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Par a CU a a Batu Ma eC a ol) weeds on the Growth Performance of Pechay (Brassica rapa Linn.) The study was conducted to: (1) compare the different weed plants process as fermented plant juice and fermented fruit juice of pechay plant’ and (2) to assess the pesticides potential of the different weed plant. Succulent, broadleaf plant materialweeds. trom Sinaw-sinaw (Peperoia pellucida), Kangkong (Ipomoea aquatica Forsk), kullis (Amaranthus spinesos L.), Talobteb (Physalis angulata L.) ‘ondi-kendi (Pageiora Fostida) and saging (Musa ep.) were prepared ae organic ferilzer for pechay plants. Commercial fertiizer (urea) ‘and water were also used for comparison. For more than a month, pechay plants were maintained of five FPJ treatments: Ty- control Ty ~ Taquatiea: Te: P pellucida, A spinosus: and Ts - urea and five FF treatments: Ty water: Ty -P. angulata: Tz fostide: Te-Musa ‘5p. and_Tz- urea. In treatment application, drenching and aerial spraying methods were employed. Results revealed that fermented plant juice from FPJ aquatica and FF Musa sp. showed greatest patential in improving the growth of pechay based on plant height umber of leaves, leaf length and width. Except for weight after harvest, P pellucida revealed to be ofe comparably better than the Facommended |. aquatica as component in fermented plant juice preparation. Nevertheless, urea (46-0-0) obtained the best growth for pechay based from the observed parameters Pechay (Brassica rapa L.) is one of the common leafy vegetable crops grown in the Philippines belonging to family Cruciferae (Philip's Nature Encyclopedia, 2003, p. 74). Vegetables are important and substantial source of food that significantly contributes to the quality Of diet. itis consumed both as raw and cooked. Ideally, itis eaten as raw to prevent possible oss of its nutritional value when heated. It Is an excellent source of income and hobby even for limited space adopting the very popular vertical garde-ning with the use of recycled containers as potting media. i is a good source of calcium, phusphorus, Iron and vitamin B. Decoction of the rhizomes and young leaves can be used for hemoptysis and coughs. Pechay has also name variations as "Bok ChoyiCho'’, Pak ChoyiChol" and Weng Bok™ inother countries (Prado and Sampanga, 2013) Organic farming produces nutrient rich, fertile soll which nourishes the plants, Keeping chemicals off the land, protect water supply and wid life and implementing a free range Mestyie. The Philppines through RA 10088 aime to strengthen the states policy to promote, propagate, develop further and implement the practice of organic agriculture. Farming communities are hoped to ensure and enrich the fer of the soil, increase farm productviy, reduce pollution and destruction of the environment, prevent depletion of natural resources ‘and protect the health of the farmers and the farmers and the general public Flowe 1 presents this paradgm which sssuies that Gulayan sa ‘The study was designed to compare the effect of cfferent weed || psoralen Program falses stidenis awareness about vogetatle garsening, pants process as fermented pant juice and fermented ft ce of pechay |i ohaneeshnewledge the mpotance ef wegekaties Yr health aromas Plant: and (2) to assess tho postides potental of the ctfront woed |i] thar preferences for neath. foods. and sdmuates them to oat more Plantused at Gulayan sa Paaralan of Mahaplag National High School |i] Yegusbles tiraugh organic farming using fermented pant ce and peer, Upper, Manaoieg Ley fermented truce trom weeds, ‘Spocificaly, the study sought answers othe following questions: 41. What is the extent of implementation of using FF and FPJ from weeds 2% organle ferlzors. 2. What isthe effect of diferent weed plants process as fermented plant hie and fermontod tru juice of pochay plant; and 2. How to assess the pesticides potential ofthe diferent wead plant. Po 7705 NenoRaEGgRenIRg program (HPD = Collection and Preparation of FP. and FF = Pants ftom kangkong, sinavesinaw, ku and saging were collected in the back-yard garden ard rice fied in ‘te morning (before the sun fo ise) "These were Droughe to the Rursery and remain unwashed 10" preserved” beneficial microorganism present. All of the plantiwoed plants wore woighed land cut ito small pieces using khives indivdually for each plant {sed They wore ‘mixed. wih S00mi molassos.t0 a. 1K9. of Plartweed plat. Using the wooden lado they wete thoroughly mmoxin a cloan plastic cortainer covered with marila paper and tod Using straw and leave within 5 days to ferment. Afters days, the eras Sh fermented plant were extracted individually and placed in an inciwdual steriized jr rigure ‘fhe ae teow shows ale ined ot fettaet sonicanty etuence ru(230 em of pec pat However aspreston of FAN and FP to vege fraps et rote go let wth way ue © 6 208 further meted tal Inbung'? op FRPP per er of wae il fae very convening test onthe ant {Ew or femerned part klcs apphed tw ound ut hat PPy sta saw (20 bm) 28.3 cn sreary rospended on pt hegh (able 1) ae ae ee Pend FF Apicaton i BH ge ae A at Fermented plat juices and fermented frtjuces are applied by eT geting nave in tn seta pate pnt eaey St — = are iwanh a mon The pechay nt were apo wh erent ee q Hoan Serce‘f cod FF ni PFS wo woes pans ge Eee 8 ay Be ae {shoutro messinement Es ig is 8 3 Numberofenae ‘st application (at 3rd DAT) -2 thsp of FPUt0 1 iter of water altough ofan fertze (wea) etary iuencad one growth ana “2 thop of FF Ito 1 her of water goveloprt ech pt spectcaiy one rare Pa rom 2nd application (at Sth DAT) “4 tbgp of FP} 1 er of water isroeen 12.0) oa Fry bamee (120) potest on be com | -4 tbsp of FJ to 1 iter of water ‘Spreaton bao ra) eicela onal parsmetss tested (pare hag, uber of Sid application (at 7th DAT) 6 tbsp of FPJ to 1 iter of water eve ai) Tas pen a tr cncrann EP don wa 22h Oh EE 02 A Ber ot ane ‘development ofthe phyecal and Botogical properties of re so Ss ea ee ate irate a eae ee ae PT Cae totes fog Lan Preparation, Care and Parting Last ‘quan rues m2 0) wah puvonand grson ee as ttt etapa: rc, Pe eee noeenrentes oee eaae ee bes serra ete oe ee be a a i bene acs Hey eg | Sens ot gos a puta ean an Ee aia ee re eal ae Presence of weeds were uprooted to keep free from weeds and Ingeet camer of asease Bioassay of Different and FF On Brassica rapa, Fees a ae ‘The plant characterized with broadieal, succulent and annual Frio pans focal "oto in Backyarice teks wore “used and Fei % mented with.¢ raion proporign of S00m! of molasses 0 TKg of hes HH ‘weed plant within five days. After fermentation, each treatment ea SD ‘Were indniually extracted.” kangkong FP, Sinaw-sinaw FP. and nea Ae kuitis FP were appied to each Ueatment (TI-T3). Lkawise, gees mele ad tae Danana FJ. Kendi-kenct FF. and talobtob FFJ were applied (6 oak Boat BP RE twealment (T1-T3). The use of wea (T4). Is comparatively gave @ He? Wo 82 He Be result fo pechay piant as observed every alher day. Same volume of water with an increase of 2 tbsp of undiluted FPJ and FF Bet (abo 4) evo tat inorganic orazar rsa (15.3) snicanty iuonced lat ‘drenched and sprayed all over ihe surtace of the leaves except T4 ‘iat loco ir nee ang ne erp pat leew road and TO. The Set Up was maintained beside the nursery for one Serle ned a helt month ‘endl watered requiedy:The expedient wes {5 Ts gifrece nat soncan ng tet eter Geer fre Oe Condicted and alranged ina simple layout design wih Tout poner ate ae ea ac Thole, Lent va ag ence ye nda el FP ana FF TO - KangkongFPs TO. -BananaFFY pes tems pao ne oho pean shag onceona SEI TO} menenerts Tere aso a Pea 72 + Kulitis FPY 72 “Kendi-kendiFFJ ao 13 > Urea 13 “Urea ‘The number of leaves per piart, leaf length leaf width and height of pechay plant were gathered every other day ‘A. SUMMARY “The study conducted at MINHS-Upper from January to Apri 2022 was abe to: (1) compare the effect of aferent wood process a8 fermented plant ice {and fermented frut juices on the growth of pechay plant, and (2) to compare the efects wit commercial fertizer on the grovrh of pechay. They were ‘Collected inthe backyard and rice Feld earyin the moming before the sun te nea, These were brought to the nursery and remain unv/ashed to preserved Benefeial microorganisms present. All ofthe plaUweed plants wore weighed and cut info small pieces using knives indwvidualy for each plant used. They Were mixed wt S00mi molasses '0 7 kg of plantwoed Plant. Using the coconut ado, they warethoroughly mixed in a clean plac jar covered with mania paper and store in a cool dy piace. The study was laid out in a simple design and data gathering was done every five days in tems of plant height, leaf Tength leat wath, namber of eaves TResuts revealed that fromthe diferent treatments t shows 8 comparatively effectto the growth and developmentof pechey plant [= conctusion [c: RECOMMENDATION The growth of pechay when applied with |]1. Use the FFJ forpechay production organic inputs for its growth, has a comparative ||2. Go for bioorganie vegetable production for esta rutiton an low cost nputs reason ‘A Tollowup study should be done, focused Falaubaa bones stor cou scal memes hs | | Algihasral eeceeranti oMistont te to the absence of chemicals. moreaver growing | outcomes of Gulayan sa Paeralan in every Jerganically i helping maintain a clean and sate {J schoo! Jenviconmant to five in. But as evident (ses ‘Tables 1-6), the used of urea (15) leade based on the performance ofthe plant.

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