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1. What is attempted ? Can you give at least 3 real cases related to attempted stage. include your
cite or reference after the answer
- distinguished by a deliberate attempt that was made to commit a specific offense but was
stopped or forbidden.

1 Muntinlupa No. 1 most wanted person for attempted homicide and robbery was arrested by the
police in the city on April 12.

The police nabbed Emerson Atoli, 30, a construction worker, in Makabuhay Extension in
Barangay Poblacion, Muntinlupa, according to Southern Police Dist9rict director Brig. Gen.
Jimili Macaraeg.

Ref :

2 The PNP Anti-Kidnapping Group Visayas Field Unit- Iloilo-Bacolod Satellite Office (AKG-
VFU-IBSO) arrested on Feb 9, 2022 a person charged for attempted murder and three counts of
attempted homicide in Brgy. Malitbog, Tapaz, Capiz

3. A wanted person charged with attempted murder was apprehended by the police officers while
applying for a police clearance last Friday, December 3 in Tandag City, Surigao del Sur.


2. What is Frustrated? Can you give at least 3 real cases related to frustrated stage. include your
cite or reference after the answer
- feeling or exhibiting displeasure and annoyance, especially as a result of being unable to
change or complete one's aims.
1. The regional Philippine National Police disclosed, in a press conference on October 2, that the
police force has filed two counts of murder and four counts of frustrated murder against the
identified suspects of the slay try of former governor and congressman Amado T. Espino Jr.
2. ANGELES City, Pampanga – Angeles City Police today arrested a man wanted for frustrated
Acting Angeles City Director Rommel Batangan identified the individual as Christopher Santos,
23 years old, cook, resident of Brgy. Capaya 2, Angeles City, Pampanga.
He was arrested in Brgy. Tabun, Angeles City by virtue of a warrant of arrest for Frustrated
Homicide under Criminal Case No. -ANG-20-00744-CR issued by Hon. ERICK ALIADO
SADURAL Presiding Judge of RTC Branch 116in RTC, 3rd Judicial Region, Angeles March 9,
Ref :
Ref :
PNP Region 1 Director Brig. Gen. Joel S. Orduña said that cases were filed on October 1 at the
San Carlos City Prosecutor’s Office based on sufficient forensic examination and other pieces of
Ref :
3. What is Consummated? Can you give at least 3 real cases related to consummated stage.
include your cite or reference after the answer
1 Art. 6. Consummated, frustrated, and attempted felonies. – Consummated felonies as well as
those which are frustrated and attempted, are punishable.
A felony is consummated when all the elements necessary for its execution and accomplishment
are present; and it is frustrated when the offender performs all the acts of execution which would
produce the felony as a consequence but which, nevertheless, do not produce it by reason of
causes independent of the will of the perpetrator.

4. What is Mala Inse? Can you give at least 3 real cases related to Mala Inse. include your cite
or reference after the answer
A crime that is considered bad in and of itself is referred to as mala in se (plural: malum in se).
The Latin term literally translates as "wrong in itself." Crimes mala prohibita, which means
"wrong because they are prohibited" in Latin, are in opposition to this category of crime.
The distinguishing characteristic of crimes mala in se is not their severity, but that the citizenry
feels they are morally wrong in and of themselves, and require no outside reasons to prove or
justify their wrongness. For the most part, these are crimes that directly and visibly harm other
people and their property, since it's traditionally these kinds of crimes that inspire the most
fervent moral outrage.
Historical Punishment for Mala In Se
Essentially all of the crimes identified in the old British common law system — the system
which forms the foundation of criminal law in the United States — are identified as crimes mala
in se. The punishment for these offenses was quite uniform: death. Of course, the opinions and
practices of our society have changed over the centuries, and today's petty thieves no longer need
fear the executioner's noose.
Are They Treated Differently Today?
While crimes mala in se remain, in general, the more heinous species of crime compared to
crimes mala prohibita, they do not necessarily incur the heavier punishments (for example, a
third drunk-driving conviction will warrant a much heavier punishment than a first-time
conviction of petty larceny).
It is worth mentioning that this classification, "bad in itself," does not have very much official
influence in modern criminal procedure. Technically, it matters very little in today's courts
whether a crime is considered wrong in itself or whether it is wrong by statutory legislation.
Instead, weight is placed on the defendant's history, the intention behind the defendant's actions,
whether the crime was misdemeanor or felony and to what degree, and so on. "Mala in se" and
"mala prohibita" are, it might be said, artifacts from the middle ages of Europe, which are
preserved largely for their historical value.
The Importance of Moral Values in Law
Nevertheless, the moral feelings of the citizenry should not be overlooked while trying to
understand the way that crime is classified and punished in the United States. While it would
seem contrary for a society that prides itself as "a nation of laws" to agree that any crime is
wrong in itself, rather than because it is against the law, there are not many people who would
cite the law while explaining why rape is wrong.
Ref :
5. What is Mala Probita? Can you give at least 3 real cases related to Mala Prohibita. include
your cite or reference after the answer.
In the legal system, actions that are not inherently unlawful by their very nature, such as murder,
are referred to as being "wrong because it is banned" using the Latin phrase mala prohibita,
which means "wrong because it is prohibited." Mala prohibita acts include things like not paying
taxes and utilizing the incorrect side of the freeway. Consider the following definition of mala
prohibita to examine this idea..
Ref :
6. What is the difference between Acquisitive and Extinctive Crime ? give at least 5 sample
cases of Acquisitive and Extinctive Crime. And cite 2 theories related to Acquisitive and
Extinctive Crime
Acquisitive Crime ~ when the offender acquires something as a consequences of his criminal
act. 2. Extinctive Crime ~ it is extinctive if the result of the criminal act is destruction.
Examples Aquisitive: domestic burglary, personal robbery, theft from a person , and theft of
and from a motor vehicle.
Examples Extinctive : Homicide, Parricide, Murder and Arson
Acquisitive and Extinctive Crimes - Acquisitive Crime is one which when committed, the
offender acquires something as a consequence of his criminal act. The crime is extinctive when
the result of criminal act is destruction.
7. What is the difference between Seasonal and Situational Crime ? give at least 5 sample cases
of Seasonal and Situational Crime. And cite 2 theories related to Seasonal and Situational Crime
Seasonal and Situational Crimes - Situational crimes are those that are only committed when a
particular circumstance is present, whereas seasonal crimes are those that are only committed
during a specific time of the year.
1 increasing the effort.
2 increasing the risk.
3 reducing the rewards.
4 reducing provocations.
5 removing excuses.

8. What is the difference between Instant and Episodal Crime ? give at least 5 sample cases of
Instant and Episodal Crime. And cite 2 theories related to Instant and Episodal Crime.
Episodic and Instant Crimes - Episodic crimes are serial crimes; they are committed by series of
act within a lengthy space of time. Instant crimes are those that are committed the shortest
possible time.

9. What is the difference between Static and Continuing Crime ? give at least 5 sample cases of
Static and Continuing Crime. And cite 2 theories related to Static and Continuing Crime.
Static and Continuing Crimes - Static crimes are crimes that are committed only in one place.
Continuing crime are crimes that are committed in several places.
Examples : Estafa; Malversation; Abduction; Kidnapping and illegal detention; Libel; Evasion of
service of sentence; Rebellion;

10. What is the difference between Rational and Irrational Crime ? give at least 5 sample cases of
Rational and Irrational Crime. And cite 2 theories related to Rational and Irrational Crime.
The difference between rational and irrational crimes is that rational crimes are ones where the
criminal has complete control over his or her mental faculties and abilities, whereas irrational
crimes are ones where the offender is unaware of the nature of the conduct.
Examples : What is an example of a theory of crime?
Children reared in settings of neglect or abuse, for example, will be more likely to commit
criminal acts, while children raised in supervised homes, where punishment is a consequence of
bad behaviour, will be more likely to withstand temptations toward criminal conduct.

11. What is the difference between White Collar and Blue Collar Crime ? give at least 5 sample
cases of White Collar and Blue Collar Crime . And cite 2 theories related to White Collar and
Blue Collar Crime .
Blue collar crime relates to street crimes like assault, burglary, and drug offenses, while white
collar crime refers to financial crimes like embezzlement and insider trading. Originally, the
names "white collar" and "blue collar" denoted various occupations.

 Example of blue collar : Drug crimes such as distribution, manufacturing, and

 Theft Crimes such as armed robbery, burglary, or shoplifting
 Violent crimes such as murder, assault & battery, 
 Sex Crimes such as sexual assault and prostitution

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