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By substituting traditional structural materials with photovoltaic (PV) technologies and

utilizing PV to generate visually pleasing benign power, photovoltaic (PV) technologies

increase a building's capabilities. Cleaner production technology has been able to solve the
economic, social, and environmental problems caused by BIPV systems.

Both active and passive cooling may be used to reduce elevated temperatures caused by BIPV,
however passive methods are more effective in lowering temperatures in retrofit buildings.
Snow, dust, and surrounding buildings can block the view of BIPV applications. Snow-
covering PV is best served by the hydrophobic (icephobic) self-cleaning coating, although anti-
soiling hydrophobic and hydrophilic coatings are also appropriate. Also, BIPV systems cost a
lot to set up and install. But, It now presents a fantastic chance to install large-scale grid-
connected PV systems inexpensively because silicon prices have dropped dramatically by 90%.
Grid-connected PV systems are widespread at the moment, and smart grid power distribution
systems are establishing themselves. BIPV installation is simpler than installing non-integrated
PV systems since it doesn't require extra building space or other assembly materials like
brackets and guide rails. As a result, employing an integrated BIPV design can lower a project's
overall construction and material costs. One of the PV industry's fastest-growing market
categories is BIPV systems. After 2020, the BIPV market is anticipated to expand at a 30%
annual pace.

The amount of photovoltaic (PV) waste generated as a result of the exponential annual rise in
PV installations throughout the world is a significant problem. By 2050, it is anticipated that
there would be between 60 and 78 million tonnes of PV waste in circulation. Through this
review, the most effective approaches to recycling obsolete modules will be examined and
decided. It will consider some of the most recent advancements in recycling techniques at both
an industrial and laboratory scale, as well as existing design constraints, with a focus on the
largest recovery of module components. Circular challenges, opportunities, models, and
justifications are provided for careful examination of closed-loop recycling in addition to
different open-loop cascading possibilities. Adopting ideas from the circular economy would
increase recycling and recovery rates and help balance environmental factors like pollution
from manufacturing. First-generation crystalline silicon (c-Si) modules have dominated the
market for the past 40 years with a market share of 80–90%, and they will account for the
majority of the forthcoming PV waste stream. Layers of various materials, including glass,
metal, semiconductors, and polymers, are firmly bonded together to form these PV modules.
The quantity of possible recycling is constrained by this design, and it is difficult to maintain
and reuse these parts. Here is, a guide on how to grasp c-Si PV module manufacture and how
to approach the challenge of recycling this massive and unavoidable waste stream.


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