Bio Exam

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1. It is said that the impact of TRAUMA means more emotions than what the
brain can handle. *
2. In children, the effect of trauma in the brain is more physical than
psychological. *
3. It is widely accepted that the LEFT HEMISPHERE of the brain is dominant *
4. During the first years of life, brain growth is very slow. *
5. The REPTILIAN COMPLEX is that part of the brain that controls the automatic
reactions. *
6. It has been now proven that the human brain can grow and change. *
7. Recent development such as MRI CT scans, etc., has debunked most
scientific claims that the brain can heal. *
8. Sigmund Freud was a neurologist who experimented with the use of COCAINE
as treatment for mental disorders. *
9. Medication is the best line of approach to heal trauma. *
10. The hippocampus is responsible for the so called "fight or fight" response. *
11. The cerebellum and the brainstem comprise the SPINAL CORD. *
12. It is said that 40% to 70% of our brain's active wiring and rewiring is based on
our interaction with the environment. *
13. Dementia is one of Cognitive Disturbances, where memory may NOT be
affected. *
14. A hormone is always a neurotransmitter. *
15. Dendrites relay the transmission of sensation to the axon and distributes it
again to the sensory neurons. *
16. Bio Chemistry and Bio Psychology are 2 interrelated sciences that allows us
to understand human behavior. *
17. Sensation precedes cognition. *
18. The Amygdala works closely with the pituitary gland. *
19. BROCAS AREA discovered by BROCA is the feeling center of the brain. *
20. A person's perspective of reality may vary. *
21. The right lobe of the brain dominates our social and emotional reactions. *
22. A traumatizing event may affect an older person's capacity to cope, more
physically than psychologically. *
23. The left hemisphere of the brain controls the analytical thought. *
24. A neurotransmitter is always a hormone. *
25. It is now a common belief that the brain "wires" itself to how we think and

1. GABA is an inhibitory ___________. * -Neurotransmitters or Hormone

2. The _______________ Nervous System is activated at moments of perceived
danger. *-Sympathetic
3. The ___________ and the ___________ form part of the Autonomic Nervous
System. *-parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous system
4. When there is heightened degree of alertness, it is certain that the
____________ Nervous System is active. *-Sympathetic
5. A slower heartbeat as a result of calmness indicates the _________________
Nervous System is at work. *-parasympathetic
6. The part of the brain that helps us make decisions and judgments.
7. All the other nerves distributed throughout the body belongs to the
______________ Nervous System. *-Peripheral
8. When a child becomes highly frightened, the part of the brain that is activated
is ______________. *-amygdala
9. Often called the "fear" center of the brain. *-amygdala
10. The Brain and the Spinal Cord make up the ______________. *-CNS
11. Symptoms like cutting up oneself, head banging are known as______________
which a trauma victim may employ to lessen emotional pain. *-Self harm
12. _______________ refers to that period of brain development during adolescence.
*-brain sculpting
13. Depression, as a mood disorder requires NOT only Psychotherapy but the use
of _________ as an adjunct treatment. *-Medication/Medicines
14. The Amygdala, Hypothalamus and Hippocampus are the main structures of
the _________________. *-Limbic System
15. The ______________ Nervous System is in action while we are relaxed and
calm. *-Parasymphathetic
16. Consequently, these two hormones, known as "stress hormones" are released
in the blood stream. *-epinepherine and cortisol
17. An enlarged pupil due to fear is surely a sign that the ______________ Nervous
System is active. *-symphathetic
18. _______________ is also called the "thinking" part of the brain. *-cerebrum
19. Known as the Library of the brain. *-hippocampus
20. A panic attack may occur due to an overwhelming sense of _________. *-fear
21. _________________ is a group if drugs used as powerful pain killers and
hallucinogens. *-opiods
22. It is said that the ____________ houses 50% of the neurons found in the brain.
23. The part of the brain involved in processing what and where an object is
____________. *-wernicke’s area

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