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of Apollo at Delphi; when they asked for a reward, the god

to his bishopric at York in 679, and as the first to cease

upon the light land farms of England, and so deplorable was

AETIUS, a Greek physician, born at Amida in Mesopotamia,

in 1887 W. M. F. Petrie found painted sherds of Cretan style

1907, a new annexation treaty. As it stipulated for the

the evolution of Attic drama which would otherwise have been

do not give rise to the symptoms of Addison's Disease.

vote. This body met for three days in spring and autumn at

the stream frequently interrupted by rapids and cataracts.

sand, which becomes so scattered as to be inappreciable

the 14th of November the two governments signed an agreement

changed her into a tree of the same name. After ten months the

men in his service, the town becoming more depopulated every

archeologiques en Afrique (1893); Paul Monceaux, Histoire

very agreeable with the soil and situation of East Lothian,

part of the next, the British and French naval forces in North

became familiar to the northern nations during the crusades.

Characeae. Of these the first and last are relatively small

that the contents may be allowed to escape without fear of

in these circumstances that in the Anglo-French declaration

load as concentrated at one or more points. Smaller factors

thus giving rise to an onyx. If stained too dark, the colour

Accountants) was founded in Utrecht for Dutch accountants;

land, crystallized into a fief, which, like other fiefs,

ABEL (Hebrew for breath), the second son of Adam, slain

state. At the same time he did not want violently to dispossess

French painters have begun their career in this way.

not reserved exclusively to their own brigades, divisions,

irrigation engineers they are only rivalled by the Chinese.

was the Iberian. On the other hand, the Phrygian was very

readily soluble in alcohol, ether, chloroform and benzene.

appear till 1604. In 1608 Aleman emigrated to America, and

Edwards, Untrodden Peaks and Unfrequented Valleys (1873,

trans. by M`G. de Slane (Paris and London, 1842), vol. i.

to the land of Canaan, the Amalekites are said to have taken

and the veratrum alkaloids: veratrine, cevadine, &c.

of appeal, but being without any previous experience of

of six, but the appropriation was finally passed, in the

personages. Suddenly the rumour spread about that Cesare, the

heat from such a surface with much less readiness than does

Passo di Verva (Bormio to Grosio), foot path . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7,592

of the Franco-Russian alliance. Alexander, indeed, assisted

states. He began teaching in Bristol, Conn., in 1823, and

groups. The result is a comparative table of likes and dislikes.

Dole in 1162; and when, on the accession of Canute V. in

car, and Charles made a, second ascent by himself. He had

in touch with the Sudan to spur her forward. To consolidate

to express a mean use made of some favourable condition

Appian and by Cicero as let on lease, of which the Campanian

appeared in good spirits and vigorous health. Some of these

the same manoeuvres, combined with constant "tapping" at

applied to his later prose work that minute care in composition

the southern slope of a low range of hills, in a well-wooded

of Call for steamship lines running between Panama and San

some of the liquid assumes the gaseous condition with such

extend to the west and north of that town, and form a large

to the crop, the berries being frequently gathered from the

influence, the circular is a mere adaptation of the native

power. State officials are forbidden to accept railway passes

system of Plotinus. This school ended under Damascius when

Alexander, on the 3rd of October 1691, he practically deserted

Kinross, and continued a member, with some interruptions, till

1850. Antoine was a knight of the Legion of Honour and a

recently been investigating the subject of albinism in

fill the mind with a delightful horror.'' Burke seeks what

when Alabama ranked third among the states in illiteracy.

M. Water-course. Y. Mill bridge. 10. Kitchen tank.

horses are set free for the lighter operations. The crops

Boyer, ``La Mathematicienne Agnesi'' in the Revue Catholique

ADJOURNMENT (through the French from the Late Lat.

off. The surface was plain, inscribed with dedicatory

therefore, a priori, that from the Aramaic alphabet the later

tyrant of Syracuse, who reigned about twelve years (478-467),

which has been further transformed into the more modern words

Year. Acreage. Acre. Production. 1st Dec.

which in turn led to the calling of the Federal convention of

version are printed by E. Kolbing, Altengl. Bibl. vol. ii.

It is apparent that under a time charter-party the shipowner

proceedings were taken against him. In 1774 Almon commenced

eyes to the true character of Austria's attitude towards his

xliii. 486; and Jewish Encyclopaedia, i. p. 149. (J. D. PR.)

Italy in East Africa.

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