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Breakthrough: 2(Jakarta, Thailand, Vietnam)


Combining Laser 3(Malaysia, Singapore, Philippines)


Diffrac�on with Dynamic Thursday,

September 30 2021 th

Image Analysis
Laser diffrac�on (LD) analysis is the
most common method for the
determina�on of par�cle size
distribu�ons other than tradi�onal
sieve analysis. The method is based
on the deflec�on of a laser beam by
an ensemble of par�cles dispersed
in either a liquid or an air stream.
The angles of diffrac�on or
sca�ering angles are characteris�c
of the par�cle size. Since then, LD
method impresses many with its
ease of use, robustness, versa�lity,
and high sample throughput
combined with short analysis �mes.
However, like any method, LD also has its drawbacks. In order to mi�gate these
drawbacks, addi�onal technique to complement LD was deemed necessary. This
is where imaging methods come in handy, as the weaknesses of one method are
the strengths of the other. Combining LD and dynamic image analysis enabled a
more detailed interpreta�on of results than an evalua�on using only one
technique. For this reason, there have been increasing efforts to combine LD
and image analysis in a single measurement device. Join us in this webinar to
learn more of these advantages.

The Speaker

Mr. Kai Düffels

Application Laboratory/ Application Center

Registra�on Link :

Singapore l Malaysia l Thailand l Vietnam l Indonesia l Philippines

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