided by religious perspective
➔ Both A and B are true

12. This refers to the idea that things that are beautiful or attractive ought to be right.
➔ Aesthetics

13. Collective beliefs and practices by people that determine commonly accepted behaviors
➔ Culture

14. A. ethics is about determining the grounds for what are truly valuable.
B. ethics has special significance to virtues and less to human experience
➔ Only A is true.

15. Which if the following is an example of technical ethics?

➔ Writing a formal letter in full block
16. A. ethics based on religion only applies among the members of the sect
B. ethical decision making based on religion is accurate
➔ Only A is true

17. These are described as the institutions that lay the foundations for the ethical dimensions of
the human existence
➔ Sources of authority

18. It argues that people’s beliefs about actions being right or wrong depend on how people feel
about their actions
➔ Ethical subjectivism

19. A. moral standard involved righteousness for significant benefits of the important people.
B. moral standards are ought to be preferred over other values unless it is about the common
goods of the valuable people.
➔ Neither A nor B is true.

20. A set of standards that lays the foundation of how to do things right
➔ Technical

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