Zapata Mara 301 Activity8 Ingles Corte2.

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12:07 I!!!

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. ect pictures.
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cough o.splrln

1 sore lhrool !
ffulds resl

Cllck play to listen. Then listen again and fill in the misslng words.

►• il
Doctor: Good r or, 0 · , Mrs. Janes. Whal seems to be the r ºº"' ·?
Mrs. Janes: Well, Doctor, 1 "ª · o sore throot ond o bad - h • • 1
olso h. o terrible h<aoacne • .•
Doctor: How O g • hove you had 0 • 0 • symptoms?

Mrs. Janes: Abou t 4 ª' · now. And l'm reolly _:•, · . too.
Doctor: lt sounds like you've go l .• n •. Toke 2 •·• " · every 4
h • . You • also get lots of rest and á • plenty of fluids.

lf you - better in a couple of •) __. , give me o call.

Mrs. Janes: r • • • you, Doctor.

Now click play again to check your answers.

Draw a Une to match the words to the definltlons.
1. headache..,. ;.. medicine for pain

2. cough ~::::=-.::::--?~P.<::.!,.. drlnks llke water, juice, & tea

3. re _ _ .._.....t:!..._ ~ in in the head
4. fluids -~¿;,;:::::~~:::-A- pain in the throat
5. sore throat ~ elax or do nothing
6. a splrln / ~ o force air out of the
Throat/ mouth

Cllck Finlsh to check all your answers.


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