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Worksheet # 1
Sources of 7 elements of Nutrients

Name : Gwyneth Louise A. Casona Course and Year: BTLED 1A DAY Date :February 22, 2023

Directions: Based on your learnings, answer the following briefly.

1. Why is nutrition important?

In my own understanding, nutrition is very important and very essential to our body because nutrition
promotes vitality and an overall sense of health and well-being by providing the body with energy and nutrients that
fuel growth, healing, and all body systems and functions. Good nutrition will also help to ward off the development of
chronic diseases.

2. Enumerate the 7 nutrients and describe each function.

CARBOHYDRATES - Carbohydrates are the sugars and starches found in fruits, grains, vegetables, and milk products.
Carbohydrates are also the source of energy to our body to function properly. Though often maligned in trendy diets,
carbohydrates are important to a healthy diet.

PROTEINS - Protein makes up the building blocks of organs, muscle, skin, and hormones. Your body needs protein to
maintain and repair tissues.

FATS - Fats are a source of energy, temperature regulation and vitamin absorption. Fats can be found in various
foods, like dairy products, meat, fish, whole eggs, vegetables, and nuts.

MINERALS - Minerals represent various functions like building blocks for our muscle, bones and teeth, carrying
oxygen in our body, and keeping fluids balanced.

VITAMINS - Vitamins are found in all fruits, vegetables and sunlight. They are an essential for regulation and
maintaining the immune system.

WATER - Water is necessary for digestive processes. It maintains the body pH at the right level and heps in the
sustenance of body fluids.

3. Using a Venn diagram, lists commonalities and differences of saturated and unsaturated fats.

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