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Unit I: Course Orientation and

Assumptions and Nature of Art

Apply Your Knowledge

Direction:Answer the following questions precisely yet as
thoroughly as possible. Write your answer in the space provided
under the following question. Write it in 3-5 sentences.

Criteria: (5 points)
Insights- 3 points
Sentence construction/organization- 2 points

Question: 1. What art field will you explore? Why? (5pts)


If I will be given a chance to choose what art field to explore, I will choose film and applied art.
Personally I am into film and theatre—I am really fond of acting and performing and I am fascinated of how film
becomes a film. Producing a film demands a lot of steps to take, and we can’t deny the fact that it is one of the
highest art forms because it takes writing, story, photography, painting, concept art, visual effects, music,
acting, and a whole host of other talents, skills, and abilities from talented individuals. Whilst, I also want to
explore applied art because I believe this is the most beneficial among all the art fields. It is something that
requires not only art skills but also market skills. I want to explore it because it has a broad subject area that
combines aesthetics, design, consumer need, and involves finding practical solutions to problems. More
particularly because applied artists get numerous employment opportunities, worldwide. hehe

Question: 1. How can you utilize the arts to express yourself, your community and relation to others? (5pts)


Art allows me to release my stress through music and poem. In fact, my secret poem note has been my
loyal friend every time I’m in my most happy or darkest moment. Art also promotes social cohesion, it allows us
to convey our ideas, thoughts, and emotion to others when words can’t tell a thing. Art promotes community
engagement and encourages youth involvement in the community, through sport, dance, singing, landscaping,
film making and other engaging competition. One best example is the “Hirinugyaw” in Calinog, aside from art
has help us promote our culture, to showcase our values and identity, art is also making us known to other
people with different culture and it helps us Calinognon to be understood by others.

Direction: Using the table below, write down examples of the different art forms studied in this lesson. Provide
ways on how these artforms express and unmask creativity from the artist. (10pts)
Types of Example How Does this How does This Unmask the Artist’s
Art Express? Creativity
Visual Paintings Through colors, Allows the artist to play with colors and
lines, shades and lines. Be particular with the subject and
subject come up with an art work that conveys
deep meaning and aesthetically appeals
in the eyes of the viewer.
Film Independent Through the It urges the artist to think critically in
Films storyline, making the storyline, choosing the actor,
photographs, play with music and planning the setting
music, to make the film solid, unique and
characters, realistic.
acting, the mood
and settings
Dance Interpretative Through body Challenging the artist to move
dance movement, timing harmoniously with the beat and sound of
and music the music. The art of timing and the
grace of the movement will define the
creativity in the outcome of the artist’s
Architecture Buildings Designs, space, The artist uniquely designs, and skillfully
size, construction plans the construction of a building, to
and purpose make the desire design fit to the purpose
of the architecture that is being built.
Theatre Duplo Voice, body, The artist encompasses not only live
script, props and improvised and scripted work, but
audience through heartfelt drama, the unusual
story and how it can connect to the
audience will unveil his/her creativity.
Performance Circus Stunts, body, Thinking of the stunts and utilizing the
art performance tricks and props props available will unleash the creativity
of the artist.
Literary Art Story Thoughts, ideas, The exquisite story, conveying strong
words, character emotion, the lessons and how it will bring
and story realization to the readers.
Poetry Spoken poetry Words, figurative Using powerful words, strong conviction,
Performance language, the tone of voice and the dynamic of
imagery and emotion.
Applied art Pottery making Skills, designs, Ability to find alternative and bizarre
materials and materials. The skills and styles in
design shaping polishing and making mud or
clay into a masterpiece.
Unit II: Functions of Art and Philosophy and Subject and

Apply Your Knowledge

Direction:Answer the following questions precisely yet as thoroughly
as possible. Write your answer in the space provided under the
following question. Write it in 3-5 sentences.

Criteria: (5 points)
Insights- 3 points

Question: 1. Does art always have a function? (5pts)


Yes, art always has a function. I believe that all art exists for a reason and these reasons make up the
functions of art. The functions of an art form depend on its context; it is subjective and varies depending on
how it aids and appeals to the viewers. I firmly believe that it was created with a specific function, either to
inspire, to inform, to provide comfort, to please the eyes, to tell a story, to entertain—personal, social and

Question: 2. If artwork did not have any function, will it remain art? (5pts)


I am honestly having a hard time answering this question, because I strongly believe that art always
has a function. Art is defined as expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, and it will
not be defined as art if it doesn’t have any function. Maybe some people may think that this has no function
because they view art in an opposite perspective of how it is supposed to be seen. Because Human did not
create something for the reason of nothing, when someone uses art to express feelings or idea art already
serves its purpose or function.

Direction: Look around your house and identify the product of art. In the box below, paste a
picture of that product of art in your household or draw it. Trace the beginnings of this item and
identify what functions it has played in history (e.g. a painting of the Last Supper in your dining room
or a spoon). (10pts)

ART: Wooden Door

History and its Function:

In 2000 BC: Stone doors were used throughout Asia. The first recorded
history of doors was found in Egyptian tomb paintings 4000 years ago. No
one knows who invented the door, only that it was first incepted
somewhere in central Egypt. In agent Egyptian architecture, a false door
functions as wall decoration that looked like a window, it was common in
tombs and represented a gate to the afterlife. No one knows who invented the door, only that it was first
incepted somewhere in central Egypt.

The earliest recorded doors appear in the hieroglyphs of Egyptian tombs and are shown as single or
double doors, each made from a single piece of wood. According to the biblical description of the temple of
King Solomon, when doors were invented were made of olive wood, carved intricately and covered with gold.
The door's physical and primary purpose is to provide security by controlling access to the doorway (portal). A
door can be a symbol of opportunity or one of imprisonment or symbolizes the transition and passageway from
one place to another. A door is often used to symbolize the passage from one world to another in religion,
mythology, and literature.

Unit III: Subject and Content

Apply Your Knowledge
Direction:Answer the following questions precisely yet as
thoroughly as possible. Write your answer in the space provided
under the following question. Write it in 3-5 sentences.

Criteria: (5 points)
Insights- 3 points
Sentence construction/organization- 2 points

1.What are the hurdles of accessing art in terms of its subject and content?


Through his art forms, every great artist seeks to transmit a message or tells a story. The hurdles in
assessing the arts’ subject and content are the broad and complex meaning behind the artist’s artwork.
Wherein visualizer is responsible for deciphering the message. It's not easy to find art in the form of subject
and content for mostly it requires deep intellectual comprehension to understand the meaning or ideas that the
artist wants to express or convey. Art and its subject and content contain a deep significance that can only be
understood by someone with a strong sense of connection and knowledge.

2. Name an example of an artwork and speculate on the content of

the artwork based on its factual, conventional, and subjective


Title: The Kiss

The factual meaning of the art “The Kiss” is a man kissing

a woman’s face. The conventional meaning is a man who
conceals his face, kissing his beloved woman in all blooms of yellow. The subjective meaning is this art depict
a farewell or a two love longing for each other. As you can see, the woman closing her eyes simultaneously
evoke feelings of abandonment, ecstasy and delight and the way man holds the woman shows great love and

Direction: Paste printed copies of Filipino contemporary artworks. Identify and discuss the subject, source,
type, and kind of subject. (10pts)
Name:__________________________________________________Date:_______ Course,

Picture Subject Source Kind of subject Subject type

Layered paintings The source The kind of The type of subject is
and multimedia of the art is subject in this art Non-Representational,
artworks intertwine indistinct, it is a combination this art does not derive
historically laden is of many kinds of from real object sources.
symbols with pop composed sources. Yet this Yet it has strong visual
culture signifiers, of various is really rooted references to the real
imaginative subject and inspired in world combining various
compositions a elements the contemporary objects, colors and
metaphor for the depicting a scenario. concept in one
multifaceted scene of wholesome masterpiece.
national identity of today’s
Humanime the Philippines. reality.
(By Ronald Ventura)
Inanimate object. The source The kind of It is Non-
Embodied by lines, of this art is subject in this Representational, this art
strokes, and History. It is artwork is History. represents something,
shades of colorful inspired in It is richly but mostly deep and
colors the study of involved in the Incomprehensible. It is
objects of study of arts represented by various
art depicting incorporating the strokes, lines, drips and
scenarios of fields of social confusing patterns.
the past. history.

Birth of Dynasty
(By Ernest Conception)

Unit IV: Artist and Artisans: Production Process,

Medium, Technique,

Apply Your Knowledge

Direction: Answer the following questions precisely yet as thoroughly as possible.

Write your answer in
the space provided under the following question. Write it in 3-5 sentences.

1. What do you think is the role of the artist in the twenty-first century society?


Creative thinkers and makers of arts in the 21st century society provide their communities with joy,
interaction, inspiration, and realization. Artist of today’s time has an enormous impact in the lives of
every individual, provoking them to think critically. Artist and their arts greatly depict reality, and
showing the ill and the strength of society. They became a critique of our political, economic, and
social systems — pushing communities to engage thoughtfully and make steps toward social

2. How relevant are the awards National Artists and GAMABA, not only to the art world, but
also to the Filipino society as a whole?


The National Living Treasure Award (Gawad sa Manlilikha ng Bayan) and GAMABA is a highly
prestigious award that is given to Filipino the Art of indigenous tribe has been cultivated and
acknowledge in the national arena. It values the creativity of our indigenous artist and encourage
them to further enrich and sustain their creativity. Through this award indigenous artist will be driven
to further harness and develop their skills in the field of craft and performance art. This Awards only
shows that the country is honoring and recognizing the skills and creativity of our Indigenous Artist.
Furthermore, through this, our culture and identity as a Filipino will be known and preserved, and will
also make Filipino to appreciate more their very own art, an art that is native of their beloved country,

Unit V: Elements of Arts and Principles of Design

Apply Your Knowledge

Direction: Answer the following questions precisely

yet as thoroughly as possible. Write your answer in
the space provided under the following question. Write
it in 3-5 sentences.

Criteria: (5 points)
Insights- 3 points
Sentence construction/organization- 2 points

1. What are the elements of art?

The Elements of Art are: Line, Shape and form, color, space, and Texture.

2. In two-dimension Artworks such as painting, cite elements and principles of art that when utilized in the
composition of the artwork, will help simulate the three-dimensional Space.

All the Elements and principles are essential in order to simulate two dimensional to become
three dimensional. But if I would choose the element and principle of art that best impact the
transformation of an artwork, and will suggest the three-dimensional space, are the elements (Color
and the form), and the principles (Emphasis and the scale). In the module we learned that Color
creates the illusion of depth and solidity in the artwork, while form is three-dimensional and it provides
height, width, and depth to the artwork, which will make it more realistic and stronger in the eye of the
viewer. Much more with the help of emphasis and scale, these principles will create an illusion to the
eye of the viewer, and they will view the artwork like it is really occupying a physical space, even weight
and shadow, and can be perceived from all sides and angles. Thus, these elements and principles give
shape and life to the artwork which will create a realistic illusion to everyone’s eye.

Unit VI: Art History

Apply Your Knowledge

Direction: Answer the following questions precisely yet as

thoroughly as possible. Write your answer in the space
provided under the following question. Write it in 8-10

Criteria: (10 points)

Insights- 8 points
Sentence construction/organization- 2 points

Question:1. In general, what was the importance and significance of art during different periods.
Explain. (10 pts)

Art has an enormous impact and played an important role in all the periods we tackled in this
unit. We learned that in the ancient world, art reveals a tremendous amount to modern historians about
the culture, values, and beliefs of these early civilizations. At a time when few people could read and
write, art was an important means of communication, and a critical way to record important events.
Then and now, art serves as the means of expression where people can freely express their thoughts
and feelings. Expression, Glory, and Aesthetic, are the most important role of art in all periods. Art has
served as the symbolism of wealth and culture, giving distinct identity to each period which creates a
social statement and made things to be enjoyed for aesthetic beauty.

Direction: Pretend that you are commissioned artist and you are asked to create an artwork (any
form or medium) that depicts any art movement. Using the different art movements, describe (or
draw) how will you execute and create the artwork based on the art movement you choose.(This is
one of your supplementary outputs)

I chose abstract drawing (please check the drawing at the back or the next page)

Unit VII: Soul making (Soul, Sound, Structure): First Phase

Apply Your Knowledge

Direction:Answer the following questions precisely yet as

thoroughly as possible. Write your answer in the space provided
under the following
question. Write it in 3-5 sentences.

Criteria: (5 points)
Insights- 3 points
Sentence construction/organization- 2 points

Question:1. If you are an artist how can you apply the Seven da Vincian Principle in outlining your
artwork? (5pts)


As an artist, I can apply the Da Vincian Principle in outlining my artworks by using my whole senses
and experimenting with different productive ideas and techniques. In that way, I can develop the
willingness to embrace ambiguity, paradox, and uncertainty just like Leonard Da Vinci. For me,
applying the 7 Da Vincian Principles do not mean to imitate Leonard and his style, but for me as an
artist to create an art that will touch reality and life. The principles tell us to become curious and
observant, and through this you can create your own style and approach that will give your artwork a
unique identity of how you think and who you really are as an artist.

Make Art---- Direction: Choose an original artwork as an inspiration. Shift or appropriate the image in a way
that it alters meaning of the original artwork. You will make image on your own. Then make an artist statement.
Reflect on how you shifted the work and why do you make that choice you did. (20 pts)

This is the original Art work, please see my art work at the back. The alteration that I
made is I made the background colorful and full of life. I added flowers, fruit bearing tress
and lively atmosphere. As you can see, the original piece is lifeless, it depicts loneliness,
darkness, and Hopelessness. In the alteration that I made, I want to relay a message, that
during our darkest times we do not need to drown ourselves more in the darkness, instead
we should be in a place where we can calm our mind for recovery. We shouldn’t chain
ourselves in darkness, rather we should broaden our perspective to see how colorful and
meaningful life is. If no one was there for you, remember that the earth is always on your
side, giving every means she has to comfort you.
Unit VIII: Soul making (Soul, Sound, Structure): Second
Phase Unit VIII: Soul making (Soul, Sound, Structure): Second

Apply Your Knowledge

Direction:Answer the following questions precisely yet as thoroughly as
possible. Write your answer in the space provided under the following
question. Write it in 3-5 sentences.

Criteria: (5 points)
Insights- 3 points
Sentence construction/organization- 2 points

If you are given a chance of making textile art, what method will you use? Explain. (5pts).

As for me, I prefer to use the Knitting method, because it is simple and you do not need a
loom or other fancy equipment to create this. This is the easiest method in making textile, and I
also find this method aesthetic, ironically simple and yet fancy. And now adays people are making
knitting as a hubby, and the product are very pleasing to the eye. Aside from that, knitted fabric is
very elastic, stretchable, and comfortable to wear. Hence, I will choose this method than any

3.How can you promote and preserve art, especially the indigenous art like weaving? (5pts)

Some may say that they will learn to weave and to create such and such to preserve the
indigenous art. But, in my case, I do not want to be hypocrite and fake my answer. For me, the
best possible thing I can do to preserve the indigenous art is to patronize and utilize our
indigenous product. This can be done by supporting the indigenous people through purchasing
and promoting their product, by wearing it with confidence, and promoting it in social media.
Since we cannot deny the fact that social media now adays is a good platform for selling your
product. And I believe that through this simple act, we did not only preserve the art but we also
made a way to preserved our culture and provide profit to the indigenous people.

If you’re given a change to visit one of the indigenous houses (soul and space), what kind of soul
and space do you want to spend your visit? Why? (5pts)

I will choose Bahay Kubo because for me it is the kind of soul and space that will give you
peace, and different level of serenity that you cannot find with other spaces. I like it because it
built to give a welcome refuge in the rainy season and provides shade in the hot summer,
meaning it is perfect for any seasons. Also, there are awning type windows on all sides, which will
keep the interior well-ventilated, and that can be sealed off from the elements by a series of sliding
panels. Its steeply sloping high-pitched roof shed rain and provides sufficient room for warm air
to escape as a cooling air flow will enter through the porous bamboo walls and floor. From the
designs and the comfort, it will give you, I think I cannot find a soul and space better that Bahay
Unit IX: Workshop on Improvisations,
Installations, Transcreation

Apply Your Knowledge

Direction:Answer the following questions precisely yet as thoroughly as possible.

Write your answer in
the space provided under the following question. Write it in 3-5 sentences.

Criteria: (5 points)
Insights- 3 points
Sentence construction/organization- 2 points

1.What is the importance of improvisation in art?

Improvisation has a huge impact in the artist and in the artwork at the same time. It
develops the artist creativity, mental flexibility and thinking skills in numerous ways. This can
result in the invention of new thought patterns and/or new ways to act. Its revolutionary concept
when it comes to art because blurs the line of reality and that of imagination making the art

2.If you are an owner of local product and you want to bring your product internationally, how can
you transcreate your brand for international audiences. Illustrate.

Let’s say my Product is a Perfume and its brand name is “HIMAYA” from my Ilonggo Name
“Glory”. Its Transcreation will be “ Hymn Aya” with the tagline “the magical scent you can’t resist”


“Hymn” is music and “Aya” in Japanese is Angel who knows magic. In Turkish Aya also
means angel, and in Arabic “Aya” means Sign or Miracle. In the English term “Aya“refers to the
given name which symbolizes to your distinction as a person. The transcreation of “Himaya” is
flexible, Unique and it can be understand easily by the foreign people. The person who uses the
perfume will have the scent that could make everyone turn arround, and it gives the people a chill
and feel of an angel singing marvelously. This can be commercialized with the story or illustration
of a woman passing by a stranger, and without knowing who it was, the stranger keep on
following the scent because he finds that odorous and pungent smell magical, until he find the
person who has that scent.
Unit X: Local Arts

Apply Your Knowledge

Direction:Answer the following questions precisely yet as
thoroughly as possible. Write your answer in the space provided
under the following question. Write it in 3-5 sentences.
Criteria: (5 points)
Insights- 3 points
Sentence construction/organization- 2 points
Course, Year&Section:___________________________________ Score:________

Question:1. How did art become a reflection of Philippine society? (5pts)

The Philippines' arts depict a society with a wide range of cultural influences and traditions. Art
reflects our ever-changing culture and it continue to alter society's values. Moreover, art brings meaning
in Filipino lives and help preserve the world's culture and societies. As we can see, Filipino identity,
culture, and condition were the content of the song, the dance, the poem, painting and such in the
Philippines. This is because, Art for Filipinos is the manifestation of society and a reflection of people's
intricate identities.

Question:2. In what ways are the Muslim and Christian art similar? In ways are they different?

I honestly thought that the only similarities between Christian and Islamic art is that their subject is
about religion and faith. Because as we can see, most of the time these two serve different purposes in
different ways. Christian art is didactic and usually naturalistic and figural, because of the emphasis in
Christian theology on the body of Christ. Islam, meanwhile, focuses on the word of God and its art relies
mainly on abstract patterns. But both Christian and Islamic art share similar antecedents, however, which
is particularly clear in examples of architecture, patterns, painting, and portable arts.

Direction: Write an essay answering this question: To what extent can art help in the formation of
a society’s culture? (10pts)

What is the connection of art in the society? Art acts as a collective memory of society. It helps
people express how they felt to exist in a particular time. It has been part of human culture for many
centuries, and it brings a sense of enjoyment and pleasure to the people.
Art help in the formation of society’s culture through the artist. We know that culture was
developed because of the socialization and the connections that was formed between people, wherein
they were able to form a pattern of their everyday living. In the context of art, artist has been exposed to
many socializations, what they observed and what they experienced in the society has been recorded in
all various art forms. In the same way, art touches the culture of society because it touches the lives of the
people. Specifically, the Art movements, it often played important roles in social changes, and art often
leads to changes in thinking or political leanings. Art also impact the futurism movement which was
closely associated with a social movement, urbanization, and the adoption of modernist thinking and
obviously , these influence of art impact the formation of society and the society’s culture.

By: Maymay Entrata

Music is both an art and a tool for healing and self-expression, and it speaks for all when words fail. It
often dictates how we as individual take steps to impact, and bear society. The literary piece that I chose for
this Literary Analysis activity/output is entitled “Amakabogera”. It is an Original Pilipino Music, by Maymay
Entrata. The song has over a million Spotify streams and 17 million views in Youtube. It was released last
October 2021, yet, until now, it continuously holds a flare of influence among the Filipino youth. Maymay
Entrata’s music video of Amakabogera has also caught the attention of numerous international bloggers,
making it more known and straight fire in various social media.

The “Amakabogera” is a slang word means “I’m a stunner”. This song has an infectious beat and
powerful lyrics that has the ability to influence all those who listen to it. It has an upbeat and catchy Pinoy pop
song, with a lyric that encourages listeners, particularly Filipinos to embrace their uniqueness and not conform
to society’s standards. The song has a powerful message, telling the listeners to be confident of who and what
they are because they are naturally a stunner. Maymay Entrata, the singer, sang the first line “Amakabogera”,
“amakabogera” , “Amakabogera” with such power of pitch and perfect clarity-- the belting notes of the singer
added a bold certitude to the lyric. The repetition of words and the tune adds to the power of the song’s
conviction, which makes it beyond marvelous.

The verse 1 of the song tells the listener that we got something in us, the line “Lalakad na ala-beauty
queen, awra ko'y will make you scream” shows an overwhelming confidence that you too should possess. “Di
ko na kailangan na magpaganda, dating ko pa lang, panalo na. Di ko kailangang sumabay pa sa uso, Ako'y
magiging ako na aking ginusto” is a simple sound of art, with a powerful mesaage, telling you that you don’t
need to change a thing to fit in, and in order for the society to like you, because you are phenomenal when you
have it in your own way. The verse 1 and the chorus, generally emphasizes self-empowerment, and being
confident in who you are amidst the high standards of the world.

Verse 2 shows the reality of today’s time, wherein giving unbidden remarks were very rampant and
oftentimes may tear your confidence apart. The song speaks the reality when it says “Sa tuwing ako'y
napaparaan, rinig na rinig ang bulungan. Na ako'y 'di kagandahan ngunit ako'y 'lang pakialam” sadly, judging
people is the new trend now adays. Thus, today wearing confidence is better than wearing expensive
accessories, because confidence is the only defense mechanism you need, to bridle all the judgements. This is
an all-power music, encouraging us listeners, to be unapologetic and confident in embracing our own beauty,
regardless of what cynics say.

The feeling of exhaustion that one feels in trying to please everyone was mentioned in the 3rd verse,
“Pagod na akong abutin ang standards na sinasabi nila”. Indeed, society has set a standard that no one can
ever meet, because in reality mapapagod kalang, mauubos kalang pero kahit kailan you could nevr please
evryone. Now, the most significant line that catches may attention is “Ano man ang iyong gawin, talagang may
masasabi sila. Kaya’t Isuot ang 'yong korona't kumaway na parang reyna”. This is a strong encouragement
and awakening for us listeners to stop pretending. That you are a queen no matter what other people say, thus
don’t let their standard snatch your crown.

In summary, Amakabogera is truly a wholesome song. The words being used were very modern, and
so listeners can comprehend the message easily. The ability of the writer to show the reality of what we
commonly experiencing right now, through the help of the common scenarios are exemplary! The message of
the song is what the universe needs to hear right now. Now adays people needs encouragement rather than
unsolicited comments. In addition, the singer has a great dynamic and powerful voice, tailored fit for the song,
and she really gave justice to it. Amakabogera is a song not just for beauty queens but for those who are
slaying in life; for the breadwinners, fighters, and for those people who are true to themselves and not defeated
by the people’s judgement and life’s problem.

All in all, this literary piece is not just a song, but a piece of art. A brilliant art, through which expression
and application of human creativity, experience, perspective, skill and imagination impacted the society
enormously. We are all stunner!

Biography: Ginaw Bilog was a Filipino poet who was recognized as a National
Living Treasure by the Philippine government. Born on January 3, 1953, Bilog was a
Hanunuo Mangyan who was a native of Mansalay, Oriental Mindoro. He was known for
his efforts in preserving the Mangyan poetry tradition of ambahan.

Collection of Works:

Ginaw bilog has only two recorder works, and he has been recognized because of his
works: Ambahan and surat mangyan. Ambahan is the traditional poetry of the
Hanunuo Mangyans of Oriental Mindoro. It is usually written on bamboo in the Surat
Mangyan, a centuries-old pre-Spanish script.

One Famous Work:

I will chose Ambahan, because according to research this is the key to the
Mangyan soul and this was Ginaw Bilog’s motivation to continue keeping its scores that
were both written on bamboo nodes . I find “Ambahan” commendable, because it is
very useful to Mangyans as it serves practical purposes within the community.
Ambahan is being used by the parents in educating their children, by young people in
courting each other, by a visitor in asking for food and by a relative bidding goodbye
or farewell. I find it important, because if it was not because of this work, Mangyan
cultures will be known to many, and it will not be known in the modern times.

UNIT 1-10

Glory Ann Castre

Bsed-vi social studies

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