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We would like to express our gratitude to everyone who participated in our

Research Study. First and foremost, we want to thank our Research teacher, Ma'am

Alma E. Agulan, for assisting us, encouraging us to continue what we've started in

order for us students to get the learnings we deserve, and pushing us to lead the

way to this success in our studies.

Also, Ma'am Alona Jimenia and the other panelists we met; we want to

express our heartfelt gratitude to all of our teachers. Thank you to my family, friends,

and classmates for supporting us emotionally and encouraging us to do what we did.

Of course, we would like to thank all the respondents who made a successful survey

and contributed significantly to the survey by completing the survey.  

                                                                                      The Researchers

A COVID-19 pandemic started evolve in 17 November 2019 and a lot of

protocols been starting to implement. Research has shown that this Executive Order

No.56 that implement in the city is aware and its implementation. This study aims to

determine how well individuals are informed of the new executive order, also to

determine its implementation in the said city and people’s awareness. 

A face-to-face survey was asked to the workers in the location of Barangay

Calumpang, General Santos City. Respondents were randomly pick in 100%

population, but 30% percent is asked to respond. In the Executive Order No.56 from

LGU Gensan, this study aim to know the if the people is well aware on the

implementation especially the workers. The research is a Quantitative research that

is Descriptive-Correlational research. 
Table of Contents

Chapter I: Introduction

Background of the study

Statement of the Problem


Scope and Limitations

Significance of the Study

Chapter II: Review of Related Literature and Studies

A. Related Literature

B. Related Studies

C. Research Gaps

D. Conceptual Framework

Chapter III: Methodology



Locale of the Study

Map of the Location of the Study

Material and Instrument

Sampling Technique

Statistical Tool

Data Analysis & Interpretation

Chapter IV: Results and Discussion

Chapter V: Summary of Findings, Conclusion and Recommendation

Summary of Findings





Executive Order. The “Acts of the President providing for the rules of a

general or permanent character implementation or execution of constitutional or

statutory powers shall be promulgated in executive orders.” (1987). The frequency of

executive orders varies with substantive changes in the president's political

environment (1999). Executive Order is a rule or order made by a President

Executive order No. 56 Series of 2021, An Executive Order setting the guidelines for

the implementation of Alert Level 2 of Covid-19 Response in the city of General

Santos City. It Lowers the alert level to level 2 giving new protocols with limited


Following the COVID-19 strike that has impacted the lives of people all over

the world, the city has been placed under various quarantine classifications.

According to the most recent report, since November, General Santos City has

consistently seen a drastic reduction in daily cases of people infected with COVID-

19. This drastic reduction in Covid-19 cases was seen after the city's massive

vaccination drive in September of this year, and as a result of this development, the

city has been placed under various quarantine classifications. It was agreed at the

city IATF meeting on December 3, 2021 at 2:00 p.m. that new guidelines should be

issued by the city in accordance with its new quarantine classification under alert

level 2 of the aforementioned national guidelines. Section 16 of the Local

Government Code of 1991 states that "every local government shall exercise the

powers expressly granted, those necessarily implied therefrom, as well as powers

necessary, appropriate, or incidental its efficient and effective governance, and those

which are essential to the promotion of general welfare."

These are following sections of Executive Order NO.56

Section 1. Allowed Establishments and Activities- allows to operate but

undertaken of a maximum 50% indoor capacity for fully vaccinated, a minor should

accompany with a fully vaccinated guardian, all employees of the establishments are

fully vaccinated against COVID-19 and the minimum health protocols are observed.

Section 2. Continuous Government Services- this allows the government

workers to serve the people of General Santos City again at full capacity.

Section 3. Prohibited Activities- different activities revolving around gambling

is still considered a restricted activity except if it's approved by the national IATF or

office of the president amidst the pandemic.

Section 4. Implementation- people entering establishments are allowed but

needs to have the requirements to enter such as: proper age, ID, and QR codes

required by the establishment.

Section 5. Protocols for Arriving Passengers- returning citizens and people

planning for a vacation shall be allowed to enter the city of General Santos when

having the requirements such as vaccination cards and RTCPR.

Section 6. Penal Clause- people or establishments caught disobeying or

breaking the protocols shall be punished by the applicable punishment within the

Section 7. Repealing Clause- all orders, issuances, and memoranda issued

inconsistent herewith are deemed either superseded, cancelled, revoked, and/or

modified accordingly.

Section 8. Separability Clause- If any provisions or parts hereof is held invalid

or unconstitutional, the remainder of this order not otherwise affected shall remain in

full force and effect.

Section 9. Effectivity- this Executive Order shall take effect immediately upon


 The problem with these new guidelines is that the government will have no

way of knowing if the institutions in question are following them and if they have

reached and informed every single individual in the city. This study aims to

determine how well individuals are informed of the new executive order. We chose to

direct this review as it means to illuminate the readers about the conceivable result

of the new chief request and on the off chance that this request was very much

carried out in the people of General Santos City.

Statement of the Problem

The purpose of this study is to identify and determine the level of awareness

on the new executive order no.56 of covid-19 response and implementation in

general santos city.

Specifically, it seeks to answer the following question:

1. What is the level of implementation on new Executive Order No.56 among the

residents of Brgy. Calumpang?

2. What is the level of response on the new Executive Order No.56 among

residents of Brgy. Calumpang?

3. Is there a significant relationship between the level of implementation and

response on new Executive Order No.56 among the residents of Brgy.



           The level of awareness on the new executive order no.56 of covid-19

response is related to the level of implementation in General Santos City.

Scope and Limitations 

           The purpose of this study is to identify and determine the level of awareness

on the new executive order no.56 of covid-19 response and implementation in

General Santos City. The respondents of this will be the workers in the said location.

This started implementing on December 05, 2021 and was followed with the new

executive order no.01 series of 2022 on January 18, 2022. The study’s respondents

will be done through the utilization of researcher made by sheets survey.

Significance of the study

           The main concerns of this study will determine the underlying level of

awareness on the new executive order no.56 of covid-19 response that contributes

to the implementation in General Santos City. This study will hopefully help to the

           Student. This study will help them to be aware of this executive order. These

skills include teamwork, empathy, as well as learning to accept failure as a part of

the growth process.

            Netizens. for their safety as a visitors in public places like malls and

restaurants nor in the plaza like that and person's who'll be the role model for others.

            Tracker. they will be the people who'll stand as a camera and a caster at the

same time for saying what's the update of our community while following the orders.

             City Councils. To know the following results of their rules/order after giving

and distributing to netizens.

          Future Researchers. This study helps future researchers to have a basis of

what will be the outcome of their research about this is an executive order.
Chapter II

Review of Related Literature and Studies

         This chapter is a review of related literature and studies after through and in-

depth search done by the researchers. It contains articles, editorials, researchers,

and ideas that give relevance to the topic.

A. Related literature

What is Covid-19

          Fauci, Lane, and Redfield (2020). The most recent threat to global health is

the (Covid-19). Covid-19 was discovered in December 2019.1 It was quickly

determined to be caused by a unique coronavirus that is structurally related to the

virus that causes severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS). As with previous

outbreaks of coronavirus disease within the previous 18 years2 — SARS (2002 and

2003) and the Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS) (2012 to the present) —

the Covid-19 outbreak has posed significant challenges for the general public health,

research, and scientific communities. The ability of any respiration virus to transmit

has critical implications for containment and mitigation techniques. According to the

most recent research, the expected primary duplicate quantity (R0) is 2.2, which

means that on average, each inflamed character spreads the contamination to

additional people. As the authors point out, the outbreak is likely to continue until this

quantity falls beneath neath 1.0. Recent reports of high titers of virus within the
oropharynx early in the course of illness raise concerns about increased infectivity

throughout the duration of minimal symptoms.6,7

The Covid-19 outbreak is a stark reminder of the ongoing project of emerging

and reemerging infectious pathogens and the need for consistent surveillance, set-

off analysis, and strong studies to comprehend the fundamental biology of recent

organisms and our susceptibility to them, as well as to increase powerful


According to the most recent research, the expected primary duplicate

quantity (R0) is 2.2, which means that on average, each inflamed character spreads

the contamination to additional people. As the authors point out, the outbreak is likely

to continue until this quantity falls beneath neath 1.0. Recent reports of high titers of

virus within the oropharynx early in the course of illness raise concerns about

increased infectivity throughout the duration of minimal symptoms.6,7

Wang (2020). The choice of various respiratory protection mechanisms,

including face masks and respirators, has been a vexed issue, from the 2009 H1N1

pandemic to the West African Ebola epidemic of 2014,1 to the current COVID-19

pandemic. COVID-19 guidelines issued by WHO, the US Centers for Disease

Control and Prevention, and other agencies have been consistent about the need for

the physical distancing of 1–2 m but conflicting on the issue of respiratory protection

with a face mask or a respirator.

Importance of Executive Order

Carnes (2021). The Constitution states it's the President's job to “ensure

those laws are faithfully executed.” So, Presidents often use Executive Orders to
direct federal workers on how to enforce existing laws, sometimes changing direction

during times of war or other emergencies

Mayer (1999). This article reassesses the current paradigm of the presidential

studies literature that holds that presidents have limited capacity to act unilaterally or

make policy decisions on their own. I explore how presidents have used executive

orders to implement significant policies unilaterally. Using an event-count analysis, I

find that the frequency of executive orders varies with substantive changes in the

president's political environment. This evidence of a substantive component to order

frequency shows that presidents can rely on their formal powers to make important

policy decisions.

A. Related Studies

Nilsen (2020). Social distancing policies that ensure physical distance

between people have become a critical strategy in the fight against the coronavirus's

spread. This project's goal is to analyze and compare social distancing policies

implemented in Denmark and Sweden in 2020. Despite many similarities, the two

countries' responses to the coronavirus pandemic were markedly different. Whereas

authorities in Denmark enacted mandatory regulations and imposed numerous

severe restrictions, authorities in Sweden primarily promoted voluntary


Christian (2021). Based on what has been described, this research aims to

find out the reasons behind the low obedience of the society towards health

protocols during the COVID-19 pandemic by using the theory of the Health Belief

Model. Based on the analysis using six components of Health Belief Model, the

results of the low obedience of the society towards health protocols during the
COVID-19 pandemic are the perception of society about their low potential to be

infected of coronavirus disease 2019 by thinking that the disease will appear just like

common flu, society doesn’t really understand about the benefits of implementing

health protocols, there are obstacles to get the health facilities, lack of government

instructions in guiding society on how to act during the pandemic, and the low of

society confidence that they are able to reduce the spread of COVID-19 in


Polack (2021) Because the Covid-19 virus is spreading, it is critical to take

precautions. Preventive measures will be taken by increasing public awareness of

the COVID19 prevention health protocol's implementation. Raising awareness can

be accomplished through socialization from the dangers of covid-19 and

implementing standards for covid-19 health prevention protocols. The lecture

method, as well as online meetings, can be used. The material on the dangers of

covid-19 and the health protocol for covid-19 are examples of media that can be

used the prevention of covid-19 in accordance with the Republic's Ministry of

Health's standards Indonesian. The evaluation is carried out by distributing a

questionnaire prior to and following socialization activities. The socialization results

have a significance of 0.000.

Long, Ward, Pruett (2021) Dental disease incidence rates will remain

unabated during the COVID-19 pandemic. However, the intention to prevent the

spread of this lethal respiratory disease will most likely result in reduced treatment

access due to population movement restrictions. These changes have the potential

to increase dental-related emergency department visits and, as a result, viral

transmission. Furthermore, due to the frequency of aerosol-producing procedures,

dentists face unique challenges in preventing transmission. This paper describes the
reviews and protocols put in place by directors and residents at the Dental College of

Georgia to run a dental emergency clinic during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Committee-based prioritization of dental patients, a multilayered screening process,

team rotations with social and temporal spacing, and modified treatment room

protocols are among the methods presented. These efforts help to reduce viral

transmission, conserve personal protective equipment, and increase provider

availability. These protocols are applicable to private and corporate models, as well

as university and hospital-based models.

A. Research Gap

From the published literature, the study about the executive order no.56 has

not been studied yet, both local and foreign. But in the other hand the meaning, and

what is executive order is well explained in the authors in RRL. This study is new to

the pace of research field, whereas we researcher identify the problem in being

aware of the people in this order, and how well the implementation in the city. 

The location gap of the study is to be specific in areas at Calumpang, General

Santos City. We developed expertise in the body of knowledge and theoretical

issues in our chosen research area. For some research this specific research we

have it has not existing studies yet to be cleared;

A. Conceptual Framework 

         This figure shows the conceptual framework of the study. The independent

variable is these following: age, establishments, business establishments, and

residency/ present location. The dependent variable of this research is the

implementation in the city of General Santos City.

Independent Variable                                                        Dependent Variable

 Age
 Establishment/
    in General
 Business
establishment Santos City
 Residency/Present

Figure 1: Conceptual Paradigm of the Study

Chapter III


We conducted this research study to determine the following list of executive

order no.56 and we, as a researcher of this study will share what we have learned

and started.

Research Design

This point of searching about what executive order is, our study is quantitative

research and a Descriptive-Correlational design. We collected the sources of the

updates of LGU GenSan just to start the research study and know its impact also the

results of this after observing the behavior of netizens about the executive order.56. 


In Brgy. Calumpang, General Santos City we will interview 30 person this must be a

worker in the said place. The age range of those persons we asked is 18 and up to

be exact. We choose them to include in this research it is because they are the

people who live in the city and they are the people who should ask for this survey.
This amount of 30 people is good enough and get the perfect answer for the said

survey for the research success.

Locale of the Study

We researchers interviewed with people in Brgy. Calumpang, General Santos

City. Since it was part of the implementation of Executive Order no.56, a lot of

business establishments companies, in additionally it is part of the EO implemented

in the said City.

Map of the Location of the Study

Data Collection

The researcher will conduct a survey in February or March 2022 to determine

and identify the level of implementation and response of the new Executive Order

No.56 in Calumpang, General Santos City. The following steps were followed in

collecting data:
Phase 1 – Permission

1. Ask permission to the owner or workers to conduct a gather data to the


2. Ask permission to the specific person if they will agree to be ask in the said

sheet survey

Phase 2 – Preparation for data gathering

1. Show them the sheets survey 

2. Give them the sheets survey 

3. Explain to them how to answer the said sheets survey

Phase 3 – Data Collection

1. The respondents will hand back the sheets survey when done answering.

2. Analyze and sort the answers of the respondents

3. Prepare for the data analysis.

Sampling Technique

We researchers used the Simple Random Sampling, because our study is not

so difficult to ask, and can answer of a normal person, no matter who you are and

what is your role as long you are in the said city. This is much easier and fit for our

research questionnaire or study to be well survey.

Material and Instrument

It is an interview form we used to conduct for this study because interviewing

with structured questionnaire to the workers, is better than posting it online, one of

reasons is most of the people we wanted to answer isn’t active online.

Statistical Tool

The Nominal Data or known as the Nominal Scale is used to determine the


For each category, the frequency or percentage can be calculated by YES or NO

 YES - if it is in your favor

 NO – if it not in your favor  

Data Analysis and Interpretation

The data gathered will undergo statistical evaluation. The statistical tool, will

be use to determine the frequent questions to answered by the respondents. Means

every frequency or percentage can be calculated.

Chapter IV

Results and Discussion

This chapter presents the analysis and discussion of the findings of this study.

The presentations are done according to the specific objectives and hypothesis.

Results were presented using pie chart for ease of looking and texts to explain the

pie chart for easier comprehension. 

According to Wikipedia Implementation is the realization of an application, or

execution of a plan, idea, model, design, specification, standard, algorithm, or policy.

Moreover, according to dictionary response is an answer or reply, as in words or in

some action.

The Pie chart will show the lowest result of 7.0% of NO and highest results of

93.0% in YES overall. This percentage is the result of the 30 numbers of

respondents that answered the given questionnaires. The statement of the problem

is to answer the level of implementation and Response on the new executive order

no.56 in Brgy. Calumpang, General Santos City.

Figure 1

Protocol Implementation Frequency Percentage

Yes 27.99 93.3%

No 2.01 6.7%

TOTAL 30 100%

In Protocol Implementation, the respondents' responses to the questionnaire

revealed that 6.7 percent with the frequency of 2.01 said No and 93.3 percent with

the frequency of 27.99 said Yes total of 30 frequency number with 100% result.

Protocol Response Frequency Percentage

Yes 27.81 92.7%

No 2.19 7.3%

TOTAL 30 100%

The responses on the surveys for Protocol Response were 7.3 percent with

the frequency of 2.19 with frequency of No and 92.7 percent, 27.81 frequency said

Yes a total of 30 frequency with 100% result.

Figure 3. 

Protocol Implementation Frequency Percentage

And Response
Yes 27.9 93.0%

No 2.1 7.0%

TOTAL 30 100%
The implementation and response gathered to arrive at the final percent

yielded a percentage of 7.0 percent with a frequency of 2.1 in the No and 93.0

percent with 27.9 frequency in the Yes for a total of 100 percent and 30 frequency


This graph depicts the level of implementation and response of respondents

in Brgy. Calumpang, General Santos City, with an average percent of 93.0 percent

under Executive Order no.56. 

The overall result from the gathered data of the researchers shows that the

figure 1 has a result of 93.3% who said Yes and 6.7% said No and has a frequency

of 27.99 Yes and 2.01 No in Protocol Implementation. Additionally, the figure 2

shows that over 7.3% of the respondents said No and 92.7 of the respondents said

Yes with frequency result of 27.81 Yes and 2.19 No on Protocol Response. Lastly,

figure 3 shows both Protocol Response and Protocol Implementation shows the

overall percentage of the questions from the survey with the result of 7.0% saying No

and 93% said Yes with frequency of 27.9 Yes and 2.1 No in Brgy. Calumpang,

General Santos City. This result shows that majority of the respondents are in favour

of following the Protocol Implementation and Protocol Response because they want

to avoid getting COVID-19 virus, while the minority said No in following the Protocol

Implementation and response for COVID-19.

Chapter V

Summary of Findings

The salient findings of this study to the specific questions are as follows:

Problem No.1. What is the level of implementation on new Executive Order

No.56 among the residents of Brgy. Calumpang?

Based on the findings of the study the implementation of the executive order

no.56 shows how it went well to know and aware to the new protocol. Especially, the

workers and people of the said city. 

The establishment requires I.D, follows 50 percent indoor capacity with fully

vaccinated, requires vaccination card upon entering, allows minors provided that

they have guardians and arriving passengers with vaccination card is allowed to

enter the city. It gets 93.3 percent – Yes on the questions which showed the

implementation of the order in the city is well implement while the other percent

presents the No favor since other establishments do not imply this protocol.

Problem No.2. What is the level of response on the new Executive Order

No.56 among residents of Brgy. Calumpang?

Analysis of the results showed from the 30 participating workers in the

respondents in the Brgy. Calumpang got the most vote in Yes with average of 92.7

percent which is the response. 

I always bring QR codes, I follow social distancing rule, I always bring

vaccination card upon entering the establishment, I follow the safety protocols set by

the establishments during indoor activities and I always observed safety measures

while attending indoor activities. By these the No average percent on this got 7.3


Problem No. 3. Is there any significant relationship between the level of

implementation and response on the new executive order no.56 among the residents

of Brgy. Calumpang?

The level of awareness on the new executive order no.56 of covid-19

response is related to the level of implementation in General Santos City. Since, the

implementation and response are standard when the executive order start to imply.


Analysis of the study simply means that after the conduct of executive order

no.56 as a protocol to know the level of implementation and response in Brgy.

Calumpang, General Santos City, a significant took place. A significant change in the

level of implementation and response is well implement; a implementation and

response is evident.

Furthermore, the result showed that 93.0% level of implementation and

response in the Executive Order no.56 in the Brgy of Calumpang City of General

Santos. This states that 93.3% in level of implementation is went all in the
establishments along with the workers and an average of 92.7% is the response of

the workers and people in the City. To sum up, the level got the 93.0% in the

implementation and response of the Executive Order no.56.


After through assessment and considering the foregoing findings and

conclusions of the study, the following recommendation are presented:

1.  The Brgy. City Council Calumpang, General Santos City, with businesses

that are not following this protocol, is advising that actions be taken at each

institution to check if they are following the protocol and advising that it be

implemented for the safety and improvement of the city's people. Signing a

waiver as a prerequisite of the establishment and the municipal council

demonstrates that they agree with the presidential order and intend to carry it


2. A survey and monthly check should be undertaken at the end of each month

for those establishments that signed an agreement, and if the conditions are

not followed, the punishment should be discussed. Until this is completely

3.  General Santos City Netizens may also have the right to know about the

executive order and be aware of it as a complete response to the procedure.


Administrative Code of 1987, Book III, Chapter 2, Section 2.

Mayer, Kenneth. R. The Journal of Politics (1999)



DepEd Tayo GenSan (2021)

Anthony S. Fauci, M.D., H. Clifford Lane, M.D., and Robert R. Redfield, M.D.


J Adv Res.  (2020)

Quanyi Wang (2020)


Jerry Carnes (2021)


Kenneth R. Mayer (1999) 

Alvania Claresta Sarah Christian (2021) 

Peter J. Polack (2021) 

Per Nilsen (2020)


RH Long, TD Ward, ME Pruett (2021) 

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