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Appendix 2: Initial Phone Survey with Pre/Post Deliberation Results

Whats Next California? Deliberative Poll in Torrance, CA June 2426, 2011

Attitude Change Results (**p<.01, *p<.05, +p<.10; Valid percentages are reported for valid responses. Raw percentages are reported for DK/NA responses.) *The following analyses are conducted for questions that were asked at T1 (telephone survey), T2 (upon arrival), and T3 (upon departure). The analyses include only participants who answered these questions at all three time points.

T1 1. To begin with, all in all, on a 0 to 10 scale, where 0 is "extremely poorly, 10 is extremely well, and 5 is exactly in the middle, how well or poorly would you say the system of democracy in California works these days? 0-4 5 6-10 2. On a 0 to 10 scale, where 0 is "extremely undesirable, 10 is extremely desirable, and 5 is exactly in the middle, how desirable or undesirable would you say each of the following is? f. Allowing an initiatives proponents to withdraw it after it qualifies for the ballot






43.2 22.8 34.0 0.562

61.4 17.8 20.7 0.557

47.6 14.2 38.4 0.611 -0.005 0.050** 0.054**

0-4 5 6-10 q. Lengthening Assembly terms from 2 years to 4, and Senate terms from 4 years to 6 0-4 5 6-10 aa. Requiring legislation creating new programs that cost $25 million or more to indicate how they will be paid for 0-4 5 6-10 5. On a 0 to 10 scale, where 0 is "not at all, 10 is as much as could reasonably be expected, and 5 is exactly in the middle, how much or little would you say the California State Legislature is able to get important

34.3 15.6 50.1 0.417

31.7 20.5 47.6 0.498

26.6 16.2 57.2 0.770 0.081** 0.353** 0.272**

50.7 16.5 32.7 0.795

41.0 13.6 45.5 0.849

10.4 9.1 80.5 0.847 0.054** 0.052** -0.002

11.0 6.8 82.2 0.341

4.4 5.1 90.5 0.345

4.8 5.4 89.8 0.355 0.004 0.014 0.010

Appendix 2: Initial Phone Survey with Pre/Post Deliberation Results

things done? 0-4 5 6-10 6. On another 0 to 10 scale, where 0 is not at all, 10 is completely, and 5 is exactly in the middle, to what extent is the ability of the State Legislature to get things done affected by tensions between the political parties? 0-4 5 6-10 7. And, on another 0 to 10 scale, where 0 is completely at the local level, 10 is completely at the State level, and 5 is exactly in the middle, how much decision-making authority should there be at the local level versus the State level? 0-4 5 6-10 8. And, on the same scale, how much taxation power should there be at the local level versus State level? 0-4 5 6-10 (DK/NA) 10. On another 0 to 10 scale, where 0 is completely by voters in referendums, 10 is completely by the State Legislature, and 5 is exactly in the middle, how many of the States major decisions should be made by voters in referendums versus by the State Legislature? 0-4 5 6-10 17. Next, we'd like to get your feelings toward some of California political parties, offices, and institutions, using what is sometimes called a "feeling thermometer." Ratings between 50 degrees and 100 degrees mean that you feel favorable or warm toward a party, person, or institution. Ratings between 0 degrees and 50 degrees mean that you feel unfavorable or cold toward it. Ratings at exactly 50 degrees mean you don't feel
69.0 16.3 14.7 0.656 67.2 16.0 16.9 0.653 68.0 10.9 21.2 0.690 -0.003 0.034* 0.037*

23.6 9.6 66.8 0.499

26.9 7.4 65.7 0.472

21.4 5.2 73.4 0.472 -0.028+ -0.027+ 0.001

33.5 35.2 31.2 0.501

41.3 31.3 27.6 0.495

44.0 27.6 28.4 0.509 -0.005 0.008 0.013

31.4 35.5 33.1 0.507

34.3 39.6 26.1 0.550

32.9 33.1 34.2 0.549 0.043** 0.042** -0.001

34.9 22.2 42.9

31.1 23.7 45.2

28.3 27.8 44.1

Appendix 2: Initial Phone Survey with Pre/Post Deliberation Results

particularly warm or cold toward it. If you don't know the party, person, or institution well enough to rate it, just bubble in "can't say." a. Democratic party







b. Republican party







24. And how strongly would you agree or disagree with the following statements? a. Public officials care a lot about what people like me think. Agree strongly (1) Agree somewhat Neither agree nor disagree Disagree somewhat Disagree strongly (0) (DK/NA) b. Most public policy issues are so complicated that a person like me cant really understand whats going on. Agree strongly (1) Agree somewhat Neither agree nor disagree Disagree somewhat Disagree strongly (0)







7.8 22.9 10.5 25.3 33.4 0.522

2.4 22.6 14.6 38.3 22.1 0.439

4.6 33.4 15.1 34.5 12.4 0.454 -0.083** -0.068** 0.015

25.9 25.1 5.1 19.5 24.3

13.4 24.6 13.4 21.7 27.0

13.9 28.3 10.4 20.1 27.3

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