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Sure Elementary | Cyber Homework

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Unit 1 Cyber Homework A

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Deadline:  2022-08-03, 11:59 pm


39 / 51 points (76%)


8 / 8 exercises (100%)


Dialogue – Nice to meet you!

2022-07-07, 03:09 pm
8 / 8 points (100%)

Hi, Pixie.

Hey, Jamie. This is my friend Dan.

Hi Dan. Nice to meet you.

Good to meet you too. Are you a student here?

Yes, I'm in my second year.

Oh right. Are you American?

No, I'm Canadian.

Cool! My mum's from Canada.

Grammar – Subject pronouns

2022-07-14, 02:13 pm
5 / 5 points (100%)

I'm Alice. My parents are Bob and Sue. They are both 45 years old.

This is my brother. He's called Jack.

Carla is my best friend. She's in my class.

My favourite subject is history. It's interesting.

My English teacher is Mr Clark. He's funny!

Grammar – The verb be

2022-08-03, 01:30 pm
2 / 6 points (33%)

My name is Lily.

I have (am) fifteen years old.

I speak (am not) English. I'm Brazilian!

My parents, brothers and sisters live (are) from Sao Paolo.

We are (aren't) in Brazil now. We're on holiday in London. London is a great city – exciting and fun!

Grammar – The verb be (short answers)

2022-07-08, 10:45 am
4 / 8 points (50%)

Is your mother a teacher? No, she is not (isn't).

Are you American? No, II'm not ('m not).

Are you Turkish? Yes, I am.

Are they your friends? Yes, they are.

Are your friends all fifteen? No, they arent's (aren't).

Is Mark in your class? Yes, he is.

Is Chelsea your favourite team? Yes, it is.

Is this your bag? No, it is not (isn't).

Listening – My friends
2022-07-08, 11:07 am
6 / 6 points (100%)

The friends are in Year 10 at school. FALSE

Dan's from Portugal. TRUE

Kate's in a band. FALSE

Kate's always at the sports centre. TRUE

Evan's always on his skateboard. TRUE

Leah's ambition is to be a singer. FALSE

Vocabulary – Countries and nationalities (1)

2022-07-14, 02:15 pm
6 / 6 points (100%)


the UK – British
Italy – Italian
China – Chinese
Spain – Spanish

Canada – Canadian
Japan – Japanese

Vocabulary – Countries and nationalities (2)

2022-07-14, 02:20 pm
3 / 6 points (50%)

Canberra is the capital of Australian (Australia).

Eduardo Najera is a Mexican athlete.

Japan (Japanese) food is delicious.

Munich is a large city in Germany.

My favourite food is Turkey (Turkish) kebabs.

We're on holiday in Brazil.

Vocabulary – Countries and nationalities (3)

2022-07-14, 02:29 pm
5 / 6 points (83%)


the USA – American

Ireland – Irish
India – Indian
Germany – German
Russia – Russian
South Africa – south African (South African)

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