Bridging Technology Gap

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Starting the morning, the Committee of advance is a problem for underdeveloped

Economic and Social first discussed countries and education important for the
resolution 3/10. This particular resolution future, so it would be helpful if developed
noted that underdeveloped countries and countries would volunteer to help with
nations lack technological advancement. It education and technology by donating their
also said that the technology gap between old technology. Following up, the delegate
developing countries and developed countries from Poland stated that health technology is a
prevents beneficial interaction. big part of the digital divide and agreed that it
Resolution 3/10 explains how would be essential to have countries volunteer
economic exchanges would help both to help with education and technology.
growing countries' economy and growing the In order for the con delegates to pass
economy on a global scale. In addition, the this order, it was essential that the proper
resolution remarks that the price of network amendments pass. The committee agreed
coverage may be a cause of this digital divide. upon amendments to supplement the
The delegate from Russia, author of this resolution by making the resolution more
resolution, believed that closing the digital effective and relevant. The amendments
divide between developing countries and urged that a follow up to the World Summit
developed countries would help all countries conferences would be necessary if goals were
on both the individual and global scale. In to be set and reached. The teaching and
order to fix these issues of underdeveloped improving of IT skill, and the encouragement
countries, the delegate felt that member of nations to join the International
nations should create an organization that Telecommunication Union were added as
would allow the building of satellite towers well. By urging follow-ups, it would keep the
and other necessary equipment. It also wanted focus on the volunteer teachers to ensure that
developed countries to donate their older the underdeveloped countries were taught
technology to developing countries, bringing technological advancements. Further
them even further with technology. amendments suggest that developed nations
Some delegates in EcoSoc agreed that donate or offer reduction of prices in order for
this was an important topic, but they also underdeveloped countries to afford
wanted to include amendments. The delegate technology and internet access. Also
from Turkey noted in his con speech that the suggested was that these underdeveloped
UN would need to verify that the countries welcome volunteer groups into their
underdeveloped countries accepted the country or nation. Amendments also
satellite. The committee would also need to promoted governments of poverty-stricken
decide who would fund the satellites and nations provide affordable costs of
technology before passing the resolution. technology to their country or nation.
Agreeing with the delegate from Turkey, the With the amendments added and
delegate from Kuwait noted in a con speech debates closed, the committee of Economy
how countries lack enough money to teach Social passed resolution 3/10 hoping to fix or
their citizens about technology, so the UN help the issues underdeveloped countries face
would need to lean on giving organizations of the lack of technological advancement. The
and volunteer work. Moreover, the delegate committee then moved on to resolution 1/9 in
from Germany stated that more routers, hopes to fix the problems of over population
internet access, and health technology would and health issues of underdeveloped countries
be necessary. On the other hand, the delegate and nations
from Azerbaijan felt that technological

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