Foreign Policy Writing

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Nearing the end of George Washington’s presidency he left the US with a few last words in his

farewell address. Washington said some really important things in his farewell address like
political parties would only end up divide the country. Out of the address perhaps the most
important he harped on was keeping the US away and out of foreign affairs. (Context) However,
in the period from 1865 to 1910, the US ended up expanding its role in the world through
imperialistic means and feelings such as “God-given entitlement”. (Thesis)

The US expanded its role in the world through ways similar to imperialism, God-given duty, and
some paternalistic ideologies. In document 6 Uncle Sam is shown with a villainous demeanor
offering the Philippines death and brutality or peace and education. Specifically in this
document, the Philipinos are portrayed in a similar manner to early Native Americans. This
highlights the US's need for “helping” the world in their way, oftentimes feeling like they need to
save other countries and “lead” them to civilization (highlighting the view the US had over
countries such as the Philippines). In this document, the US is exercising imperialism and this is
ironic considering they feel they are isolated and aren’t interfering with foreign affairs. (Ext.

Document 2 talks about how the Anglo-Saxon race has this duty from God to where they feel
the need to help the world and lead it by spreading Christianity, and liberty to the world. This is a
similar ideology to that of Manifest Destiny in the US where people felt they had to migrate west
because of wealth, land, and (mainly) their God-given duty. In this document, they are trying to
spread this ideology around the world to “improve” it. A great example of this is Cuba where the
US helped them win to break their oppression from Spain and ended up trying to civilize them
and in a way foster them into new civilization.

In document 4 it displays Uncle Sam dining at a table with President Mckinley serving him Cube
Puerto Rico, the Philippines, and the other islands. This document shows again the US
demonstrating some form of imperialism where they look the “eat” Latin American countries. In
doing this they are also showing the power gap between the countries and in a way kind of
flexing. This document shows that

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