1 Choosing An Org Worksheet - Isaac Murray

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OGL 481 Pro-Seminar I:

PCA-Choosing an Organization Worksheet

Worksheet Objectives:
1. Identify an organization and situation you want to study over the remainder of the course.
2. Describe the organization and the situation

Complete the following making sure to support your ideas and cite from the textbook and other
course materials per APA guidelines. After the peer review, you have a chance to update this and
format for your Electronic Portfolio due in Module 6.

1) Name and describe your organization.

I am choosing my community college theatre company. The college is Paradise Valley

Community College. It is a 2-year college, but the theatre program has students of all
ages and years of experience in the program or from others. It is different for each
production, but there are a few core members of the program (typically the staff of the
school, like the director, technical director, etc.) that stay constant for each show. This
leads to consistent shifts in talent, ability, and effectiveness as a theatre organization.

2) Describe your role in the organization (it can be an internal or external role).

For the situation I will be choosing, I was the Assistant Director of the production A
Gentleman’s Guide to Love and Murder. I was responsible for, in short, making the
director’s life easier. This included scheduling rehearsals, running rehearsals, giving
notes/feedback to the performers and designers, and keeping everything on track.

3) Describe the situation, including information you think the will help the reader
understand the most important elements of the situation. (This will require
selectivity: part of the art of case writing is separating the essential facts from the
mass of information that might be included).

Being an Assistant Director, this was the largest role I have had in a theatrical setting on
one of the most challenging shows I have been a part of. There were struggles with
COVID affecting the cast, crew members, and members of the band. There was conflict
between certain members of the cast that at best was appeased, but never fully resolved.
There were performers in the same show that have done shows in New York City, as well
as performers who have never done a show in their life. Finally, there were open-ended
expectations from the director to her constituents that lead to unnecessary conflict.

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