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Professional Writing in English

Unit 2: Topic, supporting and concluding sentence

Activity: Writing a story

Professor: B.A. Laura Gisela Rodríguez Elías.


Pamela Johana Torres Saravia Code: SMLI699919

Meybeline Esmeralda Reyes de Zelayandia Code: SMLI014719

Group: B1

Date: Saturday, March 12 th, 2022.

The greatest treasure is what you carry inside
The power of honesty cannot be compared to the hardness of the heart of a
selfish person. This could be proved with two men who lived in a village called
Villanueva near a beautiful river, where we could hear the water falling and feel
the fresh air on our faces. One of these men was a humble, kind and honest baker
called Daniel who worked hard every day baking delicious cakes and bread that
were sold at his bakery. Every morning he got up early to have his fresh products
ready for breakfast because people enjoyed tasting those delicious pieces of
cake and bread with their families. His business was growing extremely due to
his excellent customer service, but also because of the quality of his products, so
his economy and recognition were improving. On the other hand, this news was
terrible for a man called John who felt envy for the success that Daniel was
having in his business, so he decided to have a bakery that offered bread and
cakes, so that Daniel would not have too much profit in his business, since his
heart was full of evil, selfishness, and indifference. John's business got a lot of
customers at first because his products were cheaper than Daniel's, but then
people stopped buying him because he was too rude to serve people and also his
pieces of bread and cakes weren't as delicious as Daniel's, so his business
quickly went bankrupt. John was furious that he was even audibly lamenting his
failure in that business, but then one afternoon he sat outside his house next to
his beautiful garden and meditated deeply about how badly he had behaved, and
that because of his bad intentions he had failed, so he decided to start his own
shoe business, and he was incredibly successful since everyone bought his
comfortable shoes without competing with anyone. In conclusion, If we are
fulfilled with honesty, we can obtain a greater reward naturally than being a
selfish person in life.

Topic sentence: Red

Supporting sentences: Blue
Concluding sentence: Orange

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