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ProductM ix of Amul

Himanshu Ahire 1 3 Dhiraj Kakati 05 ExecutiveFull Time PGDM ( 2009-2010 ) Trimester 2 Symbiosis Institute of Management Studies

Symbol of AMUL(Anand Milk Union Ltd.) is a ring of four hands, which are coordinated with each other. The actual meaning of this symbol is coordination of hand of Different People By Whom This Union is now at top. The first hand of Farmer, second hand of Processor, third hand of Marketer and fourth hand of Customer.Its a joint efforts & productive team work have achieved success in all its new venture, how famous worldwide & known as

Objecti ve Introduction Product MARKETING OBJECTIVES Product STRATEGIES

Produc t Place Price Promotion

4 5 7 12 12
12 12 13 13

The different product for different people Amul Product Mix

Amul Product Portfolio Product -Wid th Product-leng th Product Depth Line stretching Conclusion

14 15
15 18 18 18 22 22


To und erstand produ ctm ix strateg y A m ul. the of To correlatethe findingsw ith the help of the theoretical concepts that we h ave been taughtduring this sem esteron Marketing Management. To g a in a n in sig h to n th e p ro d u ctra n g eo ffe re d b y Amul.

In the year 1946 the first m ilk union w as established. This union was startedwith 250 liters of m ilk per d a y .In the year 1955 AM ULw as established. the year1946 th e u n io n In w a s k n o w n a s K A IR A D IS T R IC T CO-OPERATIVE M ILK PRODUCERS IO N . This UN union selectedthe brandnam eAM ULin 1955. The brand nam e AM UL m eans AM ULYA.This word derived from the Sanskrit word AMULYA w hich m eans PR IC ELESS. qualitycontrol expertin Anandhad suggested A the brand nam e AM UL.Am ul productshave been in use in millions of homes since 1946. Am ul Butter,Am ul M ilk Pow der,Am ul Ghee, Am ul spray, Am ul Cheese, Amul Chocolates, Am ul Shrikhand,Am ul Ice cream , N utram ul,Am ul M ilk and Am ulyahave m ade Am ul a leading food brand in India. (The total sale is Rs. 6 billion in 2009). Today Am ul is a sy m b o l of m any things of the high-qualityproducts sold a t reasonable prices, of the genesis of a v a s tcooperativenetwork, of the trium ph of indigenoustechnology, the m arketings a v v yof a farm ersorganization.And have a of proven m odel for dairy developm ent enerallyknow n as AN AN DPATTERN). (G In the early 40s, the main sources of earning for the farm ers of Kaira district w ere farm ingand selling of m ilk. That time there w a s h igh d e m a n dfo r m ilk in B o m b a y. h e T m a in sup p lier o f the m ilk w a s P olso nd a irylim ite d,w h ichw a s a p riva te ly owned com pan y a nd he ld m on opolyove r the su pp lyof m ilk at B om b ay from the Kairadistrict.Th is system le ads to exp loitation poor a n d illite ra tefa rm e rsb y th e p riv a tetra de rs.T h e tra d e rsu se d of to d ec id e th e p ric es o f m ilk a n d the fa rm e rsw e re fo rce d to accept it withoututteringa single word. How ever, when the exploitationbecam e intolerable,the farm ers w ere frustrated.They collectivelyappealed to Sardar Vallabhbh ai Patel, w h o w as a le ading a ctivistin the freedom m ovem ent. SardarPateladvised th e farm ersto se ll the m ilk on their ow n b y estab lishin g a co-operative u nion, Instea d of supp lyin gmilk to private traders. Sardar Patel sent the farm ers to Shri Morarji Desai in order to gain his co- operationand help. Shri Desai held a meeting at Sa m arkha villag enea r Anan d,on 4 th Ja n u a ry 1946. He advisedthe farm ersto form a societyfor collectionof the milk. Am ul (Anand Milk Union Limited),formed in 1946, is a da iry coop erative m ovem en t in In d ia . It is m a n a g e d b y Gujarat Co-operative M ilk M arketing Federation Ltd. (GCMMF). AM UL is based in Anand, G ujaratand has been a sterling exam ple of a co-operative

organization'ssuccess in the long term. The A m u l Patternhas establisheditself as a uniquely appropriatemodel for ruraldevelopment.

Am ulhas spurredthe W hiteRevolution India.It is also the w orld's biggestvegetarian of cheese brand.

Members No. of Producer Members No. of Village Societies Total Milk handling capacity Milk collection (Total 2003-04) Milk collection (Daily Average 2003-04) Milk Drying Capacity Cattle feed manufacturing Capacity

12 district cooperative milk producers' Union 2.36 million 11,333 6.9 million litres per day 1.81 billion litres 4.97 million litres 511 metric Tons per day 2340 MTs per day

A product is anything that can be offered to a market for attention , acquisition , use,

or consumption that might satisfy a want or need A product is anything that satisfies a need or wants and can be offered in the exchange. A product can be goods, service or idea. Without product there is no marketing. This includes product variety, quality, product design, and brand name, sizes, warranties. AMUL produces and sell the product i.e. milk; it has to plan its product very carefully so that the consumer gets only good quality products.



Condensed Ghee Butter Cream

Packaged Milk Ice cream Beverages

Dried Skimmed Milk Powder

List of Products Marketed Bread spreads Amul Butter Amul Lite Low Fat Breadspread Amul Cooking Butter

Cheese Range Amul Pasteurized Processed Cheddar Cheese Amul Processed Cheese Spread Amul Pizza (Mozarella) Cheese

Amul Shredded Pizza Cheese Amul Gouda Cheese Amul Malai Paneer (cottage cheese), Frozen, Refrigerated and Tinned Utterly Delicious Pizza Amul Emmental Cheese

Desserts Amul Shrikhand (Mango, Saffron, Almond Pistachio, Cardamom) Amul Amrakhand Amul Mithaee Gulabjamuns Amul Mithaee Gulabjamun Mix Amul Mithaee Kulfi Mix Avsar Ladoos Fresh Milk Amul Shakti 3% fat Milk Amul Taaza 1.5% fat Milk Amul Ganthiya Amul Gold 4.5% fat Milk Amul Lite Slim-n-Trim Milk 0% fat milk Amul Shakti Toned Milk Amul Fresh Cream Amul Snowcap Softy Mix For Cooking Amul Pure Ghee Sagar Pure Ghee Amul Cow Ghee Amul Malai Paneer Mithai Mate Pro-biotic Dahi Masti Dahi Utterly Delicious Pizza

Powder Milk Amul Infant Milk Formula 1 (0-6 months) Amul Infant Milk Formula 2 (6 months above) Amulspray Infant Milk Food Amul Full Cream Milk Powder Amulya Dairy Whitener Sagar Skimmed Milk Powder Sagar Tea and Coffee Whitener Amul Ice creams Royal Treat Range (Rajbhog, Cappuchino, Chocochips, Butterscotch, Tutti Frutti) Nut-o-Mania Range (Kaju Drakshi, Kesar Pista, Roasted Almond, Kesar Carnival, Badshahi Badam Kulfi, Shista Pista Kulfi) Utsav Range (Anjir, Roasted Almond) Simply Delicious Range (Vanilla, Strawberry, Pineapple, Rose, Chocolate) Nature's Treat (Alphanso Mango, Fresh Litchi, Anjir, Fresh Strawberry, Black Currant) Sundae Range (Mango, Black Currant, Chocolate, Strawberry) Millennium Ice cream (Cheese with Almonds, Dates with Honey) Milk Bars (Chocobar, Mango Dolly, Raspberry Dolly, Shahi Badam Kulfi, Shahi Pista Kulfi, Mawa Malai Kulfi, Green Pista Kulfi) Cool Candies (Orange, Mango) Cassatta Tricone Cones (Butterscotch, Chocolate) Megabite Almond Cone Frostik - 3 layer chocolate Bar Fundoo Range exclusively for kids

SlimScoop Fat Free Frozen Dessert (Vanilla, Banana, Mango, Pineapple) Health Isabcool Chocolate & Confectionery Amul Milk Chocolate Amul Fruit & Nut Chocolate Brown Beverage

Nutramul Malted Milk Food

Milk Drink

Amul Kool Flavoured Milk

Health Beverage

Amul Shakti White Milk Food

Ready to Serve Soups

Masti Tomato Soup

Masti Hot & Sour Soup

& Id en tify caterto em ergingm arketsall over India aboutthe brandnam eand increasecustom erloyalty. Create aw areness of Tacklethe problemof im itation design. b Increaseretailersatisfaction y p ro v id in gb e tte rmargins.


Product Create aw arenessabout its differentbrands therebyenablingthe customerto differentiate betweenits various brands. Copy-write the packaging design to preserve the distinguishingidentity barring com petitors from im itating same. the of to Introduction larger volumepouches in line with econom y packs provide large scale buyers price benefits. e.g Square shaped Different shaped pouches for its products for easy identification, pouch for Amul Tazaa,rectangular shapedfor Am ulGold, etc.

Place Place refers to m arketingactivitiesthat m ake products available consum ers at the to right tim e in a convenientlocation. It is the process of m oving products from the producer to the consum er, w hich m ay involve severalsteps and the participationof multiple. AM UL has developedfederationand AMUL parlors located in severalpart of country. The GCMMF handles the works relating to m anagingof stocks and distributorsin country.Thus GCM MF look after the disbursem ent productto the various m arketing of channels.

Price It is th e v a lu e ,u su a llyin m o n e ta ry rm sth a tsellers ask for in exchangefor the products te they are offering.Pricing and product image are closely related.Customersw ill pay a higher price for w ell know n,well regarded products, partlybecause of the im age created through advertisingand other prom otions.This includes list price, discount, allow ance,and credit term s. The prices of products AM UL are alsodecided by the of G CM M F. The GCM M F conductsthe m arketsurveyto check the v a lid ity and feasibility of prices in the m arketand accordingly decidesthe prices of AM ULproducts. However, the price is inclusive of several elem entslike, Cost milk. of

Labour cost. Processing cost. Packaging cost. Advertising cost. Transportation cost. Sales promotion costs. Taxes etc. The GCMMF considers all these cost aspectsand set them up in pricing structureto decide the selling price of m ilk and m ilk products. Promotion Place refers to m arketingactivitiesused to com m unicate positive,inform ationabout an organization, productsand activitiesto directlyor indirectlyexpediteexchanges its in target m arket. It includes a v a rie ty techniques including advertisem en t,sale of p rom otion, pu blic relation an d p ersonal selling that are used to com m unicate ith w custom ers and potentialcustomers.

AMUL prom otes its products through newspaper, T.V.; hoarding etc. television is the best m edia for advertising. The GCMMF how ever uses hoardingfor advertising in local areas. Hoarding designed th e c re a tiv e a s isa ttra c t e customer more. on b th


Amul never forgot its primary customer Am ulcollects 447,000 ltrs of m ilk from 2 .12 m illion farm ers(m anyilliterate) Product for youth Am ullaunchedChocolatem ilk underbrand nam eof Am ulKool Kokotargetingthe youth.

Product for diabetic people IndiasFirst Pro-Biotic ellnessIce cream& Sugar Free DelightsFor Diabetics W

Product for the health conscious Am ulLa u n ch e dlo w fa t, low cholesterolbread spreads Product for the price sensitive India Low PricedAm ulIce Cream sand affordable sagarwhitener

Product for the urban class Am ullaunchedem m ental, goudaand pizza m ozzarella cheese


Amul Product Portfolio

Amul mainly produces dairy product which falls under nondurable goods category but also produces durable goods Examples DurableGoods :-Milk Powders,Ready to Serve Soups Non Durable Goods:- Fresh Milk,Cheese Range & Ice creams


Non Dairy

Product Mix -Width

Bread Spreads


Desse rts


Shredded Pizza Cheese.

AMUL Shrikhand (Mango, Saffron, Almond Pistachio, Cardamom) AMUL Amrakhand.

Low Fat Bread Spread.

Emmental Cheese.

Cooking Butter.

Gouda Cheese.

AMUL Mithaee Gulabjamuns. AMUL Mithaee Gulabjamuns Mix. AMUL Mithaee Kulfi Mix.

Product Mix Length

Malai Paneer (cottage cheese) Frozen and Tinned. Utterly Delicious Pizza.

Cooking Amul /Sa garPu reGhee Amul Malai Paneer Mithai Ma te ProbioticDahi Masti Dahi UtterlyDeliciousPizza Nutramul

Health Drink



Milk Drinks Am ulKool Millk Shaake Am ul Kool Amul Kool Cafe Kool Koko

Powder Milk AmulSp rayIn fant M ilk Food AmulInstant Full Cre am SagarSkimmed Milk Powde Sagar Tea Coffee Whi ten Amu lyaDairy W tener hi

Fresh Milk Amul Fresh Milk AmulGold Milk Amul Taaza Double Toned AmulLi teSlimand Tri m Amul Fresh Cream AmulShakti Toned Milk Amul Calci+ Amul But termilk

Product Mix Length

NutramulEne rgy Drink Amul Kool Flavoured Bottled Amul Kool Flavoure dTetra Amul Masti Spiced Buttermil Amul Lassee Amul Kool Thandai

Table 3

Product- Width

The w id thof a produ ctm ix refers to th e totalnu m berof ite m sin th e mix. Example: The total num berof item s are 8. ( bread spreads, cheese , desert, cooking,health drink, m ilk drinks,pow der ilk & fresh milk m Product-leng th The lengthof a p rodu ctm ix refers to th e totalnu m b erof item sin th e mix. Example: The total Length of A m u lsProd uct ix is 42 m The Total width of A m ulsProd uct ix is 8 ( No of lines) m Hence the average product length is ( TotalLength/ Num berof lines) = 44/8 is less than 6 Product Depth The depthof a p ro d u c tm ix re fe rs to h o w m a n yv a ria n ts re o ffe re d o f ea ch p ro d u ctin th e a line Amuls Product Depth Name of Product Am ulButter Am ulButter Variants 100g Pack 500g Pack Price R s. 25 R s. 122

Delicious Table Margarine Delicious Table Margarine

100g Pack 500g Pack

R s. 1 3 R s. 60

AmulLite Lowfa 200g Tub t Breadspread

R s. 32

Name of Product Am ulCheese Am ulCheese Slices Am ulCheese Chiplets Am ulCheese Am ulCheese Spread

Variants 400g Tin (EOE) 200g Pack 200g Pack 1 kg Block 200g Tub

Price R s. 1 1 7 R s. 77 R s. 66 R s. 233 R s. 50

Am ulPizzaCheese

200g Pack

R s. 55

Am ulEm m ental Cheese

400g Pack

R s. 160

Am ulGoudaCheese Am ulGoudaCheese

250 g 1 kg

R s. 1 1 5 R s. 440

Am ulM alaiPaneer

200g Dice Pack

R s. 36

Amul/SagarPure Ghee Amul/SagarPure Ghee Amul/SagarPure Ghee Amul/SagarPure Ghee

1 Litre Tin 500ml Pouch 2 Litre Tin 5 Litre Tin

R s. 265 R s. 125 R s. 495 R s. 1,225

Am ulPure Ghee Amul/SagarPure Ghee

1 Ltr Refill 1 Ltr Pouch

R s. 260 R s. 242

Am ulShrikhand Am ulShrikhand Am ulShrikhand

500g cup Elaichi 500g cup Mango 500g cup Kesar

R s. 53 R s. 55 R s. 66

Name of Product Am ulShrikhand

Variants 500 g B a d a m Pista

Price R s. 6 1

Am ulM ithaee Gulabjamun Am ulM ithaee Gulabjamun Nutramul

1 kg Tin 500g Tin

R s. 1 1 5 R s. 64

500g Refill

R s. 1 1 0

Am ulChocolates Am ulChocolates

35g Milk 35g Fruit& Nut

R s. 1 5 R s. 1 6

Am ulAlmondbar


R s. 1 5

Am ulChocozoo Am ulChocozoo Tub

232g Tin 500 g

R s. 125 R s. 180

Amul Taaza Double Toned Milk Amul Taaz Double a Tone Milk Amul Tazza Toned Milk NothernEasternStates Am ulGold Milk Am ulLite Skim m edMilk Am ulCALCI + high calcium

1 Litre Tetra

R s. 35

200 m l Tetra

R s. 9

1 Litre Tetra

R s. 38

1 Litre Tetra 1 Litre Tetra 1 Litre Brik

R s. 39 R s. 40 R s. 42

milk Mithaimate Swe 400g Can etened Condensed Milk

R s. 58

Name of Product



Am ulspray IMF Am ulspray IMF Am ulspray IMF Am ulspray IMF Am ulspray IMF

500 g Pouch 500g Refill 500g Tin 1 kg Pouch 1 kg Tin

R s. 1 1 0 R s. 1 1 1 R s. 1 1 5 R s. 202 R s. 222

SagarSkim m edMilk Powder A m u lyaD airyWhitener A m u lyaD airyWhitener A m u lyaD airyWhitener

500g Pouch

R s. 1 1 0

500g Pouch 500g Refill 1 kg Pouch

R s. 1 1 3 R s. 1 1 4 R s. 227

Amul S ha kt H ea lt i h Food Drink (Kesa Almond) Amul Kool (Kesar, Elaichi, Rose) Amul Kool (Kesar, Elaichi, Chocolate) Am ulKool Kesar Am ulKool Cafe Am ulKool Cafe Am ulKool Cafe Am ulKool Koko Amul Kool Millk Sha ake (Mango, Strawb e r r y & Badam)

500g Refill

R s. 1 1 5

200ml Bottle

R s. 1 2

200ml Tetra 250 m l can 200 m l Glass Bottle 250 m l Can 200 m l TetraBrik 250 m l Can

R s. 1 2 R s. 25 R s. 1 5 R s. 22 R s. 1 5 R s. 22

220 m l Can

R s. 22

Name of Product Amul Kool Millk Sha ake (Mango & Strawberry) Am ulFresh Cream Am ulFresh Cream

Variants 180 m l TetraPack 200 m l TetraBrik 1 Lit TetraBrik

Price R s. 1 5 R s. 30 R s. 1 1 3

Amul M ast Spiced i Butter milk Amul M ast Spiced i Butter milk Am ulLassee(Rose) Am ulBasundi Am ulM ithaimate

200ml Tetra Brik

R s. 10

1 Litre Tetra Brick

R s. 35

200 m l TetraBrick l Ltr TetraBrick 400 g EOE can

R s. 1 2 R s. 103 R s. 58

Line stretc hing Everycom panys product line covers a certain part of the total possiblerange. Line stretching occurs when a company lengthens its product line beyond its current range. The com panycan stretch its line dow nm arket, up-m arket both ways. or Example : Am ul is now aggressivelyadopting the dow n m arket stretch by

introducing ( C HHOTA AM UL, Priced at Rs. 5 to take ad van tage the Bottom of th e of Pyra m id i.e. to individual low income group.) of Am ul has been introducingproducts with consistentvalue additionbut never left the core philosophy of Providing milk affordable price Conclusion This summarizes our researchwork on Am ulsProductM ix. There are variousother strengthsof Am ulsm arketingbut we haveon ly brou gh tinto contextthe abovetopic. at a basic,

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