Appendix 6

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Appendix 6: Responses by Party Affiliation

Key T=Total R=Republican D=Democrat I=Independent O=Other


Question To begin with, all in all, on a 0 to 10 scale, where 0 is "extremely poorly, 10 is extremely well, and 5 is exactly in the middle, how well or poorly would you say the system of democracy in California works these days?
Well Undecided Not well

(Before) T R

(After) T

21% 18% 61%

12% 24% 64%

26% 18% 55%

25% 8% 68%

5.6% 22% 72%

38% 15% 47%

35% 11% 55%

42% 15% 44%

40% 19% 42%

19% 19% 63%


Creating a formal review process to allow an initiatives proponents to amend an initiative following public input
Desirable Undecided Undesirable

60% 19% 21%

54% 25% 21%

63% 18% 19%

64% 50% 13% 20% 23% 30%

76% 9% 16%

72% 11% 18%

80% 7% 13%

74% 10% 16%

63% 5% 32%


Allowing the Legislature to remove an initiative from the ballot by enacting it into law
Desirable Undecided Undesirable

37% 14% 49%

33% 11% 56%

42% 16% 43%

34% 10% 56%

35% 25% 40%

34% 17% 49%

31% 16% 53%

41% 17% 42%

25% 20% 55%

22% 6% 72%


Allowing a simple majority of the State Legislature to place a countermeasure to an already qualified initiative on the ballot next to that initiative
Desirable Undecided Undesirable

32% 17% 50%

29% 22% 50%

38% 17% 45%

26% 15% 58%

26% 0% 74%

30% 13% 58%

25% 19% 56%

32% 12% 56%

33% 4% 63%

26% 16% 58%


Allowing the Legislature to amend an initiative that has already passed, subject to a public review and the agreement of the initiatives proponents
Desirable Undecided Undesirable

43% 13% 44%

33% 15% 51%

51% 14% 36%

40% 10% 51%

42% 11% 47%

37% 12% 51%

30% 14% 57%

45% 14% 41%

28% 7% 65%

53% 5% 42%


Allowing the Legislature to amend an initiative that has already passed, subject to a two-thirds vote, even if an initiatives proponents do not agree with the amendment
Desirable Undecided Undesirable

25% 15% 61%

16% 16% 68%

33% 14% 53%

20% 16% 65%

22% 11% 67%

18% 9% 73%

14% 7% 79%

22% 11% 67%

15% 7% 78%

11% 16% 74%


Allowing an initiatives proponents to withdraw it after it qualifies for the ballot

Desirable Undecided Undesirable

47% 21% 32%

40% 29% 32%

54% 17% 29%

46% 17% 38%

37% 26% 37%

57% 17% 26%

59% 19% 22%

59% 15% 25%

50% 20% 31%

47% 5% 47%


Allowing an initiatives proponents to withdraw it after it qualifies for the ballot

Desirable Undecided Undesirable

88% 6% 5%

87% 9% 5%

90% 6% 5%

91% 3% 7%

78% 11% 11%

84% 7% 9%

86% 5% 9%

83% 9% 8%

84% 7% 10%

82% 0% 18%


Requiring all ballot measures that require new expenditures to indicate how they will be paid for
Desirable Undecided Undesirable

87% 7% 6%

84% 9% 7%

87% 7% 6%

88% 7% 5%

95% 0% 5%

91% 5% 4%

92% 3% 5%

92% 5% 3%

92% 4% 4%

67% 17% 17%


Requiring the ballot pamphlet to provide an analysis by the Legislative Analyst of how new initiative programs will likely be paid for
Desirable Undecided Undesirable

67% 20% 13%

59% 25% 16%

74% 19% 8%

62% 17% 21%

65% 24% 12%

67% 19% 13%

59% 17% 24%

71% 21% 9%

70% 22% 9%

78% 11% 11%


Making the vote threshold needed to pass an initiative the same as any vote threshold that the initiative itself requires of the public in the future
Desirable Undecided Undesirable
82% 9% 8% 77% 14% 9% 87% 6% 6% 78% 11% 11% 85% 0% 15% 91% 4% 5% 87% 4% 9% 94% 5% 1% 91% 3% 7% 89% 0% 11%

Appendix 6: Responses by Party Affiliation

(#) 2k

Question Increasing the number of Assembly districts from 80 to 120

Desirable Undecided Undesirable

61% 17% 23%

54% 13% 33%

63% 21% 16%

62% 17% 22%

71% 0% 29%

62% 17% 21%

56% 15% 30%

68% 18% 14%

55% 21% 25%

78% 0% 22%


Expanding the size of districts and electing more than one legislative representative from each district
Desirable Undecided Undesirable
48% 19% 33% 36% 21% 43% 52% 19% 29% 50% 19% 31% 71% 6% 24% 49% 17% 34% 36% 21% 43% 53% 17% 30% 51% 14% 34% 71% 6% 24%


Replacing the current State Senate and Assembly with a single house of 120 members
Desirable Undecided Undesirable
32% 25% 43% 45% 13% 42% 31% 22% 47% 59% 13% 28% 34% 25% 41% 33% 14% 54% 30% 30% 40% 52% 15% 33% 31% 25% 44% 44% 6% 50% 42% 15% 43% 26% 9% 64% 36% 17% 48% 39% 10% 51% 47% 16% 37% 18% 10% 72% 42% 8% 50% 30% 5% 64% 39% 17% 44% 18% 12% 71%


Making the State Legislature part-time and paying legislators

Desirable Undecided Undesirable


Reducing the length of the state legistlative session and requiring legislators to spend more time in their districts
Desirable Undecided Undesirable
57% 19% 24% 68% 15% 17% 49% 22% 30% 57% 22% 22% 65% 12% 24% 46% 18% 36% 60% 17% 23% 39% 18% 43% 45% 21% 34% 33% 11% 56%


Allowing voters to rank the candidates in order of preference, so that the winner can be decided without a second election
Desirable Undecided Undesirable
61% 13% 26% 49% 19% 32% 67% 10% 23% 63% 10% 27% 68% 11% 21% 57% 13% 30% 43% 22% 35% 63% 10% 27% 62% 8% 30% 61% 6% 33%


Lengthening Assembly terms from 2 years to 4, and Senate terms from 4 years to 6
Desirable Undecided Undesirable
46% 14% 40% 36% 13% 51% 58% 16% 26% 30% 14% 56% 56% 0% 44% 81% 8% 11% 77% 10% 14% 87% 7% 6% 74% 10% 16% 84% 5% 11%


Requiring economic impact analyses of major legislation before passage

Desirable Undecided Undesirable
89% 8% 3% 86% 11% 3% 87% 10% 3% 92% 100% 3% 5% 0% 0% 90% 5% 5% 89% 4% 7% 91% 6% 3% 89% 4% 7% 83% 6% 11%


Establishing clear goals for each government program and assessing whether progress is being made toward these goals at least once every ten years
Desirable Undecided Undesirable
86% 8% 6% 77% 14% 9% 89% 7% 3% 92% 3% 5% 85% 5% 10% 90% 6% 5% 91% 4% 4% 90% 8% 3% 89% 1% 9% 79% 16% 5%


Requiring the Governor and the Legislature to adopt two-year instead of one-year budgets
Desirable Undecided Undesirable
57% 25% 18% 59% 20% 21% 59% 28% 13% 49% 26% 25% 59% 29% 12% 73% 15% 13% 71% 15% 14% 75% 17% 8% 66% 11% 23% 88% 0% 12%


Requiring the Governor and the Legislature to publish three and five year budget projections prior to the budget vote each year
Desirable Undecided Undesirable
81% 12% 8% 81% 10% 8% 81% 13% 6% 80% 11% 8% 78% 11% 11% 83% 9% 7% 84% 11% 5% 80% 11% 9% 88% 5% 7% 89% 0% 11%


Transferring from the state to local governments control and financing of services provided at the local level and requiring minimum standards for delivering them
Desirable Undecided Undesirable
66% 16% 17% 65% 19% 15% 65% 17% 18% 69% 13% 18% 74% 5% 21% 73% 14% 13% 74% 15% 11% 74% 13% 13% 73% 14% 14% 58% 16% 26%

Allowing local governments to raise taxes for local services in 2w exchange for increased coordination of service delivery and public reporting of performance
Desirable Undecided Undesirable
55% 15% 30% 42% 15% 43% 63% 14% 23% 52% 18% 30% 65% 6% 29% 63% 16% 22% 63% 15% 22% 69% 14% 17% 49% 21% 30% 53% 16% 32%


Creating a stable source of funds for regional priorities by dedicating a portion of tax revenue from economic growth to those priorities
Desirable Undecided Undesirable
67% 22% 12% 56% 28% 16% 72% 18% 10% 68% 23% 10% 75% 13% 13% 67% 21% 11% 54% 32% 14% 75% 17% 8% 70% 19% 11% 61% 11% 28%

Appendix 6: Responses by Party Affiliation

(#) 2y

Question Direct any savings resulting from successful local management of state resources to those local governments, in exchange for monitoring their own performance and being accountable and innovative in their operations
Desirable Undecided Undesirable

75% 13% 12%

73% 15% 12%

75% 13% 12%

77% 12% 11%

78% 0% 22%

76% 12% 12%

84% 12% 4%

72% 15% 14%

78% 7% 15%

67% 6% 28%


Requiring state and local governments to identify policy goals and publish their progress toward meeting them
Desirable Undecided Undesirable
89% 7% 4% 86% 7% 6% 92% 7% 2% 86% 7% 7% 89% 0% 11% 92% 5% 3% 96% 3% 1% 90% 6% 4% 91% 8% 1% 89% 0% 11%


Requiring legislation creating new programs that cost $25 million or more to indicate how they will be paid for
Desirable Undecided Undesirable
91% 5% 4% 92% 3% 5% 88% 7% 5% 95% 5% 0% 90% 0% 10% 90% 5% 5% 96% 2% 3% 87% 9% 4% 89% 4% 7% 83% 0% 17%


Requiring legislation creating tax cuts that cost $25 million or more to indicate how they will be paid for
Desirable Undecided Undesirable
84% 6% 10% 75% 8% 17% 90% 7% 3% 82% 3% 15% 80% 0% 20% 84% 8% 8% 81% 10% 9% 90% 6% 4% 78% 11% 11% 72% 0% 28%


Requiring legislation creating new programs or tax cuts that cost $25 million or more to indicate how they will be paid for
Desirable Undecided Undesirable
84% 8% 8% 76% 14% 10% 89% 7% 4% 84% 4% 12% 84% 0% 16% 88% 7% 6% 88% 6% 5% 90% 6% 4% 83% 11% 7% 78% 0% 22%

2ad Requiring that one-time revenue spikes only be spent on

one-time projects, paying off debt, and filling the state rainy-day fund
Desirable Undecided Undesirable
80% 12% 8% 77% 13% 11% 81% 14% 5% 82% 6% 12% 79% 11% 11% 84% 7% 9% 89% 6% 4% 83% 7% 11% 81% 9% 9% 84% 0% 16%


Increasing the size of the States rainy-day fund from 5% to 10% of the State budget
Desirable Undecided Undesirable
66% 21% 13% 64% 20% 16% 67% 20% 13% 67% 19% 13% 60% 33% 7% 67% 19% 14% 75% 14% 12% 67% 20% 14% 55% 26% 19% 76% 6% 18%


Applying the sales tax to services as well as goods while reducing the sales tax rate
Desirable Undecided Undesirable
38% 17% 45% 30% 21% 50% 44% 17% 40% 39% 16% 46% 35% 12% 53% 45% 14% 41% 38% 15% 47% 51% 14% 35% 41% 17% 42% 39% 6% 56%


Applying the sales tax to services as well as goods while keeping the current sales tax rate
Desirable Undecided Undesirable
23% 16% 61% 14% 15% 71% 32% 17% 51% 22% 14% 64% 12% 6% 82% 20% 10% 70% 12% 10% 79% 25% 13% 62% 16% 7% 77% 28% 0% 72%


Limiting the current California state income tax deduction for home mortgage interest payments to $25,000 per year
Desirable Undecided Undesirable
43% 21% 36% 53% 20% 27% 35% 22% 43% 30% 23% 47% 52% 20% 29% 65% 22% 13% 35% 21% 44% 58% 12% 29% 47% 20% 33% 56% 17% 28% 44% 17% 40% 72% 13% 16% 29% 19% 52% 54% 18% 28% 52% 19% 29% 86% 9% 5% 49% 10% 41% 65% 12% 23% 37% 11% 53% 67% 17% 17%


Reassessing non-residential property more frequently than now

Desirable Undecided Undesirable


Reassessing all property values more frequently while adjusting the current property tax exemption for inflation to about $28,000 and allowing the exemption to rise with property values going forward
Desirable Undecided Undesirable
35% 25% 40% 23% 21% 56% 44% 29% 27% 30% 27% 43% 46% 8% 46% 33% 20% 47% 22% 16% 62% 42% 23% 36% 32% 15% 53% 24% 29% 47%


Allowing local electorates to raise the property tax rate above the current 1% rate cap
Desirable Undecided Undesirable
28% 11% 61% 11% 8% 81% 43% 14% 43% 16% 9% 76% 42% 16% 42% 28% 13% 59% 16% 8% 76% 40% 19% 41% 21% 4% 75% 21% 16% 63%

Appendix 6: Responses by Party Affiliation

Question Lowering local vote requirement to adopt taxes dedicated to 2al specific purposes, to a simple majority so that it is the same as the vote requirement to adopt taxes for general purposes
Desirable Undecided Undesirable

46% 17% 38%

27% 19% 54%

62% 17% 22%

38% 13% 49%

44% 17% 39%

42% 16% 41%

22% 20% 58%

59% 14% 27%

29% 20% 51%

50% 6% 44%


Decreasing the super-majority vote required in the Legislature to raise taxes (about 67%) to 55%
Desirable Undecided Undesirable
32% 9% 59% 10% 10% 80% 49% 9% 42% 25% 11% 64% 30% 5% 65% 50% 8% 43% 21% 8% 71% 67% 10% 23% 49% 3% 48% 50% 6% 44%

If the Legislature is allowed to amend an initiative that has already passed, by what sort of majority should it be able to do so?
A simple majority (50% plus 1) 55% A two-thirds majority
13% 18% 69% 4% 11% 85% 19% 25% 57% 14% 14% 71% 6% 24% 71% 9% 27% 65% 7% 23% 70% 12% 33% 55% 6% 21% 73% 0% 11% 89%

Some people think that the Legislature should contain fewer Legislators, even if that means that each Legislator represents more people. Suppose these people are at one end of a 1-to-7 scale, at point 1. Other people think that each Legislator should represent fewer people, even if that means that the Legislature contains more Legislators. Suppose these people are at the other end of the scale, at point 7. People who are exactly in the middle are at point 4, and of course other people have opinions at other points between 1 and 7. Where would you place yourself on this scale, or wouldnt you have any opinion about that?
Fewer legislators Exactly in the middle More legislators
20% 23% 57% 27% 22% 51% 15% 23% 62% 21% 25% 54% 11% 21% 68% 10% 20% 70% 17% 25% 58% 6% 17% 78% 9% 24% 67% 5% 11% 84%

On a 0 to 10 scale, where 0 is "not at all, 10 is as much as could reasonably be expected, and 5 is exactly in the middle, how much or little would you say the California State Legislature is able to get important things done?
Not at all Exactly in the middle As could be expected
67% 16% 17% 75% 13% 13% 63% 17% 21% 66% 18% 16% 68% 26% 5% 69% 10% 21% 73% 14% 13% 65% 9% 26% 73% 8% 19% 78% 11% 11%

On another 0 to 10 scale, where 0 is not at all, 10 is completely, and 5 is exactly in the middle, to what extent is the ability of the State Legislature to get things done affected by tensions between the political parties?
Not at all Exactly in the middle Completely
27% 8% 65% 38% 11% 52% 19% 6% 75% 27% 9% 64% 37% 5% 58% 21% 6% 73% 25% 10% 65% 15% 4% 81% 26% 5% 69% 37% 0% 63%

And, on another 0 to 10 scale, where 0 is completely at the local level, 10 is completely at the State level, and 5 is exactly in the middle, how much decision-making authority should there be at the local level versus the State level?
Local level Exactly in the middle State level
42% 32% 27% 47% 30% 23% 34% 32% 34% 49% 34% 18% 47% 32% 21% 43% 29% 27% 50% 25% 25% 39% 29% 31% 38% 37% 25% 61% 22% 17%

And, on the same scale, how much taxation power should there be at the local level versus State level?
Local level Exactly in the middle State level
34% 40% 27% 37% 36% 27% 30% 42% 27% 31% 43% 26% 53% 24% 24% 32% 33% 35% 37% 36% 27% 29% 33% 38% 29% 32% 39% 50% 17% 33%

On the same scale, where would you say the most important public policy decisions should be made?
Local level Exactly in the middle State level
25% 30% 44% 32% 35% 32% 16% 26% 58% 32% 33% 36% 39% 33% 28% 25% 26% 49% 31% 32% 37% 16% 27% 57% 32% 16% 53% 53% 24% 24%


On another 0 to 10 scale, where 0 is completely by voters in referendums, 10 is completely by the State Legislature, and 5 is exactly in the middle, how many of the States major decisions should be made by voters in referendums versus by the State Legislature?
By voters in referendums Exactly in the middle By the State Legislature
31% 25% 45% 36% 31% 33% 25% 18% 57% 35% 28% 37% 35% 29% 35% 29% 26% 45% 35% 34% 31% 21% 24% 55% 37% 24% 39% 33% 17% 50%

Appendix 6: Responses by Party Affiliation


Question Some people think that decisions made at the local level reflect the will of the local community more closely than decisions made at the state level. Suppose these people are at one end of a 1-to-7 scale, at point 1.Other people think that decisions made at the local level are more dominated by powerful special interests than decisions made at the state level. Suppose these people are at the other end of the scale, at point 7. People who are exactly in the middle are at point 4, and of course other people have opinions at other points between 1 and 7. Where would you place yourself on this scale, or wouldnt you have any opinion about that?
Reflect local community Exactly in the middle Dominated by special interests


47% 25% 28%

57% 23% 20%

40% 27% 34%

44% 27% 30%

61% 22% 17%

56% 23% 21%

65% 23% 13%

52% 23% 25%

53% 26% 22%

63% 13% 25%


Replacing the current State Senate and Assembly with a single house would make it easier to pass important legislation
Agree strongly Agree somewhat Neither agree nor disagree Disagree somewhat Disagree strongly
17% 35% 20% 16% 12% 17% 35% 15% 17% 15% 16% 40% 21% 16% 8% 20% 26% 23% 13% 17% 24% 18% 29% 24% 6% 24% 39% 15% 13% 9% 20% 37% 15% 19% 9% 26% 39% 15% 13% 7% 23% 41% 16% 8% 12% 33% 44% 11% 0% 11%

13b Replacing the current State Senate and Assembly with a single

house would deprive the system of important checks and balances

Agree strongly Agree somewhat Neither agree nor disagree Disagree somewhat Disagree strongly
31% 26% 20% 13% 9% 16% 27% 18% 20% 19% 30% 41% 12% 10% 7% 10% 17% 34% 22% 18% 36% 24% 21% 13% 6% 26% 29% 17% 14% 13% 42% 35% 10% 5% 8% 10% 10% 33% 21% 26% 26% 30% 20% 15% 9% 6% 24% 19% 27% 23% 17% 48% 14% 13% 8% 12% 21% 32% 25% 11% 36% 23% 16% 10% 14% 23% 26% 19% 17% 16% 41% 30% 13% 11% 6% 6% 19% 39% 14% 22% 44% 19% 25% 6% 6% 21% 37% 16% 5% 21% 39% 50% 6% 6% 0% 7% 13% 33% 27% 20% 29% 30% 14% 18% 10% 10% 22% 16% 26% 27% 25% 42% 12% 11% 10% 11% 20% 34% 21% 13% 33% 28% 17% 16% 7% 16% 28% 18% 19% 19% 35% 39% 11% 6% 9% 12% 16% 27% 27% 19% 27% 32% 12% 23% 7% 4% 22% 15% 28% 31% 21% 40% 13% 15% 11% 13% 21% 40% 18% 8% 26% 27% 18% 11% 19% 15% 14% 18% 31% 23% 20% 49% 11% 11% 9% 7% 26% 29% 19% 19% 32% 32% 0% 16% 21% 11% 16% 16% 16% 42% 28% 50% 6% 6% 11% 6% 11% 44% 28% 11%

14a Part-time legislators will tend to represent their districts more closely
Agree strongly Agree somewhat Neither agree nor disagree Disagree somewhat Disagree strongly

14b Part-time legislators will be less likely to be career politicians.

Agree strongly Agree somewhat Neither agree nor disagree Disagree somewhat Disagree strongly

14c Part-time legislators will tend to be more open to corruption.

Agree strongly Agree somewhat Neither agree nor disagree Disagree somewhat Disagree strongly

Part-time legislators will tend to be less well informed about 14d policy issues.
Agree strongly Agree somewhat Neither agree nor disagree Disagree somewhat Disagree strongly
15% 30% 20% 20% 15% 9% 25% 21% 23% 22% 19% 36% 18% 18% 9% 14% 26% 22% 18% 19% 12% 24% 12% 35% 18% 25% 29% 20% 16% 11% 15% 31% 18% 20% 16% 34% 24% 20% 16% 6% 23% 33% 17% 11% 16% 11% 39% 39% 6% 6%

Increasing State Legislators terms will make them less 15a responsive to their districts.
Agree strongly Agree somewhat Neither agree nor disagree Disagree somewhat Disagree strongly
12% 29% 21% 26% 12% 17% 32% 21% 21% 8% 5% 25% 20% 33% 17% 17% 31% 24% 21% 7% 15% 35% 15% 15% 20% 4% 13% 17% 39% 27% 5% 17% 17% 35% 25% 3% 8% 15% 45% 29% 3% 17% 20% 32% 28% 5% 21% 21% 26% 26%

Increasing State Legislators terms will let them spend 15b less time fundraising and campaigning and more time legislating.
Agree strongly Agree somewhat Neither agree nor disagree Disagree somewhat Disagree strongly
26% 42% 13% 11% 8% 19% 42% 15% 14% 10% 28% 43% 12% 11% 6% 26% 40% 15% 8% 10% 41% 41% 0% 12% 6% 43% 39% 9% 5% 4% 35% 45% 9% 8% 4% 49% 36% 8% 3% 4% 40% 37% 15% 5% 3% 47% 42% 0% 5% 5%

Appendix 6: Responses by Party Affiliation



16a Arnold Schwarzenegger

Extremely dissatisfied Exactly in the middle Extremely satisfied
76% 12% 12% 30% 20% 49% 69% 19% 12% 68% 19% 13% 72% 18% 10% 50% 22% 28% 72% 15% 13% 37% 20% 43% 39% 29% 32% 65% 17% 18% 55% 27% 18% 82% 15% 3% 78% 18% 4% 81% 18% 1% 44% 22% 34% 83% 9% 8% 34% 20% 46% 38% 33% 29% 81% 11% 7% 11% 17% 73% 60% 22% 18% 60% 22% 17% 63% 21% 16% 56% 21% 23% 64% 21% 14% 35% 23% 43% 34% 33% 33% 77% 8% 15% 43% 16% 40% 73% 16% 11% 73% 15% 12% 74% 14% 12% 48% 23% 30% 72% 10% 17% 40% 14% 46% 45% 19% 36% 83% 11% 6% 22% 28% 50% 67% 13% 20% 60% 13% 27% 76% 12% 12% 50% 21% 29% 74% 16% 11% 61% 17% 22% 67% 13% 20% 75% 14% 11% 25% 21% 54% 68% 18% 13% 71% 16% 13% 70% 18% 12% 37% 19% 44% 64% 19% 17% 28% 20% 52% 30% 32% 38% 61% 24% 15% 47% 31% 22% 78% 16% 6% 74% 17% 8% 77% 15% 8% 25% 23% 52% 75% 18% 7% 31% 20% 49% 30% 34% 36% 83% 9% 8% 8% 16% 76% 62% 21% 17% 70% 15% 14% 70% 18% 13% 49% 17% 33% 55% 23% 22% 24% 21% 54% 27% 31% 42% 78% 8% 14% 34% 18% 48% 71% 14% 14% 68% 15% 17% 61% 23% 16% 26% 20% 54% 71% 11% 19% 29% 17% 53% 35% 32% 32% 74% 21% 5% 38% 13% 50% 61% 22% 17% 67% 17% 17% 74% 11% 16% 42% 0% 58% 63% 16% 21% 42% 11% 47% 50% 25% 25%

16b Jerry Brown

Extremely dissatisfied Exactly in the middle Extremely satisfied

16c California State Senate

Extremely dissatisfied Exactly in the middle Extremely satisfied

16d California State Assembly

Extremely dissatisfied Exactly in the middle Extremely satisfied

16e California State Legislature

Extremely dissatisfied Exactly in the middle Extremely satisfied

16f Californias initiative/referendum process

Extremely dissatisfied Exactly in the middle Extremely satisfied

16g Californias State government

Extremely dissatisfied Exactly in the middle Extremely satisfied

16h Your city/town and countys government

Extremely dissatisfied Exactly in the middle Extremely satisfied


Californias local governments generally

Extremely dissatisfied Exactly in the middle Extremely satisfied


Some people think that local communities should be able to decide their own taxes and services, even if that means big differences between communities. Suppose these people are at one end of a 1-to-7 scale, at point 1.Other people think that taxes and services should be the same throughout the state, even if that means less local control. Suppose these people are at the other end of the scale, at point 7. People who are exactly in the middle are at point 4. Where would you place yourself on this scale, or wouldnt you have any opinion about that?
Local communities decide Exactly in the middle Same throughout the state
39% 21% 41% 50% 27% 24% 30% 20% 50% 41% 14% 45% 40% 20% 40% 42% 20% 38% 52% 25% 24% 37% 17% 46% 37% 21% 42% 53% 21% 26%


Some people think that government should provide certain benefits and services, even if that means higher taxes. Suppose these people are at one end of a 1-to-7 scale, at point 1. Other people think that government should lower taxes, even if that means reduced benefits and services. Suppose these people are at the other end of the scale, at point 7. People who are exactly in the middle are at point 4. Where would you place yourself on this scale, or wouldnt you have any opinion about that?
Provide benefits and services, even if that means higher taxes Exactly in the middle Lower taxes, even if that means reducing benefits and services
46% 16% 67% 40% 47% 57% 27% 78% 48% 56%

18% 37%

20% 64%

15% 18%

20% 40%

16% 37%

15% 28%

23% 50%

11% 11%

17% 35%

6% 39%

Appendix 6: Responses by Party Affiliation


Question Some people think that majorities should always have their way no matter how big the minorities are or how strongly they feel. Suppose these people are at one end of a 1-to-7 scale, at point 1.Other people think that minorities should have their way when they are large enough or feel strongly enough. Suppose these people are at the other end of the scale, at point 7. People who are exactly in the middle are at point 4. Where would you place yourself on this scale, or wouldnt you have any opinion about that?
Majorities always have their way Exactly in the middle Minorities have their way


34% 33% 33%

39% 33% 28%

34% 31% 35%

28% 39% 33%

37% 26% 37%

37% 33% 31%

35% 37% 28%

37% 31% 32%

40% 30% 30%

28% 33% 39%


Some people think that the best society is one in which nobody can tell anybody else what to do, even if there is a cost to others. Suppose these people are at one end of a 1-to-7 scale, at point 1. Other people think that the best society is one in which the community can decide together what people can and cannot do, even if some people object. Suppose these people are at the other end of the scale, at point 7. People who are exactly in the middle are at point 4. Where would you place yourself on this scale, or wouldnt you have any opinion about that?
Nobody can tell anybody else what to do Exactly in the middle Community can decide
18% 19% 64% 22% 20% 58% 11% 17% 72% 24% 19% 57% 30% 25% 45% 20% 22% 58% 25% 24% 51% 11% 21% 68% 29% 24% 47% 37% 26% 37%


Some people think that the best government is one in which everyone gets to vote directly on making the laws. Suppose these people are at one end of a 1-to-7 scale, at point 1. Other people think that the best government is one in which everyone gets to vote for representatives who then vote on making the laws. Suppose these people are at the other end of the scale, at point 7. People who are exactly in the middle are at point 4. Where would you place yourself on this scale, or wouldnt you have any opinion about that?
Everyone votes on laws Exactly in the middle Representatives vote on laws
34% 20% 46% 36% 17% 47% 28% 24% 48% 39% 18% 43% 60% 10% 30% 34% 16% 50% 39% 20% 41% 30% 14% 57% 38% 16% 46% 26% 26% 47%

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