Strategic Plan For Coffee e

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A Final Requirement Presented to

Faculty in Charge of Strategic Management Course as
Final Subject Requirement

Aranel, Ivy
Bo, Angeline
Dela Cruz, Brian Angelo
Llacer, Una
Lunas, Mika Joy
Ractis, Jusfere
Villacera, Jazreel

December 2022

A coffee shop that offers beverages and entertainment in one space—that is what
Coffee-E is here for. It is a partnership business that will be operated by seven driven
college students from Bicol University's College of Business, Economics, and Management,
who are taking up a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration majoring in Operations

Coffee shops are one of the best places to hang out, chill, and catch up with your
friends, families, classmates, and even workmates for a couple of hours. Coffee-E aims to
deliver the best experience to customers by providing excellent products, service, and
ambiance at an affordable price that will satisfy them. That is why Coffee-E’s mission is "to
deliver excellent customer service by providing a relaxing setting where customers can
unwind and enjoy affordable products that will definitely keep them from procaffeinating."
According to Rachael Link, MS, RD, of Healthline, coffee is a beloved beverage known for its
ability to fine-tune the focus and boost the energy levels of a person. In fact, a lot of
individuals depend on their daily cup of joe ( a typical cup of black coffee drinks) as soon as
they wake up, and Coffee-E is here to assist beloved customers in getting their days off to
the right start.

Apart from the typical coffee shop that only serves beverages, Coffee-E aims to be
renowned for providing diversion to every coffee lover and exceptional entertainment,
which is why beverages and entertainment in one space will be offered. Coffee-E is in
production, where it will offer primary products such as strawberry, mocha, chocolate,
coffee, and green tea frappe; winter melon, matcha, chocolate, and taro milk tea; and
strawberry, green apple, lemon, and lychee fruit tea, as well as freshly brewed coffee, hot
and cold. The "E" in Coffee-E stands for entertainment, where supplemental services
including claw machines, magic ticket balls, and an arcade cabinet featuring Street Fighter
will be provided. Additionally, the shop will be accessible to all target customers as it will
be located at 4PQM+PHJ, Old Albay District, Legazpi City, Albay. The said location of the
shop was chosen because it is accessible and convenient to all target customers, as it is
along the road where by-passers can also easily notice the store.
I. Background of the Company

Name of the Company: Coffee-E

Years of Existence: Non- Existent

Type of Business Organization: Partnership

Nature of Business: Production

Location: 4PQM+PHJ, Old Albay District, Legazpi City, Albay

Covered Operations: 2- 10 years

Brief History:

In starting a business, there is always a process that needs to be followed; it is not just a
one-step success, as trial and error happen. Initially, the group considered opening a meat
retail store, a food delivery service, organizing an event, and a shipping company. Out of all
the ideas and thorough consideration, a spark for starting a cafe came into consideration.
According to the 2022 coffee consumption statistics in the Philippines, Filipinos are
considered heavy coffee drinkers, as 80% of them drink an average of 2.5 cups of coffee per
day. Coffee is clearly one of the most popular drinks, particularly among millennials, which
is why the group decided to pursue it. As a result, Coffee-E was formed. It is the name that
the group has come up with and agreed with because it already embodies the concept of
what the business really is: a coffee shop that offers beverages and entertainment in one
space that will bring comfort and relaxation.
II. Vision, Mission, Goals and Objectives


“To be renowned for providing diversion to every coffee lover and exceptional

Coffee has become a part of every Filipino's life, as coffee is known to be one of the best
ways to boost one’s energy levels and make their day productive. Apart from the typical
coffee shop that solely serves beverages, Coffee-E aims to be known not only for providing
quality beverages but also for its unique concept, which is to provide diversion to every
coffee lover and entertainment in one setting. It will serve as a place to release distress and
provide diversion to customers, letting them feel energized before they go to work, school,
and offices or relaxed after a long, tiring day. Coffee-E envisions being part of the day of
every coffee lover and being their companion as they face the challenges of the world.


“To deliver excellent customer service by providing a relaxing a setting where clients
can unwind and enjoy affordable products that will definitely keep them from

Following all of the considerations based on the environmental scanning, it is

concluded that customer service is critical in achieving customer satisfaction. Customer
satisfaction is one of the main reasons businesses have survived for years. In light of this,
Coffee-E's mission is to achieve excellent customer service through offering quality
beverages that have one main goal, which is to keep customers from procaffeinating, or the
tendency not to start anything until they have had a sip of a cup of coffee, and by providing
a space where customers can unwind at a reasonable price.

Goals and Objectives:

1. Attain customer satisfaction by giving excellent service, and providing quality

products, at a reasonable price.
• Gather feedback and suggestions via letter in a box every quarter and introduce new
market trends.
• Improve products and services in response to customer feedback by means of
introducing a menu of high-quality made coffee and other requested flavors.
2. Continuously develop and strengthen the competencies of employees.
• Provide seminars and job training for new employees, and team building activities
for former employees.
• Pay salaries half-monthly, bonuses, and other wages on schedule.
• Increase team’s productivity by giving incentives according to their performance

3. Increase profit by 15% after 4-5 years of operation.

• Reducing costs by means of negotiating with the supplier for better prices or
discounts for buying in bulk and minimizing ways and errors in producing the
• Creating and posting updates and advertisements through social media platforms at
least weekly.
• Increasing sales quarterly by 5% by means of bundles and buy 1 take 1 promo

Objective is what defines the business goal; it serves as a guide for the business in
decision-making and as a roadmap in the industry. The business action to achieve its goal is
to achieve the specified objectives. Coffee-E’s goals are focused on three factors: customer,
employee, and profit-based. The business aims to attain customer satisfaction by giving
excellent service and providing quality products at a reasonable price. Customers are
known as the company's most valuable asset, and satisfying them leads to high profits. The
business aims to continuously develop and strengthen the competencies of its employees
because employees are the backbone of the business; they are the ones who are interacting
with and running the whole business every day. If the business treats its employees right,
the employees will show their gratitude by doing their best at work. Having loyal
customers and competent employees is a great advantage for achieving the last goal, which
is to increase profit by 20% after 4-5 years of operation.
III. Swot Analysis


1. Affordability 1. Strong 1. Innovative 1. Limited Profit
2. Uniqueness Existing 2. Use of social Levels
3. Timely Competitors media to 2. Increase in
4. Accessible 2. Limited promote the Supplier Cost
Service products. 3. Shortage of
3. Low Brand 3. To improve Raw Materials
Awareness overall 4. Error in
customer Preparation of
experience. Products

There is a saying that success can often depend on how well the owner understand
his/her own company. Every business has always its downsides, in this case, that is the
identified weaknesses and threats of the business. By identifying both the positive; which
are the strengths and opportunities, and negative; which are the weaknesses and threats of
the business, it gives an idea in determining the proper market position of the business.

Timeliness is one of the strengths of Coffee-E, in fact, more and more people tend
to drink coffee because of its health benefits to the body. Additionally, uniqueness and
affordability are also some of the identified positive attributes of the business. Coffee-E has
a unique concept where it will not just offer beverages but also entertainment in one space,
something no other businesses have thought of, which can be considered one of the
competitive edges of the business among its existing competitors. Furthermore, Coffee-E
aims to be the cost leader by maximizing resources, minimizing errors in production, and
improving the efficiency of the overall business operation. Finally, accessibility, because the
said location of the shop is accessible and convenient to all target customers, as it is along
the road where by-passers can also easily notice the physical store.

Strong existing competitors, limited products and services, and low brand
awareness were the identified weaknesses of the shop. These are the common risks that a
start-up business usually encounters.

The business is innovative in terms of opportunities because the strategists were

able to come up with a unique idea that is not yet on the market, which can be considered a
competitive advantage over its competitors. Additionally, the use of social media to
promote the products is also one of the considered opportunities, knowing its wide range
and how it can help to increase the brand awareness of the business in a cost-efficient way.
Finally, the ability to improve the overall customer experience through continuous
improvement of customer service by considering and accepting all constructive feedback
from customers was the identified opportunities by the strategists.

As for the threats, the possible increase in supplier costs, the shortage of raw
materials, and errors in the preparation of products are some of the risks identified. All of
these can result in higher production costs and, consequently, lower profits and a higher
selling price for the products.

Generally, after the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats were

identified, the strategists were able to recognize that Coffee-E has a strong competitive
edge over its existing competitors, which is one of the main considerations in determining
that the business is feasible. The identified weaknesses and threats will serve as the driving
force to continuously improve weak areas by anticipating threats and taking necessary
precautions to avoid the negative impacts, or at least minimize the effects. In every
business, negative attributes are always present; however, it is important to always think
outside the box to learn, identify, analyze, develop, and improve the overall operational
process to maintain progressive business development.

V. Monitoring and Evaluation

In monitoring and evaluating the plan, the company in general will start primarily
by assessing the progress of the business, specifically on the goals and objectives. In
particular, checking which objectives have already been achieved, if it was able to reach the
indicated time period, and the relevance and benefits that it contributed to the overall
performance of the business.

Additionally, the financial capacity of the business will also be assessed in order to
identify if the business has enough budget to fund its overall operations. Furthermore, the
most important part is assessing the progress that the business has made towards
achieving its vision. In doing this, the business will be able to identify if all the actions and
decisions made were aligned with the path that the business was supposed to follow.
Lastly, the effectiveness of the internal analysis tool, which is the SWOT analysis, will also
be evaluated, particularly its contribution to the performance level of the business and how
it generally helps to make an effective strategic decision that contributes to the overall
effective operation of the business.

Generally, the strategists will use methodologies in order to accurately monitor and
evaluate the progress of the business. Setting a target period of time will be strictly
observed, and constant consultation and reporting will be made in order to adjust and
come up with a viable decision that will support the long-term development and growth of
the business.
VI. The Strategist



I am driven to succeed at my work and enjoy learning new things, always on the
lookout for new ways to develop and grow my capabilities, whether that means learning
new skills or taking on new responsibilities. And lastly, I personally think I am most
effective when working with a team to solve complicated issues, and analyzing a problem
from various perspectives to find a solution that helps everyone.

For me Strategic planning it is the process by which we establish the vision and
mission and identify the goals and objectives of an organization. Businesses require
direction and organizational goals to work and serve as their guide. The subject Strategic
management it is the continual process that helps in the monitoring, analysis, and
evaluation of all the elements required for a business to achieve its goals and objectives.

I am a goal-oriented person, and time management is one of my primary goals. I

prefer to make schedules for everything I do, whether it be for personal or school-related
tasks. Completing all of my work on time makes me feel at ease and at peace, and just like
the Canadian writer Robin Sharma stated, I agree that "time management is life

Creating a strategic plan is one of the most challenging yet interesting tasks for me.
Going through the process of brainstorming, outlining the overall plan, acquiring all the
necessary data, analyzing all the information collected, and finally sharing and finalizing
ideas was indeed a tedious experience. In the corporate world, where competition is fierce,
developing a well-thought-out strategic plan is a powerful tool for gaining a competitive
advantage over existing competitors and supporting the long-term development and
growth of the business. That is why this subject, strategic management, is important
because, as a future businesswoman, this course already provides me with the prior
knowledge, specifically the process on how to create a strategic plan for business. Strategic
management taught me that in the corporate world, money should not be the only deciding
factor in starting a business; rather, one should be a critical thinker, particularly in making
present decisions that will benefit the business's future state.

I'm a person who thinks deeply and reflects. It's fun for me to discover new things
and consider my past. Every time I make a decision, I try to think it through and consider
the surrounding circumstances. Being an involved and helpful employee at work is
something I strongly support. I prefer to work cheerfully and consistently make a good
impact on the team's success. This semester, we can track our progress toward our goals by
creating a strategic plan in strategic management. This process necessitates time, effort,
and constant evaluation. When given the correct care, it can put your company on the right

I am a goal-driven and diligent college student attending Bicol University. I am 21

years old. I am a kind of person that has to warm up before getting comfortable, I do not
generally talk too much but I am striving to change it. I am starting to get out of my comfort
zone. I enjoy reading novels because they elicit a range of emotions in me. I also like
listening to music.

Strategic management put to the test my hidden talents; normally, I don't go into
great detail, but because of this and my group members, I was inspired to do better.
Because I had previously mistakenly believed that if you have the money to start a
business, you should just build it without taking into account other considerations, I came
to understand how a business actually operates during the process of creating a strategic
plan. In order to run a successful business, you need to watch how one operates in order to
learn from them and apply what you have learned to your own firm.

I'm the kind of person who returns goodness to others. Success and a brighter
future are my goals. I enjoy traveling, reading horror and fantasy novels, eating, watching
movies, and singing. I desired to run my own business in addition to working in a bank.
Everyday learning has always been a goal of mine, and I always take risks. I adore spending
time with my friends and loved ones, but I also appreciate being alone myself since it gives
me time to reflect and feel at peace.

Having this topic has helped me feel more focused. I've discovered that strategic
planning pushes us to make more or less logical decisions, which entails selecting the best
option given the data and information at hand. So, it stands to reason that in this situation,
the primary focus should be on gathering as much data as possible and turning it into
useful information and knowledge, upon which we should base our decisions.

And since a strategic plan sets the course our company will take, it will aid it in hone
its focus to get there. Therefore, strategic planning can assist our business in setting the
appropriate goals and objectives and assisting everyone in concentrating their efforts to
achieve them.

A bit serious at first glance, but can make your world shine. I learned in Strategic
Management that patience is a virtue. Sometimes you can’t get what you want and you
need to earn that through hard work and proper teamwork and in the end, what makes it
worth it is that we all went through the same hardships.

I am dedicated and genuine. I am Jazreel Mae P. Villacera 18 years of age and I live in
Barangay 39 Purok 3 Bonot Legazpi, City. To be honest I am not used to be a person who is
always asking for help as long as I can handle all the things I am facing. We are all
struggling in life and we all want to get through of it. As a student it is cliche that struggling
with academic is the most common problem of every student. I can say that all of these
things, will get through of it.

In this paper, I learned a lot of things specifically in strategic planning wherein the
students gathered different information that contains a lot of data’s that can help the
business in the present and for the future references. By doing this paper this will guide
and help us to know what are the possible situation and what we are going to do when it
comes to issues or problems encountered in terms of business. Also, additional knowledge
have been added to us where we can use it for our future studies.

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