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Essential Question: Who are the criminals of the century?

Questions NOTES:
John Wayne Gacy
● Died through lethal injections
● Patches he clown Mar 17th 1942– May 10th 1994
● Chicago Illinois
● Abusive father
● Gardening cooking
● 33+ counts of murder
● 33+ sexual assaults of young boys/men
● Torched and strangled victims
● Struggled w/ sexuality
● Largest amount of murder cases at the time
● One of the victims escaped leading to his capture
Dennis Radar
● btk= bind torcher kill
● Grew up in a normal family
● Hanging and dismembering dead animals
● Killed 10 ppl
● Taunted police abt killings
● Claimed factor x led him to kill ppl
● Had a feeling of lust and power over his victims
● Wanted to have his way w/ girls
● Was caught using a floppy disc
● Arrested Fed 25, 2005
Chris watts
● Oil field operator
● Had a wife and 2 kids
● 5 counts of first degree murder
● Killed the whole family
● Killed because he was in an affair
● 6 hour interview
● He confessed when the wife and kids were found
● He failed a polygraph test
● He talks to his dad where he confessed
● 3 consecutive life sentences
● Received a lot of nudes from women while serving his
● He kept quiet though
Albert Desalvo
● Was always in lots of trouble
● Had an abusive dad
● Was a delinquet
● Suspeced of 11 strangle murders
● Suspected of 2 murders
● Broke into a womans hotel and killed her
● They found his DNA and gave a confession
● Jury trial on Jan 18th 1967
● Not convicted for stangling
● Imprisoned for life
● Ppl doubted it was him
● Most women were elderly
● Measuring man
● No fans
Richard Ramirez
● Born in Texas
● Born 1960
● Head injuries
● Abusive father
● Knocked out by a swingset
● Smoke weed w/ cousin
● Showed viatnamese women picture
● 13 counts of muder
● 5 attempted murder
● 11 sexual assaults
● 14 burglaries
● He claimed to be a satanist
● Caught w/ DNA sample
● Bad teeth
● Arrested in AUg 29th 1985
● 19 death sentences
Billy Milligan
● Known as campus rapist
● Abused as a kid
● Born on valentines day
● 3 kidnappings
● 3 robberies
● 4 rapes
● 24 different personalities
● 10 are core
● Identified through existing mugshots
● Fingerprints on car
● Confessed to being a murderer
● Arrested on Oct 1977
● Not guilty b/c of mental illness
● Ohio mental hospital for 11 years
Samuel Little
● Born in 1940
● Mom was a teen prostitute
● Messed up in the head
● 93 murders
● 50 verified
● 43 presumed
● 1970-2005
● Pure enjoyment
● Pamela smith escaped
● Patricia mount was found dead
● DNA matched to body
● Arrested for 3 total murders
● Unreliable witnesses
● was guilty
● Gave a confession
● Died in 2020

Summary: I think my presentation did very well, I overall think that we got out all the
information that needed to be said. I think that 1 of the 2 problems we faced was that we were
missing a person in our group who was a key contributor. On top of that we kinda weren’t
totally ready to present with not knowing what websites our links to us to. I feel like this
presentation could’ve been a do-over, but I personally don’t because it really took a dark turn
with some of these criminals.

Misdemeanor = crime punishable by a fine or imprisonment of one year or less

● Possession of marijuana
● Vandalism
● Theft of property
Felony = A serious crime punishable by one or more years of imprisonment or a fine of more
than $1000 or both, even death
● Murder
● Rape
● Kidnapping

Baltimore, Maryland
● Desmond Gardner was shot dead in Baltimore, MD
● He was a male 27 years old
● His killer his currently unknown aa police are searching for him
● The current status of the case unknown until the killer is found

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