Eng I, II G7 2017 End

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DOUrnern Provincial DeDartment of Education

Erglish Latrguag€

(0r) MelchIh.h6rsuitdleru.dfrDlh.boxtom .rnce*ord.oreisdoneroryou.

rg.ori cad/hs rd /p nr/knna,fiB


1l qle.fvir'!/ heyk rhqie I ro.'. our. hi. nen midc rhflr.

01.Thhbmkb.lotrssrone. .......................Mi.I]]ir|€-...............
02 Th+e.',.Db.to. groouct&
0, -hdpoi.or.par*h belols.rom) kr-tr
04 The*!re\belons'oVen"
05 T'erpadd) field"belonsro'h
06. Th.ipianob!lJn!\'oJou
(0J) Rad lb. lollowl4 prdsDph rd lil h lhe bb.||! ud.g rbc corEcl forn ol rh' {oH eq'n |I rt!

W. w.nr on a tip @ Kandy vith ou. 6nii mdb6 ,'d $nc ofour h ws a Sundav nornins
md *e shned ou.joumey ro Kindy bv hin Th.e woF fw.ntv ofus Mv unsle *ho lives in Kandv

plcnn.d rhh kip we 3ot into rhc RuhunD Ktr'nari lisn fom Mtbir wh'n ve Rched Colombo ir res
abod 9.45 o.h we (i)...,,,,, Sglgll)1, (quicr) sor do*n frcm rhe tain sd rin F the next

plataodrdetchrhe-K.ndyFlinlrws(iD . . . i (tull)cftwd.d'rnd v' @uld no{

Allofusv.€sbndins(iii) ., . ., .(sre)onrhehin$rcu8horrhejourn'v-
w. wnr b Kandy at.bour l.l0 in thc an.rnen or uncle (iv) .. ---_- (ved,
wd@F.d6and*.w?F(!) .. . (mmple'.) liEd on thai dov

The n.xt doy momin! w. vkir.d th. D€ladi M0lrg'va PtBdeniva Bobnical Gard'Ds'

Gsdrbdeniy!,Adb.kketndmDyorherpl.esinrhcEwnvcrv(vi) -, -' "" (h3pPv)

W.emehomesnersp.nding NodatsarouruDslers hoe in Klndv

(04) Rad the follot i4 nolice tnd rn!R.. fte qre tloD! giY.. b.low

The Envnonmenhl S@iery oaoorsch@lh8s olgonEda
ShEmtdom CamPaign

Doie .l2rhD@nber2017

venue : Bos Hospibl Moran

Purp@ :To clean the vard No : 25 & 26

aeu..r$r btuhPdh4
04. Whatisth.purpo*ofn?

' (lomarkt
(05) Mdch lhe nam.s ol places wirh t[e Fl*anr shrcnsns giv.n. wrire rhe softcr number iD rh. box
pDvided.The li6roicisdone foryou.

3. Mr RrvivanE ro carch r rain loColombo

b.I*onrro rlir some ssience boolr.
c. My son qsnis io pBsris swinming
d. ME Anihvanb b B.t som. s6mps.'
o, Mi Sotr,psth G looking for a plac. io prrk his cai
l The shdenb*anr ro have dcn b@kfosl

(05) R.cd the Doeh rnd 0nswer rhequenio's giv.. bdN

A Hsppt Child
A happy child am I,
' t lrtrsh and pla, the livclongd'y,
I hirdl}.vercry

I have o rce, a !een, grcen h.e

TolL ! m. riom L\e sun:
And und.. irI otun sil
Wh.n allny wo* k doio

My liile basket I will bke,

And rip inb de towni
When nexr I m there I llbuy $mc cokc,
And spedd my brighr half- crc!0.
X,tr GE.n cv.y
I Wharmbuntned'ildsho8e?

2. Itcword sfirde'ir rhe 2 nd stlM mans

(ii) ro potar thevrikr fom de sunlight

(iii) bpmterth.tE ftomih.sunlJght

4 wheEdo6ftechildon nsir?

5. Whrchwordsintlepehlhynewirh$eg envords?
(Db*.. ..................-............-.....
(ii) - ..-..........-.......................... ( l0 Ma*s)
(0?) M.rch th. tollosbgwldr bAalrh rh.h DdDltr3r ir E . wdre th. coro. burbeflb lh. bot, om

b. a sla$ 6nhinq in which lish.nd w0tercHtrEs are kept

c. natoml hof,c for pladts.nd.nimdk

.. a machine trs.d b [n rhi4r

(03) Rwir. lhe iollowin8 se.bn*s 6ing th. €nrtucd foh oflho following *nlen.es Th. fist on. is

2) Thcy rE playing l@rbqll in rh. phy Sround-

l) Th.clildEn hav. notdon. irw.ll.

4) w.donotBts ldorss*.

6) Tn.c nol b. 0 book f.ir ioFomw d fi. ei@1.

6t&0'.84d tutEdtu
(09) HerchxnapplicrrionformtojoinrheCanrcnClubofyour$hool.Fillinrheopplicntionforn.


SigDaruEof rheapplicanr

(r0l wrneades$iplio. onoi.of the lollNhgropics UesboutT5 wods.
l.Afsnousp€doi 2 ApheyouvkiredEenrly


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