3.1animal Tissue 26 23

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• Animal tissue is defined as the group of cells that are same in origin and perform similar
function as well.
• There are four different types of animal tissues which are given below as follows:
o Epithelial Tissue:
▪ The Epithelial tissue is present as the outer most covering of the body or organs.
▪ Its main function is to provide protection to the body and organs that it covers.
▪ Example of epithelial tissue is Skin which is also the largest organ of the human body.
o Connective Tissue:
▪ The tissues which connect one part of the body to another is called connective tissues.
▪ The three basic connective tissues present in the human body are given below as
• Blood:
o Blood is a fluid connective tissue.
o It is made up of 55% Plasma and 45% blood cells.
o Plasma contains water, protein and glucose.
o There are three types of blood cells which are given below as follows:
▪ Red Blood Cells:
• RBCs are formed in bone marrow in adults but in foetus, these are formed in liver and
• Life span of RBCs is 120 days.
• The Spleen is called the graveyard of RBCs because the dead RBCs are destroyed in
• RBCs are biconcave shaped cell which contain haemoglobin which helps in the
transportation of oxygen in the body.
• Nucleus and Cell organelles are absent in mature RBCs.
▪ White Blood Cells:
• WBCs are formed in the bone marrow.
• These are also known as Leucocytes.
• They have the life of 1-4 days.
• They are called the soldiers of the body because they provide immunity to the body.
• Monocytes are the largest WBCs of the body and Lymphocytes are the smallest ones.
▪ Platelets:
• These are also formed in the bone marrow.
• Platelets help in the process of blood clotting.
▪ Blood Clotting:
• Whenever there is a wound, platelets release an enzyme called Thromboplastin.
• Thromboplastin and Calcium ions present in the blood converts Prothrombin into
• This Prothrombin is produced in the body with the help of Vitamin K.
• Thrombin then converts fibrinogen into fibrin.
• Fibrin makes a mesh around the wound.
• Fibrin along with the trapped blood cells are called clot.
▪ Blood Groups:
o There are four types of blood groups which are A, B, AB and O.
o The person with blood group AB is called universal receiver and a person with O Blood
group are called universal donor.

Blood Group Antigen Antibodies Can Receive Can Donate

A A B A&O A & AB
B B A B&O B & AB
AB A&B - A, B, AB, O AB
O - A&B O A, B, AB, O


• Bone:
o Bone is a connective tissue which contains cells and fibres along with the matrix which
is made up of proteins.
o An Adult Human has 206 bones and an Infant has 300 bones.
o The longest bone in the human body is Femur and smallest bone in the human body
is Stapes.
o The Human skeletal system is divided into two parts which are given below as follows:
▪ Axial Skeleton:
• This part of the skeleton includes skull, vertebral column, ribs and sternum.
• These are 80 in numbers.
▪ Appendicular Skeleton:
• The part of human skeleton that supports the appendages is called Appendicular
• It is 126 in number.
• Cartilage:
o Cartilage is a connective tissue which is flexible in nature and is present in body organs
like nose and ear pinna.
o Muscular Tissue:
▪ There are three types of muscular tissues which are given below as follows:
• Straited Muscles: These muscles are voluntary in nature and are present at Tongue
and limbs.
• Smooth Muscles: These muscles are involuntary in nature and are present in the
internal organs.
• Cardiac Muscles: The Heart is made up of Cardiac Muscles and they never get
▪ There are three types of proteins found in our muscles which are Actin, Myosin and
▪ There are 639 muscles in Human Body.
o Nervous Tissue:
▪ The functional unit of the nervous system is Neuron.
▪ The gap between the two neuron is called Synapse.
▪ The Neuron consists of three major parts which are given below as follows:
• Cyton
• Axon
• Dendrites
▪ The Nervous system is divided into two parts which are:
• Central Nervous System: The Brain and Spinal Cord together are called Central
Nervous system.
• Peripheral Nervous System: The Cranial Nerves and Spinal Nerves together are
called Peripheral Nervous System.
▪ The outer-most covering of the Human Brain is Meninges.
▪ The three basic parts of Brain are:
• Fore Brain:
o It consists of Cerebrum, Thalamus and Hypothalamus.
o Cerebrum is the largest part of the human brain and it controls all the voluntary actions
of the human body like learning, reasoning and memory.
o Thalamus receives and transmits general sensation of pain, touch.
o Hypothalamus helps in the regulation of the body temperature.
• Mid Brain:
o It is responsible for the coordinating the visual reflexes.
o It consists of the optic lobe.
• Hind Brain:
o It consists of Pons, Cerebellum and Medulla Oblongata.
o Cerebellum helps in maintaining the posture and equilibrium of the body.
o Medulla Oblongata controls all the involuntary actions of the body.

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