Administrative Agencies

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Brian Martin Jr

Essential Question: What are administrative agencies?

Questions NOTES:
What are administrative agencies?
What are administrative ● An organization set up by a federal or state government to
agencies? manage a particular aspect of the law
What is social security? ● Administrative agencies have many names including
departments commissions bureaus councils groups
What’s the purpose of services divisions and agencies
social security? Social security
● purpose is to provide for the material needs of individuals
and families
● To keep families together and give children chance to
● It was created to protect aged and disabled people
against the expenses of illness that may otherwise us up
all of their savings
● Established in 1935
● The executive branch oversees this agency
● Benefits in retirement, disablity, SSI (supplemental
security income and medicare
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
● Purpose is to prevent, detect, and respond to diseases
● It was created for dealing with malaria typhus and other
infectious diseases that harm humanity
● Est in July 1st, 1946 in Atlanta, Georgia
● The department of health and human services oversees
the CDC
● Current event: Monkey Pox and Covid
FDA Food and Drug Administration
● Supposed to protect public health
● Created in June 30, 1906 enforce food and drug act of
● Executive branch oversees FDA
● Cough medicine linked to child poisoning
EPA Envrionmental protect agency
● Protects people and environment from health risks
● Created in 1970s concerns over air quality polluted water,
protects ppl from health risks
● Current event is climate change
● Overseen by executive branch and congress
Secret Service
● Purpose is to protect president and vice president
● Protects infrastructure of the US
● It was created July 5th 1865 in DC
● To combat counterfeit US currency
● Falls under the executive branch
● Current event: walmart gift card scheme (fraud)
United States Department of Agriculture (USDA)
● Purpose: leadership on food, agriculture, natural
resources, rural dev, nutrition, and other issues
● It was created to adapt to food shortages from WW1
● It was est on May 15, 1862
● The executive branch oversee USDA
● Biden Administration invested $40 mill to help restore
watersheds in national forests

Summary: The Us government needs government agencies for a multitude of reasons.

Specifically, they need them to protect and serve the American population. They also need to
provide the citizens with the means to feel protected and safe. These agencies have specific
jobs to ensure those things happen and they do a pretty good job. For example, one of the
current events for the USDA (United States Department of Agriculture) was the Biden
Administration investing $40 mill to help restore national forests' watersheds to prevent fires.

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