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Implementation Strategies

Using the matrix below fill up the parts. Identify a set goal for the organization along with the strategies and actions.

Implementation Strategies

Goal: Attain customer satisfaction by giving excellent service, and providing quality products, at a reasonable

Objective: Expected Strategies Activities Resources Persons Time of

Results Needed Responsible Achievement

1. Gather The feedback Provide via Feedbacks The business The management Monthly
feedback and and letter in a box and Surveys will provide
suggestions suggestions in the store evaluation
via letter in a
collected will and reviews form and for
box monthly. be used to and comment the letter in a
improve the in the group box and a
business, in page. gadget for
general checking
including the online
infrastructure, comments or
products feedbacks.
provided to
and other
2. Improve Achieve Use high Gather Provide high- Barista Quarterly
products and customer quality information quality
services in satisfaction. ingredients about current ingredients.
response to and provide trends and
customer proper the preferred
feedback by training to the flavors of
means of baristas. customers.
introducing a
menu of high-
quality made
coffee and

The first goal is focused on attaining customer satisfaction, because satisfied customers result in higher profits. Coffee-E
aims to focus on continuously improving the factors that affect customer satisfaction, such as customer service, product
quality, and accurate pricing.

In order to know the concerns of the customers, Coffee-E will gather feedback and suggestions via letter in a box
monthly and assess the reviews on all social media accounts of the shop. Through this, the information collected will be used
to improve the business in general, including the infrastructure of the shop, the products provided to customers, and other
areas. Additionally, the shop will provide a budget for an evaluation form for the letter in a box and a gadget for checking
online comments or feedback. This activity will be performed and assessed monthly. Then the last objective of this goal will
focus on assessing, deliberating, and taking actions based on the collected feedback of the customers, like improving products,
services, and other areas. This can be done by introducing a menu of high-quality coffee and other requested flavors; this also
includes ensuring that the barista is highly capable of performing his or her job. Assessment and deliberation will be
performed quarterly.

Customer satisfaction is not a one-step process, as customer preferences change over time due to many factors, that is
why this goal will be assess continuously by means of exploring the marketing environment in order to establish and sustain
profitable relationship with the customers.
Goal: Continuously develop and strengthen the competencies of employees.

Objective: Expected Strategies Activities Resources Persons Time of

Results Needed Responsible Achievement
1. Provide Strengthen Provide Seminars Money for The management Annually
seminars and the seminars and and job organizing the
job training competencies job training for training. event.
for new of employees. employees.
and team
activities for

2. Pay salaries The Give bonuses Assessment of Allocated The management Half-monthly
half-monthly, employees to all individual budget for
bonuses, and will be deserving duties of salaries and
other wages motivated to employees. employees. bonuses.
on schedule. perform their
job well.
3. Increase The Give incentives Evaluate Allocated The management Annually
team’s employees according to employee’s budget for
productivity will be their individual incentives.
by giving motivated to performance performance.
incentives perform their annually.
according to job well.
The second goal is focused on improving the competencies of the employees. Since employees play a crucial role in
customer satisfaction, it is important to develop and strengthen their skills in order to achieve excellent customer service. For
the new employees, seminars and job training will be provided, and team building will be conducted at least once a year to
develop employee morale, improve their communication skills, especially with customers, and promote personal growth in
general. Then, the second objective is to pay salaries half-monthly, bonuses, and other wages on schedule; as a result,
employees will be motivated to perform their job well. This objective will be accomplished every fifteen (15) days. Lastly,
increase a team’s productivity by giving incentives according to their performance annually; this can also result in making
them motivated to perform their job well. This activity will be done annually by evaluating each employee’s individual

Employees are known as the face of business, and empowering them will help them become more engaged, motivated, work
harder, and perform their job well, as a result, benefiting the business.

Goal: Increase profit by 20% after 4-5 years of operation.

Objective: Expected Strategies Activities Resources Persons Time of

Results Needed Responsible Achievement

1. Reducing A Strong Communication Communication, Allocated The Monthly

costs by supplier - is key. Obtain loyalty with the Funds Management
means of customer loyal customers supplier’s
negotiating relationship. that offer a business
with the larger deposit enterprise.
supplier for Can offer from orders.
better prices reasonable
or discounts prices for the
for buying in satisfaction
bulk and of customers
minimizing without
ways and sacrificing
errors in profit.
the products.

2. Creating and Have a Post Use social Online The Weekly

posting consistent advertisements media accounts and Management
updates and engagement. through social platforms like allocated funds
advertisemen media Facebook, to promote the
ts through Wider platforms. Instagram & etc. establishment.
social media market
platforms at based.
least weekly.

3. Increasing Increased Have a promo Have monthly Inventory The Quarterly

sales capital bundle that is promos and stocks Management
quarterly by income and profitable bundles.
5% by obtaining
offering more loyal
promo customers.

The last goal is focused on achieving higher profit. The very reason why it is important to continuously improve
customer service, the competencies of the employees, and the overall system of the business in general is to achieve customer
satisfaction. Satisfied customers will serve as the business's advocates because their positive feedback will benefit the shop in
terms of increasing its credibility, increasing customer loyalty, acquiring new customers, and, as a result, increasing revenue.

One of the ways to increase profit is to reduce costs by creating a good relationship with the supplier and negotiating
for better prices or discounts for buying in bulk. As a result, the lower selling price of the products and the accumulated
discounts can be designated as a contingency budget. Another way to increase the profit is by creating and posting updates
and advertisements through social media platforms at least weekly. This strategy is more advantageous, especially in
establishing a wider market base, knowing that social media has a wide range. This approach is also more cost-effective
compared to other advertising approaches. Lastly, by increasing sales quarterly by 5% by means of promo bundles, customers
buy more than one product, which increases the average order value. According to Revenue Management Labs, these bundles
have a greater perceived value to customers and bring many benefits to the business, such as increased average revenue per
user, which is why Coffee-E considers this method.

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