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Monkey pox

Sofia carmona Villamar

620 secion A

Is a disease caused by the monkeypox virus, this virus it´s part of a group of virus called
This virus was discovered in Denmark in 1958 when monkeys kept for research developed
a pox like disease characterised by skin eruptions. The first human monkeypox case was
reported from the Democratic Republic of Congo in 1970, since that first person reported a
lot of cases has been reported from Central and West Africa, and the cases outside these
countries have usually been associated with travel from those regions.
The spread of this disease occurs through the transmission of the virus by the animal
such as squirrels, rodents and different species of monkeys.
the natural reservoir of monkeypox has not yet been determined. but it´s believed this
happended through contact between infected animals and humans by a bite scratch, during
preparation or eating inadequately cooked animals that are infected, or by direct contact
with blood or bodily fluids of infected animals.
It can be transmitted from person to person through face-to-face contact through respiratory

The  symptoms are fever, headache, muscle aches, back pain and lack of energy, swelling
of lymph nodes, al this symptoms appear is from 6 to 13 days but can range from 5 to 21
days since the day of infection, and llness gets better after about 2 to 4 weeks.
The form to treat monkey pox is to provide supportive care and prevent or manage any
complications and some antiviral
Monkey pox is diagnosed by PCR testing, which detects the genetic fingerprint of the virus

- What kind of text is this?

This text is a argumentative text because gives us specific information and tries to convince
us to take care of ourselves and prevent getting infected.
- Why texts like this are made?
Because it´s easier to inform the ploblacion by short and concise texts than by a extensive
text that many people who don´t have the knowledge of the scientific language don´t
understand and are more complicated to read.
- What kind of people is the text for?
Is for the whole poplation, to inform everyone and is for the whole population, to inform
everyone and let them know to take care of the contagions

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