Negotiation Assignment

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Developing good negotiation skills for consultancy with APAC partners


For 20 high-level executives who will be handling consultancy cases in the APAC region. Targeted at learning
essential negotiation and communication skills needed in a consultancy setting.

Duration: 1.5h session a week, for 5 weeks

Program structure:

1h – program, 0.5h – Q&A and practice(split into chunks during 1.5h)

Topic list:

1. What is negotiation?
Objective: Seeing how negotiation is applicable in consultancy context and laying down the ground work
of what negotiation needs(Preparation, BATNA, ZONA, rhythm, anchors).

Practice: Identify the stages of a consultancy project where negotiation is relevant, and which type of
negotiation it tends to be.

2. Emotions and interests in negotiation

Objective: Highlight the need for emotional-intelligence and understanding of own and competitor’s
interests. Especially dealing with profiles with aggressive negotiation profiles and are very susceptible
and intolerant of ideas that conflict with their interests.

Practice: Give role-play scenarios where one party is emotionally-charged with hidden position. Take turns
asking questions to find out position and reach resolution.

3. Understanding our APAC partners

Objective: Analysis of culture of APAC negotiation(aggressive, intolerant, long timeline). Application of
previous lessons.
*unlike other sessions, 1h application 0.5h program

Practice: Identify ways how strategy is rectified to fit APAC profile.

- Understanding our APAC partners(part 2)

Objective: Consolidate discussions last week, encourage where they ought to take individual responsibility
to look into. Finding common ground for language barriers.

Practice: Role-play: one assume position of them, one of APAC partners.

Other questions:
- Explain how you will manage the specific needs of the language for the cultural factor.

Research and liaising with a bilingual speaker from the region to prepare a list of commonly used
terms we defer on will be essential to help our executives be on the same page and show our
patrons that we are customer-centric.

- Explain how you will manage the specific needs of the time to set agreements.

Methodically breaking down the steps that reach an agreement and using percentage as a
marker(e.g. you should reach stage 5 by 80% of the timeline) will help them implement this
APAC-specific gameplan and keep in time.

- Explain generally the dynamic of the program of the ways to participate, explain the topics, the
application, etc.

By each lesson having quizzes and application scenarios, we can get them to apply the theory to
the APAC region, while rounding up with some of the suggestions we have.

In terms of delivery, having a human educator to explain the concepts while exemplifying
concepts using storytelling will help our participants visualize how to put what they learnt into
practice. Having a review after they finished the course would be helpful too to see if they have
had good takeaways.

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