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Hue, the open source Apache

Hadoop UI.

 Download Hue  View on Github

Hue features a File Browser for HDFS, a Job Designer/Browser for MapReduce, query editors for Hive,
Pig, Cloudera Impala, Solr Search, Sqoop2 and an HBase browser.
It also ships with an Oozie Application for creating workflows, various Shells and a collection of
Hadoop API.
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Beeswax Hive UI
The Beeswax application enables you to perform queries on Apache Hive, a SQL like data
warehousing system designed to work with Hadoop. You can run and manage Hive queries and
download the results in a Microsoft Office Excel worksheet file or a comma-separated values
Explore Hadoop.
Hue is a starting point for exploration and real time interaction with Apache Hadoop .

Hue's target is the Hadoop user experience and lets users avoid the command line interface and
have them focus on getting results faster and sooner.

A mature application.
Hue is a mature web-based application used from fortune 500 companies to startups, students and
data scientist/analysts.

Hue 2.5 is the latest and it was released on July 15th, 2013. For more info about the releases, click
Build your own app.
Hue comes with an SDK that lets you reuse Hue's libraries so you can start building apps on top of

Clone the project with Git and start building awesome software for Hadoop:

$ git clone git://

It's easy to enter the Hue world

Hue Users
You can discuss about your ideas, ask your questions or make us aware of bugs online on the Hue
User Google Group or in real life, joining one of the regular Hue Meetups.

Hue Developers
If you want to show us what you've built or encounter problems while using the SDK, feel free to
write on the Hue Dev Google Group .
You can see the what the current backlog looks like and have a look at the Code Reviews for the

Cloudera's CDH
The quickest way to get a general feeling of Hue is through Cloudera's Distribution for Apache
Hadoop (CDH).
There are several Quick start Virtual Machines available for you.

 Download Hue  View on Github  Follow @gethue

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Hue is open source and released under the Apache License, version 2.0.

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