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vg 10: BOND, DEVELOPMENT LENGTH, HOOKS, anp CaACING Oy REINFORCEMENT 7 CHAPTER 10: LOPMENT LENGTH, HOOK: BOND, DECING OF REINFORCEMENT > 10.0 NOTATIONS & SYMBOLS: la = development length for tension, ae ice development length for compression, mm (es development length of sindard hook, mm ie lap splice for compression, mm ie lap splice for tension, mm Lg, = straight extension, mm dy = nominal diameter of bar, mm fe = specified compressive stress of concrete, MPa h = specified yield strength of steel, MPa a = modification factor (normal-weight or lightweight) Ve = modification factor (epoxy) Cee modification factor (cover) oS modification factor (confining reinforcement) Ce modification factor (size) bt = modification factor (casting position) \ 10.1 INTRODUCTION BOND STRESSES A basic assumption made for reinfor | ‘ced concrete design is that there must be absolute! lippage oft | | bars in relation to the surroundin; i eee eee ig concrete. In other words, the steel and the concrete should stick together, a unit. If there is no bonding between the two materials and if the barsat will pull loose from the concrete. As a result, the concrete beam will actas il be subject to sudden collapse as soon as the concrete cracks, or bond, so that they will act as not anchored at their ends, they an unreinforced member and wil 10.2 DEVELOPMENT LENGTH OF REINFORCEMENT (NSCP 2015 SECTION 425.4) s ceur at the face of the support. Theoretically, a small distance bat moment is 2er0, and thus it would see that reinforcing bars would no longer be requ ‘ere stopped at the face of the Support, the beam would fail. | into the support the Obviously if the ba JBCASTRO SIMPLIFIED REINFORCED CONCRETE DESIGN “YAPTER 10: BOND, DEVELOPMENT LENGTH, HOOKS, AND SPLICING OF REINFORCEMENT ii mE ‘The bar stresses must be transferred to the concrete by bond between the steel and the concrete before the pars can be cut off. In this case the bars must be extended some distance back into the support and out into the beam (o anchor them or develop their strength, This distance, called the development length (Ly). It can be defined as the minimum length of embedment of burs that is necessary to permit them to be stressed fo their yield point plus some extra distance to ensure member toughness. A similar case can be made for bars in other situations and in other types of beams. TET (a) No development length at (b) Bars extended into support (beam will fail) the support at a distance * 102.1 DEVELOPMENT OF DEFORMED BARS AND DEFORMED WIRES IN TENSION (NSCP 2015 SECTION 425.4.2) * 425.4.2.1 Development length Ly for deformed bars and deformed wires in tension shall be the greater of (a) and (b); a, Length calculated in accordance with Section 425.4.2.2 or 425.4.2.3 using the applicable modification factors of Section 425.4.2.4; b. 300mm * 425.4.2.2 For deformed bars or wires, Lg shall be calculated in accordance with Table 425.4.2.2. IMPLIFIED Ri CONCRET INFORCED MJBCASTRO ESIGN CHAPTER 10: BOND, DEVELOPMENT LENGTH, HOOKS, AND i SPLICING OF REINFORCEMENT Table 425.4.2.2 for Deformed Bars and Deformed Wires in Ten: Clear spacing of bars or wires being developed or lap-spliced not less than dp, clear cover at Jeast d,, and stirrups or ties throughout Lg not less than the Code minimum, or Clear spacing of bars or wires being developed or lap spliced at least 2d, and clear cover at least dy, Other cases Case 1: Clear spacing of bars or wires being developed or lap-spliced not less than dy, clear cover at least dy, and stirrups or ties throughout L not less than the Code minimum Case 2: Clear spacing of bars or wires being developed or lap spliced at least 2d, and clear cover at least dy, Figure: Explanation of Table 425.4.2.2 425,4.2.3 For deformed bars or wires, Lg shall be calculated by: 1 -| 2 Se Webews Ta APE (Eos Ha) dy in which the confinement term (cy + Ker)/dy shall not exceed 25, and MJBCASTRO SIMPLIFIED REINFORCED = CONCRETE DESIGN CHAPTER 10: BOND, DEVELOPMENT LENGTH, HOOKS, AND SPLICING OF REINFORCEMENT be where, nis the number of bars or wires being developed or lap spliced along the plane of splitting, It shall be permitted to use Ky, = 0 as a design simplification even if transverse reinforcement is present. Ke, is a factor that represents the contribution of confining reinforcement across potential splitting planes. Agr is the total cross-sectional area of all transverse reinforcement within spacing s that crosses the potential plane of splitting through the reinforcement being, developed, mm? cp is lesser of: (a) the distance from center of a bar or wire to the nearest concrete surface, and (b) one-half the center-to-center spacing of bars or wires being developed, mm 425.4.2.4 For the calculation of Lg, modification factors shall be in accordance with Table 425.4.2.4, Table 425.4.2.4 tion Factors for Development of Deformed Bars and Deformed Wires in Ten: Modit 0.75 Lightweight Lightweight concrete, where Tn accordance with a Lex is specified Section 419.2.4.3 ‘Normal-weight conerete 1.0 Epoxy-coated or zine and epoxy dual-coated reinforcement with - clear cover less than 3p, or clear : spacing less than 6d, _| =| Epoxy! Epoxy-coated or zinc ool Sa We dual-coated reinforcement for all 12 other conditions Uneoated or zine-coaled - (galvanized) reinforcement 25mm and larger bars 1.0 = 20mmd and smaller bars and 1 vs deformed wires _ : More than 300mm of fresh Casting Position!" | concrete placed below horizontal 13 We reinforcement Other 1.0 "The product tp,tp, need not exceed 1.7 NNN ae EU LEA Et TSE TE ELT SIMPLIFIED REINFORCED MJBCASTRO CONCRETE DESIGN BOND, DEVELOPMENT LENGTH, HOOKS, AND HAPTER 10: of or EINFORCEMENT SPLICING OF RI > 102.2 DEVELOPMENT OF STANDARD HOOKS IN TENSION (NSCP 2015 SECTIoy 425.43) 4254.31 Development length Lan for deformed bars in tension terminating in a stan han hook shall be the greater of (a) through (c): FyWeWer a : (OF : b. Bdy c 150mm 425.4.3.2 For the calculation of Lan, modification factors shall be in accordance with Table 425.4.3.2, Factors tp; and tp, shall be permitted (o be taken as 1.0. At discontinuous ends of members Section 425.4.3.3 shall apply. Table 425.4.3.2 tion Factors for Development of Hooked Bars in Tension Lightweight concrete Lightweight Lightweight concrete, where fis | __In accordance with specified Section 419.2.4.3 Normal-weight concrete 10 Epoxy-coated or zinc and epoxy dual- io coated reinforcement ; Uncoated or zinc-coated (galvanized) i: reinforcement E For 36mm@ bar and smaller hooks with side cover (normal to plane of Cover hook) = 65mm, and for 90-degree 07 We hook with cover on bar extension beyond hook > 50mm Other 1.0 For 90-degree hooks of 36mm@ and smaller bars 1. enclosed along Lay within ties or Confining a perpendicular to Lap, at Reinforcement!) | 2 3d, or : oe i. . enclosed along the bar extension fe beyond hook including the bend within ties or stirrups!) perpendicular to Ley, al s < 3dy Other 1.0 T'The first tie or stirrup shall enclose the bent portion of the hook within 2dy of the outside of the bend. 1 dy is the nominal diameter of the hooked bar. AEN SSNS MR I LESAN MJBCASTRO SIMPLIFIED REINFORCED CONCRETE DESIGN Epoxy CHAPTER 10: BOND, DEVELOPMENT LENGTH, HOOKS, AND SPLICING OF REINFORCEMENT Lan 2d, 3d, ACI 318-14 Commentary: Figure R25.43.2a - Ties or stirrups placed perpendicular to the bar being developed, spaced along the development length Lan Tail of hook. (inet. bend) 1 Development Length of 180° hook Len am ACI 318-14 Commentary: Figure R2543.2b - Ties or stirrups placed parallel to the bar being developed, spaced along the length of the tail extension of the hook plus bend. * 425.4,3,3 For bars being developed by a standard hook at discontinuous ends of members with both side cover and top (or bottom) cover over hook less than 65mm, (a) through (c) shall be satisfied: a. The hook shall be enclosed along Lg, within ties or stizrups perpendicular to Lan at sS3dy; b. The first tie or stirrup shall enclose the bent portion of the hook within 2dy of the outside of the bend; c. th, shall be taken as 1.0 in calculating Lgn in accordance with Section 425.4.3.1(a) where dy is the nominal diameter of the hooked bar. SIMPLIFIED REINFORCED CONCRETE DESIGN MJBCASTRO CHAPTER 10: BOND, DEVELOPMENT LENGTH, HOOKS, AND a SPLICING OF REINFORCEMENT Ties or stirrups required ‘ACI 318-14 Commentary: Figure R25.4.33 - Concrete cover according to 425.4.3.3, > 102.3 DEVELOPMENT LENGTH OF DEFORMED BARS AND DEFORMED WIRES IN COMPRESSION (NSCP 2015 SECTION 425.4.9) 425491 Development length Lae for deformed bars and deformed wires in compression shall be the greater of (a) and (b); a. Length calculated in accordance with Section 425.4.9.2 b. 200mm 425.4,9.2 Lege shalll be the greater of (a) and (b), multiplied by the modification factors of Section 425.4.9. b. 0.043 fy yd, 3 For the calculation of Lae, modification factors shall be in accordance with Table 4.9.3, except tp, shall be permitted to be taken as 1.0 Table 425.4.9.3 Modification Factors for Deformed Bars and Wires in Compression Lightweight concrete. 75 Lightweight Lightweight concrete, if fq is Tn accordance with specified Section 4192.43 Normal-weight conerete TO F Reinforcement enclosed within (I), Confinin , Reinforcement | 2G) 0F(As 1 amare NH AN CADENCE ERNE TSR SIMPLIFIED REINFORCED MJBCASTRO CONCRETE DESIGN (HAPTER 10: BOND, DEVELOPMENT LENGTH, HOOKS, AND ICING OF REINFORCEMENT SPL a spiral a circular continuously wound tie dy = 6mm and pitch < 100mm 3. 6mmd bar or MD130 wire ties in accordance with Section 425.7.2 spaced $ 100mm on center 4, hoops in accordance with Seetion 425.7.4 spaced < 100mm on center br Li 2 Other 10 > 102.4 DEVELOPMENT LENGTH OF BUNDLED REINFORCEMENT (SECTION 425.6.1.5) + 425.615 Development Jength for individual bars within a bundle, in tension or compression, shall be that of the individual bar, increased 20 percent for a three-bar bundle, and 33 percent for a four-bar bundle. > 10.2.5 REDUCTION OF DEVELOPMENT LENGTH FOR EXCESS REINFORCEMENT (SECTION 425.4.10) = 425.4.10.1 Reduction of development lengths defined in Sections 425.4.2.1(a), 425.4.3.1(a) and 425.4.9.1(a) shall be permitted by use of the ratio (Asrequirea/Asprovided) except where prohibited by Section 425.4.10.2. The modified development lengths shall not be less than the respective minimums specified in Sections 425.4.2.1(b), 425.4.3.1(b). 425.4.3.1(c) and 425.4.9.1(b) = 425.4.10.2 A reduction of development length in accordance with Section 425.4.10.1 is not permitted for (a) through (e). (a) At the face of non-continuous support; (b) At other locations where anchorage or development for fy is required; (©) Where bars are required to be continuous: (@)_ For headed and mechanically anchored deformed reinforcement; (©) _In scismic-force-resisting systems in structures assigned to Seismic zone 4. NLA NST SIMPLIFIED REINFORCED MJBCASTRO- CONCRETE DESIGN ~ CHAPTER 10; BOND, DEVELOPMENT LENGTH, HOOKS, AND ua SPLICING OF REINFORCEMENT 103 HOOKS (NSCP 2015 SECTION 425.3) When sufficient space is not available to anchor tension bars by running them straight for development lengths as required by the Code, hooks may be used. (Maoks are considered compression bars for development length purposes.) their requieg ineffective jy > 1031 STANDARD HOOKS, SEISMIC HOOKS, CROSS TIES, AND MINIMUM iNstpp BEND DIAMETERS (NSCP 2015 SECTION 425.3) . = 425.3. Standard hooks for the development of deformed bars in tens ion shall conform wy Table 425,3.1 Table 4253.1 for Development of Deformed Bars in Te1 Standard Hook Geometi through 25mm@ 90-degree 28mmo hook — | through 36mmo 8dy 12d, 40mm@ and s8mmo _~ 10mm = ane through 25mm@ > isso 28mm Greater of J = 180-de hock | through 36mmo Bd, 4dy and eer 65mm i < 40mm@ and ! 58mmo 10d, L 425.3.2 Minimum inside bend diameters for bars used as transverse reinforcement and standard hooks for bars used to anchor stirrups, ties, hoops, and spirals shall conform t0 Table 425.3.2. Standard hooks shall enclose longitudinal reinforcement. A PA TTR TASTE. $1 SIMPLIFIED REINFORCED oe CONCRETE DESIGN CHAPTER 10: BOND, DEVELOPMENT LENGTH, HOOKS, AND eek SPLICING OF REINFORCEMENT Table 425.32 Minimum. Inside Bend Diameters and Standard Hook Geometry for Stirrups, Ties, and Hoops 10mmo Greater of through l6mmo Ady 4d, and 90-degree 75mm hook 20mmo bd through 25mm@ Ly 12d, 10mmo — oe rere | [obi dela “ Greater of Sy tee hhook 6dy and preiy,8)M) 20mmo . 75mm through 25mm b Ch, 10mmo | i through 16mmo D : : r Greater of — “oc and oma”) a 20mnd a 65mm through 25mmd v 1A standard hook for stirrups, (ies, and hoops includes the specific bend diameter and straight extension length. It shall be permitted (o use a longer straight extension at the end of a hook, A longer extension shall not be considered to increase the anchorage capacity of the hook, 104 SPLICES OF REINFORCEMENT / LAP SPLICES (NSCP 2015 SECTION 425.5) Field splices of reinforcing bars are often necessary because of the limited commercial bar lengths available, requirements at construction joints, and changes from larger bars to smaller bars. Splicing may be done by welding, by mechanical connections, or most frequently by lapping, bars. Lapped bars are usually tied in comtact. "= 425.5.1.1 Lap splices shall not be permitted for bars larger than 36mm @, except as provided in Section 425.5.5.3 » 10.4.1 TENSION LAP SPLICE, Lye The NSCP 2015 divides tension lap slices into two different classifications, A and B, depending on the pereentage ofthe bars spliced in a given length and on the reinforcement stress atthe splice, Table 425.5.2.1 shows the requirements for both Class A and Class B splices RO. SIME ED REINFORCED CONCRETE DESIGN CHAPTER 10: BOND, DEVELOPMENT LENGTH, HOOKS, AND SPLICING OF REINFORCEMENT > LAP SPLICE LENGTHS OF DEFORMED BARS AND DEFORMED Wins jy TENSION (SECTION 425.5.2.1) i i for deformed bars and deformed wire 425.5.2.1 Tension lap splice length Lye for en Sha be in accordance with Table 425.5.2.1, where Lq shall be in accordance with Sein 425.4.2.1 (a). Table 4255.21 lice Lengths of Deformed Bars and Det Lap Sj 50 Class A | Greater of: 220 100 Class B ~ , Great vf <2.0 Alll cases ClassB_ | neater 3 1 Ratio of area of reinforcement provided to area of reinforcement required by analysis at splice location * 425.5.2.2 If bars of different size are lap spliced in tension, Ley shalll be the greater of Lg of the larger bar and Ly of the smaller bar. > 10.4.2 COMPRESSION LAP SPLICE Lee In a compression lap splice, a portion of the force transfer is through the bearing of the end of the bar on the concrete, Reinforcing bars in compression are spliced usually to columns where bars are most often terminated just above each floor or every other floor. The minimum length of lap splice for compression is set according to NSCP 2015 Section 425.5.5. > LAP SPLICE LENGTHS OF DEFORMED BARS IN COMPRESSION (SECTION 425.55) = 425.5.5.1 Compression lap splice length bye of 36mm @ or smaller bars in compression shall be calculated in accordance with (a) or (b): a. For fy < 420 MPa: Ise is the greater of 0.071fyd,, and 300mm. b. For fy > 420 MPa: Lge is the greater of (0.13fy — 24)d, and 300mm. For fi’ < 21 MPa, the length of lap shall be increased by one-third = 425,5.5.2 Compression lap splices shall not be used for bars larger than 36mm @, except as permitted in Section 425.5.5.3 = 425.5.5.3 Compression lap splices of 40mm @ or 58mm @ bars to 36mm @ or smaller bats shall be permitted and shall be in accordance with Section 425.5.5.4. iimiiiinieaa in iiiae eeee SIMPI oR) MJBCASTRO eal rORCED CONCRETE DESIGN CHAPTER 10: BOND, DEVELOPMENT LENGTH, HOOKS, AND eae SPLICING OF REINFORCEMENT * 425,5.5.4 Where bars of different size are lap spliced in compression, Ls¢ shall be the greater of Lae of larger bar calculated in accordance with Section 425.4.9.1 and Lye of smaller bar calculated in accordance with Section 425,5.5.1 as appropriate, » 1043 LAP SPLICE FOR BE, * 4186.3.3 Lap splices of deformed longitudinal reinforcement shall be permitted if hoop or spiral reinforcement is provided over the lap length. Spacing of the transverse reinforcement enclosing the lap spliced bars shall not exceed the smaller of d/4 and 100mm. Lap splices shall not be used in locations (a) through (c): a. Within the joints; b. Within a distance of twice the beam depth from the face of the joint; ¢. Within a distance of nvice the beam depth from the critical sections where yielding is likely to occur asa result of lateral displacements beyond the elastic range of behavior. > 10.4.4 LAP SPLICE FOR COLUMN 418.7.4.3 Mechanical splices shall conform to Section 41 conform to Section 418.2. the member length, shall be 7 and welded splices shall Lap splices shall be permitted only within the center half of designed as tension lap splices, and shall be enclosed within Mansverse reinforcement in accordance with Sections 418,7.5.2 and 418.7.5.3. SIMPLIFIED REINFORCED CONCRETE DESIGN CHAPTER 10: BOND, DEVELOPMENT LENGTH, HOOKS, AND a SPLICING OF REINFORC EMENT ILLUSTRATIVE PROBLEMS: oATbe gonerete bea on id eifonce iis V+ ashi va Cams coed vith Jym $4 heey % “ cbricgete, eaten syengh mn «DA, M mrt Sauber ties Come, Yrs mx oy : with chirped valu of Kir * 4 with ky ur t 4 i : 475mm with 10min stirrups spaced 15000 25 hii | s 8 & f |75| 3@75 | 75) joe eS ah eenl Solution: a. Using NOCP Table 425.4.2.2 From Table 425 4.2.2 Development Length for Deformed Bars and Deformed Wires in Tension Fot Z5mm@é bar, From N3CP Table 425.424; hy = 1.0 for bottom bar = 1.5 epuzy coated with clear spacing less than 6d, 1.0 for 25inm bar = 1.0 normalweight concrete The product pip, need ot exceed 1.7: WW = (1.0)(1.5) = 1,5 < 1,7 okt A ROEM AANA I ES SP OTORY ABIES APES NB AAAS ACA TIC OSLO MIBCASTRO SIMPLAFIED REINFORCE! — CONCRETE DESIGN CHAPTER 10: BOND, DEVELOPMENT LENGTH, HOOKS, AND SPLICING OF REINFORCEMENT ‘Thus, - (ea 0): {414)(1.0)(1.5) r 1.7.0v2at | 25) 1q = 1860.262 mm > 300 mm Therefore, Lg = 1860. 262 mm b, NSCP Equation 425.4.2.3a with computed value of Key u(ide bes } Ti A/F (cot Ker |“ Vie (2 5Be) where, i, = AOA _ 40(2)5 0)? ee aa “Tray = 10.472 mm Cp is lesser of (a) 75mm (b) (1/2)(75) = 37.5mm ~ govern (cy + Ker) _ 37.5 + 10.472 _ ee a [aor 1919 < 2.5 ok! Thus, Le > ( 414 )o 0)(1.5)(1.1 2) eo al Tot) (1.919) La = 1498,150 mm ©. NSCP Equation 425.4.2.3a with Ke, = 0 1 ( by Wells Je oad 7 (cy + K, ANTE (24 Be) Lh ee eT d; 25 Thus, 1 414) (1.0)(1.5)(1.0) tae [ee (SE) SO 2s) 4° [11 \ovz4a (15) Lq = 1916.634 mm aU NONNNNTIRITEN ARIEL NALD ELIT TOS SIMPLIFIED REINFORCED eee CONCRETE DESIGN i CHAPTER 10: BOND, DEVELOPMENT LENGTH, HOOKS, AND SPLICING OF REINFORCEMENT 20.7 MPa Using NSCP 2015; cempite the evelopment eng using : © sae NSCP Table 425.422.2002 b. NSCP Equation 425:4.23a with snapind value of Ky. NSCP Equation 1s 4238 withKr= 0 5 é with 10mm stirrups spaced @ 200mm Solution: a. Using Table 425.4.2.2: From Table 425.4.2.2 Development Length for Deformed Bars and Deformed Wires in Tension For 28mmd bar, (20%) dy LIAS fe From NSCP Table 425.4.2.4: We = 1.3 for top bar .0 uncoated J; = 1.0 for 28mm@ bar A= 0.75 lightweight concrete The product ,- need not exceed 1.7: Wee = (1.3)(1.0) = 1.3 < 1.7 ok! SER TO ES A RE ERP DDL DON ERE OEE IN RETR TIO SIMPLIFIED REINFORCED es CONCRETE DESIGN CHAPTER 10: BOND, DEVELOPMENT LENGTH, HOOKS, AND SPLICING OF REINFORCEMENT g Thus, (345)2.3)(.0) 1 1.7(0.75)v207, 75)V20.7 Lg = 2164.837 mm > 300 mm La = Therefore, Lq = 2164.837 mm b. SCP Equation 425.4.2.3a with computed value of Ky =( Lb Wes |, Tap fe (# + Kir 2) » where, Keg = Ader _ 4002) 00? or = 0G) 7.854 mm Cy is lesser of: (a) 75mm (b) (1/2)(100) = 50mm + govern (Cy + Ker) _ 50+ 7.854 _ eae - ae 2.066 < 2.5 ok! Thus, urls e450 )& 3)(1.094 8) (28) (aaa 75V20. 5) (2.066) = 1619.388 mm For excess reinforcement according to NSCP Section 425.4.10.1: Lg = ser93ee (seemed La = 1619.388 4 @ 2.) Lg = 1314.967 mm > 300 mm Therefore, Lg = 1314. 967 mm LIFIED REINFORCED MJBCASTRO CRETE DESIGN CHAPTER 10: BOND, DEVELOPMENT LENGTH, HOOKS, AND & SPLICING OF REINFORCEMENT c. NSCP Equation 425.4.2.3a with Kr = 0 is 1 fy Wells lb 4 Tap (otk Tees) 50+0 ——— = 1.786 < 2.5 ok! 8 171 ol Thus, “|r \o7sva07/ (786) |e La = 1873.268 mm : 6 345 ) eens) For excess reinforcement according to NSCP Section 425.4.10.1: A, Ly = 1873.268 (Gees) sprovided, Lq = 1873.268 me NB) Lq = 1521122 mm > 300 mm Therefore, Lg = 1521.122 mm i bh ee As! * aha PPR pr PROBLEM 10. j | “A400inm wide cantilever beam #8 reinforced with 4228ninn@ top bar uncoated with fy = ZI6MPa yard concrete compressive strength =27,6\Pa. Assume side. top and bottom cover to be erealer'y than 60mh, Using NSCP 2015, determine the following: | zg b The required development iengthvif the bars are straight using NSCP Table 425.4. - b,, The requited déyelopinent length; if a 180°hook is used, «= @« The required development length-if'a 90°hook is used. °° : ns G4 ee ; 4 k Solution: a. If the bars are straight: For 28mm bar, la =(|—— TAN fe, HWelp ) From NSCP Table 425,4.2.4: Ye = 1.3 for top bar Ye = 1.0 uncoated A = 1.0 Normalweight concrete AERA IS d PTED REINFORCED MJBCASTI SIMPLIFIED REINFORCE ae CONCRETE DESIGN a CHAPTER 10: BOND, DEVELOPMENT LENGTH, HOOKS, AND SPLICING OF REINFORCEMENT ies ‘The product t-te need not exceed 1.7: Wee = (1.3)(1.0) = 1.3 < 1.7 okt Thus, La = (Fesea. 1.7(1.0)V27.6 La = 1124.882 mm > 300 mm Therefore, Ly = 1124.882 mm b. Using 180° hook For 28mm bar, Lan From NSCP Table 425.4.3.2: (Steels ya aa7ayR )” A= 1.0 Normalweight concrete be = 1.0 uncoated We = 1.0 other Uy = 1.0 other Thus, _ {(276)(2.0).0).0y 4.170.0)V27.6 Lan = 352.758 mm dh (28) The final development Jength Lan shall not be less than 8d;, or 150 mm; Lan = 8dy = 8(28) = 224mm Lan = 150mm Therefore, Ly, = 352.758 mm c. Using 90° hook For 28mm@ bar, fated Va, AATAY fe Lan = From NSCP Table 425,4.3.2: A = 1.0 Normalweight concrete MJBCASTRO | CHAPTER 10: BOND, DEVELOPMENT LENGTH, HOOKS, AND ' SPLICING OF REINFORCEMENT We = 1.0 uncoated We = 1.0 other wp, = 1.0 other Factors We and Wf shall be permitted to be taken as 1.0 (Section 425.4.3.2) Thus, 76)(1.0)(1.0) (1. 4.17(1.0)V27.6 Lan = 352.758 mm (28) The final development length Lan shall not be less than 8d, or 150 mm; Lan = 8dy = 8(28) = 224mm Lan = 150 mm Therefore, Lan = 352.758 mm 25mm0 with 10mm stirrups 600mm Solution: From NSCP Table 425.4.2.4: -0 for bottom bar .0 uncoated .0 for 25mm bar SIMPLIFIED REINFORCED CONCRETE DESIGN CHAPTER 10: BOND, DEVELOPMENT LENGTH, HOOKS, AND SPLICING OF REINFORCEMENT Equivalent Diameter ofa single bar for three-bundled bars: : 39 (25)? = 7(d,)? 4, = 43,301 mm NSCP Equation 425.4.2.3a with K,, = 0 of, wile) 5 “ANE (25k) > Lg= ¢p is lesser of: (a) 50+10+425 = 85mm (b) 50+ 10 + 0.79d, = 50 + 10 + 0,79(25) = 79.75mm — govern (©) (1/2)(center to center spacing of bars) __ 250 — 2(10) — 2(25) = = 90mm (cy + Ker) _ 79.75 +0 Ge aaa = 1842 < 25 ok! Thus, ne | ds ( 414 ¢* (1A \nov276 Lg = 972.307 mm According to NSCP 2015 Section, development length for individual bars within a bundle, in tension or compression, shall be that of the individual bar, increased 20 percent for a three-bar bundle, Lg = 1.2(972.307 ) Lg = 1166.768 mm SIMPLIFIED REINFORCED CONCRETE DESIGN CHAPTER 10: BOND, DEVELOPMENT LENGTH, HOOKS, AND SPLICING OF REINFORCEMENT Solution: From NSCP Table 425.4.9.3: A = 1.0 normalweight concrete Wy = 1.0 other Development length Lye shall be the greater of (a), (b) and (c), (126) i (eeeroeees we) 1.0V27 b. 0.043f,,-d, = 0,043(414)(1.0)(25) = 445.05 mm as) = 542.053 mm ros 200mm Therefore, Lge = 542.053 mm PROBLEM 10.6: "> * ; ta * Mhe;forces in the column, bars are to be transferred in the footing as ‘shown with 28mm dowels. 34-MPa for column and; =21MAPa for footing. Calculate the development lengths needed forte "3 els having. f= 414 MPa, Assume normal-weight concrete. Use NSCP 2015. 7" Leb toes Dabiales into thie footing th Up into thie’ éoliimin - pi aebs Tadic: Lac up into the column Lac down into the footing SIMPLIFIED REINFORCED CONCRETE DESIGN CHAPTER 10: BOND, DEVELOPMENT LENGTH, HOO; SPLICING OF REINFORCEMENT reese Solution: From NSCP Table 425.4.9.3: A = 1.0 normalweight concrete Yr = 1.0 other a, Development length down into the footing: Development length Lge shall be the greater of (a), (b) and (c), ee (CHoaoy a, = (0.0) = ( we LovaT ) as) 607.100 mm bd. 0.043 f,Yrdy, = 0.043(414)(1.0)(28) = 498.456 mn G 200mm Therefore, Lae = 607.100 mm Development length up into the column: Development length Lge shall be the greater of (a), (b) and (c), 0.24 fy, - (ae) 28) = 477123 ( Wh ) dy = toys JCO=4 ae b, 0.043f,y,-d, = 0.043(414)(1.0)(28) = 498.456 mm c 200mm Therefore, Lac = 498.456 mm ee MJBCASTRO SIMPLIFIED REINFORCED CONCRETE DESIGN CHAPTER 10: BOND, DEVELOPMENT LENGTH, HOOKS, AND SPLICING OF REINFORCEMENT Solution: From Table 425.4.2.2 Development Length for Deformed Bars and Deformed Wires in Tension -( ) dy 1.74. Ye = 1.0 for bottom bar We = 1.0 uncoated A = 1.0 Normalweight concrete For 25mm® bar, From NSCP Table 425.4.2.4: The product W, ip. need not exceed 1.7: Yee = (1.0)(1.0) = 1.0 < 1.7 ok! Thus, _[@9aoa. (ananeay (25) 1.7(1.0)¥20. Lq = 1338.154 mm > 300 mm Therefore, x= Lg +75 x = 1338.154+75 x= 1413.154mm " SIMPLIFIED REINFORCED sa CONCRETE DESIGN CHAPTER 10: BOND, DEVELOPMENT LENGTH, HOOKS, AND SPLICING OF REINFORCEMENT CaaS Solution: a. Tobe lap-spliced with 25mm6 column bars For fy < 420 MPa: Lge is the greater of (1) and (2) (1) 0.071f,dy = 0.071(420)(25) = 745.5 mm 2) 300mm ‘Therefore, Lye = 745.5 mm b. Tobe lap-spliced with 20mm@ column bars ‘Where bars of different size are lap spliced in compression, Ls shall be the greater of (1) and (2): (1). Ue of larger bar calculated in accordance with Section 425.4.9.1 For 25mm0 bars, Development length Lye shall be the greater of (a), (b) and (c). (at) _ (ezaney wei 1.0V28 b. 0.043f,W,-d, = 0.043(420)(1.0)(25) = 451.500 mm Jes = 476.235 mm ~ govern G 200mm. (2) Lse of smaller bar calculated in accordance with Section 4 For fy $420 MPa: Ls is the greater of (1) and (2) (1) 0.071f,d, = 0,071(420)(20) = 596.4 mm ~ govern (2) 300mm Therefore, Le. 96.4 mm SIMPLIFIED REINK CEI ASTRO C 'ORCED MIBCAST ‘ONCRETE DESIGN « CHAPTER 10: BOND, DEVELOPMENT LENGTH, HOOKS, AND * SPLICING OF REINFORCEMENT SUPPLEMENTARY PROBLEMS: A rectangular beam is reinforced ith = Sinn top bars uncoated to fesist tensile forces, ‘Ife tz 21MPa and fy = 4NSMPa. Concrete cover is 407m. Using 10mm@ stirrups spaced at 200m it see ut the bars have clear spacing of 30mm using, ; Ans; Lg = 258541 line ~ 86: 197mm. 4 ‘p. NSCP Equation 425.4234 with fobenipnted 9 ¥ ale of of hi: “NSCP Equation;425.4:2.3a'with X;

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